- EESchema Schematic File Version 4
- LIBS:batterystation-cache
- EELAYER 26 0
- $Descr A4 11693 8268
- encoding utf-8
- Sheet 2 9
- Title ""
- Date ""
- Rev ""
- Comp ""
- Comment1 ""
- Comment2 ""
- Comment3 ""
- Comment4 ""
- $EndDescr
- $Comp
- L batterystation-rescue:CONN_01X05-conn P10
- U 1 1 5CBBEE8F
- P 5100 3900
- F 0 "P10" H 5177 3941 50 0000 L CNN
- F 1 "STC4054" H 5177 3850 50 0000 L CNN
- F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:SOT-23-5" H 5100 3900 50 0001 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 5100 3900 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 5100 3900
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Text Notes 4550 5650 0 50 ~ 0
- STC4054\nNote: Pin 1, is counter-clockwise\nstarting at chrg pin (see data sheet)\n\nNOTE: Double check footprint matches\ndata sheet with numbers.\n\n\n\n4.2 Volts ONLY (not 4.1 - and only ONE cell)\n\nVCC must be always 30mV above BAT or else it will shut down (i.e. if charger is battery powered)
- Wire Wire Line
- 4900 3700 4600 3700
- Text Label 4700 3700 0 50 ~ 0
- Wire Wire Line
- 3750 3800 3750 3950
- Wire Wire Line
- 3750 3800 4900 3800
- $Comp
- L power:GND #PWR0106
- U 1 1 5CBBF0AE
- P 3750 3950
- F 0 "#PWR0106" H 3750 3700 50 0001 C CNN
- F 1 "GND" H 3755 3777 50 0000 C CNN
- F 2 "" H 3750 3950 50 0000 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 3750 3950 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 3750 3950
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Text Label 4700 3900 0 50 ~ 0
- Text Label 4700 4000 0 50 ~ 0
- $Comp
- L power:+5V #PWR0107
- U 1 1 5CBBF145
- P 4250 4100
- F 0 "#PWR0107" H 4250 3950 50 0001 C CNN
- F 1 "+5V" H 4265 4273 50 0000 C CNN
- F 2 "" H 4250 4100 50 0000 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 4250 4100 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 4250 4100
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Wire Wire Line
- 4250 4100 4900 4100
- $Comp
- L batterystation-rescue:LED-device D1
- U 1 1 5CBBF242
- P 4600 3300
- F 0 "D1" V 4638 3183 50 0000 R CNN
- F 1 "LED" V 4547 3183 50 0000 R CNN
- F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" H 4600 3300 50 0001 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 4600 3300 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 4600 3300
- 0 -1 -1 0
- $EndComp
- Wire Wire Line
- 4600 3450 4600 3700
- Wire Wire Line
- 4600 3150 4600 3000
- $Comp
- L power:+5V #PWR0108
- U 1 1 5CBBF555
- P 4600 2350
- F 0 "#PWR0108" H 4600 2200 50 0001 C CNN
- F 1 "+5V" H 4615 2523 50 0000 C CNN
- F 2 "" H 4600 2350 50 0000 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 4600 2350 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 4600 2350
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Text Notes 4850 2750 0 50 ~ 0
- LED may need resistor, when in\nweak pull down mode.\nAlso has a 10mA pull down mode\nwhere led not needed.
- $Comp
- L batterystation-rescue:R-device R1
- U 1 1 5CBBF689
- P 4050 3600
- F 0 "R1" V 3843 3600 50 0000 C CNN
- F 1 "5K" V 3934 3600 50 0000 C CNN
- F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 3600 50 0001 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 4050 3600 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 4050 3600
- 0 1 1 0
- $EndComp
- Wire Wire Line
- 4200 3600 4350 3600
- Wire Wire Line
- 4500 3600 4500 4000
- Wire Wire Line
- 4500 4000 4900 4000
- Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3900 4400 4350
- Wire Wire Line
- 4400 4350 5550 4350
- Wire Wire Line
- 4400 3900 4900 3900
- Wire Wire Line
- 3900 3600 3400 3600
- $Comp
- L power:GND #PWR0109
- U 1 1 5CBBFA1E
- P 3400 3600
- F 0 "#PWR0109" H 3400 3350 50 0001 C CNN
- F 1 "GND" H 3405 3427 50 0000 C CNN
- F 2 "" H 3400 3600 50 0000 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 3400 3600 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 3400 3600
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Text Notes 3400 3300 0 50 ~ 0
- Rprog is calculated by\n(1 / Rval) * 1000\ntherefore\n5K will be 200mA.\n1K would be 1A, etc...
- Text HLabel 5950 4350 2 50 Input ~ 0
- $Comp
- L batterystation-rescue:C-device C1
- U 1 1 5CBBFBC6
- P 4250 4250
- F 0 "C1" H 4365 4296 50 0000 L CNN
- F 1 "1uF" H 4365 4205 50 0000 L CNN
- F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" H 4288 4100 50 0001 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 4250 4250 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 4250 4250
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Connection ~ 4250 4100
- $Comp
- L power:GND #PWR0110
- U 1 1 5CBBFC6C
- P 4250 4400
- F 0 "#PWR0110" H 4250 4150 50 0001 C CNN
- F 1 "GND" H 4255 4227 50 0000 C CNN
- F 2 "" H 4250 4400 50 0000 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 4250 4400 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 4250 4400
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Wire Wire Line
- 4350 3600 4350 2650
- Wire Wire Line
- 4350 2650 4000 2650
- Connection ~ 4350 3600
- Wire Wire Line
- 4350 3600 4500 3600
- $Comp
- L batterystation-rescue:CONN_01X01-conn P9
- U 1 1 5CBC014B
- P 3800 2650
- F 0 "P9" H 3719 2425 50 0000 C CNN
- F 1 "VPROG_TAP" H 3719 2516 50 0000 C CNN
- F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x01" H 3800 2650 50 0001 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 3800 2650 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 3800 2650
- -1 0 0 1
- $EndComp
- $Comp
- L batterystation-rescue:R-device R2
- U 1 1 5CBC04AF
- P 4600 2850
- F 0 "R2" H 4670 2896 50 0000 L CNN
- F 1 "1K" H 4670 2805 50 0000 L CNN
- F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 4530 2850 50 0001 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 4600 2850 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 4600 2850
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Wire Wire Line
- 4600 2700 4600 2350
- $Comp
- L batterystation-rescue:C-device C2
- U 1 1 5CBC0798
- P 5550 4500
- F 0 "C2" H 5665 4546 50 0000 L CNN
- F 1 "4.7uF" H 5665 4455 50 0000 L CNN
- F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" H 5588 4350 50 0001 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 5550 4500 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 5550 4500
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Connection ~ 5550 4350
- Wire Wire Line
- 5550 4350 5950 4350
- $Comp
- L power:GND #PWR0111
- U 1 1 5CBC082A
- P 5550 4650
- F 0 "#PWR0111" H 5550 4400 50 0001 C CNN
- F 1 "GND" H 5555 4477 50 0000 C CNN
- F 2 "" H 5550 4650 50 0000 C CNN
- F 3 "" H 5550 4650 50 0000 C CNN
- 1 5550 4650
- 1 0 0 -1
- $EndComp
- Text Notes 6150 5100 0 50 ~ 0
- This cap may be optional\nNeeded for when battery\ndisconnected, to avoid\nripple.\nUse electrolytic (data sheet\nwants\n0.2-1ohm series resistance)
- Text Notes 4150 1800 0 118 ~ 0
- ST4054\nLi-Ion 1 cell battery charger