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4 years ago
  1. Release 14.7 ngdbuild P.20131013 (lin)
  2. Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
  3. Command Line: /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin/unwrapped/ngdbuild -intstyle
  4. ise -dd _ngo -uc constraints.ucf -p xc9572xl-VQ44-5 counta.ngc counta.ngd
  5. Reading NGO file
  6. "/home/dev/Desktop/code/xilinx/file/cpld_countertest9/counta.ngc" ...
  7. Gathering constraint information from source properties...
  8. Done.
  9. Annotating constraints to design from ucf file "constraints.ucf" ...
  10. Resolving constraint associations...
  11. Checking Constraint Associations...
  12. Done...
  13. Checking expanded design ...
  14. Partition Implementation Status
  15. -------------------------------
  16. No Partitions were found in this design.
  17. -------------------------------
  18. NGDBUILD Design Results Summary:
  19. Number of errors: 0
  20. Number of warnings: 0
  21. Total memory usage is 102216 kilobytes
  22. Writing NGD file "counta.ngd" ...
  23. Total REAL time to NGDBUILD completion: 7 sec
  24. Total CPU time to NGDBUILD completion: 7 sec
  25. Writing NGDBUILD log file "counta.bld"...