You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (c) 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
#ifndef __GRLIB_H__
#define __GRLIB_H__
#define NDEBUG
#include "assert.h"
//! \addtogroup primitives_api
//! @{
// If building with a C++ compiler, make all of the definitions in this header
// have a C binding.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
//! This structure defines the characteristics of a Bitmap Image
typedef struct
//! Bits per pixel and Compressed/Uncompressed
unsigned char BPP;
//! X size
unsigned int XSize;
//! Y size
unsigned int YSize;
//! Number of Colors in Palette
unsigned int NumColors;
//! Pointer to Palette
const unsigned long * pPalette;
//! Pointer to pixel data
const unsigned char * pPixel;
//! This structure defines the extents of a rectangle. All points greater than
//! or equal to the minimum and less than or equal to the maximum are part of
//! the rectangle.
typedef struct
//! The minimum X coordinate of the rectangle.
short sXMin;
//! The minimum Y coordinate of the rectangle.
short sYMin;
//! The maximum X coordinate of the rectangle.
short sXMax;
//! The maximum Y coordinate of the rectangle.
short sYMax;
//! This structure defines the characteristics of a display driver.
typedef struct
//! The size of this structure.
long lSize;
//! A pointer to display driver-specific data.
void *pvDisplayData;
//! The width of this display.
unsigned short usWidth;
//! The height of this display.
unsigned short usHeight;
//! A pointer to the function to draw a pixel on this display.
void (*pfnPixelDraw)(void *pvDisplayData, int lX, int lY,
unsigned int ulValue);
//! A pointer to the function to draw multiple pixels on this display.
void (*pfnPixelDrawMultiple)(void *pvDisplayData, int lX, int lY,
int lX0, int lCount, int lBPP,
const unsigned char *pucData,
const unsigned int *pucPalette);
//! A pointer to the function to draw a horizontal line on this display.
void (*pfnLineDrawH)(void *pvDisplayData, int lX1, int lX2, int lY,
unsigned int ulValue);
//! A pointer to the function to draw a vertical line on this display.
void (*pfnLineDrawV)(void *pvDisplayData, int lX, int lY1, int lY2,
unsigned int ulValue);
//! A pointer to the function to draw a filled rectangle on this display.
void (*pfnRectFill)(void *pvDisplayData, const tRectangle *pRect,
unsigned int ulValue);
//! A pointer to the function to translate 24-bit RGB colors to
//! display-specific colors.
unsigned int (*pfnColorTranslate)(void *pvDisplayData,
unsigned long ulValue);
//! A pointer to the function to flush any cached drawing operations on
//! this display.
void (*pfnFlush)(void *pvDisplayData);
//! A pointer to the function to clears Display. Contents of display buffer
//! unmodified
void (*pfnClearDisplay)(void *pvDisplayData, unsigned int ulValue);
//! This structure describes a font used for drawing text onto the screen.
typedef struct
//! The format of the font. Can be one of FONT_FMT_UNCOMPRESSED or
unsigned char ucFormat;
//! The maximum width of a character; this is the width of the widest
//! character in the font, though any individual character may be narrower
//! than this width.
unsigned char ucMaxWidth;
//! The height of the character cell; this may be taller than the font data
//! for the characters (to provide inter-line spacing).
unsigned char ucHeight;
//! The offset between the top of the character cell and the baseline of
//! the glyph. The baseline is the bottom row of a capital letter, below
//! which only the descenders of the lower case letters occur.
unsigned char ucBaseline;
//! The offset within pucData to the data for each character in the font.
unsigned short pusOffset[96];
//! A pointer to the data for the font.
const unsigned char *pucData;
//! This is a newer version of the structure which describes a font used
//! for drawing text onto the screen. This variant allows a font to contain an
//! arbitrary, contiguous block of codepoints from the 256 basic characters in
//! an ISO8859-n font and allows support for accented characters in Western
//! European languages and any left-to-right typeface supported by an ISO8859
//! variant. Fonts encoded in this format may be used interchangeably with the
//! original fonts merely by casting the structure pointer when calling any
//! function or macro which expects a font pointer as a parameter.
typedef struct
//! The format of the font. Can be one of FONT_FMT_EX_UNCOMPRESSED or
unsigned char ucFormat;
//! The maximum width of a character; this is the width of the widest
//! character in the font, though any individual character may be narrower
//! than this width.
unsigned char ucMaxWidth;
//! The height of the character cell; this may be taller than the font data
//! for the characters (to provide inter-line spacing).
unsigned char ucHeight;
//! The offset between the top of the character cell and the baseline of
//! the glyph. The baseline is the bottom row of a capital letter, below
//! which only the descenders of the lower case letters occur.
unsigned char ucBaseline;
//! The codepoint number representing the first character encoded in the
//! font.
unsigned char ucFirst;
//! The codepoint number representing the last character encoded in the
//! font.
unsigned char ucLast;
//! A pointer to a table containing the offset within pucData to the data
//! for each character in the font.
const unsigned short *pusOffset;
//! A pointer to the data for the font.
const unsigned char *pucData;
//! Indicates that the font data is stored in an uncompressed format.
//! Indicates that the font data is stored using a pixel-based RLE format.
#define FONT_FMT_PIXEL_RLE 0x01
//! A marker used in the ucFormat field of a font to indicates that the font
//! data is stored using the new tFontEx structure.
#define FONT_EX_MARKER 0x80
//! Indicates that the font data is stored in an uncompressed format and uses
//! the tFontEx structure format.
//! Indicates that the font data is stored using a pixel-based RLE format and
//! uses the tFontEx structure format.
//! Value to automatically draw the entire length of the string
//! (subject to clipping)
//! Value to draw text opaque
//! The text foreground and background are drawn together
#define OPAQUE_TEXT 1
//! Value to draw text transparently
//! The text only (no background) is drawn
//! Indicates that the image data is not compressed and represents each pixel
//! with a single bit.
#define IMAGE_FMT_1BPP_UNCOMP 0x01
//! Indicates that the image data is not compressed and represents each pixel
//! with two bits.
#define IMAGE_FMT_2BPP_UNCOMP 0x02
//! Indicates that the image data is not compressed and represents each pixel
//! with four bits.
#define IMAGE_FMT_4BPP_UNCOMP 0x04
//! Indicates that the image data is not compressed and represents each pixel
//! with eight bits.
#define IMAGE_FMT_8BPP_UNCOMP 0x08
//! Indicates that the image data is compressed with 4 bit Run Length Encoding
//! and represents each pixel with a single bit.
#define IMAGE_FMT_1BPP_COMP_RLE4 0x41
//! Indicates that the image data is compressed with 4 bit Run Length Encoding
//! and represents each pixel with two bits.
#define IMAGE_FMT_2BPP_COMP_RLE4 0x42
//! Indicates that the image data is compressed with 4 bit Run Length Encoding
//! and represents each pixel with four bits.
#define IMAGE_FMT_4BPP_COMP_RLE4 0x44
//! Indicates that the image data is compressed with 8 bit Run Length Encoding
//! and represents each pixel with a single bit.
#define IMAGE_FMT_1BPP_COMP_RLE8 0x81
//! Indicates that the image data is compressed with 8 bit Run Length Encoding
//! and represents each pixel with two bits.
#define IMAGE_FMT_2BPP_COMP_RLE8 0x82
//! Indicates that the image data is compressed with 8 bit Run Length Encoding
//! and represents each pixel with four bits.
#define IMAGE_FMT_4BPP_COMP_RLE8 0x84
//! Indicates that the image data is compressed with 8 bit Run Length Encoding
//! and represents each pixel with eight bits.
#define IMAGE_FMT_8BPP_COMP_RLE8 0x88
//! Indicates that the image data is compressed and represents each pixel with
//! info bits.
//! This structure defines a drawing context to be used to draw onto the
//! screen. Multiple drawing contexts may exist at any time.
typedef struct
//! The size of this structure.
long lSize;
//! The screen onto which drawing operations are performed.
const tDisplay *pDisplay;
//! The clipping region to be used when drawing onto the screen.
tRectangle sClipRegion;
//! The color used to draw primitives onto the screen.
unsigned long ulForeground;
//! The background color used to draw primitives onto the screen.
unsigned long ulBackground;
//! The font used to render text onto the screen.
const tFont *pFont;
//! Sets the background color to be used.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
//! \param ulValue is the 24-bit RGB color to be used.
//! This function sets the background color to be used for drawing operations
//! in the specified drawing context.
//! \return None.
#define GrContextBackgroundSet(pContext, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
tContext *pC = pContext; \
pC->ulBackground = DpyColorTranslate(pC->pDisplay, ulValue); \
} \
//! Sets the background color to be used.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
//! \param ulValue is the display driver-specific color to be used.
//! This function sets the background color to be used for drawing operations
//! in the specified drawing context, using a color that has been previously
//! translated to a driver-specific color (for example, via
//! DpyColorTranslate()).
//! \return None.
#define GrContextBackgroundSetTranslated(pContext, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
tContext *pC = pContext; \
pC->ulBackground = ulValue; \
} \
//! Gets the width of the display being used by this drawing context.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to query.
//! This function returns the width of the display that is being used by this
//! drawing context.
//! \return Returns the width of the display in pixels.
#define GrContextDpyWidthGet(pContext) \
//! Gets the height of the display being used by this drawing context.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to query.
//! This function returns the height of the display that is being used by this
//! drawing context.
//! \return Returns the height of the display in pixels.
#define GrContextDpyHeightGet(pContext) \
//! Sets the font to be used.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
//! \param pFnt is a pointer to the font to be used.
//! This function sets the font to be used for string drawing operations in the
//! specified drawing context. If a tFontEx type font is to be used, cast its
//! pointer to a pFont pointer before passing it as the pFnt parameter.
//! \return None.
#define GrContextFontSet(pContext, pFnt) \
do \
{ \
tContext *pC = pContext; \
const tFont *pF = pFnt; \
pC->pFont = pF; \
} \
//! Sets the foreground color to be used.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
//! \param ulValue is the 24-bit RGB color to be used.
//! This function sets the color to be used for drawing operations in the
//! specified drawing context.
//! \return None.
#define GrContextForegroundSet(pContext, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
tContext *pC = pContext; \
pC->ulForeground = DpyColorTranslate(pC->pDisplay, ulValue); \
} \
//! Sets the foreground color to be used.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
//! \param ulValue is the display driver-specific color to be used.
//! This function sets the foreground color to be used for drawing operations
//! in the specified drawing context, using a color that has been previously
//! translated to a driver-specific color (for example, via
//! DpyColorTranslate()).
//! \return None.
#define GrContextForegroundSetTranslated(pContext, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
tContext *pC = pContext; \
pC->ulForeground = ulValue; \
} \
//! Flushes any cached drawing operations.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to use.
//! This function flushes any cached drawing operations. For display drivers
//! that draw into a local frame buffer before writing to the actual display,
//! calling this function will cause the display to be updated to match the
//! contents of the local frame buffer.
//! \return None.
#define GrFlush(pContext) \
do \
{ \
const tContext *pC = pContext; \
DpyFlush(pC->pDisplay); \
} \
//! Forces a clear screen. Contents of Display buffer unmodified
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to use.
//! This function forces a clear screen.
//! \return None.
#define GrClearDisplay(pContext) \
do \
{ \
const tContext *pC = pContext; \
DpyClearDisplay(pC->pDisplay,pC->ulBackground ); \
} \
//! Gets the baseline of a font.
//! \param pFont is a pointer to the font to query.
//! This function determines the baseline position of a font. The baseline is
//! the offset between the top of the font and the bottom of the capital
//! letters. The only font data that exists below the baseline are the
//! descenders on some lower-case letters (such as ``y'').
//! \return Returns the baseline of the font, in pixels.
#define GrFontBaselineGet(pFont) \
//! Gets the height of a font.
//! \param pFont is a pointer to the font to query.
//! This function determines the height of a font. The height is the offset
//! between the top of the font and the bottom of the font, including any
//! ascenders and descenders.
//! \return Returns the height of the font, in pixels.
#define GrFontHeightGet(pFont) \
//! Gets the maximum width of a font.
//! \param pFont is a pointer to the font to query.
//! This function determines the maximum width of a font. The maximum width is
//! the width of the widest individual character in the font.
//! \return Returns the maximum width of the font, in pixels.
#define GrFontMaxWidthGet(pFont) \
//! Gets the number of colors in an image.
//! \param pImage is a tImage struct
//! This function determines the number of colors in the palette of an image.
//! This is only valid for 4bpp and 8bpp images; 1bpp images do not contain a
//! palette.
//! \return Returns the number of colors in the image.
#define GrImageColorsGet(pImage) \
//! Gets the height of an image.
//! \param pImage is a tImage struct
//! This function determines the height of an image in pixels.
//! \return Returns the height of the image in pixels.
#define GrImageHeightGet(pImage) \
//! Gets the width of an image.
//! \param pImage is a tImage struct
//! This function determines the width of an image in pixels.
//! \return Returns the width of the image in pixels.
#define GrImageWidthGet(pImage) \
//! Determines the size of the buffer for a 1 BPP off-screen image.
//! \param lWidth is the width of the image in pixels.
//! \param lHeight is the height of the image in pixels.
//! This function determines the size of the memory buffer required to hold a
//! 1 BPP off-screen image of the specified geometry.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes required by the image.
#define GrOffScreen1BPPSize(lWidth, lHeight) \
(5 + (((lWidth + 7) / 8) * lHeight))
//! Determines the size of the buffer for a 4 BPP off-screen image.
//! \param lWidth is the width of the image in pixels.
//! \param lHeight is the height of the image in pixels.
//! This function determines the size of the memory buffer required to hold a
//! 4 BPP off-screen image of the specified geometry.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes required by the image.
#define GrOffScreen4BPPSize(lWidth, lHeight) \
(6 + (16 * 3) + (((lWidth + 1) / 2) * lHeight))
//! Determines the size of the buffer for an 8 BPP off-screen image.
//! \param lWidth is the width of the image in pixels.
//! \param lHeight is the height of the image in pixels.
//! This function determines the size of the memory buffer required to hold an
//! 8 BPP off-screen image of the specified geometry.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes required by the image.
#define GrOffScreen8BPPSize(lWidth, lHeight) \
(6 + (256 * 3) + (lWidth * lHeight))
//! Draws a pixel.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to use.
//! \param lX is the X coordinate of the pixel.
//! \param lY is the Y coordinate of the pixel.
//! This function draws a pixel if it resides within the clipping region.
//! \return None.
#define GrPixelDraw(pContext, lX, lY) \
do \
{ \
const tContext *pC = pContext; \
if((lX >= pC->sClipRegion.sXMin) && \
(lX <= pC->sClipRegion.sXMax) && \
(lY >= pC->sClipRegion.sYMin) && \
(lY <= pC->sClipRegion.sYMax)) \
{ \
DpyPixelDraw(pC->pDisplay, lX, lY, pC->ulForeground); \
} \
} \
//! Gets the baseline of a string.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to query.
//! This function determines the baseline position of a string. The baseline
//! is the offset between the top of the string and the bottom of the capital
//! letters. The only string data that exists below the baseline are the
//! descenders on some lower-case letters (such as ``y'').
//! \return Returns the baseline of the string, in pixels.
#define GrStringBaselineGet(pContext) \
//! Draws a centered string.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to use.
//! \param pcString is a pointer to the string to be drawn.
//! \param lLength is the number of characters from the string that should be
//! drawn on the screen.
//! \param lX is the X coordinate of the center of the string position on the
//! screen.
//! \param lY is the Y coordinate of the center of the string position on the
//! screen.
//! \param bOpaque is \b true if the background of each character should be
//! drawn and \b false if it should not (leaving the background as is).
//! This function draws a string of test on the screen centered upon the
//! provided position. The \e lLength parameter allows a portion of the
//! string to be examined without having to insert a NULL character at the
//! stopping point (which would not be possible if the string was located in
//! flash); specifying a length of -1 will cause the entire string to be
//! rendered (subject to clipping).
//! \return None.
#define GrStringDrawCentered(pContext, pcString, lLength, lX, lY, bOpaque) \
do \
{ \
const tContext *pC = pContext; \
const char *pcStr = pcString; \
GrStringDraw(pC, pcStr, lLength, \
(lX) - (GrStringWidthGet(pC, pcStr, lLength) / 2), \
(lY) - (pC->pFont->ucBaseline / 2), bOpaque); \
} \
//! Gets the height of a string.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to query.
//! This function determines the height of a string. The height is the offset
//! between the top of the string and the bottom of the string, including any
//! ascenders and descenders. Note that this will not account for the case
//! where the string in question does not have any characters that use
//! descenders but the font in the drawing context does contain characters with
//! descenders.
//! \return Returns the height of the string, in pixels.
#define GrStringHeightGet(pContext) \
//! Gets the maximum width of a character in a string.
//! \param pContext is a pointer to the drawing context to query.
//! This function determines the maximum width of a character in a string. The
//! maximum width is the width of the widest individual character in the font
//! used to render the string, which may be wider than the widest character
//! that is used to render a particular string.
//! \return Returns the maximum width of a character in a string, in pixels.
#define GrStringMaxWidthGet(pContext) \
// A set of color definitions. This set is the subset of the X11 colors (from
// rgb.txt) that are supported by typical web browsers.
#define ClrAliceBlue 0x00F0F8FF
#define ClrAntiqueWhite 0x00FAEBD7
#define ClrAqua 0x0000FFFF
#define ClrAquamarine 0x007FFFD4
#define ClrAzure 0x00F0FFFF
#define ClrBeige 0x00F5F5DC
#define ClrBisque 0x00FFE4C4
#define ClrBlack 0x00000000
#define ClrBlanchedAlmond 0x00FFEBCD
#define ClrBlue 0x000000FF
#define ClrBlueViolet 0x008A2BE2
#define ClrBrown 0x00A52A2A
#define ClrBurlyWood 0x00DEB887
#define ClrCadetBlue 0x005F9EA0
#define ClrChartreuse 0x007FFF00
#define ClrChocolate 0x00D2691E
#define ClrCoral 0x00FF7F50
#define ClrCornflowerBlue 0x006495ED
#define ClrCornsilk 0x00FFF8DC
#define ClrCrimson 0x00DC143C
#define ClrCyan 0x0000FFFF
#define ClrDarkBlue 0x0000008B
#define ClrDarkCyan 0x00008B8B
#define ClrDarkGoldenrod 0x00B8860B
#define ClrDarkGray 0x00A9A9A9
#define ClrDarkGreen 0x00006400
#define ClrDarkKhaki 0x00BDB76B
#define ClrDarkMagenta 0x008B008B
#define ClrDarkOliveGreen 0x00556B2F
#define ClrDarkOrange 0x00FF8C00
#define ClrDarkOrchid 0x009932CC
#define ClrDarkRed 0x008B0000
#define ClrDarkSalmon 0x00E9967A
#define ClrDarkSeaGreen 0x008FBC8F
#define ClrDarkSlateBlue 0x00483D8B
#define ClrDarkSlateGray 0x002F4F4F
#define ClrDarkTurquoise 0x0000CED1
#define ClrDarkViolet 0x009400D3
#define ClrDeepPink 0x00FF1493
#define ClrDeepSkyBlue 0x0000BFFF
#define ClrDimGray 0x00696969
#define ClrDodgerBlue 0x001E90FF
#define ClrFireBrick 0x00B22222
#define ClrFloralWhite 0x00FFFAF0
#define ClrForestGreen 0x00228B22
#define ClrFuchsia 0x00FF00FF
#define ClrGainsboro 0x00DCDCDC
#define ClrGhostWhite 0x00F8F8FF
#define ClrGold 0x00FFD700
#define ClrGoldenrod 0x00DAA520
#define ClrGray 0x00808080
#define ClrGreen 0x00008000
#define ClrGreenYellow 0x00ADFF2F
#define ClrHoneydew 0x00F0FFF0
#define ClrHotPink 0x00FF69B4
#define ClrIndianRed 0x00CD5C5C
#define ClrIndigo 0x004B0082
#define ClrIvory 0x00FFFFF0
#define ClrKhaki 0x00F0E68C
#define ClrLavender 0x00E6E6FA
#define ClrLavenderBlush 0x00FFF0F5
#define ClrLawnGreen 0x007CFC00
#define ClrLemonChiffon 0x00FFFACD
#define ClrLightBlue 0x00ADD8E6
#define ClrLightCoral 0x00F08080
#define ClrLightCyan 0x00E0FFFF
#define ClrLightGoldenrodYellow 0x00FAFAD2
#define ClrLightGreen 0x0090EE90
#define ClrLightGrey 0x00D3D3D3
#define ClrLightPink 0x00FFB6C1
#define ClrLightSalmon 0x00FFA07A
#define ClrLightSeaGreen 0x0020B2AA
#define ClrLightSkyBlue 0x0087CEFA
#define ClrLightSlateGray 0x00778899
#define ClrLightSteelBlue 0x00B0C4DE
#define ClrLightYellow 0x00FFFFE0
#define ClrLime 0x0000FF00
#define ClrLimeGreen 0x0032CD32
#define ClrLinen 0x00FAF0E6
#define ClrMagenta 0x00FF00FF
#define ClrMaroon 0x00800000
#define ClrMediumAquamarine 0x0066CDAA
#define ClrMediumBlue 0x000000CD
#define ClrMediumOrchid 0x00BA55D3
#define ClrMediumPurple 0x009370DB
#define ClrMediumSeaGreen 0x003CB371
#define ClrMediumSlateBlue 0x007B68EE
#define ClrMediumSpringGreen 0x0000FA9A
#define ClrMediumTurquoise 0x0048D1CC
#define ClrMediumVioletRed 0x00C71585
#define ClrMidnightBlue 0x00191970
#define ClrMintCream 0x00F5FFFA
#define ClrMistyRose 0x00FFE4E1
#define ClrMoccasin 0x00FFE4B5
#define ClrNavajoWhite 0x00FFDEAD
#define ClrNavy 0x00000080
#define ClrOldLace 0x00FDF5E6
#define ClrOlive 0x00808000
#define ClrOliveDrab 0x006B8E23
#define ClrOrange 0x00FFA500
#define ClrOrangeRed 0x00FF4500
#define ClrOrchid 0x00DA70D6
#define ClrPaleGoldenrod 0x00EEE8AA
#define ClrPaleGreen 0x0098FB98
#define ClrPaleTurquoise 0x00AFEEEE
#define ClrPaleVioletRed 0x00DB7093
#define ClrPapayaWhip 0x00FFEFD5
#define ClrPeachPuff 0x00FFDAB9
#define ClrPeru 0x00CD853F
#define ClrPink 0x00FFC0CB
#define ClrPlum 0x00DDA0DD
#define ClrPowderBlue 0x00B0E0E6
#define ClrPurple 0x00800080
#define ClrRed 0x00FF0000
#define ClrRosyBrown 0x00BC8F8F
#define ClrRoyalBlue 0x004169E1
#define ClrSaddleBrown 0x008B4513
#define ClrSalmon 0x00FA8072
#define ClrSandyBrown 0x00F4A460
#define ClrSeaGreen 0x002E8B57
#define ClrSeashell 0x00FFF5EE
#define ClrSienna 0x00A0522D
#define ClrSilver 0x00C0C0C0
#define ClrSkyBlue 0x0087CEEB
#define ClrSlateBlue 0x006A5ACD
#define ClrSlateGray 0x00708090
#define ClrSnow 0x00FFFAFA
#define ClrSpringGreen 0x0000FF7F
#define ClrSteelBlue 0x004682B4
#define ClrTan 0x00D2B48C
#define ClrTeal 0x00008080
#define ClrThistle 0x00D8BFD8
#define ClrTomato 0x00FF6347
#define ClrTurquoise 0x0040E0D0
#define ClrViolet 0x00EE82EE
#define ClrWheat 0x00F5DEB3
#define ClrWhite 0x00FFFFFF
#define ClrWhiteSmoke 0x00F5F5F5
#define ClrYellow 0x00FFFF00
#define ClrYellowGreen 0x009ACD32
#define ClrBlack 0x00000000
// Masks and shifts to aid in color format translation by drivers.
#define ClrRedMask 0x00FF0000
#define ClrRedShift 16
#define ClrGreenMask 0x0000FF00
#define ClrGreenShift 8
#define ClrBlueMask 0x000000FF
#define ClrBlueShift 0
// Prototypes for the predefined fonts in the graphics library. ..Cm.. is the
// computer modern font, which is a serif font. ..Cmsc.. is the computer
// modern small-caps font, which is also a serif font. ..Cmss.. is the
// computer modern sans-serif font.
extern const tFont g_sFontCm12;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm12b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm12i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm14;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm14b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm14i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm16;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm16b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm16i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm18;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm18b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm18i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm20;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm20b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm20i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm22;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm22b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm22i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm24;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm24b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm24i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm26;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm26b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm26i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm28;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm28b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm28i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm30;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm30b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm30i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm32;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm32b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm32i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm34;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm34b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm34i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm36;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm36b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm36i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm38;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm38b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm38i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm40;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm40b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm40i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm42;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm42b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm42i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm44;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm44b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm44i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm46;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm46b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm46i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm48;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm48b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCm48i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc12;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc14;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc16;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc18;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc20;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc22;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc24;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc26;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc28;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc30;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc32;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc34;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc36;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc38;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc40;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc42;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc44;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc46;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmsc48;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss12;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss12b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss12i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss14;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss14b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss14i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss16;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss16b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss16i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss18;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss18b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss18i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss20;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss20b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss20i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss22;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss22b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss22i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss24;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss24b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss24i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss26;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss26b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss26i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss28;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss28b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss28i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss30;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss30b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss30i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss32;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss32b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss32i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss34;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss34b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss34i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss36;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss36b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss36i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss38;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss38b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss38i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss40;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss40b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss40i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss42;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss42b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss42i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss44;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss44b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss44i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss46;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss46b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss46i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss48;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss48b;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmss48i;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt12;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt14;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt16;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt18;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt20;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt22;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt24;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt26;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt28;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt30;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt32;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt34;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt36;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt38;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt40;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt42;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt44;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt46;
extern const tFont g_sFontCmtt48;
extern const tFont g_sFontFixed6x8;
// Language identifiers supported by the string table processing functions.
#define GrLangZhPRC 0x0804 // Chinese (PRC)
#define GrLangZhTW 0x0404 // Chinese (Taiwan)
#define GrLangEnUS 0x0409 // English (United States)
#define GrLangEnUK 0x0809 // English (United Kingdom)
#define GrLangEnAUS 0x0C09 // English (Australia)
#define GrLangEnCA 0x1009 // English (Canada)
#define GrLangEnNZ 0x1409 // English (New Zealand)
#define GrLangFr 0x040C // French (Standard)
#define GrLangDe 0x0407 // German (Standard)
#define GrLangHi 0x0439 // Hindi
#define GrLangIt 0x0410 // Italian (Standard)
#define GrLangJp 0x0411 // Japanese
#define GrLangKo 0x0412 // Korean
#define GrLangEsMX 0x080A // Spanish (Mexico)
#define GrLangEsSP 0x0C0A // Spanish (Spain)
#define GrLangSwKE 0x0441 // Swahili (Kenya)
#define GrLangUrIN 0x0820 // Urdu (India)
#define GrLangUrPK 0x0420 // Urdu (Pakistan)
//! Translates a 24-bit RGB color to a display driver-specific color.
//! \param pDisplay is the pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to operate upon.
//! \param ulValue is the 24-bit RGB color. The least-significant byte is the
//! blue channel, the next byte is the green channel, and the third byte is the
//! red channel.
//! This function translates a 24-bit RGB color into a value that can be
//! written into the display's frame buffer in order to reproduce that color,
//! or the closest possible approximation of that color.
//! \return Returns the display-driver specific color.
#define DpyColorTranslate(pDisplay, ulValue) \
((pDisplay)->pfnColorTranslate((pDisplay)->pvDisplayData, ulValue))
//! Flushes cached drawing operations.
//! \param pDisplay is the pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to operate upon.
//! This function flushes any cached drawing operations on a display.
//! \return None.
#define DpyFlush(pDisplay) \
do \
{ \
const tDisplay *pD = pDisplay; \
pD->pfnFlush(pD->pvDisplayData); \
} \
//! Forces a clear Display.
//! \param pDisplay is the pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to operate upon.
//! \param ulValue is the current background color to fill the screen with.
//! This function clears the Display
//! \return None.
#define DpyClearDisplay(pDisplay, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
const tDisplay *pD = pDisplay; \
pD->pfnClearDisplay(pD->pvDisplayData, ulValue); \
} \
//! Gets the height of the display.
//! \param pDisplay is a pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to query.
//! This function determines the height of the display.
//! \return Returns the height of the display in pixels.
#define DpyHeightGet(pDisplay) \
//! Draws a horizontal line on a display.
//! \param pDisplay is the pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to operate upon.
//! \param lX1 is the starting X coordinate of the line.
//! \param lX2 is the ending X coordinate of the line.
//! \param lY is the Y coordinate of the line.
//! \param ulValue is the color to draw the line.
//! This function draws a horizontal line on a display. This assumes that
//! clipping has already been performed, and that both end points of the line
//! are within the extents of the display.
//! \return None.
#define DpyLineDrawH(pDisplay, lX1, lX2, lY, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
const tDisplay *pD = pDisplay; \
pD->pfnLineDrawH(pD->pvDisplayData, lX1, lX2, lY, ulValue); \
} \
//! Draws a vertical line on a display.
//! \param pDisplay is the pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to operate upon.
//! \param lX is the X coordinate of the line.
//! \param lY1 is the starting Y coordinate of the line.
//! \param lY2 is the ending Y coordinate of the line.
//! \param ulValue is the color to draw the line.
//! This function draws a vertical line on a display. This assumes that
//! clipping has already been performed, and that both end points of the line
//! are within the extents of the display.
//! \return None.
#define DpyLineDrawV(pDisplay, lX, lY1, lY2, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
const tDisplay *pD = pDisplay; \
pD->pfnLineDrawV(pD->pvDisplayData, lX, lY1, lY2, ulValue); \
} \
//! Draws a pixel on a display.
//! \param pDisplay is the pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to operate upon.
//! \param lX is the X coordinate of the pixel.
//! \param lY is the Y coordinate of the pixel.
//! \param ulValue is the color to draw the pixel.
//! This function draws a pixel on a display. This assumes that clipping has
//! already been performed.
//! \return None.
#define DpyPixelDraw(pDisplay, lX, lY, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
const tDisplay *pD = pDisplay; \
pD->pfnPixelDraw(pD->pvDisplayData, lX, lY, ulValue); \
} \
//! Draws a horizontal sequence of pixels on a display.
//! \param pDisplay is the pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to operate upon.
//! \param lX is the X coordinate of the first pixel.
//! \param lY is the Y coordinate of the first pixel.
//! \param lX0 is sub-pixel offset within the pixel data, which is valid for 1
//! or 4 bit per pixel formats.
//! \param lCount is the number of pixels to draw.
//! \param lBPP is the number of bits per pixel; must be 1, 4, or 8.
//! \param pucData is a pointer to the pixel data. For 1 and 4 bit per pixel
//! formats, the most significant bit(s) represent the left-most pixel.
//! \param pucPalette is a pointer to the palette used to draw the pixels.
//! This function draws a horizontal sequence of pixels on a display, using the
//! supplied palette. For 1 bit per pixel format, the palette contains
//! pre-translated colors; for 4 and 8 bit per pixel formats, the palette
//! contains 24-bit RGB values that must be translated before being written to
//! the display.
//! \return None.
#define DpyPixelDrawMultiple(pDisplay, lX, lY, lX0, lCount, lBPP, pucData, \
pucPalette) \
do \
{ \
const tDisplay *pD = pDisplay; \
pD->pfnPixelDrawMultiple(pD->pvDisplayData, lX, lY, lX0, lCount, \
lBPP, pucData, pucPalette); \
} \
//! Fills a rectangle on a display.
//! \param pDisplay is the pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to operate upon.
//! \param pRect is a pointer to the structure describing the rectangle to
//! fill.
//! \param ulValue is the color to fill the rectangle.
//! This function fills a rectangle on the display. This assumes that clipping
//! has already been performed, and that all sides of the rectangle are within
//! the extents of the display.
//! \return None.
#define DpyRectFill(pDisplay, pRect, ulValue) \
do \
{ \
const tDisplay *pD = pDisplay; \
pD->pfnRectFill(pD->pvDisplayData, pRect, ulValue); \
} \
//! Gets the width of the display.
//! \param pDisplay is a pointer to the display driver structure for the
//! display to query.
//! This function determines the width of the display.
//! \return Returns the width of the display in pixels.
#define DpyWidthGet(pDisplay) \
//! Determines if a point lies within a given rectangle.
//! \param pRect is a pointer to the rectangle which the point is to be checked
//! against.
//! \param lX is the X coordinate of the point to be checked.
//! \param lY is the Y coordinate of the point to be checked.
//! This function determines whether point (lX, lY) lies within the rectangle
//! described by \e pRect.
//! \return Returns 1 if the point is within the rectangle or 0 otherwise.
#define GrRectContainsPoint(pRect, lX, lY) \
((((lX) >= (pRect)->sXMin) && ((lX) <= (pRect)->sXMax) && \
((lY) >= (pRect)->sYMin) && ((lY) <= (pRect)->sYMax)) ? 1 : 0)
// Prototypes for the graphics library functions.
extern void GrCircleDraw(const tContext *pContext, long lX, long lY,
long lRadius);
extern void GrCircleFill(const tContext *pContext, long lX, long lY,
long lRadius);
extern void GrContextClipRegionSet(tContext *pContext, tRectangle *pRect);
extern void GrContextInit(tContext *pContext, const tDisplay *pDisplay);
extern void GrImageDraw(const tContext *pContext,
const tImage *pBitmap, int lX, int lY);
extern void GrLineDraw(const tContext *pContext, long lX1, long lY1, long lX2,
long lY2);
extern void GrLineDrawH(const tContext *pContext, long lX1, long lX2, long lY);
extern void GrLineDrawV(const tContext *pContext, long lX, long lY1, long lY2);
extern void GrRectDraw(const tContext *pContext, const tRectangle *pRect);
extern void GrRectFill(const tContext *pContext, const tRectangle *pRect);
extern void GrStringDraw(const tContext *pContext, const char *pcString,
long lLength, long lX, long lY,
unsigned long bOpaque);
extern long GrStringWidthGet(const tContext *pContext, const char *pcString,
long lLength);
extern long GrRectOverlapCheck(tRectangle *psRect1, tRectangle *psRect2);
extern long GrRectIntersectGet(tRectangle *psRect1, tRectangle *psRect2,
tRectangle *psIntersect);
// Mark the end of the C bindings section for C++ compilers.
#ifdef __cplusplus
// Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}
#endif // __GRLIB_H__