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  1. \documentclass[11pt]{article}
  2. %Gummi|065|=)
  3. \title{\textbf{}}
  4. \usepackage{graphicx}
  5. \usepackage{caption }
  6. \author{Steak Electronics}
  7. \date{06/4/19}
  8. \begin{document}
  9. %\maketitle
  10. \textbf{Nextcloud Research}
  11. \vspace{0.2in}
  12. %\textbf{Todo}
  13. \section{Overview}
  14. I need something to sync contacts for clients. Nextcloud has that option. Let's try it out.
  15. \section{Work Log}
  16. I had trouble finding a nextcloud that was managed for under \$25 month. I did find one, finally (open it store).
  17. They installed everything. I didn't use my own domain name, but no big deal.
  18. I downloaded nextcloud for my 4.5 android, and it works. Now to try contact sync.
  19. Once you open the nextcloud app, there is a way to sync contacts. Requires davx5. So I got that. It brought me to the login page, and I tried logging in, but it failed. It may have been a bad password. I tried again using the URL
  21. replacing my.domain with my URL, and it worked. I think the first time, I just had the password wrong.
  22. After that, davx5 loads up. There is a carddav option. It takes 2-3 minutes to load (you'll see a spinning animation). After that, you can click a checkbox for contacts, then click the 'sync' button. Then wait.
  23. It will pop up a window for sync settings. I set contacts to sync once a day, and only on wifi. Unfortunately, I don't see any contacts in nc.
  24. What I ended up doing was instead of davdroid, which doesn't seem to work, I did nc's option to 'backup contacts' just below it. This sounds like a manual update, but it does mention that it has an automatic backup option. So I'll have to confirm that it actually automatically backs them up later.
  25. So I downloaded the vcf from the nc instance, and I have contacts. OK.
  26. They don't show up as pretty as possible, but it works. The vcf file is ascii text and readable. I can see everything in there.
  27. This vendor of nc, doesn't seem to have options for other apps than the default, but that might be ok. I really need file sharing, and contact backup. The rest is bonus, but not required.
  28. \end{document}