\documentclass[11pt]{article} %Gummi|065|=) \title{\textbf{Commtank: Todo List}} \author{Steak Electronics} \date{2019-01} \begin{document} \maketitle \textbf{Todo} \begin{itemize} \item fix bay 3 camera angle \item Move Bay 4 modector to outside wall, or maybe just closer to wall will be good enough, facing the walkway (I'd like to have it out of view). \item Install other one camera that are remaining fro previous work. Needs sheathing. \item door access controls, research and buy parts \item rfid, research and have them buy parts \item two new cameras outside. Need wiring first, then have them buy cameras and emclosures. \item Cameras to watch tank install project waiting to hear back from jbemiller \item need cable covers for bay 2 axis cam, and box, or a POE adapter \item bill: \$25 for poe adapter, if not already \item adjust front door camera down \item Modectors in other bays, 1, 2, 3 (two in 3) \item Map install somewhere (where?) \item check existing doors for lock and rfid brand \item dashcams for trucks? \item Build outdoor enclosure \item order parts for modectors \item Buy 6” and 12” ethernet cables, need one of these for Camera in Bay 1 \item New outlets upstairs behind camera server for ethernet. \item Cable covers for bay 2 camera \end{itemize} \end{document}