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//Tut from sparkfun, edited for multiple shift ins. This one works
//see 74165 data sheets for more details on how it works
/* IO Definitions ProCAT Flash*/
//#define DATA_IN 4
//#define CLK 5
//#define LATCH_EN 6
// Connect the following pins between your Arduino and the 74HC165 Breakout Board
// Connect pins A-H to 5V or GND or switches or whatever
const int data_pin = 4; // Connect Pin 11 to SER_OUT (serial data out)
const int clk_pin = 5; // Connect Pin 12 to CLK (the clock that times the shifting)
const int shld_pin = 6; // Connect Pin 8 to SH/!LD (shift or active low load)
const int ce_pin = 9; // Connect Pin 9 to !CE (clock enable, active low)
byte incoming; // Variable to store the 8 values loaded from the shift register
byte incoming2; // Variable to store the 8 values loaded from the shift register
byte incoming3; // Variable to store the 8 values loaded from the shift register
// The part that runs once
void setup()
// Initialize serial to gain the power to obtain relevant information, 9600 baud
// Initialize each digital pin to either output or input
// We are commanding the shift register with each pin with the exception of the serial
// data we get back on the data_pin line.
pinMode(shld_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ce_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clk_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(data_pin, INPUT);
// Required initial states of these two pins according to the datasheet timing diagram
digitalWrite(clk_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(shld_pin, HIGH);
// The part that runs to infinity and beyond
void loop() {
incoming = read_shift_regs(); // Read the shift register, it likes that
// Print out the values being read from the shift register
Serial.println("\nThe incoming values of the shift register are: ");
Serial.print("ABCDEFGH : ");
print_byte(incoming); // Print every 1 and 0 that correlates with A through H
//Serial.println(incoming,BIN); // This way works too but leaves out the leading zeros
delay(2000); // Wait for some arbitrary amount of time
// This code is intended to trigger the shift register to grab values from it's A-H inputs
byte read_shift_regs()
byte the_shifted = 0; // An 8 bit number to carry each bit value of A-H
// Trigger loading the state of the A-H data lines into the shift register
digitalWrite(shld_pin, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(5); // Requires a delay here according to the datasheet timing diagram
digitalWrite(shld_pin, HIGH);
// Required initial states of these two pins according to the datasheet timing diagram
pinMode(clk_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(data_pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(clk_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ce_pin, LOW); // Enable the clock
// Get the A-H values
result1 = shiftIn(data_pin, clk_pin, MSBFIRST);
result2 = shiftIn(data_pin, clk_pin, MSBFIRST);
result3 = shiftIn(data_pin, clk_pin, MSBFIRST);
digitalWrite(ce_pin, HIGH); // Disable the clock
//return the_shifted;
// A function that prints all the 1's and 0's of a byte, so 8 bits +or- 2
void print_byte(byte val)
byte i;
for(byte i=0; i<=7; i++)
Serial.print(val >> i & 1, BIN); // Magic bit shift, if you care look up the <<, >>, and & operators
Serial.print("\n"); // Go to the next line, do not collect $200