This is README.SCO Last Modified Thu Oct 18 13:58:28 MDT 2001 UnixWare and OpenUNIX related Documentation This document is the release notes From Caldera before the merge see notes. Java Communications API Implementation for Caldera UNIX Operating Systems Version 2.0 Beta-3 October 2, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- notes: This was Version 2.0 Beta-3 notes. The work is being merged into the rxtx CVS. Some minor changes will happen and will be noted here. Thanks to Jonathan Schilling and Caldera for the SCO port! 1) RXTX does not ship with Sun's comm.jar. It can be obtained from Sun. 2) The Lockfile could use some work. It possible to fix it at compile time but a run time solution would allow. The current behavior is to use FHS locks. This should be the same behavior as rxtx-1.4-8 as used in the original SCO port. 3) in you will want to comment out 2 lines and run autoconf in the top rxtx directory before building. The lines are: # Comment these two lines out when compiling on SCO AC_DISABLE_STATIC AM_PROG_LIBTOOL # end of SCO fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the Release Notes for the beta release of an implementation of the Java Communications API (also known as javax.comm) for Caldera UNIX operating systems. The Java Communications API is described at This implementation is available for the following Caldera UNIX operating systems: Open UNIX 8.00 UnixWare 7.1.1 OpenServer 5.0.6 with rs506a supplement A prerequisite is that Java 2 Standard Edition v. 1.3.0 for Caldera UNIX Operating Systems must already have been installed (including any packages or ptfs required by J2SE 1.3.0). This requirement may be met by either the J2SE SDK (package java2sdk3) or the J2SE Runtime Environment (package java2jre3). While J2SE 1.3.0 for OpenServer does not require the rs506a release supplement be installed, this javax.comm implementation does. This implementation is a port of the open source RXTX implementation of the Java Communications API. Information about RXTX may be found at This port has been done off of RXTX version 1.4-8. RXTX includes part of the Sun Java Communications API implementation for Solaris/x86, version 2.0. This part (the comm.jar file) is included in this distribution; you do not need to download it from the Sun web page. To install this beta implementation, place the javaxcomm.ds file somewhere. Go there, become root, and then do: # pkgadd -d 'pwd`/javaxcomm.ds This will install package javaxcomm, which places the following files into the J2SE 1.3.0 directory structure: /usr/java2/jre/lib/ext/comm.jar /usr/java2/jre/lib/ext/jcl.jar /usr/java2/jre/lib/x86at/ /usr/java2/jre/lib/x86at/ /usr/java2/jre/lib/ /usr/java2/javax.comm-ReleaseNotes.txt [this file] Alternatively, if you are installing the Java Communications API in conjunction with the J2SE Runtime Environment rather than the J2SE SDK, then use the jrexcomm.ds file instead: # pkgadd -d 'pwd`/jrexcomm.ds which will install the following files as part of package jrexcomm: /usr/jre2/lib/ext/comm.jar /usr/jre2/lib/ext/jcl.jar /usr/jre2/lib/x86at/ /usr/jre2/lib/x86at/ /usr/jre2/lib/ /usr/jre2/javax.comm-ReleaseNotes.txt [this file] You can install both the javaxcomm and jrexcomm packages if you desire, as long as you have both java2sdk3 and java2jre3 installed. The installed binaries of either Java Communications API package are used for all three Caldera UNIX platforms. (On OpenServer, the native code libraries are executed via the OSRcompat binary compatibility module, just as the native code layers of J2SE 1.3.0 are.) To use this implementation of Java Communications API, just compile and run Java as you normally would. Because the above files are installed into the standard J2SE 1.3.0 extension space, there is no need to set CLASSPATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH to access the Java Communications API. A simple test of the serial I/O part of this implementation can be done as follows. Set up a null modem RS-232 cable between two machines. Become root. Run the open source "minicom" tool (see on each machine and verify that the connection is working, by typing characters back and forth between the two machines. Caldera can make available minicom-ou8-uw7 and minicom-osr5, ported versions of minicom for the Caldera UNIX platforms. (Note that you need to first do "minicom -s" to tell it about the names and speeds of your serial ports. When you then run "minicom", use the ctrl-A E and ctrl-A A commands to turn on local echo and linefeed add.) Once working serial communication has been verified, shut down minicom on the machine that Java Communications API is installed on. Untar the Sun SerialDemo demo program, which is SerialDemo.tar and can be made available by Caldera. Change into the SerialDemo directory, and run # /usr/java2/bin/java SerialDemo or # /usr/jre2/bin/java SerialDemo This should bring up a GUI. Change the serial device port name and speed in the GUI if necessary, then click "Open Port". (Contact Caldera if the port name you are interested in does not appear in the GUI.) Type into the top pane and text should appear in the minicom window on the other machine. Type into the minicom window on the other machine and text should appear in the middle pane of the SerialDemo GUI. Click "Close Port" to finish. This implementation uses the normal UNIX "lock file" protocol to protect serial ports from concurrent access. This means that javax.comm will not be able to access the port if it is already locked by another serial application (whether javax.comm, non-Java, or a system command), and vice versa. In the case where javax.comm is locked out, you may get a message containing the phrase "Port currently owned by unknown Solaris Application"; for "Solaris" read the Caldera UNIX operating system you are on. Additional sample programs using the Java Communications API are available as part of the Sun Solaris/x86 implementation and can be downloaded from (Do not use the SimpleRead and SimpleWrite programs without modification, since they fail to properly close the serial port at program completion.) Known problems: The lock files in Open UNIX 8 and UnixWare 7 will protect against concurrent port access by multiple javax.comm applications, but will not protect against concurrent access by other applications or system commands that use the SVR4 serial lock file protocol (/var/spool/locks/LK.m.m.m). This will be corrected in the final release. On OpenServer, the lock files protect against all concurrent access, assuming other applications are using the standard protocol there (/usr/spool/uucp/LCK..tty?A). The parallel I/O part of this implementation has not been tested at all on any Caldera UNIX platforms. RXTX is available under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). Because this is still just an beta level implementation, the ported source code for RXTX is not included with this distribution. Once this implementation is final, source code will be included. If you would like the source code for this beta implementation, please contact Caldera and it will be sent to you.