These instructions assume you are running an x86-64 Ascii build. They were tested in December of 2018 and are likely to change. This was tested on a KVM VPS. Follow the instructions here: On the step for adding the docker repo to apt.sources you will use deb [arch=amd64] stretch stable instead of sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" which of course adds stretch compatible repos. At this point docker is installed, and the binary in /usr/bin/ is available but docker server isn't running (for me). the command # dockerd will run the docker daemon, but we want an init script. Note that this post (link: mentions that aufs is not supported in the Linux 4.9 image from Jessie-backports. While Ascii uses 4.9, AUFS apparently works, no problem. No need to change to BTRFS in ASCII. However, there is a problem. The sysvinit init scripts have been very recently removed from docker-ce (link: If you git clone and navigate to contrib/init/sysvinit-debian/ you will find an init script there that can be used... As well as a file for /etc/default And after adding this init file, docker will load the hello-world file. That's it!