\documentclass[11pt]{article} %Gummi|065|=) \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{caption} \title{\textbf{HP Server Monitoring Software}} \author{} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Overview} There are different programs to monitor servers. Dell has Dell Open Mangaer Server Administrator. Fairly easy to install and run. HP has Systems Insight Manager. It's in the HP Enterprise section. When you install HP's program you also have to successfully install a service that will pull data from your server, this program is called the WBEM provider, or there is another one (similar function) of another protocol (SNMP). \section{Details} I am used to Dell, but started on these HPs. Had one that was able to show the web console of Systems Insight Manager, and the HP System Mangement Homepage (this is the one we want. SIM is for multiple computers), but it was blank. Couldn't read the server, and no data provider... Pretty much the solution is: if you try to install WBEM providers, and it doesn't work, try a different versioned install. Another might work. This is the IT world. \footnote{Don't give yourself a pat on the back for learning this. Just be aware of the ineptitude of software and IT trades.} \subsection{Email Notifications} After this, you'll want emails if a HDD fails. \\ \\ https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr\_na-c01146236 \\ \\ but I'll download the page to resources. \\ \\ Note: requires anonymous SMTP relay, i.e. open smtp relay. Another quality software product /sarcasm. So while HP SIM will tell you what is going on, the email doesn't work. I should look into setting up a local smtp relay, but not on windows... Instead let's try other software. \\ \\ https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/swd/public/detail?swItemId=MTX\_4effd70562304a50b3be5c4b96 \\ \\ HP Proliant array configuration utility. This program is simpler, and better if you only want to monitor HDD health. TODO: enable cli reporting and email sending. Unfortunately the program files location c: program files compaq (wut) something bin folder doesn't have any hpaucli which linux has. Shame. EDIT: looks like you need a separate download. So look for the HP offline array configuration utility. EDIT: Nope, nvm. that is a live CD, and ISO... Correct search term is HP array configuration utility cli. It ends up in: \begin{verbatim} C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\HP System Tools\HP Array Configuration Utility CLI (64-bit) which is a link to "C:\Program Files\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin\hpacucli.exe" \end{verbatim} It's an interactive console. Though if you pass it arguments it runs without interactive mode. Success. \footnote{thankfully the commands between OS are the same. https://sysadm.mielnet.pl/generate-adu-report-with-hpacucli-debian-jessie/} Now to run a report. hpacucli.exe ctrl all diag file=report which works. Last step is to automate sending this via an email, which I have handled with powershell before. TODO. \subsection{Pale Moon Portable / Binary} I used a pale moon binary on this server. Didn't want to install it for all users. IE doesn't always work. \end{document}