Testing out the PPD42 Air Quality Sensor, with an MSP430 Launchpad and graphing the data with GNUplot.
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5 years ago
  1. This is MacOSX. Last modified: Thu Oct 4 19:34:31 MDT 2001
  2. --------------------- Code Warrior and ProjectBuilder Builds -------------------
  3. contributed by Dmitry Markman <dmarkman@mac.com>
  4. 1.5 release of RXTX - GNU implementation of communication API for JAVA
  5. was released today:
  6. http://www.rxtx.org
  7. MAC OS X specific notes:
  8. System requirement:
  9. OS: MAC OS X 10.1
  10. 10.0.X users, (I didn't check it)
  11. expand file RXTX.pkg.sit.hqx (MACOSX_IDE/ForPackageMaker folder)
  12. try to install RXTX binaries from MACOSX_IDE/ForPackageMaker/RXTX.pkg
  13. and read AFTER INSTALLATION notes below
  14. ProjectBuilder 1.1 (from 10.1 tools)
  15. or
  16. CodeWarrior 7
  17. 1. go to MACOSX_IDE folder
  18. 2.ProjectBuilder development
  19. goto folder PB
  20. expand file LibSerial.pbproj.sit.hqx
  21. open LibSerial.pbproj project
  22. choose libSerial.jnilib target
  23. build
  24. after build you will find RXTXcomm.jar and libSerial.jnilib files in the
  25. build directory
  26. (if you can't find RXTXcomm.jar (unlikely) build RXTXcomm target manually)
  27. 3. CodeWarrior
  28. open libSerial.mcp project
  29. goto jnilib target
  30. build
  31. after build you will find RXTXcomm.jar and libSerial.jnilib files in the
  32. project's directory
  33. (if you can't find RXTXcomm.jar (unlikely) build java target manually)
  36. copy RXTXcomm.jar -> /Library/Java/Extensions
  37. copy libSerial.jnilib -> /Library/Java/Extensions
  38. use sudo command if it's necessary
  39. PackageMaker package:
  40. CodeWarrior developers: before starting creating installation
  41. package do following step:
  42. copy RXTXcomm.jar into
  43. MACOSX_IDE/ForPackageMaker/Install/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/
  44. Home/lib/ext
  45. copy libSerial.jnilib into
  46. MACOSX_IDE/ForPackageMaker/Install/usr/lib/java folder
  47. open file RXTX.pmsp
  48. fix absolute path to Install and Resources folder
  49. it should point to MACOSX_IDE/ForPackageMaker/Install
  50. and MACOSX_IDE/ForPackageMaker/Resources
  51. respectively
  52. create package - PACKAGE's NAME MUST BE RXTX.pkg
  53. (if you want to change Readme or Welcome messages you may edit
  54. files Readme.rtf or Welcome.rtf from
  55. MACOSX_IDE/ForPackageMaker/Resources folder)
  57. check existence of the folder /var/spool/uucp
  58. if you don't have it create it with command
  59. sudo mkdir /var/spool/uucp
  60. permissions should be: drwxrwxr-x
  61. if they are not do command
  62. sudo chmod 775 /var/spool/uucp
  63. YOU should be a member of the uucp group
  64. you can check it with command
  65. niutil -readprop / /groups/uucp users
  66. you should see your name in output of the niutil command
  67. if you don't do following:
  68. sudo niutil -appendprop / /groups/uucp users <yourname>
  69. substitute <yourname> with your user's name
  70. for example if your user name is peter:
  71. sudo niutil -appendprop / /groups/uucp users peter
  72. NOTES: RXTX.pkg should create uucp folder and insert your name in
  73. uucp group automatically
  74. THAT's IT!!!!!!!!!
  75. if you have any problem, don't hesitate, send me email
  76. dimitry.markman@verizon.net
  77. Dmitry Markman, PhD
  78. --------------------- Gnu Tool Builds -----------------------
  79. If you are going to try building rxtx on Mac OS X, we recommend you use
  80. rxtx 1.5. 1.4 would require substantial modification to the Makefile to
  81. get the build to work.
  82. Mac OS X has some issues with libtool at this time. This makes building
  83. rxtx much more difficult.
  84. The current solution is to take an automatically generated Makefile and then
  85. manually edit it.
  86. One such Makefile is provided to help build rxtx. The file will probably
  87. need to be edited to match your system configuration. If you would like to
  88. add more information for other Mac OS X users please email
  89. taj@www.linux.org.uk.
  90. We are sorry the build process is not easier. A great deal of effort was
  91. put into trying to automate the builds without luck.