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4 years ago
  1. <!doctype HTML public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN">
  2. <html>
  3. <!--(==============================================================)-->
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  6. <head>
  7. <title>Errors</title>
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  42. <!--(Body)==========================================================-->
  43. <body>
  44. <h1>Errors/Warnings</h1>
  45. <p class="whs1">The Errors/Warnings
  46. section of the report lists all of the error, warning, and information
  47. messages generated by the fitter. By default, this section will display
  48. the number of each kind of message you have and the full text of the messages,
  49. but checkboxes at the top of the screen allow you to filter message details
  50. as you choose. </p>
  51. <p class="whs2">Checking all
  52. the boxes will give you a display like this:</p>
  53. <p><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
  54. if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
  55. { document.write("<img src='xml6.jpg' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='540' height='254' border='0'>");}
  56. else
  57. { document.write("<img src='xml6.jpg' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 540px; height: 254px; float: none;' width='540' height='254' border='0'>");}
  58. //--></SCRIPT></p>
  59. <p class="whs3">Deselecting
  60. the Warning box in this particular example would result in this less detailed
  61. display:</p>
  62. <p><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
  63. if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
  64. { document.write("<img src='xml7.jpg' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='576' height='226' border='0'>");}
  65. else
  66. { document.write("<img src='xml7.jpg' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 576px; height: 226px; float: none;' width='576' height='226' border='0'>");}
  67. //--></SCRIPT></p>
  68. </body>
  69. </html>