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eginners/simple- | |||||
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\OT1/cmr/m/n/10.95 triangle-wave-from-a-square-wave-using-a-lm324n-op-amp) and | |||||
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\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\tableofcontents | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{Overview}} | |||||
Client wants a door alarm. Let's do a few transistors, an audio amplifier board, a magnet and magnetic reed switch, along with a light switch. | |||||
Functionality req'd: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Makes noise when door opened. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Able to be shut off with light switch. | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{BOM}} | |||||
Any audio amplifier loud enough will work. I'm going to use this one: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
IS31AP4088A-QFLS2-EB | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
I think I have speakers and transistors. I'll need a magnetic reed switch and magnet. They should be black, as the door is black. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
MS-324-3-3-0500 | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
let's also try 59140-1-S-03-A,\footnote{A and F ending letters on this, A is tinned, F untinned leads} as first co. doesn't make the matched magnets... | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
and the magnet, | |||||
57140-000 | |||||
A speaker, although I have plenty in my junk bin. | |||||
AS07708PS-2-WR-R | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
That's a start. | |||||
\section{Work Log: LM324, LM555, TIP120,125} | |||||
I spent a bit on this during the evening. I tried first with a LM324, in falstad (sim software) to see if I could make a function gen, out of 3 op amps. I was unable to get the sim to work, although reportedly the circuit works online (ref: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/beginners/simple-analog-function-generator-design/msg1174548/\#msg1174548) | |||||
I decided instead, to simulate a triple 5 with a LM324, to finally a transistor output, and this worked in sim. I breadboarded the circuit however, the output was not switching correctly. It turned out later, that I had not read my TIP125 close enough - that was the PNP Q. | |||||
Before realizing this error, I breadboarded two op amps, (ref: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/311648/obtaining-a-triangle-wave-from-a-square-wave-using-a-lm324n-op-amp) and these were able to make the square / triangle wave without issue. | |||||
\end{document} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ | |||||
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\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\tableofcontents | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{Overview}} | |||||
Client wants a door alarm. Let's do a few transistors, an audio amplifier board, a magnet and magnetic reed switch, along with a light switch. | |||||
Functionality req'd: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Makes noise when door opened. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Able to be shut off with light switch. | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{BOM}} | |||||
Any audio amplifier loud enough will work. I'm going to use this one: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
IS31AP4088A-QFLS2-EB | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
I think I have speakers and transistors. I'll need a magnetic reed switch and magnet. They should be black, as the door is black. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
MS-324-3-3-0500 | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
let's also try 59140-1-S-03-A,\footnote{A and F ending letters on this, A is tinned, F untinned leads} as first co. doesn't make the matched magnets... | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
and the magnet, | |||||
57140-000 | |||||
A speaker, although I have plenty in my junk bin. | |||||
AS07708PS-2-WR-R | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
That's a start. | |||||
\section{Work Log: LM324, LM555, TIP120,125} | |||||
I spent a bit on this during the evening. I tried first with a LM324, in falstad (sim software) to see if I could make a function gen, out of 3 op amps. I was unable to get the sim to work, although reportedly the circuit works online (ref: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/beginners/simple-analog-function-generator-design/msg1174548/#msg1174548) | |||||
I decided instead, to simulate a triple 5 with a LM324, to finally a transistor output, and this worked in sim. I breadboarded the circuit however, the | |||||
\end{document} | |||||
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\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}BOM}{1} | |||||
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\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\tableofcontents | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{Overview}} | |||||
Client wants a door alarm. Let's do a few transistors, an audio amplifier board, a magnet and magnetic reed switch, along with a light switch. | |||||
Functionality req'd: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Makes noise when door opened. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Able to be shut off with light switch. | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{BOM}} | |||||
Any audio amplifier loud enough will work. I'm going to use this one: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
IS31AP4088A-QFLS2-EB | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
I think I have speakers and transistors. I'll need a magnetic reed switch and magnet. They should be black, as the door is black. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
MS-324-3-3-0500 | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
let's also try 59140-1-S-03-A,\footnote{A and F ending letters on this, A is tinned, F untinned leads} as first co. doesn't make the matched magnets... | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
and the magnet, | |||||
57140-000 | |||||
A speaker, although I have plenty in my junk bin. | |||||
AS07708PS-2-WR-R | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
That's a start. | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{Work Log: LM324, LM555, TIP120,125}} | |||||
I spent a bit on this during the evening. I tried first with a LM324, in falstad (sim software) to see if I could make a function gen, out of 3 op amps. I was unable to get the sim to work, although reportedly the circuit works online (ref: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/beginners/simple-analog-function-generator-design/msg1174548/\#msg1174548) | |||||
I decided instead, to simulate a triple 5 with a LM324, to finally a transistor output, and this worked in sim. I breadboarded the circuit however, the output was not switching correctly. It turned out later, that I had not read my TIP125 close enough - it is a PNP. Oops. | |||||
Before realizing this error, I breadboarded two op amps, (ref: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/311648/obtaining-a-triangle-wave-from-a-square-wave-using-a-lm324n-op-amp) and these were able to make the square / triangle wave without issue. Not practical in this situation however, as the freq. is low. I tried adjusting via the R between output 1 and inverting input for op amp 2, but this did not work as expected. I had long leads with a variable resistance box. Most likely, the issue. | |||||
Next, I will breadboard the triple 5 with the LM324 (which may be optional) and use that. I will throw in an Arduino to switch the triple 5 on/off via the RST pin. This will allow for some adjustment of tone.\footnote{I could just use the tone() function on the Uno, and have a transistor handle the output, but the goal of this project was to lean more towards the analog.} Future improvements would be to get some way of removing the Arduino from the project. I would need a solution that will adjust how often the RST pin is switched, for some short period of time while the door magnet switch is active. | |||||
\end{document} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ | |||||
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\geometry{papersize={6in,9in},total={4.5in,6.8in}} | |||||
\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\tableofcontents | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{Overview}} | |||||
Client wants a door alarm. Let's do a few transistors, an audio amplifier board, a magnet and magnetic reed switch, along with a light switch. | |||||
Functionality req'd: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Makes noise when door opened. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Able to be shut off with light switch. | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{BOM}} | |||||
Any audio amplifier loud enough will work. I'm going to use this one: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
IS31AP4088A-QFLS2-EB | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
I think I have speakers and transistors. I'll need a magnetic reed switch and magnet. They should be black, as the door is black. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
MS-324-3-3-0500 | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
let's also try 59140-1-S-03-A,\footnote{A and F ending letters on this, A is tinned, F untinned leads} as first co. doesn't make the matched magnets... | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
and the magnet, | |||||
57140-000 | |||||
A speaker, although I have plenty in my junk bin. | |||||
AS07708PS-2-WR-R | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
That's a start. | |||||
\section{Work Log: LM324, LM555, TIP120,125} | |||||
I spent a bit on this during the evening. I tried first with a LM324, in falstad (sim software) to see if I could make a function gen, out of 3 op amps. I was unable to get the sim to work, although reportedly the circuit works online (ref: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/beginners/simple-analog-function-generator-design/msg1174548/\#msg1174548) | |||||
I decided instead, to simulate a triple 5 with a LM324, to finally a transistor output, and this worked in sim. I breadboarded the circuit however, the output was not switching correctly. It turned out later, that I had not read my TIP125 close enough - that was the PNP Q. | |||||
Before realizing this error, I breadboarded two op amps, (ref: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/311648/obtaining-a-triangle-wave-from-a-square-wave-using-a-lm324n-op-amp) and these were able to make the square / triangle wave without issue. Not practical in this situation however, as the freq. is low. | |||||
Next, I will breadboard the triple 5 with the LM324 (which may be optional) and use that. I may throw in an Arduino to switch the triple 5 on/off via the RST pin. This will allow for some adjustment of tone.\footnote{I could just use the tone() function on the Uno, and have a transistor handle the output, but the goal of this project was to lean more towards the analog.} Future improvements would be to get some way of removing the Arduino from the project, and keeping it analog. | |||||
\end{document} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ | |||||
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\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}BOM}{1} | |||||
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Work Log: LM324, LM555, TIP120,125}{2} |
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\title{\textbf{Door Alarm}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\tableofcontents | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{Overview}} | |||||
Client wants a door alarm. Let's do a few transistors, an audio amplifier board, a magnet and magnetic reed switch, along with a light switch. | |||||
Functionality req'd: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Makes noise when door opened. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
Able to be shut off with light switch. | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{BOM}} | |||||
Any audio amplifier loud enough will work. I'm going to use this one: | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
IS31AP4088A-QFLS2-EB | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
I think I have speakers and transistors. I'll need a magnetic reed switch and magnet. They should be black, as the door is black. | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
MS-324-3-3-0500 | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
let's also try 59140-1-S-03-A,\footnote{A and F ending letters on this, A is tinned, F untinned leads} as first co. doesn't make the matched magnets... | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
and the magnet, | |||||
57140-000 | |||||
A speaker, although I have plenty in my junk bin. | |||||
AS07708PS-2-WR-R | |||||
\\ | |||||
\\ | |||||
That's a start. | |||||
\textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{ | |||||
\section{Work Log: LM324, LM555, TIP120,125}} | |||||
I spent a bit on this during the evening. I tried first with a LM324, in falstad (sim software) to see if I could make a function gen, out of 3 op amps. I was unable to get the sim to work, although reportedly the circuit works online (ref: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/beginners/simple-analog-function-generator-design/msg1174548/\#msg1174548) | |||||
I decided instead, to simulate a triple 5 with a LM324, to finally a transistor output, and this worked in sim. I breadboarded the circuit however, the output was not switching correctly. It turned out later, that I had not read my TIP125 close enough - it is a PNP. Oops. | |||||
Before realizing this error, I breadboarded two op amps, (ref: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/311648/obtaining-a-triangle-wave-from-a-square-wave-using-a-lm324n-op-amp) and these were able to make the square / triangle wave without issue. Not practical in this situation however, as the freq. is low. I tried adjusting via the R between output 1 and inverting input for op amp 2, but this did not work as expected. I had long leads with a variable resistance box. Most likely, the issue. | |||||
Next, I will breadboard the triple 5 with the LM324 (which may be optional) and use that. I will throw in an Arduino to switch the triple 5 on/off via the RST pin. This will allow for some adjustment of tone.\footnote{I could just use the tone() function on the Uno, and have a transistor handle the output, but the goal of this project was to lean more towards the analog.} Future improvements would be to get some way of removing the Arduino from the project. I would need a solution that will adjust how often the RST pin is switched, for some short period of time while the door magnet switch is active. | |||||
\end{document} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ | |||||
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Overview}{1} | |||||
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}BOM}{1} | |||||
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Work Log: LM324, LM555, TIP120,125}{2} |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ | |||||
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ | |||||
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w 208 256 240 256 0 | |||||
w 240 256 240 176 0 | |||||
w 240 176 272 176 0 | |||||
L 208 224 208 160 0 1 false 5.0 0.0 | |||||
r 48 160 48 224 0 10000.0 | |||||
r 48 224 48 288 0 10000.0 | |||||
c 48 320 48 384 0 3.0000000000000004E-7 5.03269174422614 | |||||
g 48 384 48 416 0 | |||||
s 176 32 208 32 0 1 false | |||||
c 320 32 320 80 0 9.999999999999999E-6 12.208120069465151 | |||||
g 320 80 320 112 0 | |||||
w 320 32 208 32 0 | |||||
w 320 32 512 32 0 | |||||
o 11 64 0 35 20.0 3.2 0 -1 | |||||
o 20 64 0 35 20.0 3.2 1 -1 |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ | |||||
i messed up, and basic functiongen2 didn't save right. | |||||
reminder: export, NOT export link. | |||||
check ascii file after to make sure it's correct. | |||||
it didn't work anyways. |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ | |||||
$ 1 5.0E-6 10.20027730826997 57 5.0 50 | |||||
v 160 272 160 128 0 1 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 | |||||
g 160 272 160 320 0 | |||||
w 256 224 256 272 0 | |||||
a 256 208 384 208 1 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0 | |||||
w 160 128 256 128 0 | |||||
w 256 128 256 192 0 | |||||
w 256 272 384 272 0 | |||||
v 64 48 192 48 0 0 40.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 | |||||
g 64 48 64 112 0 | |||||
r 592 272 592 368 0 8.0 | |||||
g 592 368 592 416 0 | |||||
g 352 352 352 384 0 | |||||
t 416 176 496 176 0 1 -6.305501342875479 0.7363797772798666 100.0 | |||||
t 464 240 496 240 0 -1 17.69449865712452 0.7363797772798666 100.0 | |||||
w 464 240 416 240 0 | |||||
w 496 160 496 48 0 | |||||
R 496 256 496 336 0 0 40.0 -12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 | |||||
w 592 208 592 272 0 | |||||
w 592 272 384 272 0 | |||||
w 416 176 416 208 0 | |||||
w 416 208 416 240 0 | |||||
w 416 208 384 208 0 | |||||
w 496 192 496 208 0 | |||||
w 496 208 496 224 0 | |||||
w 496 208 592 208 0 | |||||
w 496 48 192 48 0 | |||||
o 0 64 0 35 9.353610478917778 9.765625E-55 0 -1 | |||||
o 9 64 1 35 5.0 9.765625E-5 1 -1 |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ | |||||
$ 1 5.0E-6 1.3804574186067096 42 5.0 50 | |||||
v 160 272 160 128 0 1 400.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 | |||||
g 160 272 160 320 0 | |||||
w 256 224 256 272 0 | |||||
a 256 208 384 208 1 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0 | |||||
w 160 128 256 128 0 | |||||
w 256 128 256 192 0 | |||||
w 256 272 384 272 0 | |||||
v 64 48 192 48 0 0 40.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 | |||||
g 64 48 64 112 0 | |||||
r 592 272 592 368 0 8.0 | |||||
g 592 368 592 416 0 | |||||
g 352 352 352 384 0 | |||||
t 416 176 496 176 0 1 -15.897752302605253 -0.7252173899753416 100.0 | |||||
t 464 240 496 240 0 -1 8.102247697394747 -0.7252173899753416 100.0 | |||||
w 464 240 416 240 0 | |||||
w 496 160 496 48 0 | |||||
R 496 256 496 336 0 0 40.0 -12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 | |||||
w 592 208 592 272 0 | |||||
w 592 272 384 272 0 | |||||
w 416 176 416 208 0 | |||||
w 416 208 416 240 0 | |||||
w 416 208 384 208 0 | |||||
w 496 192 496 208 0 | |||||
w 496 208 496 224 0 | |||||
w 496 208 592 208 0 | |||||
w 496 48 192 48 0 | |||||
o 0 64 0 35 9.353610478917778 9.765625E-55 0 -1 | |||||
o 9 32 1 35 5.0 9.765625E-5 1 -1 |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ | |||||
$ 1 5.0E-6 10.634267539816555 50 5.0 50 | |||||
a 208 96 288 96 0 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0 | |||||
a 320 112 400 112 0 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0 | |||||
a 96 80 176 80 0 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0 | |||||
g 48 64 48 80 0 | |||||
g 80 176 80 192 0 | |||||
g 208 192 208 208 0 | |||||
g 320 208 320 224 0 | |||||
r 208 192 208 144 0 100.0 | |||||
r 176 80 208 80 0 100.0 | |||||
r 288 96 320 96 0 100.0 | |||||
r 320 208 320 128 0 100.0 | |||||
w 208 144 208 112 0 | |||||
r 80 176 80 160 0 100.0 | |||||
w 80 96 96 96 0 | |||||
w 80 160 80 144 0 | |||||
w 80 144 80 96 0 | |||||
w 80 144 112 144 0 | |||||
r 112 144 128 144 0 100.0 | |||||
r 112 16 128 16 0 100.0 | |||||
r 224 16 240 16 0 100.0 | |||||
r 352 16 368 16 0 100.0 | |||||
c 48 64 96 64 0 1.0E-5 0.0 | |||||
c 352 48 368 48 0 1.0E-5 0.0 | |||||
c 224 48 240 48 0 1.0E-5 0.0 |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ | |||||
http://www.falstad.com/circuit/#%24+1+5.0E-6+38.696464541249114+55+5.0+50%0Aa+208+144+288+144+0+15.0+-15.0+1000000.0%0Aa+320+160+400+160+0+15.0+-15.0+1000000.0%0Aa+96+128+176+128+0+15.0+-15.0+1000000.0%0Ag+48+112+48+128+0%0Ag+80+224+80+240+0%0Ag+208+240+208+256+0%0Ag+320+256+320+272+0%0Ar+208+240+208+192+0+10000.0%0Ar+176+128+208+128+0+10000.0%0Ar+288+144+320+144+0+100000.0%0Ar+320+256+320+176+0+100000.0%0Aw+208+192+208+160+0%0Ar+80+224+80+208+0+22000.0%0Aw+80+144+96+144+0%0Aw+80+208+80+192+0%0Aw+80+192+80+144+0%0Aw+80+192+112+192+0%0Ar+112+192+128+192+0+100000.0%0Ar+112+64+128+64+0+50000.0%0Ar+224+64+240+64+0+100000.0%0Ar+352+64+368+64+0+220000.0%0Ac+48+112+96+112+0+1.0E-6+2.2214956916676303%0Ac+352+96+368+96+0+1.0E-8+2.8347418339345163%0Ac+224+96+240+96+0+3.3000000000000004E-8+25.285019118391276%0Aw+128+192+176+192+0%0Aw+176+192+176+128+0%0Aw+176+128+176+64+0%0Aw+176+64+128+64+0%0Aw+112+64+96+64+0%0Aw+96+64+96+112+0%0Aw+208+128+208+96+0%0Aw+208+96+224+96+0%0Aw+208+96+208+64+0%0Aw+208+64+224+64+0%0Aw+240+64+288+64+0%0Aw+240+96+288+96+0%0Aw+288+64+288+96+0%0Aw+288+96+288+144+0%0Aw+320+144+320+96+0%0Aw+320+96+320+64+0%0Aw+320+64+352+64+0%0Aw+320+96+352+96+0%0Aw+368+96+400+96+0%0Aw+368+64+400+64+0%0Aw+400+64+400+96+0%0Aw+400+96+400+160+0%0Aw+400+160+416+160+0%0Ao+46+64+0+35+20.0+9.765625E-5+0+-1%0Ao+25+64+0+35+20.0+7.8125E-4+1+-1%0Ao+38+64+0+35+10.0+7.8125E-4+2+-1%0Ao+30+64+0+35+20.0+0.003125+3+-1%0A |