- \documentclass[11pt]{article}
- %Gummi|065|=)
- \title{\textbf{AutoSSH - a Reverse Proxy Alternative}}
- \usepackage{graphicx}
- \usepackage{caption }
- \author{Steak Electronics}
- \date{06/4/19}
- \begin{document}
- %\maketitle
- \textbf{AutoSSH - a Reverse Proxy Alternative}
- \vspace{0.2in}
- This document is best read printed out on paper.
- %\textbf{Todo}
- \section{Overview}
- I recently added another apache server to an existing infrastructure, and I wanted it to be accessible under a similar IP as another server. Due to the complexity of the website, it was not possible to simply do a reverse proxy without knowing the correct settings (e.g. X-Forwarded for). Instead, AutoSSH was used.
- \section{Work Log}
- Ok, I'm going to get right to the configs that I used. You want the tool, you don't need to know all the details.
- \subsection{Crontab}
- Here is the crontab script I used. I put this in /etc/crontab, so it has root after the times. I only use /etc/crontab, as it's easier to manage.
- \begin{verbatim}
- * * * * * root pgrep autossh > /dev/null || \
- /usr/local/bin/autosshzm/autosshzm.sh
- \end{verbatim}
- A few notes about this. Pgrep will search for autossh. If it doesn't find it, then it will try the next command. (|| is an OR). Put the bash script wherever you want.
- \subsection{Bash Script}
- This script is obviously what the crontab calls.
- \begin{verbatim}
- #!/bin/bash
- logger " /usr/local/bin/autosshzm script started."
- #source $HOME/.bash_profile #not needed.
- source $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh
- logger " /usr/local/bin/autosshzm sourced."
- autossh -L -f user@ipaddress sleep 31536000
- &> /var/log/autosshzm/autosshzm.log
- #autossh -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3"
- -L user@ipaddress &>
- /var/log/autosshzm/autosshzm.log
- logger "auto ssh ran"
- \end{verbatim}
- Note that the second autossh does not work, as it's missing the sleep and the -f command. \footnote{Figuring this kind of stuff out can take about an hour.} In order for this to work, you'll also need the following commands:
- \begin{verbatim}
- apt-get install keychain autossh
- \end{verbatim}
- There were some more setup steps required for keychain...
- From stackexchange:
- \begin{verbatim}
- 25
- keychain
- solves this in a painless way. It's in the repos for Debian/Ubuntu:
- sudo apt-get install keychain
- and perhaps for many other distros (it looks like it originated
- from Gentoo).
- This program will start an ssh-agent if none is running, and
- provide shell scripts that can be sourced and connect the current
- shell to this particular ssh-agent.
- For bash, with a private key named id_rsa, add the following to
- your .profile:
- keychain --nogui id_rsa
- This will start an ssh-agent and add the id_rsa key on the first
- login after reboot. If the key is passphrase-protected, it will
- also ask for the passphrase. No need to use unprotected keys
- anymore! For subsequent logins, it will recognize the agent
- and not ask for a passphrase again.
- Also, add the following as a last line of your .bashrc:
- . ~/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh
- This will let the shell know where to reach the SSH agent managed
- by keychain. Make sure that .bashrc is sourced from .profile.
- However, it seems that cron jobs still don't see this. As a
- remedy, include the line above in the crontab, just before
- your actual command:
- * * * * * . ~/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh; your-actual-command
- \end{verbatim}
- The only thing that I needed to do here was
- keychain --nogui id\_rsa
- The rest of it (notes about crontab) was not required.
- \section{What Did NOT Work}
- Here's some things I tried that did not work.
- \begin{itemize}
- \item https://github.com/obfusk/autossh-init - This init script, didn't do much for me. Remember, I'm stuck with systemd in Ubuntu 19.04...\footnote{The scourge of deleting software history. Keep backwards compatibility at ALL COSTS, developers.}
- \item Reverse proxy with Apache - As I said, my website \footnote{Some people might call it a web application. I will not.} was too complex, and I didn't want to go down that rabbit hole.
- \item Starting AutoSSH in rc.local. Didn't work.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{document}