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#note: some of these are redundant, and
we will just use the defaults (i.e. pinmode pinNum :output)
#but for now, will leave them h
###basic functions to use
#these are arduino ones ofc
#ulisp includes these from arduino:
#millis, for-millis, with-i2c, restart-i2c, with-serial, with-spi,
#with-sd-card, pinmode, digitalread, digitalwrite, analogread,
#analogwrite, delay, note
# (pinmode pinNum :output)
# (digitalwrite pinNum t)
# let's ask this: what do I want to accomplish?
# answer: I want to be able to flash leds from user space. possibly increment a counter, but
# that's later. for now, just flash leds.
# solution: build box / board for uno. connect everything up. build initialization program
# (that will enable outputs as high)
# Then find a way to send commands from gnulinux. let's begin.
(defun timedhiOut (pinNum howLong)
(digitalwrite pinNum t)
(delay howLong)
(digitalwrite pinNum nil))
(defun lowOut (pinNum)
(digitalwrite pinNum nil))