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5 years ago
  1. % Most packages need to be loaded before hyperref
  2. % so put them in the definition of \jmlrprehyperref
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  12. % Title is added to the PDF properties. Optional argument
  13. % is used instead, if present.
  14. %\title[Short Title]{Big Long Title}
  15. \title{Sample Proceedings}
  16. \author[Anne Editor et al.]{Anne Editor, Anne Other Editor and Nicola Talbot}
  17. \subtitle{\thejmlrworkshop}
  18. \jmlrvolume{42}
  19. \jmlryear{2010}
  20. \jmlrworkshop{Workshop on Causality}
  21. \jmlrlocation{Somewhere}
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  23. \begin{document}
  24. \maketitle
  25. \frontmatter
  26. \chapter{Foreword}
  27. This is the foreword.
  28. \begin{authorsignoff}
  29. \Author{Nicola Talbot\\
  30. University of East Anglia}
  31. \end{authorsignoff}
  32. \begin{preface}
  33. This is the preface.
  34. \begin{signoff}{March 2010}
  35. % First editor:
  36. \Editor{Anne Editor\\
  37. University of Nowhere\\
  38. \mailto{}}
  39. % Second editor:
  40. \Editor{Anne Other Editor\\
  41. University of Nowhere\\
  42. \mailto{}}
  43. \end{signoff}
  44. \end{preface}
  45. \tableofcontents
  46. \mainmatter
  47. \begin{jmlrpapers}
  48. \addtocpart{Introduction}
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  50. \importpaper{paper1}{paper1}
  51. \addtocpart{First Topic}
  52. \importpaper{paper2}{paper2}
  53. \importpaper{paper3}{paper3}
  54. \addtocpart{Second Topic}
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  56. \end{jmlrpapers}
  57. \end{document}