- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
- --xc9500xl has 5 volt tolerant inputs
- entity counta is
- --TODO: figure out how to get XSTALIN as GCK (see also fitter report (text))
- PORT( XSTALIN : in STD_LOGIC; -- semi colons
- HZIN : in STD_LOGIC; -- here
- LED : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); -- commas in instance
- TX : out STD_LOGIC --last one, no semi colon
- );
- end counta;
- architecture Behavioral of counta is
- -- 2 to the power of 20 is about 1million
- -- gives me 600KHz resolution. Good enough.
- -- any more would run into limitations of cpld.
- -- EDIT: ran into limits
- -- now trying 12 + 1 bits, or about upper limit of 6,000
- --signal
- signal clkcounta : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(12 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');
- --signal testhzctr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- signal storecounta : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(18 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0');
- signal alreadystoredcnt : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0) := "0";
- signal uartnow : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0) := "0";
- signal uartctr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0) := "00000";
- signal waitnow : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0) := "0";
- signal resetclk : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0) := "0";
- signal uartskip : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 downto 0) := "0";
- signal ORvalforstore : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0) := "111";
- begin
- --outside of process
- TX <= storecounta(0);
- LED(5 downto 0) <= storecounta(12 downto 7);
- LED(6) <= uartnow(0);
- LED(7) <= waitnow(0);
- --sanity check that leds / switch is working
- --LED(7) <= switch;
- mycounta: process (XSTALIN)
- begin
- if rising_edge(XSTALIN) then
- clkcounta <= clkcounta + 1;
- --testing clock
- --EDIT: below not necessary, as register is already
- -- wrapping around after getting to 255/256
- -- if clkcounta > 250 then
- -- clkcounta <= (others => '0');
- --
- -- end if;
- --MAIN
- --shift value out via uart
- --(because this is a 6KHz clock, won't be too fast)
- if uartnow(0) = '1' then
- storecounta <= '1' & storecounta(18 downto 1); --should be down to 1, not 0
- --NOTE: because this goes down to 1, 0 is always low
- --which in uart would be start bit, I THINK........
- end if;
- --upon 1hz trigger, and not stored val yet
- -- (1hz trigger, is 1hz square wave)
- if HZIN = '1' and alreadystoredcnt(0) = '0' then
- --store clk val in register
- storecounta(15 downto 3) <= clkcounta;
- --don't store it again
- alreadystoredcnt(0) <= '1';
- --reset counter
- resetclk(0) <= '1';
- --remember, everything in if statement happens all at once
- elsif resetclk(0) = '1' then
- clkcounta <= (others => '0');
- resetclk(0) <= '0';
- --frame bits to identify where i am
- storecounta(18) <= '0';
- storecounta(17) <= '0';
- storecounta(16) <= '1';
- --data goes from 3 - 15, 3,4,5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12, 13,14,15
- --12+1 bits
- storecounta(0) <= '0';
- storecounta(1) <= '0';
- storecounta(2) <= '1';
- elsif alreadystoredcnt(0) = '1' and waitnow(0) = '0' and uartskip(0) = '0' then
- --enable uart
- uartnow(0) <= '1';
- --without this skip, otherwise we get stuck here
- uartskip(0) <= '1';
- elsif uartnow(0) = '1' and uartctr(4 downto 0) = "11111" then
- --disable uart
- uartnow(0) <= '0';
- uartctr <= (others => '0');
- --don't do this and don't enable uart above, and don't count
- waitnow(0) <= '1';
- elsif alreadystoredcnt(0) = '1' and waitnow(0) = '0' and uartskip(0) = '1' and uartnow(0) = '1'then
- uartctr <= uartctr + 1;
- --this must be after the above, otherwise we get stuck in it
- elsif HZIN = '0' and alreadystoredcnt(0) = '1' and waitnow(0) = '1' and uartskip(0) = '1' and uartnow(0) = '0' then
- --reset storedcounter
- alreadystoredcnt(0) <= '0';
- --only do this once
- storecounta <= (others => '1'); --idle high in uart
- waitnow(0) <= '0';
- uartskip(0) <= '0';
- end if;
- --using 6MHz clk
- --count as far as possible, every 1 second pulse
- --from 60hz divider
- --at pulse, display count, then start over
- -- if HZIN = '1' and hzinhighflag(0) = '0' then
- --display value on leds
- --todo
- --start counter over
- -- clkcounta <= (others => '0');
- --don't do anything until hz is low
- -- hzinhighflag(0) <= '1';
- --end if;
- --end if;
- --EDIT: cpld has limitations, therefore lowering register sizes
- end if; -- main rising clk process end
- end process;
- end Behavioral;