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5 years ago
  1. (rules PCB batterystation
  2. (snap_angle
  3. fortyfive_degree
  4. )
  5. (autoroute_settings
  6. (fanout off)
  7. (autoroute on)
  8. (postroute on)
  9. (vias on)
  10. (via_costs 50)
  11. (plane_via_costs 5)
  12. (start_ripup_costs 100)
  13. (start_pass_no 157)
  14. (layer_rule F.Cu
  15. (active on)
  16. (preferred_direction horizontal)
  17. (preferred_direction_trace_costs 1.0)
  18. (against_preferred_direction_trace_costs 2.2)
  19. )
  20. (layer_rule B.Cu
  21. (active on)
  22. (preferred_direction vertical)
  23. (preferred_direction_trace_costs 1.0)
  24. (against_preferred_direction_trace_costs 1.9)
  25. )
  26. )
  27. (rule
  28. (width 254.0)
  29. (clear 254.2)
  30. (clear 127.0 (type smd_to_turn_gap))
  31. (clear 63.6 (type smd_smd))
  32. )
  33. (padstack "Via[0-1]_685.8:330.2_um"
  34. (shape
  35. (circle F.Cu 685.8 0.0 0.0)
  36. )
  37. (shape
  38. (circle B.Cu 685.8 0.0 0.0)
  39. )
  40. (attach off)
  41. )
  42. (via
  43. "Via[0-1]_685.8:330.2_um" "Via[0-1]_685.8:330.2_um" default
  44. )
  45. (via
  46. "Via[0-1]_685.8:330.2_um-kicad_default" "Via[0-1]_685.8:330.2_um" "kicad_default"
  47. )
  48. (via_rule
  49. default "Via[0-1]_685.8:330.2_um"
  50. )
  51. (via_rule
  52. "kicad_default" "Via[0-1]_685.8:330.2_um-kicad_default"
  53. )
  54. (class default
  55. (clearance_class default)
  56. (via_rule default)
  57. (rule
  58. (width 254.0)
  59. )
  60. (circuit
  61. (use_layer F.Cu B.Cu)
  62. )
  63. )
  64. (class "kicad_default"
  65. GND +5V "/STC4054_Liion_Charge/BAT_LIION_CHRG" "Net-(C4-Pad1)" /LT1512/Vsw "Net-(C7-Pad2)" /LT1512/Vcomp "Net-(C8-Pad1)"
  66. "/LT1512/I_Feedback" "/LT1512/LT_BATCHRG" "Net-(D1-Pad2)" "/STC4054_Liion_Charge/CHRG" +12V "Net-(J1-Pad1)" "Net-(J1-Pad2)" "Net-(J1-Pad3)"
  67. "Net-(J1-Pad5)" "Net-(J1-Pad6)" "Net-(J1-Pad7)" "Net-(J1-Pad8)" "Net-(J1-Pad9)" "Net-(J1-Pad10)" "Net-(J1-Pad11)" "/MAX_CS"
  68. "/NANO_CS" "/NANO_MOSI" "/NANO_MISO" "/NANO_SCK" "Net-(J1-Pad17)" "Net-(J1-Pad18)" "Net-(J1-Pad19)" "Net-(J1-Pad20)"
  69. "Net-(J1-Pad21)" "Net-(J1-Pad22)" "Net-(J1-Pad23)" "Net-(J1-Pad24)" "Net-(J1-Pad25)" "Net-(J1-Pad26)" "Net-(J1-Pad28)" "Net-(J1-Pad30)"
  70. "/LT1512/LT_IFEEDBACK" "Net-(P4-Pad4)" "/CurrentSense_INA169_1/LOADOUT" "/CurrentSense_INA169_1/LOADIN" "/CurrentSense_INA169_1/CurrentOUT" /sheet5CBEAB48/CurrentOUT /sheet5CBEAB48/LOADIN /sheet5CBEAB48/LOADOUT
  71. "Net-(P5-Pad4)" "Net-(P6-Pad4)" /sheet5CBEAC38/LOADOUT /sheet5CBEAC38/LOADIN /sheet5CBEAC38/CurrentOUT "/STC4054_Liion_Charge/PROG" /MAX6675/T+ /MAX6675/NC
  72. "/ENC28J60/VCC_Branch" /ENC28J60/INT /ENC28J60/CLKOUT /ENC28J60/WOL /ENC28J60/RSTENC /ENC28J60/Q3 "/LT1512/LT_FloatVoltage" /LT1512/LTShutdownPin
  73. "Net-(R3-Pad2)" "Net-(R5-Pad1)" "Net-(R6-Pad1)" "Net-(R7-Pad1)" "Net-(R8-Pad1)" "Net-(R8-Pad2)" "Net-(SW2-Pad2)"
  74. (clearance_class "kicad_default")
  75. (via_rule kicad_default)
  76. (rule
  77. (width 254.0)
  78. )
  79. (circuit
  80. (use_layer F.Cu B.Cu)
  81. )
  82. )
  83. )