- \documentclass[11pt]{article}
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- \title{\textbf{UserSpace IO via uLisp and Arduino Uno}}
- \author{Steak Electronics}
- \date{}
- \begin{document}
- \maketitle
- %\tableofcontents
- \textcolor{green!60!blue!70}{
- \section{UserSpace IO via uLisp and Arduino Uno}}
- Overview: Goal is to get an easy way to echo "command" \textgreater
- /dev/ARDUINO from GnuLinux userspace.
- Then I can 3D print a box, throw some LEDs in there, and get a hardware interface for anything from my distro.
- \\
- \subsection{Setup}
- First off, I installed the stable uLisp from ulisp.com (AVR version 3.4 in 2020/12). \footnote{It's a sketch. It installs from Arduino IDE (must be reasonably recent, so 1.8 from Arduino.com works, but not Beowulf/Buster's 1.0 Arduino).}
- \subsubsection{Trouble with interfacing directly to
- ttyACM0} The Arduino Uno uses an FTDI USB to Serial chip. It also has more than just RX/TX connected (I think). This means
- that when you echo "something" to arduino, this command will open the serial connection, send the command, then close the command and
- possibly reset the board via one of the UART reset pins (DTS perhaps). This won't work. First thing to do, get an FTDI board, and
- connect it to the computer, the connect it to digital pins 0,1 (for UART). Then test sending a command. This works. This will be the
- final setup. Computer -\textgreater FTDI -\textgreater Arduino.
- It should be possible to get it to work without the FTDI chip, but not without some debugging. Have at it, if you wish. I don't have
- time to troubleshoot this now. I tried a few things (exec 3\textless \textgreater, and the stty) neither worked. You could also use Python, but then that's
- more dependencies. Bad idea. This should be simple.
- Ref:
- https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=61127.0
- https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/16776/how-to-connect-arduino-device-to-linux
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3918032/bash-serial-i-o-and-arduino
- \subsubsection{Troubleshooting Code}
- The first thing you will want to do is prove that you can echo or cat "code" \textgreater /dev/ARDUINO.
- This code works:
- \begin{verbatim}
- (defun b (&optional x)
- (pinmode 13 :output)
- (digitalwrite 13 x)
- (delay 1000)
- (b (not x)))
- (b)
- \end{verbatim}
- Save it as a text file, then cat the file into /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ARDUINO. Problem is, the code runs
- indefinitely. You can't tell it to do anything else. Hit the reset button to restart the Uno back to square one. So instead, you want a
- function that runs and then stops. Here's one of those:
- \begin{verbatim} (defun b ()
- (pinmode 13 :output)
- (digitalwrite 13 nil)
- (delay 500)
- (digitalwrite 13 t)
- (delay 200)
- (digitalwrite 13 nil)
- (delay 500)
- (digitalwrite 13 t)
- (delay 200)
- (digitalwrite 13 nil)
- (delay 500)
- (digitalwrite 13 t)
- (delay 200)
- (digitalwrite 13 nil)
- (delay 500)
- (digitalwrite 13 t)
- (delay 200))
- (b)
- \end{verbatim}
- This works. Save it as a .dat or .txt (whatever) and cat file.txt \textgreater /dev/ARDUINO. It will blink a few times, then
- stop. You can cat it again, if you wish. There, now we have an interface, and we have proven we can switch an IO high/low. With a couple
- of functions, it's trivial to build an interface.\footnote{i.e. have one function set IO high for a given pin. Have one function set IO low.
- Have one function blink IO some amount of times. This can be used for counters or shift registers, or in the former, just controlling GPIO.}
- Tip: When building code, copy and paste into the Arduino Serial Monitor first. This way, if there's an error, it will tell you what's
- wrong. After you've tested the code, then you can put it in a text file. As we are keeping this simple, we don't have logging setup, or
- anything else. This is meant to be for basic IO from user space, not C compiled programs. Think lightweight. Fast. Fun.
- \subsection{An interface for basic GPIO}
- Now, let's build an API/interface so that we can flip some IO, and perhaps increment as mentioned.
- \begin{verbatim}
- let's ask this: what do I want to accomplish?
- answer: I want to be able to flash leds from user space.
- possibly increment a counter, but
- that's later. for now, just flash leds.
- solution: build box / board for uno. connect everything up.
- build initialization program
- (that will enable outputs as high)
- Then find a way to send commands from gnulinux. let's begin.
- 1. build initialization program
- 2. create enclosure, and wire up leds
- 3. run program live from gnuLinux.
- \end{verbatim}
- --
- \end{document}