Articles I've written for customers on IT issues.
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5 years ago
  1. \documentclass[11pt]{article}
  2. %Gummi|065|=)
  3. \title{\textbf{IUE CWA Local 201: Todo List}}
  4. \author{Steak Electronics}
  5. \date{01/25/19}
  6. \begin{document}
  7. \maketitle
  8. \textbf{Todo}
  9. \begin{itemize}
  10. \item Need to backup website
  11. \item Office licenses – purchase one when renewal is up. Renewal is up this date: Feburary 12th - EDIT: on hold. Don't need one now.
  12. \item Add spreadsheet of passwords to docs repo.
  13. \item Rename Sue's computer acct (currently Charlene) to Sue (or move files)
  14. \item Make sure everyone has google drive setup.
  15. \item Call Verizon and find out if phones need to be connected to computer. Some do and some don't. now that verizon responded to me abou tthis, see if what they said was right. They think that the never ring, is due to phone not being registered right. if it is: call them and ask for help. As for phones shutting off when computers off, it shouldn't do that. however, business continuity means if the internet goes down, the phones will redirect to another number. so the phone must be losing internet, when computer shuts off
  16. \item Peachtree for Jossie and also needs a form that makes things easier for state taxes report.
  17. \item Bill Maher phone never rings. Check dashboard. see notes above
  18. \item Google drive on billy holmes machine – WIP, I started this 11/28/18, but need Billy's password for gmail, and computer to setup drive on his machine.
  19. \item email most up to date docs to tom
  20. \item setup camera server, and start recording camera.
  21. \item Add new account to Sue's PC with name - IUECWA-01
  22. \item Update website
  23. \item run camera wiring, and install camera. setup vm server on new machine and run it 24/7
  24. \item discuss replacements for phones
  25. \item bill maher wireless keyboard and mouse not working - Spoke with Bill. On hold. He's purchasing a USB fob, and will wait until he has that. The original fob was lost.
  26. \item Jossie's hdd storage is maxed. Need 2TB hdd for jossie. After that backs up a few times, transfer her 1TB to Kaz.
  27. \item The phones will give an error if you don't dial fast enough. EAP, mentioned this. Need to check with Verizon to see if there's anything they can do on their end.
  28. \item
  29. \end{itemize}
  30. \end{document}