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5 years ago
  1. \documentclass[11pt]{article}
  2. %Gummi|065|=)
  3. \title{\textbf{The Problem with Hackaday (The problem with Long form reading on websites}}
  4. \author{Steak Electronics}
  5. \date{2019}
  6. \begin{document}
  7. \maketitle
  8. The computer screen is not a medium for reading. Its a medium for short paragraphs, videos, and eventually devolves into what social media has become. Whether you like it or not, social media is the epitome of keeping your attention on the computer. Videos, pictures, short text boxes, everything attention grabbing, flashy, musical. What hackaday and other websites, that expect you to read for more than 5-10 seconds need to do, is make a book. The book is the highest medium. Websites are entertainment, advertising, and information. If there was a book that had all articles from the last year, I would be more inclined to read the articles in full.
  9. \vspace{0.2in}
  10. As it is, when I find a subject I like on hackaday, i go to the library and get a book on it. Because I can't read on a computer screen. Paper is much better for this purpose. However, it is true, that I could print the webpages out, and that, I am seriously considering. I can't read a computer screen for more than a few minutes. Social media is what the computer is, whether you like it or not. That is apex computer. The pinnacle of computer is social media. Reading is for books, not computers.
  11. \end{document}