- setup docker for mediawiki
- following official compose.
- wait until it inits (give it a few minutes).
- i use a reverse proxy to access the container.
- if you do, edit hte reverse proxy config:
- login to mediawiki, and go through the steps to configure it.
- check the db, to make sure you have something there...
- I check the users table.
- if the user is in there, the install completed successfully.
- go to the install page again, and you should be able to download localsettings.php
- Troubleshooting:
- my wiki db is empty after setup!
- if your db fails to init, you can always create the db after.
- docker cp mediawiki:/var/www/html/maintenance/tables.sql .
- docker cp tables.sql mediawiki_db:/.
- then init into the db and
- import the sql.
- That tables.sql command will create the db. Note that you will need
- to manually create the user but there is also some scripts in maintenance, as well
- as documentation on mediawiki regarding that. Search online.