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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/docs/1.pdf View File

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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/docs/1.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}}
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{Attiny Solar Energy Harvest Tests}}
I have the following:
\item Solar panels
\item Attiny 10
To this list, I will add a supercap, and an energy harvesting IC. The goal being to load the super cap during the day, and to run 24/7. I will need an exceptionally low power micro. The super cap will need to be about 3.3V or 5V.
\subsection{Micro Considerations}
The Arduino Atmega328P is not an option. I'm looking to have a current draw of only 1mA max, (ideally 500uA) when active. Moteino is also not an option for this. Those are made for batteries. I want to be battery free. A super cap, however can be used to store energy. I'll get to that shortly.
For micros, I have some Attiny10 on hand, and these have a reasonably low power pull in active mode. Let's build those up first. What will the micro do? No idea. I haven't a clue.
\subsection{Energy Storage}
I don't want a battery. Let's go with a super cap. The solar panels will only be active some of the time, so I will want to harvest energy with some kind of IC into the cap when the sun is out.\footnote{Reference: is a start. I'll need to do more research.}

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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/docs/1.tex~ View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}}
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{Door Chime}}
Client wants a door alarm. Let's do a few transistors, an audio amplifier board, a magnet and magnetic reed switch, along with a light switch.
Functionality req'd:
Makes noise when door opened.
Able to be shut off with light switch.
Any audio amplifier loud enough will work. I'm going to use this one:
I think I have speakers and transistors. I'll need a magnetic reed switch and magnet. They should be black, as the door is black.
let's also try 59140-1-S-03-A,\footnote{A and F ending letters on this, A is tinned, F untinned leads} as first co. doesn't make the matched magnets...
and the magnet,
A speaker, although I have plenty in my junk bin.
That's a start.
\subsection{Work Log: LM324, LM555, TIP120,125}}
I spent a bit on this during the evening. I tried first with a LM324, in falstad (sim software) to see if I could make a function gen, out of 3 op amps. I was unable to get the sim to work, although reportedly the circuit works online (ref:\#msg1174548)
I decided instead, to simulate a triple 5 with a LM324, to finally a transistor output, and this worked in sim. I breadboarded the circuit however, the output was not switching correctly. It turned out later, that I had not read my TIP125 close enough - it is a PNP. Oops.
Before realizing this error, I breadboarded two op amps, (ref: and these were able to make the square / triangle wave without issue. Not practical in this situation however, as the freq. is low. I tried adjusting via the R between output 1 and inverting input for op amp 2, but this did not work as expected. I had long leads with a variable resistance box. Most likely, the issue.
Next, I will breadboard the triple 5 with the LM324 (which may be optional) and use that. I will throw in an Arduino to switch the triple 5 on/off via the RST pin. This will allow for some adjustment of tone.\footnote{I could just use the tone() function on the Uno, and have a transistor handle the output, but the goal of this project was to lean more towards the analog.} Future improvements would be to get some way of removing the Arduino from the project. I would need a solution that will adjust how often the RST pin is switched, for some short period of time while the door magnet switch is active.
I might end up just using tone, if the 555 doesn't sound good.
\subsection{Door Magnet Reed Sensor}}
I tried buying one from mouser,digikey but they are all small. Seems the standard is 28mm by 10mm or so. I didn't realize it until I purchased it, but it looks quite a bit smaller than I am used to. Not acceptable.
I spent some time looking at all the options. I was unable to find the bigger size. Even the imports from Sparkfun and Adafruit were small. There was a nice screw terminal omrom option but it was \$30. I opted for ebay where there were some used, brand name, sensors in the US. I found some for about \$5 each, including magnet AND the sensor (on mouser/digikey, you often have to get them separately).
\subsubsection{Buzzer or Bell}}
I thought about a buzzer. Like, a ringer from a telephone. I didn't find them on mouser/digikey, but I did see a lot of piezo buzzers. Need to look again. Even better would be a bell, but that requires an actuator or a motor. I don't want to deal with moving parts, it will be more likely to break. Let's put that idea aside for another day.
Still, I like the idea of a bell, and an actuator to ring it...
I tried one on ebay. If that doesn't work there is this one:
per this discussion:
As for the bell, I will hold off until I know how the solenoid works.
\footnote{I decided that the sound of the bell is worth the risk of using moving parts.}
\subsubsection{Signal Mosfets for Actuator}}
I have a solenoid, from ebay (actuator) and I've got a bell\footnote{I ring it in the morning... I ring it in the evening...}.
I tried some 2n7000 signal mosfets (to-92), and I am unable to get it to work. I think it's due to current limits (200mA). These, the 2n7000 have protection diodes built in, according to data sheet image.
In any case, I set up the small npn transistor with 1k to base (grounded) and a 12V battery, with the motor on the collector/drain side. What happens is that it doesn't switch (as it shouldn't) when base is grounded, but float the base, and it switches on, sometimes. Eventually, it will just turn on no matter what, whether base is grounded or not. As I mentioned, these to-92's can't handle the actuator.
I could always use a relay, but that wasn't the point. I'm trying to get the transistors to work. I also tried a TIP120, NPN, darlington mosfet, but this didn't work on the perf board, and I moved to the 2n7000.
EDIT: I was able to get expected results from the 2N7000, by not forgetting the diode across the motor. Put gate low, it is off. Put gate high, it is on. However, it latches. I have to put the gate low again in order to get it to turn off...
A solution to rememdy this is to hold the base/gate at ground with a 2.2K R, then short the base HI (12V here) to turn it on (quickly, and shortly) before letting it go back to ground. Seems to work with no ringing at GND after coil is off. Or, just use an arduino and wire to IO.
Also, I definitely did blow some of the Mosfets, without the diode on the motor. They have their own protection, but that isn't enough by itself.
In other news, the bell is looking like a better solution than the speaker I considered before. More moving parts, but worth it.
\subsection{Basic Circuit Ready}}
I have built the circuit with a to220 mosfet, with 12V on the source, and powered by a 5V IO from an Arduino uno going through a 1K resistor before hitting the gate. It hits the gate at 1.3V about. Around 1Volt, it lightly sets off the actuator, 1.06V the actuator is fully activated.
Wanted to use a 555, but no time for that today. Next step is to build the enclosure around everything, so the bell is hit correctly. Wood may be too much of a fire hazard. Need to think about this. Looking up building materials that are resilient to fire comes up with stone, basically. Glass, concrete, stucco, gypsum, and brick. I like the glass option. I think I will go with that. Not going to be easy, but fireproof. I have a lot of glass hanging around after demoing some windows. Another option might be to use some drywall, and build something with joint compound. A type of wall box... Hm... Easier than glass. Either that or a plastic box, larger than I have. Or, metal box.
\subsubsection{Breaking the Actuator}}
Actuators are like brushed motors, in that there is a connection from the coil. I have a jigsaw with two brushes on the side. They are these carbon blocks. Actuators are the same, yet the spring is the brush.
Today I was assembling everything for final deployment, and I accidentally hit the spring with a screwdriver. The spring broke, and I was unable to find a replacement in my box of springs.
Replacement part needed. It also turns out that the actuator wasn't really loud enough. I'm goint to spec one that is a bit stronger. I've purchased a 1Amp rated one, instead of a 300mA rated one.
Other than that, everything is built.
\captionof{figure}{Early build.}

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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/docs/2.aux View File

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
%\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}}
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{Attiny Solar Energy Harvest Tests}}
I have the following:
\item Solar panels
\item Attiny 10
To this list, I will add a supercap, and an energy harvesting IC. The goal being to load the super cap during the day, and to run 24/7. I will need an exceptionally low power micro. The super cap will need to be about 3.3V or 5V.
\subsection{Micro Considerations}}
The Arduino Atmega328P is not an option. I'm looking to have a current draw of only 1mA max, (ideally 500uA) when active. Moteino is also not an option for this. Those are made for batteries. I want to be battery free. A super cap, however can be used to store energy. I'll get to that shortly.
For micros, I have some Attiny10 on hand, and these have a reasonably low power pull in active mode. Let's build those up first. What will the micro do? No idea. I haven't a clue.
\subsection{Energy Storage}}
I don't want a battery. Let's go with a super cap. The solar panels will only be active some of the time, so I will want to harvest energy with some kind of IC into the cap when the sun is out.\footnote{Reference: is a start. I'll need to do more research.}
\subsection{Make parts, not scrap}}
I will want to make sure that all parts I build are perf board parts, not breadboard scrap (to be torn down and rebuilt again). This is an Attiny, so no need to test much, yet.

+ 38
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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/docs/2.tex~ View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}}
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{Attiny Solar Energy Harvest Tests}}
I have the following:
\item Solar panels
\item Attiny 10
To this list, I will add a supercap, and an energy harvesting IC. The goal being to load the super cap during the day, and to run 24/7. I will need an exceptionally low power micro. The super cap will need to be about 3.3V or 5V.
\subsection{Micro Considerations}
The Arduino Atmega328P is not an option. I'm looking to have a current draw of only 1mA max, (ideally 500uA) when active. Moteino is also not an option for this. Those are made for batteries. I want to be battery free. A super cap, however can be used to store energy. I'll get to that shortly.
For micros, I have some Attiny10 on hand, and these have a reasonably low power pull in active mode. Let's build those up first. What will the micro do? No idea. I haven't a clue.
\subsection{Energy Storage}
I don't want a battery. Let's go with a super cap. The solar panels will only be active some of the time, so I will want to harvest energy with some kind of IC into the cap when the sun is out.\footnote{Reference: is a start. I'll need to do more research.}

+ 6
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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/docs/3.aux View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Attiny Solar Energy Harvest Tests}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1}Micro Considerations}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {1.1.1}Micro Notes}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.2}Energy Storage}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3}Make parts, not scrap}{2}}

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
%\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}}
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{Attiny Solar Energy Harvest Tests}}
I have the following:
\item Solar panels
\item Attiny 10
To this list, I will add a supercap, and an energy harvesting IC. The goal being to load the super cap during the day, and to run 24/7. I will need an exceptionally low power micro. The super cap will need to be about 3.3V or 5V.
\subsection{Micro Considerations}}
The Arduino Atmega328P is not an option. I'm looking to have a current draw of only 1mA max, (ideally 500uA) when active. Moteino is also not an option for this. Those are made for batteries. I want to be battery free. A super cap, however can be used to store energy. I'll get to that shortly.
For micros, I have some Attiny10 on hand, and these have a reasonably low power pull in active mode. Let's build those up first. What will the micro do? No idea. I haven't a clue.
\subsubsection{Micro Notes}}
Must run at 1.8V / 1MHz per front page of data sheet, for 200uA draw in active mode.
\subsection{Energy Storage}}
I don't want a battery. Let's go with a super cap. The solar panels will only be active some of the time, so I will want to harvest energy with some kind of IC into the cap when the sun is out.\footnote{Reference: is a start. I'll need to do more research.}
\subsection{Make parts, not scrap}}
I will want to make sure that all parts I build are perf board parts, not breadboard scrap (to be torn down and rebuilt again). This is an Attiny, so no need to test much, yet.

+ 41
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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/docs/3.tex~ View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
%\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}}
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{Attiny Solar Energy Harvest Tests}}
I have the following:
\item Solar panels
\item Attiny 10
To this list, I will add a supercap, and an energy harvesting IC. The goal being to load the super cap during the day, and to run 24/7. I will need an exceptionally low power micro. The super cap will need to be about 3.3V or 5V.
\subsection{Micro Considerations}}
The Arduino Atmega328P is not an option. I'm looking to have a current draw of only 1mA max, (ideally 500uA) when active. Moteino is also not an option for this. Those are made for batteries. I want to be battery free. A super cap, however can be used to store energy. I'll get to that shortly.
For micros, I have some Attiny10 on hand, and these have a reasonably low power pull in active mode. Let's build those up first. What will the micro do? No idea. I haven't a clue.
\subsection{Energy Storage}}
I don't want a battery. Let's go with a super cap. The solar panels will only be active some of the time, so I will want to harvest energy with some kind of IC into the cap when the sun is out.\footnote{Reference: is a start. I'll need to do more research.}
\subsection{Make parts, not scrap}}
I will want to make sure that all parts I build are perf board parts, not breadboard scrap (to be torn down and rebuilt again). This is an Attiny, so no need to test much, yet.

Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/resources/ATTiny4_5_9_10_20_40_Programmer.jar View File

+ 894
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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/resources/ATtiny4_5_9_10_20_40Programmer.ino View File

@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
* TPI programmer for ATtiny4/5/9/10/20/40
* Make the connections as shown below.
* To use:
***** Buad rate must be set to 9600 ****
* - Upload to arduino and power off
* - Connect ATtiny10 as shown
* - Power on and open the serial monitor
* - If things are working so far you should
* see "NVM enabled" and "ATtiny10/20/40 connected".
* - Input one-letter commands via serial monitor:
* D = dump memory. Displays all current memory
* on the chip
* E = erase chip. Erases all program memory
* automatically done at time of programming
* P = write program. After sending this, paste
* the program from the hex file into the
* serial monitor.
* S = set fuse. follow the instructions to set
* one of the three fuses.
* C = clear fuse. follow the instructions to clear
* one of the three fuses.
* L = Set Lock Bits No further programming & verification
* possible
* H = Toggle High Voltage Programming
* T = Toggle +12v enabled by High, or Low
* R/r = Quick reset
* - Finally, power off the arduino and remove the
* Attiny10/20/40
* Arduino ATtiny10 *
* ----------+ +---------------- *
* (SS#) 10 |--[R]-----| 6 (RESET#/PB3) *
* | | *
* (MOSI) 11 |--[R]--+--| 1 (TPIDATA/PB0) *
* | | | *
* (MISO) 12 |--[R]--+ | *
* | | *
* (SCK) 13 |--[R]-----| 3 (TPICLK/PB1) *
* ----------+ +---------------- *
* *
* ----------+ +---------------- *
* (HVP) 9 |--- | 6 (RESET#/PB3) *
* | | *
* *
* -[R]- = a 220 - 1K Ohm resistor *
* *
* this picture : 2011/12/08 by pcm1723 *
* modified :2015/02/27 by KD *
* *
* thanks to pcm1723 for tpitest.pde upon which *
* this is based *
Apr 02, 2018:
* Added Lock bit setting to main menu
Jan 23, 2017:
* Thanks to InoueTaichi Fixed incorrect #define Tiny40
Mar 05, 2015:
* Added notifications to setting and clearing the system flags.
Feb 23, 2015:
* Changed the programmer Diagram, This is the config I use, and get a sucessful programming of a tiny10 at 9600 baud.
Mar 22, 2014:
* Added the quick reset to high before resetting the device.
* Added code to stop the SPI and float the pins for testing the device while connected.
Mar 20, 2014:
* Added a quick reset by sending 'r' or 'R' via the serial monitor.
* Added a High voltage programming option from pin 9, toggled by 'H'
* Added a High/low option for providing 12v to the reset pin, toggled by 'T'
Mar 17, 2014:
* Had some trouble with the nibbles being swapped when programming on the 10 & 20,
added b1,b2 to hold the serial data before calling byteval()
* Added Nat Blundell's patch to the code
Apr 10, 2013:
* Applied Fix for setting and clearing flags
Feb 7, 2013:
* Fixed programming timer, had intitial start at zero instead of current time.
Dec 11, 2012:
* Added detect and programming for 4/5/9
Dec 5-6, 2012:
* Incorperated read, and verify into program. Now have no program size limitation by using 328p.
* Changed the outHex routines consolidated them into 1, number to be printed, and number of nibbles
* Added a type check to distinguish between Tiny10/20/40
* Added an auto word size check to ensure that there is the proper amount of words written for a 10/20/40
* Removed Read program, Verify, and Finish from options
* Changed baud rate to 19200 for delay from data written to the chip, to prevent serial buffer overrun.
Oct 5, 2012:
*** Noticed that when programming, the verification fails
at times by last 1-2 bytes programmed, and the Tiny would act erratic.
Quick fix was adding 3 NOP's to the end the Tiny's code, and ignoring the errors, the Tiny then performed as expected.
Oct 4, 2012:
* Moved all Serial printed strings to program space
* Added code to detect Tiny20
#include <SPI.h>
#include "pins_arduino.h"
// define the instruction set bytes
#define SLD 0x20
#define SLDp 0x24
#define SST 0x60
#define SSTp 0x64
#define SSTPRH 0x69
#define SSTPRL 0x68
// see functions below ////////////////////////////////
// SIN 0b0aa1aaaa replace a with 6 address bits
// SOUT 0b1aa1aaaa replace a with 6 address bits
// SLDCS 0b1000aaaa replace a with address bits
// SSTCS 0b1100aaaa replace a with address bits
#define SKEY 0xE0
#define NVM_PROGRAM_ENABLE 0x1289AB45CDD888FFULL // the ULL means unsigned long long
#define NVMCMD 0x33
#define NVMCSR 0x32
#define NVM_NOP 0x00
#define NVM_CHIP_ERASE 0x10
#define NVM_SECTION_ERASE 0x14
#define NVM_WORD_WRITE 0x1D
#define HVReset 9
#define Tiny4_5 10
#define Tiny9 1
#define Tiny10 1
#define Tiny20 2
#define Tiny40 4
#define TimeOut 1
#define HexError 2
#define TooLarge 3
// represents the current pointer register value
unsigned short adrs = 0x0000;
// used for storing a program file
uint8_t data[16]; //program data
unsigned int progSize = 0; //program size in bytes
// used for various purposes
long startTime;
int timeout;
uint8_t b, b1, b2, b3;
boolean idChecked;
boolean correct;
char type; // type of chip connected 1 = Tiny10, 2 = Tiny20
char HVP = 0;
char HVON = 0;
void setup(){
// set up serial
Serial.begin(9600); // you cant increase this, it'll overrun the buffer
// set up SPI
/* SPI.begin();
*/ start_tpi();
pinMode(HVReset, OUTPUT);
// initialize memory pointer register
timeout = 20000;
idChecked = false;
} // end setup()
void hvserial()
Serial.println(F("***High Voltage Programming Enabled***"));
Serial.println(F("High Voltage Programming Disabled"));
Serial.print(F("Pin 9 "));
Serial.print(F(" supplies 12v"));
void hvReset(char highLow)
if(HVON) //if high enables 12v
highLow = !highLow; // invert the typical reset
digitalWrite(HVReset, highLow);
digitalWrite(SS, highLow);
void quickReset()
void start_tpi() {
// enter TPI programming mode
// digitalWrite(SS, LOW); // assert RESET on tiny
delay(1); // t_RST min = 400 ns @ Vcc = 5 V
SPI.transfer(0xff); // activate TPI by emitting
SPI.transfer(0xff); // 16 or more pulses on TPICLK
SPI.transfer(0xff); // while holding TPIDATA to "1"
writeCSS(0x02, 0x04); // TPIPCR, guard time = 8bits (default=128)
send_skey(NVM_PROGRAM_ENABLE); // enable NVM interface
// wait for NVM to be enabled
while((readCSS(0x00) & 0x02) < 1){
// wait
Serial.println(F("NVM enabled"));
void setLockBits(){
Serial.print(F("Locking... Are you sure? Y/N"));
while(Serial.available() < 1);
char yn =;
if(yn == 'n' || yn == 'N')
while((readIO(NVMCSR) & (1<<7)) != 0x00);
void loop(){
// start_tpi();
idChecked = true;
// when ready, send ready signal '.' and wait
while(Serial.available() < 1){
// wait
// the first byte is a command
//** 'P' = program the ATtiny using the read program
//** 'D' = dump memory to serial monitor
//** 'E' = erase chip. erases current program memory.(done automatically by 'P')
//** 'S' = set fuse
//** 'C' = clear fuse
//** 'L' = Set Lock Bits
char comnd = Sread();
switch( comnd ){
case 'r':
case 'D':
case 'H':
case 'T':
case 'P':
startTime = millis();
while(millis()-startTime < 8000);// if exited due to error, disregard all other serial data
case 'E':
case 'S':
case 'C':
case 'L':
Serial.println(F("Received unknown command"));
void ERROR_pgmSize(void)
Serial.println(F("program size is 0??"));
void ERROR_data(char i)
Serial.println(F("couldn't receive data:"));
case TimeOut:
Serial.println(F("timed out"));
case HexError:
Serial.println(F("hex file format error"));
case TooLarge:
Serial.println(F("program is too large"));
// print the register, SRAM, config and signature memory
void dumpMemory(){
unsigned int len;
uint8_t i;
// initialize memory pointer register
Serial.println(F("Current memory state:"));
if(type != Tiny4_5)
len = 0x400 * type; //the memory length for a 10/20/40 is 1024/2048/4096
len = 0x200; //tiny 4/5 has 512 bytes
len += 0x4000;
while(adrs < len){
// read the byte at the current pointer address
// and increment address
b = tpi_receive_byte(); // get data byte
// read all the memory, but only print
// the register, SRAM, config and signature memory
if ((0x0000 <= adrs && adrs <= 0x005F) // register/SRAM
|(0x3F00 <= adrs && adrs <= 0x3F01) // NVM lock bits
|(0x3F40 <= adrs && adrs <= 0x3F41) // config
|(0x3F80 <= adrs && adrs <= 0x3F81) // calibration
|(0x3FC0 <= adrs && adrs <= 0x3FC3) // ID
|(0x4000 <= adrs && adrs <= len-1) ) { // program
// print +number along the top
if ((0x00 == adrs)
|(0x3f00 == adrs) // NVM lock bits
|(0x3F40 == adrs) // config
|(0x3F80 == adrs) // calibration
|(0x3FC0 == adrs) // ID
|(0x4000 == adrs) ) {
if(adrs == 0x0000){ Serial.print(F("registers, SRAM")); }
if(adrs == 0x3F00){ Serial.print(F("NVM lock")); }
if(adrs == 0x3F40){ Serial.print(F("configuration")); }
if(adrs == 0x3F80){ Serial.print(F("calibration")); }
if(adrs == 0x3FC0){ Serial.print(F("device ID")); }
if(adrs == 0x4000){ Serial.print(F("program")); }
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Serial.print(F(" "));
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
Serial.print(F(" +"));
Serial.print(i, HEX);
// print number on the left
if (0 == (0x000f & adrs)) {
outHex(adrs, 4);
Serial.print(F(": ")); // delimiter
outHex(b, 2);
Serial.print(F(" "));
adrs++; // increment memory address
if(adrs == 0x0060){
// skip reserved memory
Serial.println(F(" "));
} // end dumpMemory()
// receive and translate the contents of a hex file, Program and verify on the fly
boolean writeProgram(){
char datlength[] = "00";
char addr[] = "0000";
char something[] = "00";
char chksm[] = "00";
unsigned int currentByte = 0;
progSize = 0;
uint8_t linelength = 0;
boolean fileEnd = false;
unsigned short tadrs;
tadrs = adrs = 0x4000;
correct = true;
unsigned long pgmStartTime = millis();
eraseChip(); // erase chip
char words = (type!=Tiny4_5?type:1);
char b1, b2;
// read in the data and
startTime = millis();
while(Serial.available() < 1){
if(millis()-startTime > timeout){
return false;
if(pgmStartTime == 0)
pgmStartTime = millis();
if(Sread() != ':'){ // maybe it was a newline??
if(Sread() != ':'){
return false;
// read data length
datlength[0] = Sread();
datlength[1] = Sread();
linelength = byteval(datlength[0], datlength[1]);
// read address. if "0000" currentByte = 0
addr[0] = Sread();
addr[1] = Sread();
addr[2] = Sread();
addr[3] = Sread();
if(linelength != 0x00 && addr[0]=='0' && addr[1]=='0' && addr[2]=='0' && addr[3]=='0')
currentByte = 0;
// read type thingy. "01" means end of file
something[0] = Sread();
something[1] = Sread();
if(something[1] == '1'){
fileEnd = true;
if(something[1] == '2'){
for (int i = 0; i<=linelength; i++){
// read in the data
for(int k=0; k<linelength; k++){
while(Serial.available() < 1){
if(millis()-startTime > timeout){
return false;
data[currentByte] = byteval(b1, b2);
if(progSize > (type!=Tiny4_5?type*1024:512)){
return 0;
if(fileEnd) //has the end of the file been reached?
while(currentByte < 2 * words){// append zeros to align the word count to program
data[currentByte] = 0;
if( currentByte == 2 * words ){// is the word/Dword/Qword here?
currentByte = 0; // yes, reset counter
setPointer(tadrs); // point to the address to program
for(int i = 0; i<2 * words; i+=2){// loop for each word size depending on micro
// now write a word to program memory
tpi_send_byte(data[i]); // LSB first
tpi_send_byte(data[i+1]); // then MSB
SPI.transfer(0xff); //send idle between words
SPI.transfer(0xff); //send idle between words
while((readIO(NVMCSR) & (1<<7)) != 0x00){} // wait for write to finish
//verify written words
for (int c = 0; c < 2 * words; c++){
b = tpi_receive_byte(); // get data byte
if(b != data[c]){
correct = false;
Serial.println(F("program error:"));
Serial.print(F("byte "));
outHex(adrs, 4);
Serial.print(F(" expected "));
Serial.print(F(" read "));
return false;
tadrs += 2 * words;
// read in the checksum.
startTime = millis();
while(Serial.available() == 0){
if(millis()-startTime > timeout){
return false;
chksm[0] = Sread();
chksm[1] = Sread();
// the program was successfully written
Serial.print(F("Successfully wrote program: "));
Serial.print(progSize, DEC);
Serial.print(F(" of "));
if(type != Tiny4_5)
Serial.print(1024 * type, DEC);
Serial.print(512, DEC);
Serial.print(F(" bytes\n in "));
Serial.print(F(" Seconds"));
// digitalWrite(SS, HIGH); // release RESET
return true;
void eraseChip(){
// initialize memory pointer register
setPointer(0x4001); // need the +1 for chip erase
// erase the chip
while((readIO(NVMCSR) & (1<<7)) != 0x00){
// wait for erasing to finish
Serial.println(F("chip erased"));
void setConfig(boolean val){
// get current config byte
b = tpi_receive_byte();
Serial.println(F("input one of these letters"));
Serial.println(F("c = system clock output"));
Serial.println(F("w = watchdog timer on"));
Serial.println(F("r = disable reset"));
Serial.println(F("x = cancel. don't change anything"));
while(Serial.available() < 1){
// wait
char comnd =;
if(comnd == 'c'){
tpi_send_byte(b & 0b11111011);
tpi_send_byte(b | 0x04);
}else if(comnd == 'w'){
tpi_send_byte(b & 0b11111101);
tpi_send_byte(b | 0x02);
}else if(comnd == 'r'){
tpi_send_byte(b & 0b11111110);
tpi_send_byte(b | 0x01);
}else if(comnd == 'x'){
// do nothing
Serial.println(F("received unknown command. Cancelling"));
while((readIO(NVMCSR) & (1<<7)) != 0x00){
// wait for write to finish
if(comnd != 'x'){
Serial.print(F("\n\nSuccessfully "));
Serial.print(F("Set "));
Serial.print(F("Cleared "));
if(comnd == 'w')
else if(comnd == 'c')
Serial.print(F("Clock Output"));
else if(comnd == 'r')
Serial.println(F("\" Flag\n"));
void finish(){
writeCSS(0x00, 0x00);
// digitalWrite(SS, HIGH); // release RESET
delay(1); // t_RST min = 400 ns @ Vcc = 5 V
DDRB &= 0b11000011; //tri-state spi so target can be tested
PORTB &= 0b11000011;
void checkID(){
// check the device ID
uint8_t id1, id2, id3;
id1 = tpi_receive_byte();
id2 = tpi_receive_byte();
id3 = tpi_receive_byte();
if(id1==0x1E && id2==0x8F && id3==0x0A){
type = Tiny4_5;
}else if(id1==0x1E && id2==0x8F && id3==0x09){
type = Tiny4_5;
}else if(id1==0x1E && id2==0x90 && id3==0x08){
type = Tiny9;
}else if(id1==0x1E && id2==0x90 && id3==0x03){
type = Tiny10;
}else if(id1==0x1E && id2==0x91 && id3==0x0f){
type = Tiny20;
}else if(id1==0x1E && id2==0x92 && id3==0x0e){
type = Tiny40;
Serial.print(F("Unknown chip"));
Serial.println(F(" connected"));
* send a byte in one TPI frame (12 bits)
* (1 start + 8 data + 1 parity + 2 stop)
* using 2 SPI data bytes (2 x 8 = 16 clocks)
* (with 4 extra idle bits)
void tpi_send_byte( uint8_t data ){
// compute partiy bit
uint8_t par = data;
par ^= (par >> 4); // b[7:4] (+) b[3:0]
par ^= (par >> 2); // b[3:2] (+) b[1:0]
par ^= (par >> 1); // b[1] (+) b[0]
// REMEMBER: this is in LSBfirst mode and idle is high
// (2 idle) + (1 start bit) + (data[4:0])
SPI.transfer(0x03 | (data << 3));
// (data[7:5]) + (1 parity) + (2 stop bits) + (2 idle)
SPI.transfer(0xf0 | (par << 3) | (data >> 5));
} // end tpi_send_byte()
* receive TPI 12-bit format byte data
* via SPI 2 bytes (16 clocks) or 3 bytes (24 clocks)
uint8_t tpi_receive_byte( void ){
//uint8_t b1, b2, b3;
// keep transmitting high(idle) while waiting for a start bit
do {
b1 = SPI.transfer(0xff);
} while (0xff == b1);
// get (partial) data bits
b2 = SPI.transfer(0xff);
// if the first byte(b1) contains less than 4 data bits
// we need to get a third byte to get the parity and stop bits
if (0x0f == (0x0f & b1)) {
b3 = SPI.transfer(0xff);
// now shift the bits into the right positions
// b1 should hold only idle and start bits = 0b01111111
while (0x7f != b1) { // data not aligned
b2 <<= 1; // shift left data bits
if (0x80 & b1) { // carry from 1st byte
b2 |= 1; // set bit
b1 <<= 1;
b1 |= 0x01; // fill with idle bit (1)
// now the data byte is stored in b2
return( b2 );
} // end tpi_receive_byte()
// send the 64 bit NVM key
void send_skey(uint64_t nvm_key){
tpi_send_byte(nvm_key & 0xFF);
nvm_key >>= 8;
} // end send_skey()
// sets the pointer address
void setPointer(unsigned short address){
adrs = address;
tpi_send_byte(address & 0xff);
tpi_send_byte((address>>8) & 0xff);
// writes using SOUT
void writeIO(uint8_t address, uint8_t value){
// SOUT 0b1aa1aaaa replace a with 6 address bits
tpi_send_byte(0x90 | (address & 0x0F) | ((address & 0x30) << 1));
// reads using SIN
uint8_t readIO(uint8_t address){
// SIN 0b0aa1aaaa replace a with 6 address bits
tpi_send_byte(0x10 | (address & 0x0F) | ((address & 0x30) << 1));
return tpi_receive_byte();
// writes to CSS
void writeCSS(uint8_t address, uint8_t value){
tpi_send_byte(0xC0 | address);
// reads from CSS
uint8_t readCSS(uint8_t address){
tpi_send_byte(0x80 | address);
return tpi_receive_byte();
// converts two chars to one byte
// c1 is MS, c2 is LS
uint8_t byteval(char c1, char c2){
uint8_t by;
if(c1 <= '9'){
by = c1-'0';
by = c1-'A'+10;
by = by << 4;
if(c2 <= '9'){
by += c2-'0';
by += c2-'A'+10;
return by;
char Sread(void){
void outHex(unsigned int n, char l){ // call with the number to be printed, and # of nibbles expected.
for(char count = l-1; count > 0;count--){ // quick and dirty to add zeros to the hex value
if(((n >> (count*4)) & 0x0f) == 0) // if MSB is 0
Serial.print(F("0")); //prepend a 0
break; //exit the for loop
Serial.print(n, HEX);
// end of file

Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/resources/Atmel-8127-AVR-8-bit-Microcontroller-ATtiny4-ATtiny5-ATtiny9-ATtiny10_Datasheet.pdf View File

+ 1047
- 0
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 73
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Attiny_Solar_Energy_Harvest/resources/tinyblink.asm View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
; tinyblink
; Blinks an LED on pin 4 (PB2)
.DEVICE ATtiny10
; variables
.EQU delayMult1 = 0xff ; the delay is delay3*delaymult2*delaymult1
.EQU delayMult2 = 0xff
.EQU delayMult3 = 0x0f
.CSEG ; code section
.ORG $0000 ; the starting address
; set up the stack
ldi r16, high(RAMEND)
out SPH, r16
ldi r16, low(RAMEND)
out SPL, r16
; set clock divider
ldi r16, 0x00 ; clock divided by 1
ldi r17, 0xD8 ; the key for CCP
out CCP, r17 ; Configuration Change Protection, allows protected changes
out CLKPSR, r16 ; sets the clock divider
; initialize port
ldi r16, 1<<PB2 ; sets pin 4 (PB2) to putput
out DDRB, r16 ; data direction
ldi r16, 0x00 ; sets all pins low
out PORTB, r16
; nop for sync
; turn on and delay
ldi r16, (1<<PB2)
out PORTB, r16
rcall delay
; turn off and delay
ldi r16, 0x00
out PORTB, r16
rcall delay
rjmp loop
; not really needed, but keep r16-r18
push r16
push r17
push r18
ldi r16, delayMult1
ldi r17, delayMult2
ldi r18, delayMult3
; start delay loop
subi r16, 1 ; subtract 1
sbci r17, 0 ; if r16 was 0, subtract 1
sbci r18, 0 ; if r17 was 0, subtract 1
brne delayLoop ; while r18 is not 0, loop
; end delay loop
pop r17
pop r16
pop r18

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