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5 years ago
  1. \documentclass[11pt]{article}
  2. %Gummi|065|=)
  3. \title{\textbf{RPI 3 Portable Camera}}
  4. \author{Steak Electronics}
  5. \date{2019}
  6. \begin{document}
  7. %\maketitle
  8. \textbf{RPI 3 Portable Camera Station}
  9. \section{Overview}
  10. Use an RPI3, put in waterproof enclosure, add wifi or mobile cell internet, connect to mains, and have portable recording setup. Just add power.
  11. \section{RPI3 Install}
  12. Fundamentally flawed. First, when I plugged in the RPI, I forgot to plug in the HDMI to the monitor for the first minute. This means I was late, and the HDMI never showed up. This required a hard reboot of the RPI. Flaw 1.
  13. Flaw 2: The default password for most Ubuntu distributions is ubuntu with a blank password. In RPI3 image, it is ubuntu:ubuntu. However, this information is only on the RPI Ubuntu official guide. A readme file in the releases directory would've been better. With these two flaws 5-10 minutes of my life to stupid shit.
  14. \subsection{Steps}
  15. Remove restricted repos. Update the pi. To remove restricted, use a sed. sed 's/restricted//g' input > output. If you are lucky unattended upgrades won't start on you, otherwise you have to wait until it finishes.
  16. \begin{verbatim}
  17. Stop the automatic updater.
  18. sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades
  19. \end{verbatim}
  20. I also required another reboot. Finally, I can update the system.
  21. After all this, I realized that Debian 9 has in ZMRepo (but not in the official Debian repos) support for MP4 encoding. I'm moving to Debian.
  22. EDIT: However, getting an image for Debian 9 is not trivial. It's a bit crazy what they want you to do... Generate image using a script, etc.. Where's just an image? In fact, there's only an image for buster right now. Nope, just nope.
  23. Back to Ubuntu. This device can be obsolete in a year, I don't care. By then, I will have a new image with Debian 9 or 10. I could try the Devuan image which is pre-made, but I am not that bold (or foolish).
  24. \subsubsection{End of Life for 19.04}
  25. EOL is 9 months from release. Not bad. It came out two months ago. Then you can update to 19.10, and then to 20.04. I can live with this.
  26. \end{document}