@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ | |||||
v1.24: | |||||
* moved non-class related code into new package jmlrutils.sty | |||||
* fixed bug in \includeteximage | |||||
v1.23: | |||||
* added pmlr class option | |||||
v1.22: | |||||
* added oneside and twoside class options | |||||
v1.21: | |||||
* jmlr.cls | |||||
- added check for jmlr2e and pseudocode | |||||
- fixed bug in \thanks to fix footnote marker issue if there's | |||||
more than one \thanks | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- added \nopagebreak after \@editorialteam | |||||
v1.20: | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- added \jmlrprefaceheader, \jmlrlocation | |||||
v1.19: | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- changed \chapter* to \chapter in preface environment | |||||
v1.18: | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- patched to work with auxhook | |||||
- added draft and final options | |||||
- add \booklinebreak | |||||
* jmlr.cls | |||||
- Added calc and etoolbox as required packages | |||||
- Added draft and final options and removed \ds@draft | |||||
- Added starred version of \newtheorem | |||||
- Added \theorembodyfont, \theoremheaderfont, \theorempostheader | |||||
and \theoremsep | |||||
v1.17: | |||||
* jmlr.cls | |||||
- added \titletag | |||||
- added warnings if obsolete font commands (such as \bf) used | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- added 'articlet' page style | |||||
- \importarticle sets title page style to articlet | |||||
- \importpaper disables \jmlryear, \jmlrworkshop, \jmlrvolume | |||||
and \jmlrissue | |||||
- html title page uses jmlrvolume instead of volume | |||||
- added optional argument to \logo | |||||
v1.16: | |||||
* jmlr.cls | |||||
- added \@post@hyperref hook | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- added code to deal with \c@lenddoca clash | |||||
v1.15: | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- added 'algocf' and 'definition' counters to reset list in | |||||
\zeroextracounters | |||||
- added \theHalgocf | |||||
- removed dependence on \ps@headings in \ps@jmlrbook | |||||
- added \markleft | |||||
v1.14: | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- modified \jmlrwritepdfinfo to write book author and title | |||||
information to aux file | |||||
- fixed bug in fetching time zone information | |||||
v1.13: | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- added pdfxa option | |||||
- added \jmlrwritepdfinfo | |||||
- changed preface environment to use \chapter* instead of \chapter | |||||
* jmlr.cls | |||||
- added \@pre@hyperref hook | |||||
v1.12: | |||||
* jmlr.cls | |||||
- removed prehyperref package option. | |||||
- renamed \jmlr@prehyperref to \jmlrprehyperref | |||||
- added tabularx to list of problem packages. | |||||
- provided default value of \@shortitle | |||||
- added \titlebreak | |||||
- added optional argument to \Name | |||||
(\jmlrauthors now redefines \@jmlr@authors instead of | |||||
\@jmlrauthors) | |||||
- added chapter number to \theHsection to ensure unique | |||||
hyperlinks in book | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- Moved loading setspace and fink before jmlr.cls loaded | |||||
- changed \thechapter to \theHchapter in definition of | |||||
\theHalgorithm etc | |||||
- added \theHfootnote, \theHtable, \theHfigure | |||||
- in \importpubpaper etc, changed \@shortitle to \@title in toc | |||||
* makejmlrbook v0.31 | |||||
- footnotes in abstract files changed to in-line parentheses. | |||||
- --batchtex option now also passes "-interaction=batchmode" to | |||||
htlatex | |||||
- added debugging option --noexecute | |||||
v1.11: | |||||
* jmlr.cls | |||||
- fixed typo: WC\&P -> W\&CP | |||||
- added \jmlrabbrnamelist (used by makejmlrbook) | |||||
* jmlrbook.cls | |||||
- now requires fink package | |||||
- added preface environment and \prefacename | |||||
- added algorithm2e old commands (in case some authors are using | |||||
an older version). | |||||
* makejmlrbook (v0.3): | |||||
- added changes made by Olivier Chapelle to add JMLR menu on the | |||||
left side of the page and use description environment for each | |||||
paper of the TOC. | |||||
- added --extractpreface option | |||||
- set hyperref draft mode for abstract only html pages. | |||||
- abstract html source files now input original aux files to allow | |||||
for citations. | |||||
v1.10: | |||||
jmlr.cls | |||||
* now loads xkeyval | |||||
* now loads hyperref (instead of jmlrbook loading it) | |||||
* added class option prehyperref={stuff to do before hyperref loaded} | |||||
* added class option tablecaption=<position> (where <position> can | |||||
either be top or bottom). | |||||
* fixed 10pt, 11pt and 12pt class options, which weren't having | |||||
any effect. | |||||
* modified \thanks to ensure hyperlink works correctly. | |||||
* added \mdseries to definition of \addr. | |||||
* added \startpage (used by jmlrmakebook). | |||||
* modified \artpart and \bookpart to correct bookmark level number | |||||
jmlrbook.cls | |||||
* code loading hyperref moved to jmlr.cls | |||||
* added 10pt, 11pt and 12pt class options. | |||||
* Removed redundant redefinition of \@bookpart | |||||
makejmlrbook (v0.2): | |||||
* Uses \startpage to set initial page number for stand-alone | |||||
articles. | |||||
* Makes subdirectories in html directory for each article. | |||||
* copies any image files generated by tex4ht into html directory. | |||||
* added time stamp at the end of each of the generated html file. | |||||
v1.09: | |||||
jmlr.cls | |||||
* now loads article.cls instead of scrartcl.cls | |||||
* Fixed sub-captions so that they don't exceed the width of the | |||||
sub-figure/table to which they refer. | |||||
* added \nametag, \reprint, \algocfconts, \theHsubfigure, | |||||
\booktocpreamble, \@partapp. | |||||
* Made \objectref robust | |||||
jmlrbook.cls | |||||
* Reset start and end document hook to avoid problems caused by | |||||
defining duplicate commands. | |||||
* Moved redefinition of \jmlrpremaketitlehook outside of import | |||||
macros. | |||||
* Moved \refstepcounter from \jmlrmaketitlehook to | |||||
\jmlrpremaketitlehook | |||||
* Added \jmlrimporthook | |||||
* Added \label to \jmlrmaketitlehook | |||||
v1.08: | |||||
* Fixed \thanks so that the footnote symbol is raised and isn't | |||||
followed by a full stop. | |||||
v1.07: | |||||
* Added check for two column | |||||
v1.06: | |||||
jmlr.cls | |||||
* Added tablecaptiontop and tablecaptionbottom class options | |||||
v1.05: | |||||
jmlrbook.cls | |||||
* Added \productioneditors | |||||
v1.04: | |||||
* Added Perl script makejmlrbook | |||||
jmlrbook.cls | |||||
* Added patch to fix references in print mode | |||||
* Added code to work with makejmlrbook | |||||
jmlr.cls | |||||
* Added code to work with makejmlrbook | |||||
v1.03: | |||||
jmlrbook.cls | |||||
* Added patch to combnat | |||||
jmlr.cls | |||||
* Added \editors, \editorname and \editorsname | |||||
v1.02: | |||||
jmlrbook.cls: | |||||
* Added \issue | |||||
jmlr.cls | |||||
* Added \jmlrissue | |||||
v1.01 : | |||||
jmlrbook.cls: | |||||
* added \importpaper | |||||
* added \titlebody, \SetTitleElement and \IfTitleElement to | |||||
make it easier to customise the front page of the book. | |||||
jmlr.cls: | |||||
* fixed the last page anchor. | |||||
v1.0 : Initial release |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ | |||||
If you have downloaded the jmlr bundle using the TeX Directory | |||||
Structure (TDS), that is you have downloaded the archive | |||||
jmlr.tds.zip containing doc, tex and source directories, you need to | |||||
follow the "Installing from TDS" instructions below. | |||||
If you have downloaded the following files: | |||||
jmlr.dtx | |||||
jmlr.ins | |||||
You need to follow the "Installing from DTX and INS" instructions | |||||
below. | |||||
For further information on installing LaTeX packages see: | |||||
http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=installthings | |||||
=================== | |||||
Files in tex and doc directories should go in the corresponding | |||||
TEXMF directories (for example, /usr/share/texmf-local/ or | |||||
C:\localtexmf\). | |||||
*Remember to refresh TeX's database* | |||||
Example (on UNIX like systems): | |||||
unzip jmlr.tds.zip -d ~/texmf/ | |||||
texhash ~/texmf/ | |||||
=========================== | |||||
Run LaTeX on jmlr.ins to generate jmlr.cls and jmlrbook.cls: | |||||
latex jmlr.ins | |||||
To create the documentation (jmlr.pdf): | |||||
pdflatex jmlr.dtx | |||||
makeindex -s gind.ist jmlr.idx | |||||
makeindex -s gglo.ist -o jmlr.gls jmlr.glo | |||||
pdflatex jmlr.dtx | |||||
pdflatex jmlr.dtx | |||||
If TEXMF denotes the base directory of your local TeX installation (e.g. | |||||
/usr/share/texmf-local/ or C:\localtexmf\) then create the following | |||||
directories (if they don't already exist): | |||||
TEXMF/doc/latex/jmlr | |||||
TEXMF/tex/latex/jmlr | |||||
Move the documentation to TEXMF/doc/latex/jmlr/ | |||||
Move jmlrutils.sty, jmlr.cls and jmlrbook.cls to TEXMF/tex/latex/jmlr/ | |||||
*Remember to refresh TeX's database* | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ | |||||
LaTeX Class : jmlr bundle v1.24 | |||||
Last Modified : 2017-08-01 | |||||
Author : Nicola L. C. Talbot | |||||
This bundle provides: | |||||
* jmlr class | |||||
* jmlrbook class | |||||
* jmlrutils package | |||||
The jmlr class is a LaTeX class for articles for the Journal of | |||||
Machine Learning Research (JMLR) or the Proceedings of Machine | |||||
Learning Research (PMLR) formerly JMLR Workshop and Conference | |||||
Proceedings (JMLR W&CP). It is designed as a replacement for both | |||||
jmlr2e.sty and jmlrwcp2e.sty. | |||||
The jmlrutils package is automatically loaded by the jmlr class, but | |||||
may be used with other classes. (You may need to additionally load | |||||
graphicx and algorithm2e, which jmlr.cls does automatically.) | |||||
The jmlrbook class is a LaTeX class that can be used to combine | |||||
articles written using the jmlr class into a book. The jmlrbook | |||||
class uses the combine class and the hyperref package to produce | |||||
either a colour hyperlinked book for on-line viewing or a greyscale | |||||
nonhyperlinked book for printing. Production editors can use the | |||||
makejmlrbookgui application | |||||
(http://www.dickimaw-books.com/software/makejmlrbookgui/) to | |||||
generate the proceedings. The makejmlrbook Perl script is deprecated | |||||
and may be removed in future releases. | |||||
See INSTALL file for installation instructions. | |||||
jmlr class requirements: | |||||
jmlrutils | |||||
xcolor | |||||
amsmath | |||||
amssymb | |||||
natbib | |||||
graphicx | |||||
url | |||||
algorithm2e | |||||
etoolbox | |||||
calc | |||||
hyperref | |||||
jmlrbook class requirements: | |||||
jmlr | |||||
combine | |||||
hyperref | |||||
xkeyval | |||||
combnat | |||||
setspace | |||||
fink | |||||
LICENCE | |||||
This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. | |||||
See http://www.ctan.org/license/lppl1.3 | |||||
for the details of that license. | |||||
http://www.dickimaw-books.com/software/makejmlrbookgui/ | |||||
Author's home page: http://www.dickimaw-books.com/ | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ | |||||
% jmlr.ins generated using makedtx version 1.2 2017/8/1 16:57 | |||||
\input docstrip | |||||
\preamble | |||||
jmlr.dtx | |||||
Copyright 2017 Nicola Talbot | |||||
This work may be distributed and/or modified under the | |||||
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 | |||||
of this license or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
The latest version of this license is in | |||||
http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt | |||||
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX | |||||
version 2005/12/01 or later. | |||||
This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. | |||||
The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot. | |||||
This work consists of the files jmlr.dtx and jmlr.ins and the derived files jmlrutils.sty, jmlr.cls, jmlrbook.cls. | |||||
\endpreamble | |||||
\askforoverwritefalse | |||||
\generate{\file{jmlrutils.sty}{\usepreamble\defaultpreamble | |||||
\usepostamble\defaultpostamble\from{jmlr.dtx}{jmlrutils.sty,package}} | |||||
\file{jmlr.cls}{\usepreamble\defaultpreamble | |||||
\usepostamble\defaultpostamble\from{jmlr.dtx}{jmlr.cls,package}} | |||||
\file{jmlrbook.cls}{\usepreamble\defaultpreamble | |||||
\usepostamble\defaultpostamble\from{jmlr.dtx}{jmlrbook.cls,package}} | |||||
} | |||||
\endbatchfile |
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ | |||||
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2015/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=latex 2018.11.28) 10 AUG 2019 16:45 | |||||
entering extended mode | |||||
restricted \write18 enabled. | |||||
%&-line parsing enabled. | |||||
**jmlr.ins | |||||
(./jmlr.ins | |||||
LaTeX2e <2014/05/01> | |||||
Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 2 languages loaded. | |||||
(/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/docstrip.tex | |||||
\blockLevel=\count79 | |||||
\emptyLines=\count80 | |||||
\processedLines=\count81 | |||||
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\off@15=\count105 | |||||
\@maxfiles=\count106 | |||||
\@maxoutfiles=\count107 | |||||
Utility: `docstrip' 2.5e <2014/09/29> | |||||
English documentation <2014/09/29> | |||||
********************************************************** | |||||
* This program converts documented macro-files into fast * | |||||
* loadable files by stripping off (nearly) all comments! * | |||||
********************************************************** | |||||
******************************************************** | |||||
* No Configuration file found, using default settings. * | |||||
******************************************************** | |||||
) | |||||
Generating file(s) ./jmlrutils.sty ./jmlr.cls ./jmlrbook.cls | |||||
\openout0 = `./jmlrutils.sty'. | |||||
\openout1 = `./jmlr.cls'. | |||||
\openout2 = `./jmlrbook.cls'. | |||||
Processing file jmlr.dtx (jmlrutils.sty,package) -> jmlrutils.sty | |||||
(jmlr.cls,package) -> jmlr.cls | |||||
(jmlrbook.cls,package) -> jmlrbook.cls | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % <*package > % % % % % % <*driver . . . . . . . . . . | |||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . > % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % | |||||
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <*jmlrutils.sty % % % % % % . % % % % % . | |||||
. % % % . . % % % % % . . % % % . . % % % % % . . % % % . . % % % . % % % . % | |||||
% % . . . % % % % % % . . . . % % % % % % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . % % % % % % % % % % % % . . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||
. . . . . . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % | |||||
% % . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % . | |||||
. % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % . . % % % % % % % % % % . . . . % % % % % % | |||||
. . . . % % % % . . . . . % % % % % % % % % % % . . . . . % % % % % % % % . . | |||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . . % % % % . . . . . % % % % % % % . . . . . . . . . . | |||||
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % % % % % . % % % % % % . . % % % % . % % % % | |||||
. . . . % % % % % . % % % % % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | |||||
. . % % % % . % % % % % % . % % % % % . % % % % . . . . . % % % % . . . . . . | |||||
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% | |||||
File jmlr.dtx ended by \endinput. | |||||
Lines processed: 6783 | |||||
Comments removed: 4202 | |||||
Comments passed: 20 | |||||
Codelines passed: 2551 | |||||
) | |||||
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: | |||||
339 strings out of 495021 | |||||
3404 string characters out of 6181349 | |||||
53332 words of memory out of 5000000 | |||||
3645 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 | |||||
3640 words of font info for 14 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 | |||||
14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 | |||||
11i,0n,15p,126b,154s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s | |||||
No pages of output. |
@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ | |||||
%% | |||||
%% This is file `jmlrutils.sty', | |||||
%% generated with the docstrip utility. | |||||
%% | |||||
%% The original source files were: | |||||
%% | |||||
%% jmlr.dtx (with options: `jmlrutils.sty,package') | |||||
%% | |||||
%% jmlr.dtx | |||||
%% Copyright 2017 Nicola Talbot | |||||
%% | |||||
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the | |||||
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 | |||||
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
%% The latest version of this license is in | |||||
%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt | |||||
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX | |||||
%% version 2005/12/01 or later. | |||||
%% | |||||
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. | |||||
%% | |||||
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot. | |||||
%% | |||||
%% This work consists of the files jmlr.dtx and jmlr.ins and the derived files jmlrutils.sty, jmlr.cls, jmlrbook.cls. | |||||
%% | |||||
%% \CharacterTable | |||||
%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z | |||||
%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z | |||||
%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 | |||||
%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# | |||||
%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& | |||||
%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) | |||||
%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, | |||||
%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ | |||||
%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< | |||||
%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? | |||||
%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ | |||||
%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ | |||||
%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| | |||||
%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} | |||||
%% First editor: | |||||
%% Second editor: | |||||
\ProvidesPackage{jmlrutils}[2017/08/01] | |||||
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\objectref{#1}{\appendixrefname}{\appendixsrefname}{}{}} | |||||
\newcommand*{\partref}[1]{% | |||||
\objectref{#1}{\partrefname}{\partsrefname}{}{}} | |||||
\newcommand{\floatconts}[3]{% | |||||
\@ifundefined{\@captype conts}{\tableconts{#1}{#2}{#3}}% | |||||
{\csname\@captype conts\endcsname{#1}{#2}{#3}}% | |||||
} | |||||
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#2\label{#1}\vskip\baselineskip | |||||
{\centering #3\par}% | |||||
} | |||||
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\@algocf@pre@ruled | |||||
#2\label{#1}\kern2pt\hrule height.8pt depth0pt\kern2pt% | |||||
#3\@algocf@pre@ruled | |||||
} | |||||
\newenvironment{algorithm}[1][htbp]% | |||||
{% | |||||
\ifundef{\algocf}% | |||||
{`algorithm2e' package is required if you want to | |||||
use the algorithm environment}% | |||||
{}% | |||||
\begin{algocf}[#1]% | |||||
\renewcommand\@makecaption[2]{% | |||||
\hskip\AlCapHSkip | |||||
\parbox[t]{\hsize}{\algocf@captiontext{##1}{##2}}% | |||||
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} | |||||
\newcommand*{\includeteximage}[2][]{% | |||||
\@jmlr@ifgraphicxloaded | |||||
{% | |||||
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\IfFileExists{#2}% | |||||
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\ifstrempty{#1} | |||||
{}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\@tempswatrue | |||||
\setkeys{Gin}{#1}% | |||||
\Gin@esetsize | |||||
}% | |||||
\the\toks@ | |||||
}% | |||||
{\@warning{File `#2' not found}}% | |||||
\endgroup | |||||
}% | |||||
{\PackageError{jmlrutils}{`graphicx' package is required | |||||
if you want to use \string\includeteximage}{}}% | |||||
} | |||||
\ifjmlrutilssubfloats | |||||
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\@addtoreset{subfigure}{figure} | |||||
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\ref{#1}% | |||||
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\protect\@subfigref{\@thislabel}}% | |||||
\ifx\@objectname\@empty | |||||
\let\@objectname\@nil | |||||
\else | |||||
\let\@objectname\relax | |||||
\let\@prevsep\@jmlr@reflistsep | |||||
\fi | |||||
}% | |||||
\ifx\@objectname\relax | |||||
\let\@prevsep\@jmlr@reflistlastsep | |||||
\fi | |||||
\@objectref | |||||
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\fi}% | |||||
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\newcommand*{\@p@subtable}[1]{% | |||||
\protect\@subtablelabel{\thetable}{\thesubtable}% | |||||
} | |||||
\newcommand*\@subtablelabel[2]{#1\subtablelabel{#2}} | |||||
\newcommand*\@subtabref[1]{% | |||||
{% | |||||
\def\@subtablelabel##1##2{\subtablelabel{##2}}% | |||||
\ref{#1}% | |||||
}% | |||||
} | |||||
\newcommand*{\subtabref}[1]{% | |||||
\let\@objectname\@empty | |||||
\def\@objectref{}% | |||||
\let\@prevsep\@empty | |||||
\@for\@thislabel:=#1\do{% | |||||
\toks@{\@prevsep}% | |||||
\protected@edef\@objectref{\@objectref\the\toks@ | |||||
\protect\@subtabref{\@thislabel}}% | |||||
\ifx\@objectname\@empty | |||||
\let\@objectname\@nil | |||||
\else | |||||
\let\@objectname\relax | |||||
\let\@prevsep\@jmlr@reflistsep | |||||
\fi | |||||
}% | |||||
\ifx\@objectname\relax | |||||
\let\@prevsep\@jmlr@reflistlastsep | |||||
\fi | |||||
\@objectref | |||||
} | |||||
\newcommand*{\subtablelabel}[1]{(\emph{#1})} | |||||
\newcommand*{\subtable}[1][]{% | |||||
\def\@subtabcap{#1}% | |||||
\@subtable | |||||
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\parbox[t]{\@tempdima}{\@subtabcap}}% | |||||
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\fi | |||||
\ifjmlrutilsmaths | |||||
\newcommand*{\set}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{#1}}} | |||||
\let\orgvec\vec | |||||
\renewcommand*{\vec}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} | |||||
\fi | |||||
\newenvironment{enumerate*}% | |||||
{% | |||||
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\setcounter{enumi}{0}% | |||||
\fi | |||||
\ifnum\@enumdepth>\thr@@ | |||||
\@toodeep | |||||
\else | |||||
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\def\@enumctr{enumi}% | |||||
\list | |||||
{\labelenumi}% | |||||
{\@nmbrlisttrue\def\@listctr{enumi}% | |||||
\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}}% | |||||
\fi | |||||
}% | |||||
{\endlist} | |||||
\newenvironment{altdescription}[1]% | |||||
{\list{}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\settowidth{\labelwidth}{\altdescriptionlabel{#1}}% | |||||
\setlength{\labelsep}{15pt}% | |||||
\setlength{\leftmargin}{2\labelsep}% | |||||
\addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}% | |||||
\setlength{\rightmargin}{\labelsep}% | |||||
\let\makelabel\altdescriptionlabel | |||||
}% | |||||
}% | |||||
{\endlist} | |||||
\newcommand*{\altdescriptionlabel}[1]{\normalfont\bfseries #1\hfill} | |||||
\newcommand*{\mailto}[1]{\texttt{#1}} | |||||
\ifjmlrutilstheorems | |||||
\newcommand{\jmlrBlackBox}{\rule{1.5ex}{1.5ex}} | |||||
\providecommand{\BlackBox}{\jmlrBlackBox} | |||||
\newcommand{\jmlrQED}{\hfill\jmlrBlackBox\par\bigskip} | |||||
\newenvironment{proof}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\par\noindent{\bfseries\upshape Proof\ }% | |||||
}% | |||||
{\jmlrQED} | |||||
\newcommand*{\theorembodyfont}[1]{% | |||||
\renewcommand*{\@theorembodyfont}{#1}% | |||||
} | |||||
\newcommand*{\@theorembodyfont}{\normalfont\itshape}% | |||||
\newcommand*{\theoremheaderfont}[1]{% | |||||
\renewcommand*{\@theoremheaderfont}{#1}% | |||||
} | |||||
\newcommand*{\@theoremheaderfont}{\normalfont\bfseries }% | |||||
\newcommand*{\theoremsep}[1]{% | |||||
\renewcommand*{\@theoremsep}{#1}% | |||||
} | |||||
\newcommand*{\@theoremsep}{}% | |||||
\newcommand*{\theorempostheader}[1]{% | |||||
\renewcommand*{\@theorempostheader}{#1}% | |||||
} | |||||
\newcommand*{\@theorempostheader}{}% | |||||
\let\jmlr@org@newtheorem\newtheorem | |||||
\renewcommand*{\newtheorem}{\@ifstar\jmlr@snewtheorem\jmlr@newtheorem} | |||||
\newcommand*{\jmlr@snewtheorem}[2]{% | |||||
\cslet{jmlr@thm@#1@body@font}{\@theorembodyfont}% | |||||
\cslet{jmlr@thm@#1@header@font}{\@theoremheaderfont}% | |||||
\cslet{jmlr@thm@#1@sep}{\@theoremsep}% | |||||
\cslet{jmlr@thm@#1@postheader}{\@theorempostheader}% | |||||
\newenvironment{#1}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\trivlist | |||||
\item | |||||
[% | |||||
\hskip\labelsep{\csuse{jmlr@thm@#1@header@font}#2% | |||||
\csuse{jmlr@thm@#1@postheader}% | |||||
}% | |||||
]% | |||||
\mbox{}\csuse{jmlr@thm@#1@sep}% | |||||
\csuse{jmlr@thm@#1@body@font}% | |||||
}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\endtrivlist | |||||
}% | |||||
} | |||||
\newcommand{\jmlr@newtheorem}[1]{% | |||||
\cslet{jmlr@thm@#1@body@font}{\@theorembodyfont}% | |||||
\cslet{jmlr@thm@#1@header@font}{\@theoremheaderfont}% | |||||
\cslet{jmlr@thm@#1@sep}{\@theoremsep}% | |||||
\cslet{jmlr@thm@#1@postheader}{\@theorempostheader}% | |||||
\jmlr@org@newtheorem{#1}% | |||||
} | |||||
\renewcommand*{\@xthm}[2]{% | |||||
\def\@jmlr@currentthm{#1}% | |||||
\@begintheorem{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}% | |||||
\ignorespaces | |||||
} | |||||
\def\@ythm#1#2[#3]{% | |||||
\def\@jmlr@currentthm{#1}% | |||||
\@opargbegintheorem{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#3}% | |||||
\ignorespaces | |||||
} | |||||
\renewcommand*{\@begintheorem}[2]{% | |||||
\ifdef{\@jmlr@currentthm}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\letcs{\jmlr@this@theoremheader}{jmlr@thm@\@jmlr@currentthm @header@font}% | |||||
\letcs{\jmlr@this@theorembody}{jmlr@thm@\@jmlr@currentthm @body@font}% | |||||
\letcs{\jmlr@this@theoremsep}{jmlr@thm@\@jmlr@currentthm @sep}% | |||||
\letcs{\jmlr@this@theorempostheader}% | |||||
{jmlr@thm@\@jmlr@currentthm @postheader}% | |||||
}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\let\jmlr@this@theorembody\@theorembodyfont | |||||
\let\jmlr@this@theoremheader\@theoremheaderfont | |||||
\let\jmlr@this@theoremsep\@theoremsep | |||||
\let\jmlr@this@theorempostheader\@theorempostheader | |||||
}% | |||||
\trivlist | |||||
\item | |||||
[% | |||||
\hskip\labelsep{\jmlr@this@theoremheader #1\ #2% | |||||
\jmlr@this@theorempostheader}% | |||||
]% | |||||
\mbox{}\jmlr@this@theoremsep | |||||
\jmlr@this@theorembody | |||||
} | |||||
\renewcommand*{\@opargbegintheorem}[3]{% | |||||
\ifdef{\@jmlr@currentthm}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\letcs{\jmlr@this@theoremheader}{jmlr@thm@\@jmlr@currentthm @header@font}% | |||||
\letcs{\jmlr@this@theorembody}{jmlr@thm@\@jmlr@currentthm @body@font}% | |||||
\letcs{\jmlr@this@theoremsep}{jmlr@thm@\@jmlr@currentthm @sep}% | |||||
\letcs{\jmlr@this@theorempostheader}% | |||||
{jmlr@thm@\@jmlr@currentthm @postheader}% | |||||
}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\let\jmlr@this@theorembody\@theorembodyfont | |||||
\let\jmlr@this@theoremheader\@theoremheaderfont | |||||
\let\jmlr@this@theoremsep\@theoremsep | |||||
\let\jmlr@this@theorempostheader\@theorempostheader | |||||
}% | |||||
\trivlist | |||||
\item[\hskip\labelsep{\jmlr@this@theoremheader #1\ #2\ (#3)% | |||||
\jmlr@this@theorempostheader}]% | |||||
\mbox{}\jmlr@this@theoremsep | |||||
\jmlr@this@theorembody | |||||
} | |||||
\newtheorem{example}{Example} | |||||
\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} | |||||
\newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma} | |||||
\newtheorem{proposition}[theorem]{Proposition} | |||||
\newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{Remark} | |||||
\newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{Corollary} | |||||
\newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{Definition} | |||||
\newtheorem{conjecture}[theorem]{Conjecture} | |||||
\newtheorem{axiom}[theorem]{Axiom} | |||||
\fi | |||||
\endinput | |||||
%% | |||||
%% End of file `jmlrutils.sty'. |
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ | |||||
% Define \jmlrprehyperref to load packages before hyperref is | |||||
% loaded | |||||
\def\jmlrprehyperref{% | |||||
% Packages used by imported articles: | |||||
\usepackage{lipsum} | |||||
\usepackage{booktabs} | |||||
\usepackage{siunitx} | |||||
} | |||||
\documentclass[wcp,7x10]{jmlrbook}% on-line color version, 7inx10in | |||||
%\documentclass[wcp,gray,7x10]{jmlrbook}% print version, 7inx10in | |||||
% Load last | |||||
\ifprint{}{\usepackage{bookmark}} | |||||
% Title is added to the PDF properties. Optional argument | |||||
% is used instead, if present. | |||||
%\title[Short Title]{Big Long Title} | |||||
\title{A Sample Book} | |||||
\author[Anne Editor et al.]{Anne Editor, Anne Other Editor and Nicola Talbot} | |||||
% change the arguments, as appropriate, in the following: | |||||
\volume{1} | |||||
\subtitle{Making a Book from JMLR Articles} | |||||
\logo{\includegraphics{bookLogo}} | |||||
\team{The Sample Book Team} | |||||
\productioneditor{Nicola Talbot} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\frontmatter | |||||
\chapter{Foreword} | |||||
This is an example book that combines multiple articles. Each | |||||
article uses the \textsf{jmlr} class file. \emph{The articles | |||||
should not need to be edited in order to combine them using this | |||||
class file.}\footnote{Unless the authors have done something | |||||
weird or have used problematic packages.} In particular, you | |||||
don't need to delete \verb|\documentclass|, | |||||
\verb|\begin{document}| and \verb|\end{document}|. The articles | |||||
should be able to compile on their own or as part of this book. | |||||
In the preamble of the book, you need to include the packages | |||||
that the articles include, but you don't need to include | |||||
any packages that are automatically loaded by the \textsf{jmlr} | |||||
class (\textsf{amsmath}, \textsf{amssymb}, \textsf{natbib}, | |||||
\textsf{graphicx}, \textsf{url}, \textsf{xcolor} and | |||||
\textsf{algorithm2e}). You also don't need to include the | |||||
\textsf{hyperref} and \textsf{combnat} packages as they are | |||||
automatically loaded by \textsf{jmlrbook}. For example, some of the | |||||
articles imported in this book use the \textsf{lipsum} package, | |||||
so that package needs to be included in the preamble of the | |||||
book. | |||||
Commands defined in the imported articles will be local to that | |||||
article unless \verb|\gdef| or \verb|\global| has been used. This | |||||
means that if more than one article has defined the same command, | |||||
there shouldn't be a conflict unless the command has been defined | |||||
globally. For example, \texttt{paper1/paper1.tex} and | |||||
\texttt{paper2/paper2.tex} both define \verb|\samplecommand|, but | |||||
since \verb|\newcommand| has been used, rather than \verb|\gdef|, | |||||
there's no conflict. However, a problem will occur if the same | |||||
command is also defined in this document before either of those | |||||
files are imported. | |||||
Many packages must be loaded before \textsf{hyperref}. If these | |||||
packages haven't been loaded by \textsf{jmlr}, you will need | |||||
to specify them using \textsf{jmlrbook}'s \verb|\jmlrprehyperref| | |||||
hook. For example, to load the packages ``foo'' and ``bar'': | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\def\jmlrprehyperref{\usepackage{foo}\usepackage{bar}} | |||||
\documentclass{jmlrbook} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
or: | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\def\jmlrprehyperref{\usepackage{foo,bar}} | |||||
\documentclass{jmlrbook} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
The imported papers need to be placed inside the | |||||
\texttt{jmlrpapers} environment. Papers that have already | |||||
been published should be included using \verb|\importpubpaper| | |||||
and papers that haven't been published elsewhere should be | |||||
imported using \verb|\importarticle|. Both commands have an | |||||
optional argument that specifies the prefix to use in the labels | |||||
within the imported article. If omitted, the article's file | |||||
name is used. | |||||
Both articles and the book may have appendices and parts created. | |||||
Parts are created using \verb|\part|\{\emph{title}\}. Switch | |||||
to appendices using \verb|\appendix| and then use \verb|\chapter| | |||||
(for the book) or \verb|\section| (in imported articles). | |||||
Cross-referencing other parts of the book is done using the | |||||
usual \verb|\label| and \verb|\ref| mechanism. The \textsf{jmlr} | |||||
class additional provides convenience commands such as | |||||
\verb|\sectionref| and \verb|\figureref|. Unlike \verb|\ref|, | |||||
these commands may take a comma-separated list of labels as the | |||||
argument. | |||||
The \textsf{jmlrbook} additionally provides \verb|\chapterref| | |||||
(which can take a comma-separated list of labels) and commands | |||||
to reference imported articles (which take a single label | |||||
as the argument): \verb|\articlepageref| (the starting page of | |||||
the article), \verb|\articlepagesref| (the page range for the | |||||
article), \verb|\articletitleref| (the short title for the | |||||
article) and \verb|\articleauthorref| (the article's author). | |||||
You may also cross-reference parts of the imported articles, | |||||
but you need to prefix the label with the label supplied | |||||
in the optional argument of \verb|\importpubpaper| or | |||||
\verb|\importarticle|. (If omitted, this is given by | |||||
directory/file name.) | |||||
For example, the first appendix in this book is | |||||
\appendixref{apd:first}, but the first appendix in | |||||
``\articletitleref{paper1/paper1}'' by | |||||
\articleauthorref{paper1/paper1} | |||||
(pp.~\articlepagesref{paper1/paper1}) is | |||||
\appendixref{paper1/paper1apd:first}. | |||||
Here's a reference to a couple of tables in | |||||
\articletitleref{paper1/paper1}: | |||||
\tableref{paper1/paper1tab:sample,paper1/paper1tab:sample2}. | |||||
The author of a foreword (or other chapter) can sign off using | |||||
the \texttt{authorsignoff} environment. Each author should be | |||||
specified using \verb|\Author|. | |||||
\begin{authorsignoff} | |||||
\Author{Nicola Talbot\\ | |||||
University of East Anglia} | |||||
\end{authorsignoff} | |||||
\begin{preface} | |||||
The preface environment should be used for the preface if you want | |||||
makejmlrbook to extract the preface and turn it into a standalone | |||||
document. | |||||
The editorial team can sign off at the end of the preface using | |||||
the \texttt{signoff} environment. This has two arguments: the | |||||
optional argument is a name for the editorial team (defaults to | |||||
``The Editorial Team'') and the mandatory argument is the date. | |||||
Within the environment, use \verb|\Editor| for each editor. | |||||
\begin{signoff}{March 2010} | |||||
% First editor: | |||||
\Editor{Nicola Talbot\\ | |||||
University of East Anglia\\ | |||||
\mailto{N.Talbot@uea.ac.uk}} | |||||
% Second editor: | |||||
\Editor{Anne Editor\\ | |||||
University of Nowhere\\ | |||||
\mailto{ae@sample.com}} | |||||
\end{signoff} | |||||
\end{preface} | |||||
\tableofcontents | |||||
\mainmatter | |||||
\part{First Part of the Book} | |||||
\chapter{Introduction} | |||||
This is an introduction to the book. | |||||
\section{Sample Section} | |||||
This is a section in the introduction. | |||||
\subsection{Sample Sub-Section} | |||||
This is a sub-section. | |||||
\subsubsection{Sample Sub-Sub-Section} | |||||
This is a sub-sub-section. | |||||
\paragraph{Sample Sub-Sub-Sub-Section} | |||||
This is a sub-sub-sub-section. | |||||
\subparagraph{Sample Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-Section} | |||||
This is a sub-sub-sub-sub-section. | |||||
% Add a part to the TOC but don't print anything | |||||
\addtocpart{Papers Published in JMLR W\&CP} | |||||
\begin{jmlrpapers} | |||||
% Prepublished papers are imported using: | |||||
% \importpubpaper[label]{dir}{file}{pages} | |||||
% pages refers to the page range in the original publication | |||||
% which doesn't necessarily correspond to the page numbers in | |||||
% this book. | |||||
\importpubpaper{paper1}{paper1}{23--45} | |||||
\importpubpaper{paper2}{paper2}{63--70} | |||||
\end{jmlrpapers} | |||||
% Add a part to the TOC but don't print anything | |||||
\addtocpart{Unpublished Papers} | |||||
\begin{jmlrpapers} | |||||
% Unpublished papers are imported using: | |||||
% \importarticle[label]{dir}{file} | |||||
\importarticle{paper3}{paper3} | |||||
\importarticle{paper4}{paper4} | |||||
\end{jmlrpapers} | |||||
\appendix | |||||
\part{First Part of Appendices}\label{pt:apd1} | |||||
\chapter*{Introduction} | |||||
This is an introduction to \partref{pt:apd1}. | |||||
\chapter{First Appendix} | |||||
\label{apd:first} | |||||
This is an appendix. | |||||
\chapter{Second Appendix} | |||||
\label{apd:second} | |||||
This is another appendix. | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\part{Second Part of Appendices} | |||||
\chapter{An Appendix} | |||||
\label{apd:third} | |||||
This is an appendix in another part. | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ | |||||
@article{guyon-elisseeff-03, | |||||
title = "An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection", | |||||
author = "I. Guyon and A. Elisseeff", | |||||
journal = "JMLR", | |||||
volume = "3", | |||||
month = MAR, | |||||
pages = "1157-1182", | |||||
year = 2003 | |||||
} | |||||
@techreport{guyon2007causalreport, | |||||
author = {I. Guyon and C. Aliferis and A. Elisseeff}, | |||||
title = {Causal Feature Selection}, | |||||
institution = {Clopinet}, | |||||
year = 2007, | |||||
type = {Technical Report }, | |||||
source = {\url{http://clopinet.com/isabelle/Papers/causalFS.pdf}} | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ | |||||
% This file is public domain | |||||
\documentclass[wcp]{jmlr} | |||||
\usepackage{lipsum}% Provides dummy text for this example | |||||
\newcommand{\samplecommand}{\emph{A sample command}} | |||||
\jmlrvolume{42} | |||||
\jmlryear{2010} | |||||
\jmlrworkshop{Workshop on Causality} | |||||
\title[Article 1]{First Sample Article} | |||||
\author{\Name{Jane Doe}\Email{jd@sample.com}\and | |||||
\Name{John {Smith Jones}}\Email{jsj@sample.com}\\ | |||||
\addr{University of No Where}} | |||||
\editor{Anne Editor} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\begin{abstract} | |||||
This abstract has a citation \citep{guyon-elisseeff-03}. | |||||
\lipsum[1] | |||||
\end{abstract} | |||||
\begin{keywords} | |||||
Sample | |||||
\end{keywords} | |||||
\section{Introduction} | |||||
This is a sample article. \sectionref{sec:method} discusses | |||||
the method used. \equationref{eq:emc2} is an interesting | |||||
equation. The results are discussed in \sectionref{sec:results} | |||||
and some other stuff is in \appendixref{apd:first}.\footnote{Here's | |||||
a footnote.} | |||||
\samplecommand. | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\section{Method}\label{sec:method} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\begin{equation}\label{eq:emc2} | |||||
E = mc^2 | |||||
\end{equation} | |||||
A network is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:network}. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:network}% | |||||
{\caption{A Network}}% | |||||
{\includegraphics{images/network}}% | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
\section{Results}\label{sec:results} | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:sample} | |||||
{\caption{A Sample Table}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
A & B\\ | |||||
1 & 2 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
}% | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:sample2} | |||||
{\caption{Another Sample Table}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
A & B\\ | |||||
1 & 2 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
}% | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
Here are some citations: | |||||
\citet{guyon-elisseeff-03,guyon2007causalreport}.\footnote{And | |||||
here's another footnote.} | |||||
\bibliography{paper1} | |||||
\appendix | |||||
\section{First Appendix}\label{apd:first} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ | |||||
@article{guyon-elisseeff-03, | |||||
title = "An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection", | |||||
author = "I. Guyon and A. Elisseeff", | |||||
journal = "JMLR", | |||||
volume = "3", | |||||
month = MAR, | |||||
pages = "1157-1182", | |||||
year = 2003 | |||||
} | |||||
@techreport{guyon2007causalreport, | |||||
author = {I. Guyon and C. Aliferis and A. Elisseeff}, | |||||
title = {Causal Feature Selection}, | |||||
institution = {Clopinet}, | |||||
year = 2007, | |||||
type = {Technical Report }, | |||||
source = {\url{http://clopinet.com/isabelle/Papers/causalFS.pdf}} | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ | |||||
% This file is public domain | |||||
\documentclass[wcp]{jmlr} | |||||
\usepackage{lipsum}% Provides dummy text for this example | |||||
\newcommand{\samplecommand}{\textbf{A sample command}} | |||||
\jmlrvolume{42} | |||||
\jmlryear{2010} | |||||
\jmlrworkshop{Workshop on Causality} | |||||
\title[Article 2]{Second Sample Article} | |||||
\author{\Name{Bob {de Winter}}\Email{bdw@sample.com}\\ | |||||
\Name{{\'E}louise Mary Finchley}\Email{emf@sample.com}\\ | |||||
\Name{Jack Mark Jones}\Email{jmj@sample.com}\\ | |||||
\addr{University of No Where}} | |||||
\editor{Anne Other Editor} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\begin{abstract} | |||||
\lipsum[1] | |||||
\end{abstract} | |||||
\begin{keywords} | |||||
Sample | |||||
\end{keywords} | |||||
\section{Introduction} | |||||
This is a sample article. \sectionref{sec:method} discusses | |||||
the method used. \equationref{eq:emc2} is an interesting | |||||
equation. The results are discussed in \sectionref{sec:results} | |||||
and some other stuff is in \appendixref{apd:first}.\footnote{Here's | |||||
a footnote.} | |||||
\samplecommand. | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\section{Method}\label{sec:method} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\begin{equation}\label{eq:emc2} | |||||
E = mc^2 | |||||
\end{equation} | |||||
\section{Results}\label{sec:results} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
Here are some citations: | |||||
\citet{guyon-elisseeff-03,guyon2007causalreport}.\footnote{Here's | |||||
another footnote.} | |||||
\bibliography{paper2} | |||||
\appendix | |||||
\section{First Appendix}\label{apd:first} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ | |||||
@article{guyon-elisseeff-03, | |||||
title = "An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection", | |||||
author = "I. Guyon and A. Elisseeff", | |||||
journal = "JMLR", | |||||
volume = "3", | |||||
month = MAR, | |||||
pages = "1157-1182", | |||||
year = 2003 | |||||
} | |||||
@techreport{guyon2007causalreport, | |||||
author = {I. Guyon and C. Aliferis and A. Elisseeff}, | |||||
title = {Causal Feature Selection}, | |||||
institution = {Clopinet}, | |||||
year = 2007, | |||||
type = {Technical Report }, | |||||
source = {\url{http://clopinet.com/isabelle/Papers/causalFS.pdf}} | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ | |||||
% This file is public domain | |||||
\documentclass[wcp]{jmlr} | |||||
\usepackage{lipsum}% Provides dummy text for this example | |||||
\title[Article 3]{Third Sample Article} | |||||
\author{\Name{John Smith}\Email{js@sample.com}\\ | |||||
\addr{University of No Where}} | |||||
\editor{Anne Editor} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\begin{abstract} | |||||
\lipsum[1] | |||||
\end{abstract} | |||||
\begin{keywords} | |||||
Sample | |||||
\end{keywords} | |||||
\section{Introduction} | |||||
This is a sample article. \sectionref{sec:method} discusses | |||||
the method used. \equationref{eq:emc2} is an interesting | |||||
equation. The results are discussed in \sectionref{sec:results} | |||||
and some other stuff is in \appendixref{apd:first}.\footnote{Here's | |||||
a footnote.} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\section{Method}\label{sec:method} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\begin{equation}\label{eq:emc2} | |||||
E = mc^2 | |||||
\end{equation} | |||||
\section{Results}\label{sec:results} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
Here are some citations: | |||||
\citet{guyon-elisseeff-03,guyon2007causalreport}.\footnote{Here's | |||||
another footnote.} | |||||
\bibliography{paper3} | |||||
\appendix | |||||
\section{First Appendix}\label{apd:first} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ | |||||
@article{guyon-elisseeff-03, | |||||
title = "An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection", | |||||
author = "I. Guyon and A. Elisseeff", | |||||
journal = "JMLR", | |||||
volume = "3", | |||||
month = MAR, | |||||
pages = "1157-1182", | |||||
year = 2003 | |||||
} | |||||
@techreport{guyon2007causalreport, | |||||
author = {I. Guyon and C. Aliferis and A. Elisseeff}, | |||||
title = {Causal Feature Selection}, | |||||
institution = {Clopinet}, | |||||
year = 2007, | |||||
type = {Technical Report }, | |||||
source = {\url{http://clopinet.com/isabelle/Papers/causalFS.pdf}} | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ | |||||
% This file is public domain | |||||
\documentclass[wcp]{jmlr} | |||||
\usepackage{lipsum}% Provides dummy text for this example | |||||
\title[Article 4]{Fourth Sample Article} | |||||
\author{\Name{Mary-Jane {de Beer}}\Email{mjdb@sample.com}\\ | |||||
\addr{University of No Where}} | |||||
\editor{Anne Editor} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\begin{abstract} | |||||
\lipsum[1] | |||||
\end{abstract} | |||||
\begin{keywords} | |||||
Sample | |||||
\end{keywords} | |||||
\section{Introduction} | |||||
This is a sample article. \sectionref{sec:method} discusses | |||||
the method used. \equationref{eq:emc2} is an interesting | |||||
equation. The results are discussed in \sectionref{sec:results} | |||||
and some other stuff is in \appendixref{apd:first}. | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\section{Method}\label{sec:method} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\begin{equation}\label{eq:emc2} | |||||
E = mc^2 | |||||
\end{equation} | |||||
\section{Results}\label{sec:results} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
Here are some citations: \citet{guyon-elisseeff-03,guyon2007causalreport}. | |||||
\bibliography{paper4} | |||||
\appendix | |||||
\section{First Appendix}\label{apd:first} | |||||
\lipsum | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ | |||||
% Most packages need to be loaded before hyperref | |||||
% so put them in the definition of \jmlrprehyperref | |||||
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% Packages used by imported articles: | |||||
\usepackage{lipsum} | |||||
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% Title is added to the PDF properties. Optional argument | |||||
% is used instead, if present. | |||||
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\title{Sample Proceedings} | |||||
\author[Anne Editor et al.]{Anne Editor, Anne Other Editor and Nicola Talbot} | |||||
\subtitle{\thejmlrworkshop} | |||||
\jmlrvolume{42} | |||||
\jmlryear{2010} | |||||
\jmlrworkshop{Workshop on Causality} | |||||
\jmlrlocation{Somewhere} | |||||
\logo{\includegraphics{bookLogo}} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\frontmatter | |||||
\chapter{Foreword} | |||||
This is the foreword. | |||||
\begin{authorsignoff} | |||||
\Author{Nicola Talbot\\ | |||||
University of East Anglia} | |||||
\end{authorsignoff} | |||||
\begin{preface} | |||||
This is the preface. | |||||
\begin{signoff}{March 2010} | |||||
% First editor: | |||||
\Editor{Anne Editor\\ | |||||
University of Nowhere\\ | |||||
\mailto{ae@sample.com}} | |||||
% Second editor: | |||||
\Editor{Anne Other Editor\\ | |||||
University of Nowhere\\ | |||||
\mailto{aoe@sample.com}} | |||||
\end{signoff} | |||||
\end{preface} | |||||
\tableofcontents | |||||
\mainmatter | |||||
\begin{jmlrpapers} | |||||
\addtocpart{Introduction} | |||||
% syntax: \importpaper[label]{directory}{filename} | |||||
\importpaper{paper1}{paper1} | |||||
\addtocpart{First Topic} | |||||
\importpaper{paper2}{paper2} | |||||
\importpaper{paper3}{paper3} | |||||
\addtocpart{Second Topic} | |||||
\importpaper{paper4}{paper4} | |||||
\end{jmlrpapers} | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ | |||||
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ | |||||
@article{guyon-elisseeff-03, | |||||
title = "An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection", | |||||
author = "I. Guyon and A. Elisseeff", | |||||
journal = "JMLR", | |||||
volume = "3", | |||||
month = MAR, | |||||
pages = "1157-1182", | |||||
year = 2003 | |||||
} | |||||
@techreport{guyon2007causalreport, | |||||
author = {I. Guyon and C. Aliferis and A. Elisseeff}, | |||||
title = {Causal Feature Selection}, | |||||
institution = {Clopinet}, | |||||
year = 2007, | |||||
type = {Technical Report }, | |||||
source = {\url{http://clopinet.com/isabelle/Papers/causalFS.pdf}} | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,840 @@ | |||||
% use the "wcp" class option for workshop and conference | |||||
% proceedings | |||||
%\documentclass[gray]{jmlr} % test grayscale version | |||||
%\documentclass[tablecaption=bottom]{jmlr}% journal article | |||||
\documentclass[tablecaption=bottom,wcp]{jmlr} % W&CP article | |||||
% The following packages will be automatically loaded: | |||||
% amsmath, amssymb, natbib, graphicx, url, algorithm2e | |||||
%\usepackage{rotating}% for sideways figures and tables | |||||
%\usepackage{longtable}% for long tables | |||||
% The booktabs package is used by this sample document | |||||
% (it provides \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule). | |||||
% Remove the next line if you don't require it. | |||||
\usepackage{booktabs} | |||||
% The siunitx package is used by this sample document | |||||
% to align numbers in a column by their decimal point. | |||||
% Remove the next line if you don't require it. | |||||
\usepackage[load-configurations=version-1]{siunitx} % newer version | |||||
%\usepackage{siunitx} | |||||
% The following command is just for this sample document: | |||||
\newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}}% remove this in your real article | |||||
% Define an unnumbered theorem just for this sample document for | |||||
% illustrative purposes: | |||||
\theorembodyfont{\upshape} | |||||
\theoremheaderfont{\scshape} | |||||
\theorempostheader{:} | |||||
\theoremsep{\newline} | |||||
\newtheorem*{note}{Note} | |||||
% change the arguments, as appropriate, in the following: | |||||
\jmlrvolume{1} | |||||
\jmlryear{2010} | |||||
\jmlrsubmitted{submission date} | |||||
\jmlrpublished{publication date} | |||||
\jmlrworkshop{workshop title} % W&CP title | |||||
% The optional argument of \title is used in the header | |||||
\title[Short Title]{Full Title of Article\titlebreak This Title Has | |||||
A Line Break} | |||||
% Anything in the title that should appear in the main title but | |||||
% not in the article's header or the volume's table of | |||||
% contents should be placed inside \titletag{} | |||||
%\title{Title of the Article\titletag{\thanks{Some footnote}}} | |||||
% Use \Name{Author Name} to specify the name. | |||||
% If the surname contains spaces, enclose the surname | |||||
% in braces, e.g. \Name{John {Smith Jones}} similarly | |||||
% if the name has a "von" part, e.g \Name{Jane {de Winter}}. | |||||
% If the first letter in the forenames is a diacritic | |||||
% enclose the diacritic in braces, e.g. \Name{{\'E}louise Smith} | |||||
% \thanks must come after \Name{...} not inside the argument for | |||||
% example \Name{John Smith}\nametag{\thanks{A note}} NOT \Name{John | |||||
% Smith\thanks{A note}} | |||||
% Anything in the name that should appear in the title but not in the | |||||
% article's header or footer or in the volume's | |||||
% table of contents should be placed inside \nametag{} | |||||
% Two authors with the same address | |||||
\author{\Name{Author Name1\nametag{\thanks{A note}}} \Email{abc@sample.com}\and | |||||
\Name{Author Name2} \Email{xyz@sample.com}\\ | |||||
\addr Address} | |||||
% Three or more authors with the same address: | |||||
% \author{\Name{Author Name1} \Email{an1@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name2} \Email{an2@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name3} \Email{an3@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name4} \Email{an4@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name5} \Email{an5@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name6} \Email{an6@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name7} \Email{an7@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name8} \Email{an8@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name9} \Email{an9@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name10} \Email{an10@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name11} \Email{an11@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name12} \Email{an12@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name13} \Email{an13@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name14} \Email{an14@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \addr Address} | |||||
% Authors with different addresses: | |||||
% \author{\Name{Author Name1} \Email{abc@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \addr Address 1 | |||||
% \AND | |||||
% \Name{Author Name2} \Email{xyz@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \addr Address 2 | |||||
%} | |||||
\editor{Editor's name} | |||||
%\editors{Editor One and Editor Two}% for multiple editors | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\begin{abstract} | |||||
This is the abstract for this article. | |||||
\end{abstract} | |||||
\begin{keywords} | |||||
List of keywords | |||||
\end{keywords} | |||||
\section{Introduction} | |||||
\label{sec:intro} | |||||
This is a sample article that uses the \textsf{jmlr} class with | |||||
the \texttt{wcp} class option. Please follow the guidelines in | |||||
this sample document as it can help to reduce complications when | |||||
combining the articles into a book. Please avoid using obsolete | |||||
commands, such as \verb|\rm|, and obsolete packages, such as | |||||
\textsf{epsfig}.\footnote{See | |||||
\url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/l2tabu}} Some packages that are known | |||||
to cause problems for the production editing process are checked for | |||||
by the \textsf{jmlr} class and will generate an error. (If you want | |||||
to know more about the production editing process, have a look at | |||||
the video tutorials for the production editors at | |||||
\url{http://www.dickimaw-books.com/software/makejmlrbookgui/videos/}.) | |||||
Please also ensure that your document will compile with PDF\LaTeX. | |||||
If you have an error message that's puzzling you, first check for it | |||||
at the UK TUG FAQ | |||||
\url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=man-latex}. If | |||||
that doesn't help, create a minimal working example (see | |||||
\url{http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/latex/minexample/}) and post | |||||
to somewhere like \TeX\ on StackExchange | |||||
(\url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/}) or the \LaTeX\ Community Forum | |||||
(\url{http://www.latex-community.org/forum/}). | |||||
\begin{note} | |||||
This is an numbered theorem-like environment that was defined in | |||||
this document's preamble. | |||||
\end{note} | |||||
\subsection{Sub-sections} | |||||
Sub-sections are produced using \verb|\subsection|. | |||||
\subsubsection{Sub-sub-sections} | |||||
Sub-sub-sections are produced using \verb|\subsubsection|. | |||||
\paragraph{Sub-sub-sub-sections} | |||||
Sub-sub-sub-sections are produced using \verb|\paragraph|. | |||||
These are unnumbered with a running head. | |||||
\subparagraph{Sub-sub-sub-sub-sections} | |||||
Sub-sub-sub-sub-sections are produced using \verb|\subparagraph|. | |||||
These are unnumbered with a running head. | |||||
\section{Cross-Referencing} | |||||
Always use \verb|\label| and \verb|\ref| (or one of the commands | |||||
described below) when cross-referencing. For example, the next | |||||
section is Section~\ref{sec:math} but you can also refer to it using | |||||
\sectionref{sec:math}. The \textsf{jmlr} class | |||||
provides some convenient cross-referencing commands: | |||||
\verb|\sectionref|, \verb|\equationref|, \verb|\tableref|, | |||||
\verb|\figureref|, \verb|\algorithmref|, \verb|\theoremref|, | |||||
\verb|\lemmaref|, \verb|\remarkref|, \verb|\corollaryref|, | |||||
\verb|\definitionref|, \verb|\conjectureref|, \verb|\axiomref|, | |||||
\verb|\exampleref| and \verb|\appendixref|. The argument of these | |||||
commands may either be a single label or a comma-separated list | |||||
of labels. Examples: | |||||
Referencing sections: \sectionref{sec:math} or | |||||
\sectionref{sec:intro,sec:math} or | |||||
\sectionref{sec:intro,sec:math,sec:tables,sec:figures}. | |||||
Referencing equations: \equationref{eq:trigrule} or | |||||
\equationref{eq:trigrule,eq:df} or | |||||
\equationref{eq:trigrule,eq:f,eq:df,eq:y}. | |||||
Referencing tables: \tableref{tab:operatornames} or | |||||
\tableref{tab:operatornames,tab:example} or | |||||
\tableref{tab:operatornames,tab:example,tab:example-booktabs}. | |||||
Referencing figures: \figureref{fig:nodes} or | |||||
\figureref{fig:nodes,fig:teximage} or | |||||
\figureref{fig:nodes,fig:teximage,fig:subfigex} or | |||||
\figureref{fig:circle,fig:square}. | |||||
Referencing algorithms: \algorithmref{alg:gauss} or | |||||
\algorithmref{alg:gauss,alg:moore} or | |||||
\algorithmref{alg:gauss,alg:moore,alg:net}. | |||||
Referencing theorem-like environments: \theoremref{thm:eigenpow}, | |||||
\lemmaref{lem:sample}, \remarkref{rem:sample}, | |||||
\corollaryref{cor:sample}, \definitionref{def:sample}, | |||||
\conjectureref{con:sample}, \axiomref{ax:sample} and | |||||
\exampleref{ex:sample}. | |||||
Referencing appendices: \appendixref{apd:first} or | |||||
\appendixref{apd:first,apd:second}. | |||||
\section{Equations} | |||||
\label{sec:math} | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class loads the \textsf{amsmath} package, so | |||||
you can use any of the commands and environments defined there. | |||||
(See the \textsf{amsmath} documentation for further | |||||
details.\footnote{Either \texttt{texdoc amsmath} or | |||||
\url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/amsmath}}) | |||||
Unnumbered single-lined equations should be displayed using | |||||
\verb|\[| and \verb|\]|. For example: | |||||
\[E = m c^2\] | |||||
or you can use the \texttt{displaymath} environment: | |||||
\begin{displaymath} | |||||
E = m c^2 | |||||
\end{displaymath} | |||||
Numbered single-line equations should be displayed using the | |||||
\texttt{equation} environment. For example: | |||||
\begin{equation}\label{eq:trigrule} | |||||
\cos^2\theta + \sin^2\theta \equiv 1 | |||||
\end{equation} | |||||
This can be referenced using \verb|\label| and \verb|\equationref|. | |||||
For example, \equationref{eq:trigrule}. | |||||
Multi-lined numbered equations should be displayed using the | |||||
\texttt{align} environment.\footnote{For reasons why you | |||||
shouldn't use the obsolete \texttt{eqnarray} environment, see | |||||
Lars Madsen, \emph{Avoid eqnarray!} TUGboat 33(1):21--25, 2012.} For example: | |||||
\begin{align} | |||||
f(x) &= x^2 + x\label{eq:f}\\ | |||||
f'(x) &= 2x + 1\label{eq:df} | |||||
\end{align} | |||||
Unnumbered multi-lined equations can be displayed using the | |||||
\texttt{align*} environment. For example: | |||||
\begin{align*} | |||||
f(x) &= (x+1)(x-1)\\ | |||||
&= x^2 - 1 | |||||
\end{align*} | |||||
If you want to mix numbered with unnumbered lines use the | |||||
\texttt{align} environment and suppress unwanted line numbers with | |||||
\verb|\nonumber|. For example: | |||||
\begin{align} | |||||
y &= x^2 + 3x - 2x + 1\nonumber\\ | |||||
&= x^2 + x + 1\label{eq:y} | |||||
\end{align} | |||||
An equation that is too long to fit on a single line can be | |||||
displayed using the \texttt{split} environment. | |||||
Text can be embedded in an equation using \verb|\text| or | |||||
\verb|\intertext| (as used in \theoremref{thm:eigenpow}). | |||||
See the \textsf{amsmath} documentation for further details. | |||||
\subsection{Operator Names} | |||||
\label{sec:op} | |||||
Predefined operator names are listed in \tableref{tab:operatornames}. | |||||
For additional operators, either use \verb|\operatorname|, | |||||
for example $\operatorname{var}(X)$ or declare it with | |||||
\verb|\DeclareMathOperator|, for example | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\DeclareMathOperator{\var}{var} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
and then use this new command. If you want limits that go above and | |||||
below the operator (like \verb|\sum|) use the starred versions | |||||
(\verb|\operatorname*| or \verb|\DeclareMathOperator*|). | |||||
\begin{table*}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:operatornames}% | |||||
{\caption{Predefined Operator Names (taken from | |||||
\textsf{amsmath} documentation)}}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{rlrlrlrl} | |||||
\cs{arccos} & $\arccos$ & \cs{deg} & $\deg$ & \cs{lg} & $\lg$ & \cs{projlim} & $\projlim$ \\ | |||||
\cs{arcsin} & $\arcsin$ & \cs{det} & $\det$ & \cs{lim} & $\lim$ & \cs{sec} & $\sec$ \\ | |||||
\cs{arctan} & $\arctan$ & \cs{dim} & $\dim$ & \cs{liminf} & $\liminf$ & \cs{sin} & $\sin$ \\ | |||||
\cs{arg} & $\arg$ & \cs{exp} & $\exp$ & \cs{limsup} & $\limsup$ & \cs{sinh} & $\sinh$ \\ | |||||
\cs{cos} & $\cos$ & \cs{gcd} & $\gcd$ & \cs{ln} & $\ln$ & \cs{sup} & $\sup$ \\ | |||||
\cs{cosh} & $\cosh$ & \cs{hom} & $\hom$ & \cs{log} & $\log$ & \cs{tan} & $\tan$ \\ | |||||
\cs{cot} & $\cot$ & \cs{inf} & $\inf$ & \cs{max} & $\max$ & \cs{tanh} & $\tanh$ \\ | |||||
\cs{coth} & $\coth$ & \cs{injlim} & $\injlim$ & \cs{min} & $\min$ \\ | |||||
\cs{csc} & $\csc$ & \cs{ker} & $\ker$ & \cs{Pr} & $\Pr$ | |||||
\end{tabular}\par | |||||
\begin{tabular}{rlrl} | |||||
\cs{varlimsup} & $\varlimsup$ | |||||
& \cs{varinjlim} & $\varinjlim$\\ | |||||
\cs{varliminf} & $\varliminf$ | |||||
& \cs{varprojlim} & $\varprojlim$ | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{table*} | |||||
\section{Vectors and Sets} | |||||
\label{sec:vec} | |||||
Vectors should be typeset using \cs{vec}. For example $\vec{x}$. | |||||
(The original version of \cs{vec} can also be accessed using | |||||
\cs{orgvec}, for example $\orgvec{x}$.) | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class also provides \cs{set} to typeset a | |||||
set. For example $\set{S}$. | |||||
\section{Floats} | |||||
\label{sec:floats} | |||||
Floats, such as figures, tables and algorithms, are moving | |||||
objects and are supposed to float to the nearest convenient | |||||
location. Please don't force them to go in a particular place. In | |||||
general it's best to use the \texttt{htbp} specifier and don't | |||||
put the figure or table in the middle of a paragraph (that is | |||||
make sure there's a paragraph break above and below the float). | |||||
Floats are supposed to have a little extra space above and below | |||||
them to make them stand out from the rest of the text. This extra | |||||
spacing is put in automatically and shouldn't need modifying. | |||||
If your article will later be reprinted in the Challenges for | |||||
Machine Learning, please be aware that the CiML books use a | |||||
different paper size, so if you want to resize any images use a | |||||
scale relative to the line width (\verb|\linewidth|), text width | |||||
(\verb|\textwidth|) or text height (\verb|\textheight|). | |||||
To ensure consistency, please \emph{don't} try changing the format of the caption by doing | |||||
something like: | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\caption{\textit{A Sample Caption.}} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
or | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\caption{\em A Sample Caption.} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
You can, of course, change the font for individual words or | |||||
phrases, for example: | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\caption{A Sample Caption With Some \emph{Emphasized Words}.} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
\subsection{Tables} | |||||
\label{sec:tables} | |||||
Tables should go in the \texttt{table} environment. Within this | |||||
environment use \verb|\floatconts| (defined by \textsf{jmlr}) | |||||
to set the caption correctly and center the table contents. | |||||
The location of the caption depends on the \verb|tablecaption| | |||||
setting in the document class options. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
% The first argument is the label. | |||||
% The caption goes in the second argument, and the table contents | |||||
% go in the third argument. | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:example}% | |||||
{\caption{An Example Table}}% | |||||
{\begin{tabular}{ll} | |||||
\bfseries Dataset & \bfseries Result\\ | |||||
Data1 & 0.12345\\ | |||||
Data2 & 0.67890\\ | |||||
Data3 & 0.54321\\ | |||||
Data4 & 0.09876 | |||||
\end{tabular}} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
If you want horizontal rules you can use the \textsf{booktabs} | |||||
package which provides the commands \verb|\toprule|, | |||||
\verb|\midrule| and \verb|\bottomrule|. For example, see | |||||
\tableref{tab:example-booktabs}. | |||||
\begin{table}[hbtp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:example-booktabs} | |||||
{\caption{A Table With Horizontal Lines}} | |||||
{\begin{tabular}{ll} | |||||
\toprule | |||||
\bfseries Dataset & \bfseries Result\\ | |||||
\midrule | |||||
Data1 & 0.12345\\ | |||||
Data2 & 0.67890\\ | |||||
Data3 & 0.54321\\ | |||||
Data4 & 0.09876\\ | |||||
\bottomrule | |||||
\end{tabular}} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
If you really want vertical lines as well, you can't use the | |||||
\textsf{booktabs} commands as there'll be some unwanted gaps. | |||||
Instead you can use \LaTeX's \verb|\hline|, but the rows may | |||||
appear a bit cramped. You can add extra space above or below a | |||||
row using \verb|\abovestrut| and \verb|\belowstrut|. For example, | |||||
see \tableref{tab:example-hline}. However, you might want to read | |||||
the \textsf{booktabs} documentation regarding the use of vertical | |||||
lines. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:example-hline} | |||||
{\caption{A Table With Horizontal and Vertical Lines}}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} | |||||
\hline | |||||
\abovestrut{2.2ex}\bfseries Dataset & \bfseries Result\\\hline | |||||
\abovestrut{2.2ex}Data1 & 0.12345\\ | |||||
Data2 & 0.67890\\ | |||||
Data3 & 0.54321\\ | |||||
\belowstrut{0.2ex}Data4 & 0.09876\\\hline | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
If you want to align numbers on their decimal point, you can | |||||
use the \textsf{siunitx} package. For example, see | |||||
\tableref{tab:example-siunitx}. For further details see the | |||||
\textsf{siunitx} documentation\footnote{Either \texttt{texdoc | |||||
siunitx} or \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/siunitx}}. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:example-siunitx} | |||||
{\caption{A Table With Numbers Aligned on the Decimal Point}} | |||||
{\begin{tabular}{lS[tabformat=3.5]} | |||||
\bfseries Dataset & {\bfseries Result}\\ | |||||
Data1 & 0.12345\\ | |||||
Data2 & 10.6789\\ | |||||
Data3 & 50.543\\ | |||||
Data4 & 200.09876 | |||||
\end{tabular}} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
If the table is too wide, you can adjust the inter-column | |||||
spacing by changing the value of \verb|\tabcolsep|. For | |||||
example: | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{3pt} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
If the table is very wide but not very long, you can use the | |||||
\texttt{sidewaystable} environment defined in the | |||||
\textsf{rotating} package (so use \verb|\usepackage{rotating}|). | |||||
If the table is too long to fit on a page, you can use the | |||||
\texttt{longtable} environment defined in the \textsf{longtable} | |||||
package (so use \verb|\usepackage{longtable}|). | |||||
\subsection{Figures} | |||||
\label{sec:figures} | |||||
Figures should go in the \texttt{figure} environment. Within this | |||||
environment, use \verb|\floatconts| to correctly position the | |||||
caption and center the image. Use \verb|\includegraphics| | |||||
for external graphics files but omit the file extension. Do not | |||||
use \verb|\epsfig| or \verb|\psfig|. If you want to scale the | |||||
image, it's better to use a fraction of the line width rather | |||||
than an explicit length. For example, see \figureref{fig:nodes}. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
% Caption and label go in the first argument and the figure contents | |||||
% go in the second argument | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:nodes} | |||||
{\caption{Example Image}} | |||||
{\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{images/nodes}} | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
If your image is made up of \LaTeX\ code (for example, commands | |||||
provided by the \textsf{pgf} package) you can include it using | |||||
\cs{includeteximage} (defined by the \textsf{jmlr} class). This | |||||
can be scaled and rotated in the same way as \cs{includegraphics}. | |||||
For example, see \figureref{fig:teximage}. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:teximage} | |||||
{\caption{Image Created Using \LaTeX\ Code}} | |||||
{\includeteximage[angle=45]{images/teximage}} | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
If the figure is too wide to fit on the page, you can use the | |||||
\texttt{sidewaysfigure} environment defined in the | |||||
\textsf{rotating} package. | |||||
Don't use \verb|\graphicspath|.\footnote{This is specific to the | |||||
\textsf{jmlr} class, not a general recommendation. The main file | |||||
that generates the proceedings or the CiML book is typically in a | |||||
different directory to the imported articles, so it modifies the | |||||
graphics path when it imports an article.} If the images | |||||
are contained in a subdirectory, specify this when you include the image, for | |||||
example \verb|\includegraphics{figures/mypic}|. | |||||
\subsubsection{Sub-Figures} | |||||
\label{sec:subfigures} | |||||
Sub-figures can be created using \verb|\subfigure|, which is | |||||
defined by the \textsf{jmlr} class. The optional argument allows | |||||
you to provide a subcaption. The label should be placed in the | |||||
mandatory argument of \verb|\subfigure|. You can reference the | |||||
entire figure, for example \figureref{fig:subfigex}, or you can | |||||
reference part of the figure using \verb|\figureref|, for example | |||||
\figureref{fig:circle}. Alternatively you can reference the | |||||
subfigure using \verb|\subfigref|, for example | |||||
\subfigref{fig:circle,fig:square} in \figureref{fig:subfigex}. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:subfigex} | |||||
{\caption{An Example With Sub-Figures.}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\subfigure[A Circle]{\label{fig:circle}% | |||||
\includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{images/circle}}% | |||||
\qquad | |||||
\subfigure[A Square]{\label{fig:square}% | |||||
\includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{images/square}} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
By default, the sub-figures are aligned on the baseline. | |||||
This can be changed using the second optional argument | |||||
of \verb|\subfigure|. This may be \texttt{t} (top), \texttt{c} | |||||
(centered) or \texttt{b} (bottom). For example, the subfigures | |||||
\subfigref{fig:circle2,fig:square2} in \figureref{fig:subfigex2} | |||||
both have \verb|[c]| as the second optional argument. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:subfigex2} | |||||
{\caption{Another Example With Sub-Figures.}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\subfigure[A Small Circle][c]{\label{fig:circle2}% | |||||
\includegraphics[width=0.1\linewidth]{images/circle}}% | |||||
\qquad | |||||
\subfigure[A Square][c]{\label{fig:square2}% | |||||
\includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{images/square}} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
\subsection{Sub-Tables} | |||||
\label{sec:subtables} | |||||
There is an analogous command \verb|\subtable| for sub-tables. | |||||
It has the same syntax as \verb|\subfigure| described above. | |||||
You can reference the table using \verb|\tableref|, for example | |||||
\tableref{tab:subtabex} or you can reference part of the table, | |||||
for example \tableref{tab:ab}. Alternatively you can reference the | |||||
subtable using \verb|\subtabref|, for example | |||||
\subtabref{tab:ab,tab:cd} in \tableref{tab:subtabex}. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:subtabex} | |||||
{\caption{An Example With Sub-Tables}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\subtable{% | |||||
\label{tab:ab}% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
\bfseries A & \bfseries B\\ | |||||
1 & 2 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
}\qquad | |||||
\subtable{% | |||||
\label{tab:cd}% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
\bfseries C & \bfseries D\\ | |||||
3 & 4\\ | |||||
5 & 6 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
By default, the sub-tables are aligned on the top. | |||||
This can be changed using the second optional argument | |||||
of \verb|\subtable|. This may be \texttt{t} (top), \texttt{c} | |||||
(centered) or \texttt{b} (bottom). For example, the sub-tables | |||||
\subtabref{tab:ab2,tab:cd2} in \tableref{tab:subtabex2} | |||||
both have \verb|[c]| as the second optional argument. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:subtabex2} | |||||
{\caption{Another Example With Sub-Tables}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\subtable[][c]{% | |||||
\label{tab:ab2}% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
\bfseries A & \bfseries B\\ | |||||
1 & 2 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
}\qquad | |||||
\subtable[][c]{% | |||||
\label{tab:cd2}% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
\bfseries C & \bfseries D\\ | |||||
3 & 4\\ | |||||
5 & 6 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
\subsection{Algorithms} | |||||
\label{sec:algorithms} | |||||
Enumerated textual algorithms can be displayed using the | |||||
\texttt{algorithm} environment. Within this environment, use | |||||
\verb|\caption| to set the caption and you can use an | |||||
\texttt{enumerate} or nested \texttt{enumerate} environments. | |||||
For example, see \algorithmref{alg:gauss}. Note that algorithms | |||||
float like figures and tables. | |||||
\begin{algorithm}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{alg:gauss}% | |||||
{\caption{The Gauss-Seidel Algorithm}}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\begin{enumerate} | |||||
\item For $k=1$ to maximum number of iterations | |||||
\begin{enumerate} | |||||
\item For $i=1$ to $n$ | |||||
\begin{enumerate} | |||||
\item $x_i^{(k)} = | |||||
\frac{b_i - \sum_{j=1}^{i-1}a_{ij}x_j^{(k)} | |||||
- \sum_{j=i+1}^{n}a_{ij}x_j^{(k-1)}}{a_{ii}}$ | |||||
\item If $\|\vec{x}^{(k)}-\vec{x}^{(k-1)} < \epsilon\|$, | |||||
where $\epsilon$ is a specified stopping criteria, stop. | |||||
\end{enumerate} | |||||
\end{enumerate} | |||||
\end{enumerate} | |||||
}% | |||||
\end{algorithm} | |||||
If you'd rather have the same numbering throughout the algorithm | |||||
but still want the convenient indentation of nested | |||||
\texttt{enumerate} environments, you can use the | |||||
\texttt{enumerate*} environment provided by the \textsf{jmlr} | |||||
class. For example, see \algorithmref{alg:moore}. | |||||
\begin{algorithm} | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{alg:moore}% | |||||
{\caption{Moore's Shortest Path}}% | |||||
{% | |||||
Given a connected graph $G$, where the length of each edge is 1: | |||||
\begin{enumerate*} | |||||
\item Set the label of vertex $s$ to 0 | |||||
\item Set $i=0$ | |||||
\begin{enumerate*} | |||||
\item \label{step:locate}Locate all unlabelled vertices | |||||
adjacent to a vertex labelled $i$ and label them $i+1$ | |||||
\item If vertex $t$ has been labelled, | |||||
\begin{enumerate*} | |||||
\item[] the shortest path can be found by backtracking, and | |||||
the length is given by the label of $t$. | |||||
\end{enumerate*} | |||||
otherwise | |||||
\begin{enumerate*} | |||||
\item[] increment $i$ and return to step~\ref{step:locate} | |||||
\end{enumerate*} | |||||
\end{enumerate*} | |||||
\end{enumerate*} | |||||
}% | |||||
\end{algorithm} | |||||
Pseudo code can be displayed using the \texttt{algorithm2e} | |||||
environment. This is defined by the \textsf{algorithm2e} package | |||||
(which is automatically loaded) so check the \textsf{algorithm2e} | |||||
documentation for further details.\footnote{Either \texttt{texdoc | |||||
algorithm2e} or \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/algorithm2e}} | |||||
For an example, see \algorithmref{alg:net}. | |||||
\begin{algorithm2e} | |||||
\caption{Computing Net Activation} | |||||
\label{alg:net} | |||||
% older versions of algorithm2e have \dontprintsemicolon instead | |||||
% of the following: | |||||
%\DontPrintSemicolon | |||||
% older versions of algorithm2e have \linesnumbered instead of the | |||||
% following: | |||||
%\LinesNumbered | |||||
\KwIn{$x_1, \ldots, x_n, w_1, \ldots, w_n$} | |||||
\KwOut{$y$, the net activation} | |||||
$y\leftarrow 0$\; | |||||
\For{$i\leftarrow 1$ \KwTo $n$}{ | |||||
$y \leftarrow y + w_i*x_i$\; | |||||
} | |||||
\end{algorithm2e} | |||||
\section{Description Lists} | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class also provides a description-like | |||||
environment called \texttt{altdescription}. This has an | |||||
argument that should be the widest label in the list. Compare: | |||||
\begin{description} | |||||
\item[add] A method that adds two variables. | |||||
\item[differentiate] A method that differentiates a function. | |||||
\end{description} | |||||
with | |||||
\begin{altdescription}{differentiate} | |||||
\item[add] A method that adds two variables. | |||||
\item[differentiate] A method that differentiates a function. | |||||
\end{altdescription} | |||||
\section{Theorems, Lemmas etc} | |||||
\label{sec:theorems} | |||||
The following theorem-like environments are predefined by | |||||
the \textsf{jmlr} class: \texttt{theorem}, \texttt{example}, | |||||
\texttt{lemma}, \texttt{proposition}, \texttt{remark}, | |||||
\texttt{corollary}, \texttt{definition}, \texttt{conjecture} | |||||
and \texttt{axiom}. You can use the \texttt{proof} environment | |||||
to display the proof if need be, as in \theoremref{thm:eigenpow}. | |||||
\begin{theorem}[Eigenvalue Powers]\label{thm:eigenpow} | |||||
If $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $\vec{B}$ with eigenvector | |||||
$\vec{\xi}$, then $\lambda^n$ is an eigenvalue of $\vec{B}^n$ | |||||
with eigenvector $\vec{\xi}$. | |||||
\begin{proof} | |||||
Let $\lambda$ be an eigenvalue of $\vec{B}$ with eigenvector | |||||
$\xi$, then | |||||
\begin{align*} | |||||
\vec{B}\vec{\xi} &= \lambda\vec{\xi} | |||||
\intertext{premultiply by $\vec{B}$:} | |||||
\vec{B}\vec{B}\vec{\xi} &= \vec{B}\lambda\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
\Rightarrow \vec{B}^2\vec{\xi} &= \lambda\vec{B}\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
&= \lambda\lambda\vec{\xi}\qquad | |||||
\text{since }\vec{B}\vec{\xi}=\lambda\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
&= \lambda^2\vec{\xi} | |||||
\end{align*} | |||||
Therefore true for $n=2$. Now assume true for $n=k$: | |||||
\begin{align*} | |||||
\vec{B}^k\vec{\xi} &= \lambda^k\vec{\xi} | |||||
\intertext{premultiply by $\vec{B}$:} | |||||
\vec{B}\vec{B}^k\vec{\xi} &= \vec{B}\lambda^k\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
\Rightarrow \vec{B}^{k+1}\vec{\xi} &= \lambda^k\vec{B}\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
&= \lambda^k\lambda\vec{\xi}\qquad | |||||
\text{since }\vec{B}\vec{\xi}=\lambda\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
&= \lambda^{k+1}\vec{\xi} | |||||
\end{align*} | |||||
Therefore true for $n=k+1$. Therefore, by induction, true for all | |||||
$n$. | |||||
\end{proof} | |||||
\end{theorem} | |||||
\begin{lemma}[A Sample Lemma]\label{lem:sample} | |||||
This is a lemma. | |||||
\end{lemma} | |||||
\begin{remark}[A Sample Remark]\label{rem:sample} | |||||
This is a remark. | |||||
\end{remark} | |||||
\begin{corollary}[A Sample Corollary]\label{cor:sample} | |||||
This is a corollary. | |||||
\end{corollary} | |||||
\begin{definition}[A Sample Definition]\label{def:sample} | |||||
This is a definition. | |||||
\end{definition} | |||||
\begin{conjecture}[A Sample Conjecture]\label{con:sample} | |||||
This is a conjecture. | |||||
\end{conjecture} | |||||
\begin{axiom}[A Sample Axiom]\label{ax:sample} | |||||
This is an axiom. | |||||
\end{axiom} | |||||
\begin{example}[An Example]\label{ex:sample} | |||||
This is an example. | |||||
\end{example} | |||||
\section{Color vs Grayscale} | |||||
\label{sec:color} | |||||
It's helpful if authors supply grayscale versions of their | |||||
images in the event that the article is to be incorporated into | |||||
a black and white printed book. With external PDF, PNG or JPG | |||||
graphic files, you just need to supply a grayscale version of the | |||||
file. For example, if the file is called \texttt{myimage.png}, | |||||
then the gray version should be \texttt{myimage-gray.png} or | |||||
\texttt{myimage-gray.pdf} or \texttt{myimage-gray.jpg}. You don't | |||||
need to modify your code. The \textsf{jmlr} class checks for | |||||
the existence of the grayscale version if it is print mode | |||||
(provided you have used \verb|\includegraphics| and haven't | |||||
specified the file extension). | |||||
You can use \verb|\ifprint| to determine which mode you are in. | |||||
For example, in \figureref{fig:nodes}, the | |||||
\ifprint{dark gray}{purple} ellipse represents an input and the | |||||
\ifprint{light gray}{yellow} ellipse represents an output. | |||||
Another example: {\ifprint{\bfseries}{\color{red}}important text!} | |||||
You can use the class option \texttt{gray} to see how the | |||||
document will appear in gray scale mode. \textcolor{blue}{Colored | |||||
text} will automatically be converted to gray scale in print mode. | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class loads the \textsf{xcolor} | |||||
package, so you can also define your own colors. For example: | |||||
\ifprint | |||||
{\definecolor{myred}{gray}{0.5}}% | |||||
{\definecolor{myred}{rgb}{0.5,0,0}}% | |||||
\textcolor{myred}{XYZ}. | |||||
The \textsf{xcolor} class is loaded with the \texttt{x11names} | |||||
option, so you can use any of the x11 predefined colors (listed | |||||
in the \textsf{xcolor} documentation\footnote{either | |||||
\texttt{texdoc xcolor} or \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/xcolor}}). | |||||
\section{Citations and Bibliography} | |||||
\label{sec:cite} | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class automatically loads \textsf{natbib} | |||||
and automatically sets the bibliography style, so you don't need to | |||||
use \verb|\bibliographystyle|. | |||||
This sample file has the citations defined in the accompanying | |||||
BibTeX file \texttt{jmlr-sample.bib}. For a parenthetical | |||||
citation use \verb|\citep|. For example | |||||
\citep{guyon-elisseeff-03}. For a textual citation use | |||||
\verb|\citet|. For example \citet{guyon2007causalreport}. | |||||
Both commands may take a comma-separated list, for example | |||||
\citet{guyon-elisseeff-03,guyon2007causalreport}. | |||||
These commands have optional arguments and have a starred | |||||
version. See the \textsf{natbib} documentation for further | |||||
details.\footnote{Either \texttt{texdoc natbib} or | |||||
\url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/natbib}} | |||||
The bibliography is displayed using \verb|\bibliography|. | |||||
\acks{Acknowledgements go here.} | |||||
\bibliography{jmlr-sample} | |||||
\appendix | |||||
\section{First Appendix}\label{apd:first} | |||||
This is the first appendix. | |||||
\section{Second Appendix}\label{apd:second} | |||||
This is the second appendix. | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,789 @@ | |||||
%\documentclass[wcp,gray]{jmlr} % test grayscale version | |||||
%\documentclass[wcp]{jmlr}% former name JMLR W\&CP | |||||
\documentclass[pmlr]{jmlr}% new name PMLR (Proceedings of Machine Learning) | |||||
% The following packages will be automatically loaded: | |||||
% amsmath, amssymb, natbib, graphicx, url, algorithm2e | |||||
%\usepackage{rotating}% for sideways figures and tables | |||||
\usepackage{longtable}% for long tables | |||||
% The booktabs package is used by this sample document | |||||
% (it provides \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule). | |||||
% Remove the next line if you don't require it. | |||||
\usepackage{booktabs} | |||||
% The siunitx package is used by this sample document | |||||
% to align numbers in a column by their decimal point. | |||||
% Remove the next line if you don't require it. | |||||
\usepackage[load-configurations=version-1]{siunitx} % newer version | |||||
%\usepackage{siunitx} | |||||
% The following command is just for this sample document: | |||||
\newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} | |||||
% Define an unnumbered theorem just for this sample document: | |||||
\theorembodyfont{\upshape} | |||||
\theoremheaderfont{\scshape} | |||||
\theorempostheader{:} | |||||
\theoremsep{\newline} | |||||
\newtheorem*{note}{Note} | |||||
% change the arguments, as appropriate, in the following: | |||||
\jmlrvolume{1} | |||||
\jmlryear{2010} | |||||
\jmlrworkshop{Workshop Title} | |||||
\title[Short Title]{Full Title of Article\titlebreak This Title Has | |||||
A Line Break\titletag{\thanks{sample footnote}}} | |||||
% Use \Name{Author Name} to specify the name. | |||||
% If the surname contains spaces, enclose the surname | |||||
% in braces, e.g. \Name{John {Smith Jones}} similarly | |||||
% if the name has a "von" part, e.g \Name{Jane {de Winter}}. | |||||
% If the first letter in the forenames is a diacritic | |||||
% enclose the diacritic in braces, e.g. \Name{{\'E}louise Smith} | |||||
% Two authors with the same address | |||||
\author{\Name{Author Name1\nametag{\thanks{with a note}}} \Email{abc@sample.com}\and | |||||
\Name{Author Name2} \Email{xyz@sample.com}\\ | |||||
\addr Address} | |||||
% Three or more authors with the same address: | |||||
% \author{\Name{Author Name1} \Email{an1@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name2} \Email{an2@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name3} \Email{an3@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name4} \Email{an4@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name5} \Email{an5@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name6} \Email{an6@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name7} \Email{an7@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name8} \Email{an8@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name9} \Email{an9@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name10} \Email{an10@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name11} \Email{an11@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name12} \Email{an12@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name13} \Email{an13@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \Name{Author Name14} \Email{an14@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \addr Address} | |||||
% Authors with different addresses: | |||||
% \author{\Name{Author Name1} \Email{abc@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \addr Address 1 | |||||
% \AND | |||||
% \Name{Author Name2} \Email{xyz@sample.com}\\ | |||||
% \addr Address 2 | |||||
%} | |||||
\editor{Editor's name} | |||||
% \editors{List of editors' names} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\begin{abstract} | |||||
This is the abstract for this article. | |||||
\end{abstract} | |||||
\begin{keywords} | |||||
List of keywords | |||||
\end{keywords} | |||||
\section{Introduction} | |||||
\label{sec:intro} | |||||
This is a sample article that uses the \textsf{jmlr} class with | |||||
the \texttt{wcp} class option. Please follow the guidelines in | |||||
this sample document as it can help to reduce complications when | |||||
combining the articles into a book. Please avoid using obsolete | |||||
commands, such as \verb|\rm|, and obsolete packages, such as | |||||
\textsf{epsfig}.\footnote{See | |||||
\url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/l2tabu}} | |||||
Please also ensure that your document will compile with PDF\LaTeX. | |||||
If you have an error message that's puzzling you, first check for it | |||||
at the UK TUG FAQ | |||||
\url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=man-latex}. If | |||||
that doesn't help, create a minimal working example (see | |||||
\url{http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/latex/minexample/}) and post | |||||
to somewhere like TeX on StackExchange | |||||
(\url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/}) or the LaTeX Community Forum | |||||
(\url{http://www.latex-community.org/forum/}). | |||||
\begin{note} | |||||
This is an numbered theorem-like environment that was defined in | |||||
this document's preamble. | |||||
\end{note} | |||||
\subsection{Sub-sections} | |||||
Sub-sections are produced using \verb|\subsection|. | |||||
\subsubsection{Sub-sub-sections} | |||||
Sub-sub-sections are produced using \verb|\subsubsection|. | |||||
\paragraph{Sub-sub-sub-sections} | |||||
Sub-sub-sub-sections are produced using \verb|\paragraph|. | |||||
These are unnumbered with a running head. | |||||
\subparagraph{Sub-sub-sub-sub-sections} | |||||
Sub-sub-sub-sub-sections are produced using \verb|\subparagraph|. | |||||
These are unnumbered with a running head. | |||||
\section{Cross-Referencing} | |||||
Always use \verb|\label| and \verb|\ref| (or one of the commands | |||||
described below) when cross-referencing. For example, the next | |||||
section is Section~\ref{sec:math}. The \textsf{jmlr} class | |||||
provides some convenient cross-referencing commands: | |||||
\verb|\sectionref|, \verb|\equationref|, \verb|\tableref|, | |||||
\verb|\figureref|, \verb|\algorithmref|, \verb|\theoremref|, | |||||
\verb|\lemmaref|, \verb|\remarkref|, \verb|\corollaryref|, | |||||
\verb|\definitionref|, \verb|\conjectureref|, \verb|\axiomref|, | |||||
\verb|\exampleref| and \verb|\appendixref|. The argument of these | |||||
commands may either be a single label or a comma-separated list | |||||
of labels. Examples: | |||||
Referencing sections: \sectionref{sec:math} or | |||||
\sectionref{sec:intro,sec:math} or | |||||
\sectionref{sec:intro,sec:math,sec:tables,sec:figures}. | |||||
Referencing equations: \equationref{eq:trigrule} or | |||||
\equationref{eq:trigrule,eq:df} or | |||||
\equationref{eq:trigrule,eq:f,eq:df,eq:y}. | |||||
Referencing tables: \tableref{tab:operatornames} or | |||||
\tableref{tab:operatornames,tab:example} or | |||||
\tableref{tab:operatornames,tab:example,tab:example-booktabs}. | |||||
Referencing figures: \figureref{fig:nodes} or | |||||
\figureref{fig:nodes,fig:teximage} or | |||||
\figureref{fig:nodes,fig:teximage,fig:subfigex} or | |||||
\figureref{fig:circle,fig:square}. | |||||
Referencing algorithms: \algorithmref{alg:gauss} or | |||||
\algorithmref{alg:gauss,alg:moore} or | |||||
\algorithmref{alg:gauss,alg:moore,alg:net}. | |||||
Referencing theorem-like environments: \theoremref{thm:eigenpow}, | |||||
\lemmaref{lem:sample}, \remarkref{rem:sample}, | |||||
\corollaryref{cor:sample}, \definitionref{def:sample}, | |||||
\conjectureref{con:sample}, \axiomref{ax:sample} and | |||||
\exampleref{ex:sample}. | |||||
Referencing appendices: \appendixref{apd:first} or | |||||
\appendixref{apd:first,apd:second}. | |||||
\section{Equations} | |||||
\label{sec:math} | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class loads the \textsf{amsmath} package, so | |||||
you can use any of the commands and environments defined there. | |||||
(See the \textsf{amsmath} documentation for further | |||||
details.\footnote{Either \texttt{texdoc amsmath} or | |||||
\url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/amsmath}}) | |||||
Unnumbered single-lined equations should be displayed using | |||||
\verb|\[| and \verb|\]|. For example: | |||||
\[E = m c^2\] | |||||
Numbered single-line equations should be displayed using the | |||||
\texttt{equation} environment. For example: | |||||
\begin{equation}\label{eq:trigrule} | |||||
\cos^2\theta + \sin^2\theta \equiv 1 | |||||
\end{equation} | |||||
This can be referenced using \verb|\label| and \verb|\equationref|. | |||||
For example, \equationref{eq:trigrule}. | |||||
Multi-lined numbered equations should be displayed using the | |||||
\texttt{align} environment.\footnote{For reasons why you | |||||
shouldn't use the obsolete \texttt{eqnarray} environment, see | |||||
Lars Madsen, \emph{Avoid eqnarray!} TUGboat 33(1):21--25, 2012.} For example: | |||||
\begin{align} | |||||
f(x) &= x^2 + x\label{eq:f}\\ | |||||
f'(x) &= 2x + 1\label{eq:df} | |||||
\end{align} | |||||
Unnumbered multi-lined equations should be displayed using the | |||||
\texttt{align*} environment. For example: | |||||
\begin{align*} | |||||
f(x) &= (x+1)(x-1)\\ | |||||
&= x^2 - 1 | |||||
\end{align*} | |||||
If you want to mix numbered with unnumbered lines use the | |||||
align environment and suppress unwanted line numbers with | |||||
\verb|\nonumber|. For example: | |||||
\begin{align} | |||||
y &= x^2 + 3x - 2x + 1\nonumber\\ | |||||
&= x^2 + x + 1\label{eq:y} | |||||
\end{align} | |||||
An equation that is too long to fit on a single line can be | |||||
displayed using the \texttt{split} environment. | |||||
Text can be embedded in an equation using \verb|\text| or | |||||
\verb|\intertext| (as used in \theoremref{thm:eigenpow}). | |||||
See the \textsf{amsmath} documentation for further details. | |||||
\subsection{Operator Names} | |||||
\label{sec:op} | |||||
Predefined operator names are listed in \tableref{tab:operatornames}. | |||||
For additional operators, either use \verb|\operatorname|, | |||||
for example $\operatorname{var}(X)$ or declare it with | |||||
\verb|\DeclareMathOperator|, for example | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\DeclareMathOperator{\var}{var} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
and then use this new command. If you want limits that go above and | |||||
below the operator (like \verb|\sum|) use the starred versions | |||||
(\verb|\operatorname*| or \verb|\DeclareMathOperator*|). | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:operatornames}% | |||||
{\caption{Predefined Operator Names (taken from | |||||
\textsf{amsmath} documentation)}}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{rlrlrlrl} | |||||
\cs{arccos} & $\arccos$ & \cs{deg} & $\deg$ & \cs{lg} & $\lg$ & \cs{projlim} & $\projlim$ \\ | |||||
\cs{arcsin} & $\arcsin$ & \cs{det} & $\det$ & \cs{lim} & $\lim$ & \cs{sec} & $\sec$ \\ | |||||
\cs{arctan} & $\arctan$ & \cs{dim} & $\dim$ & \cs{liminf} & $\liminf$ & \cs{sin} & $\sin$ \\ | |||||
\cs{arg} & $\arg$ & \cs{exp} & $\exp$ & \cs{limsup} & $\limsup$ & \cs{sinh} & $\sinh$ \\ | |||||
\cs{cos} & $\cos$ & \cs{gcd} & $\gcd$ & \cs{ln} & $\ln$ & \cs{sup} & $\sup$ \\ | |||||
\cs{cosh} & $\cosh$ & \cs{hom} & $\hom$ & \cs{log} & $\log$ & \cs{tan} & $\tan$ \\ | |||||
\cs{cot} & $\cot$ & \cs{inf} & $\inf$ & \cs{max} & $\max$ & \cs{tanh} & $\tanh$ \\ | |||||
\cs{coth} & $\coth$ & \cs{injlim} & $\injlim$ & \cs{min} & $\min$ \\ | |||||
\cs{csc} & $\csc$ & \cs{ker} & $\ker$ & \cs{Pr} & $\Pr$ | |||||
\end{tabular}\par | |||||
\begin{tabular}{rlrl} | |||||
\cs{varlimsup} & $\varlimsup$ | |||||
& \cs{varinjlim} & $\varinjlim$\\ | |||||
\cs{varliminf} & $\varliminf$ | |||||
& \cs{varprojlim} & $\varprojlim$ | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
\section{Vectors and Sets} | |||||
\label{sec:vec} | |||||
Vectors should be typeset using \cs{vec}. For example $\vec{x}$. | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class also provides \cs{set} to typeset a | |||||
set. For example $\set{S}$. | |||||
\section{Floats} | |||||
\label{sec:floats} | |||||
Floats, such as figures, tables and algorithms, are moving | |||||
objects and are supposed to float to the nearest convenient | |||||
location. Please don't force them to go in a particular place. In | |||||
general it's best to use the \texttt{htbp} specifier and don't | |||||
put the figure or table in the middle of a paragraph (that is | |||||
make sure there's a paragraph break above and below the float). | |||||
Floats are supposed to have a little extra space above and below | |||||
them to make them stand out from the rest of the text. This extra | |||||
spacing is put in automatically and shouldn't need modifying. | |||||
To ensure consistency, please \emph{don't} try changing the format of the caption by doing | |||||
something like: | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\caption{\textit{A Sample Caption.}} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
or | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\caption{\em A Sample Caption.} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
You can, of course, change the font for individual words or | |||||
phrases, for example: | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\caption{A Sample Caption With Some \emph{Emphasized Words}.} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
\subsection{Tables} | |||||
\label{sec:tables} | |||||
Tables should go in the \texttt{table} environment. Within this | |||||
environment use \verb|\floatconts| (defined by \textsf{jmlr}) | |||||
to set the caption correctly and center the table contents. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
% The first argument is the label. | |||||
% The caption goes in the second argument, and the table contents | |||||
% go in the third argument. | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:example}% | |||||
{\caption{An Example Table}}% | |||||
{\begin{tabular}{ll} | |||||
\bfseries Dataset & \bfseries Result\\ | |||||
Data1 & 0.12345\\ | |||||
Data2 & 0.67890\\ | |||||
Data3 & 0.54321\\ | |||||
Data4 & 0.09876 | |||||
\end{tabular}} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
If you want horizontal rules you can use the \textsf{booktabs} | |||||
package which provides the commands \verb|\toprule|, | |||||
\verb|\midrule| and \verb|\bottomrule|. For example, see | |||||
\tableref{tab:example-booktabs}. | |||||
\begin{table}[hbtp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:example-booktabs} | |||||
{\caption{A Table With Horizontal Lines}} | |||||
{\begin{tabular}{ll} | |||||
\toprule | |||||
\bfseries Dataset & \bfseries Result\\ | |||||
\midrule | |||||
Data1 & 0.12345\\ | |||||
Data2 & 0.67890\\ | |||||
Data3 & 0.54321\\ | |||||
Data4 & 0.09876\\ | |||||
\bottomrule | |||||
\end{tabular}} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
If you want vertical lines as well, you can't use the | |||||
\textsf{booktabs} commands as there'll be some unwanted gaps. | |||||
Instead you can use \LaTeX's \verb|\hline|, but the rows may | |||||
appear a bit cramped. You can add extra space above or below a | |||||
row using \verb|\abovestrut| and \verb|\belowstrut|. For example, | |||||
see \tableref{tab:example-hline}. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:example-hline} | |||||
{\caption{A Table With Horizontal and Vertical Lines}}% | |||||
{% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} | |||||
\hline | |||||
\abovestrut{2.2ex}\bfseries Dataset & \bfseries Result\\\hline | |||||
\abovestrut{2.2ex}Data1 & 0.12345\\ | |||||
Data2 & 0.67890\\ | |||||
Data3 & 0.54321\\ | |||||
\belowstrut{0.2ex}Data4 & 0.09876\\\hline | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
If you want to align numbers on their decimal point, you can | |||||
use the \textsf{siunitx} package. For example, see | |||||
\tableref{tab:example-siunitx}. For further details see the | |||||
\textsf{siunitx} documentation\footnote{Either \texttt{texdoc | |||||
siunitx} or \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/siunitx}}. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:example-siunitx} | |||||
{\caption{A Table With Numbers Aligned on the Decimal Point}} | |||||
{\begin{tabular}{lS[tabformat=3.5]} | |||||
\bfseries Dataset & {\bfseries Result}\\ | |||||
Data1 & 0.12345\\ | |||||
Data2 & 10.6789\\ | |||||
Data3 & 50.543\\ | |||||
Data4 & 200.09876 | |||||
\end{tabular}} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
If the table is too wide, you can adjust the inter-column | |||||
spacing by changing the value of \verb|\tabcolsep|. For | |||||
example: | |||||
\begin{verbatim} | |||||
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{3pt} | |||||
\end{verbatim} | |||||
If the table is very wide but not very long, you can use the | |||||
\texttt{sidewaystable} environment defined in the | |||||
\textsf{rotating} package (so use \verb|\usepackage{rotating}|). | |||||
If the table is too long to fit on a page, you should use the | |||||
\texttt{longtable} environment defined in the \textsf{longtable} | |||||
package (so use \verb|\usepackage{longtable}|). | |||||
\subsection{Figures} | |||||
\label{sec:figures} | |||||
Figures should go in the \texttt{figure} environment. Within this | |||||
environment, use \verb|\floatconts| to correctly position the | |||||
caption and center the image. Use \verb|\includegraphics| | |||||
for external graphics files but omit the file extension. Do not | |||||
use \verb|\epsfig| or \verb|\psfig|. If you want to scale the | |||||
image, it's better to use a fraction of the line width rather | |||||
than an explicit length. For example, see \figureref{fig:nodes}. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
% Caption and label go in the first argument and the figure contents | |||||
% go in the second argument | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:nodes} | |||||
{\caption{Example Image}} | |||||
{\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{images/nodes}} | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
If your image is made up of \LaTeX\ code (for example, commands | |||||
provided by the \textsf{pgf} package) you can include it using | |||||
\cs{includeteximage} (defined by the \textsf{jmlr} class). This | |||||
can be scaled and rotated in the same way as \cs{includegraphics}. | |||||
For example, see \figureref{fig:teximage}. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:teximage} | |||||
{\caption{Image Created Using \LaTeX\ Code}} | |||||
{\includeteximage[angle=45]{images/teximage}} | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
If the figure is too wide to fit on the page, you can use the | |||||
\texttt{sidewaysfigure} environment defined in the | |||||
\textsf{rotating} package. | |||||
Don't use \verb|\graphicspath|. If the images are contained in | |||||
a subdirectory, specify this when you include the image, for | |||||
example \verb|\includegraphics{figures/mypic}|. | |||||
\subsubsection{Sub-Figures} | |||||
\label{sec:subfigures} | |||||
Sub-figures can be created using \verb|\subfigure|, which is | |||||
defined by the \textsf{jmlr} class. The optional argument allows | |||||
you to provide a subcaption. The label should be placed in the | |||||
mandatory argument of \verb|\subfigure|. You can reference the | |||||
entire figure, for example \figureref{fig:subfigex}, or you can | |||||
reference part of the figure using \verb|\figureref|, for example | |||||
\figureref{fig:circle}. Alternatively you can reference the | |||||
subfigure using \verb|\subfigref|, for example | |||||
\subfigref{fig:circle,fig:square} in \figureref{fig:subfigex}. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:subfigex} | |||||
{\caption{An Example With Sub-Figures.}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\subfigure[A Circle]{\label{fig:circle}% | |||||
\includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{images/circle}}% | |||||
\qquad | |||||
\subfigure[A Square]{\label{fig:square}% | |||||
\includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{images/square}} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
By default, the sub-figures are aligned on the baseline. | |||||
This can be changed using the second optional argument | |||||
of \verb|\subfigure|. This may be \texttt{t} (top), \texttt{c} | |||||
(centered) or \texttt{b} (bottom). For example, the subfigures | |||||
\subfigref{fig:circle2,fig:square2} in \figureref{fig:subfigex2} | |||||
both have \verb|[c]| as the second optional argument. | |||||
\begin{figure}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{fig:subfigex2} | |||||
{\caption{Another Example With Sub-Figures.}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\subfigure[A Small Circle][c]{\label{fig:circle2}% | |||||
\includegraphics[width=0.1\linewidth]{images/circle}}% | |||||
\qquad | |||||
\subfigure[A Square][c]{\label{fig:square2}% | |||||
\includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{images/square}} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{figure} | |||||
\subsection{Sub-Tables} | |||||
\label{sec:subtables} | |||||
There is an analogous command \verb|\subtable| for sub-tables. | |||||
It has the same syntax as \verb|\subfigure| described above. | |||||
You can reference the table using \verb|\tableref|, for example | |||||
\tableref{tab:subtabex} or you can reference part of the table, | |||||
for example \tableref{tab:ab}. Alternatively you can reference the | |||||
subtable using \verb|\subtabref|, for example | |||||
\subtabref{tab:ab,tab:cd} in \tableref{tab:subtabex}. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:subtabex} | |||||
{\caption{An Example With Sub-Tables}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\subtable{% | |||||
\label{tab:ab}% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
\bfseries A & \bfseries B\\ | |||||
1 & 2 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
}\qquad | |||||
\subtable{% | |||||
\label{tab:cd}% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
\bfseries C & \bfseries D\\ | |||||
3 & 4\\ | |||||
5 & 6 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
By default, the sub-tables are aligned on the top. | |||||
This can be changed using the second optional argument | |||||
of \verb|\subtable|. This may be \texttt{t} (top), \texttt{c} | |||||
(centered) or \texttt{b} (bottom). For example, the sub-tables | |||||
\subtabref{tab:ab2,tab:cd2} in \tableref{tab:subtabex2} | |||||
both have \verb|[c]| as the second optional argument. | |||||
\begin{table}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{tab:subtabex2} | |||||
{\caption{Another Example With Sub-Tables}} | |||||
{% | |||||
\subtable[][c]{% | |||||
\label{tab:ab2}% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
\bfseries A & \bfseries B\\ | |||||
1 & 2 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
}\qquad | |||||
\subtable[][c]{% | |||||
\label{tab:cd2}% | |||||
\begin{tabular}{cc} | |||||
\bfseries C & \bfseries D\\ | |||||
3 & 4\\ | |||||
5 & 6 | |||||
\end{tabular} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{table} | |||||
\subsection{Algorithms} | |||||
\label{sec:algorithms} | |||||
Enumerated textual algorithms can be displayed using the | |||||
\texttt{algorithm} environment. Within this environment, use | |||||
use an \texttt{enumerate} or nested \texttt{enumerate} environments. | |||||
For example, see \algorithmref{alg:gauss}. Note that algorithms | |||||
float like figures and tables. | |||||
\begin{algorithm}[htbp] | |||||
\floatconts | |||||
{alg:gauss}% label | |||||
{\caption{The Gauss-Seidel Algorithm}} | |||||
{% contents | |||||
\begin{enumerate} | |||||
\item For $k=1$ to maximum number of iterations | |||||
\begin{enumerate} | |||||
\item For $i=1$ to $n$ | |||||
\begin{enumerate} | |||||
\item $x_i^{(k)} = | |||||
\frac{b_i - \sum_{j=1}^{i-1}a_{ij}x_j^{(k)} | |||||
- \sum_{j=i+1}^{n}a_{ij}x_j^{(k-1)}}{a_{ii}}$ | |||||
\item If $\|\vec{x}^{(k)}-\vec{x}^{(k-1)} < \epsilon\|$, | |||||
where $\epsilon$ is a specified stopping criteria, stop. | |||||
\end{enumerate} | |||||
\end{enumerate} | |||||
\end{enumerate} | |||||
} | |||||
\end{algorithm} | |||||
You can use \verb|\caption| and \verb|\label| without using | |||||
\verb|\floatconts| (as in \algorithmref{alg:moore}). | |||||
If you'd rather have the same numbering throughout the algorithm | |||||
but still want the convenient indentation of nested | |||||
\texttt{enumerate} environments, you can use the | |||||
\texttt{enumerate*} environment provided by the \textsf{jmlr} | |||||
class. For example, see \algorithmref{alg:moore}. | |||||
\begin{algorithm} | |||||
\caption{Moore's Shortest Path}\label{alg:moore} | |||||
Given a connected graph $G$, where the length of each edge is 1: | |||||
\begin{enumerate*} | |||||
\item Set the label of vertex $s$ to 0 | |||||
\item Set $i=0$ | |||||
\begin{enumerate*} | |||||
\item \label{step:locate}Locate all unlabelled vertices | |||||
adjacent to a vertex labelled $i$ and label them $i+1$ | |||||
\item If vertex $t$ has been labelled, | |||||
\begin{enumerate*} | |||||
\item[] the shortest path can be found by backtracking, and | |||||
the length is given by the label of $t$. | |||||
\end{enumerate*} | |||||
otherwise | |||||
\begin{enumerate*} | |||||
\item[] increment $i$ and return to step~\ref{step:locate} | |||||
\end{enumerate*} | |||||
\end{enumerate*} | |||||
\end{enumerate*} | |||||
\end{algorithm} | |||||
Pseudo code can be displayed using the \texttt{algorithm2e} | |||||
environment. This is defined by the \textsf{algorithm2e} package | |||||
(which is automatically loaded) so check the \textsf{algorithm2e} | |||||
documentation for further details.\footnote{Either \texttt{texdoc | |||||
algorithm2e} or \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/algorithm2e}} | |||||
For an example, see \algorithmref{alg:net}. | |||||
\begin{algorithm2e} | |||||
\caption{Computing Net Activation} | |||||
\label{alg:net} | |||||
% older versions of algorithm2e have \dontprintsemicolon instead | |||||
% of the following: | |||||
%\DontPrintSemicolon | |||||
% older versions of algorithm2e have \linesnumbered instead of the | |||||
% following: | |||||
%\LinesNumbered | |||||
\KwIn{$x_1, \ldots, x_n, w_1, \ldots, w_n$} | |||||
\KwOut{$y$, the net activation} | |||||
$y\leftarrow 0$\; | |||||
\For{$i\leftarrow 1$ \KwTo $n$}{ | |||||
$y \leftarrow y + w_i*x_i$\; | |||||
} | |||||
\end{algorithm2e} | |||||
\section{Description Lists} | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class also provides a description-like | |||||
environment called \texttt{altdescription}. This has an | |||||
argument that should be the widest label in the list. Compare: | |||||
\begin{description} | |||||
\item[add] A method that adds two variables. | |||||
\item[differentiate] A method that differentiates a function. | |||||
\end{description} | |||||
with | |||||
\begin{altdescription}{differentiate} | |||||
\item[add] A method that adds two variables. | |||||
\item[differentiate] A method that differentiates a function. | |||||
\end{altdescription} | |||||
\section{Theorems, Lemmas etc} | |||||
\label{sec:theorems} | |||||
The following theorem-like environments are predefined by | |||||
the \textsf{jmlr} class: \texttt{theorem}, \texttt{example}, | |||||
\texttt{lemma}, \texttt{proposition}, \texttt{remark}, | |||||
\texttt{corollary}, \texttt{definition}, \texttt{conjecture} | |||||
and \texttt{axiom}. You can use the \texttt{proof} environment | |||||
to display the proof if need be, as in \theoremref{thm:eigenpow}. | |||||
\begin{theorem}[Eigenvalue Powers]\label{thm:eigenpow} | |||||
If $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $\vec{B}$ with eigenvector | |||||
$\vec{\xi}$, then $\lambda^n$ is an eigenvalue of $\vec{B}^n$ | |||||
with eigenvector $\vec{\xi}$. | |||||
\begin{proof} | |||||
Let $\lambda$ be an eigenvalue of $\vec{B}$ with eigenvector | |||||
$\xi$, then | |||||
\begin{align*} | |||||
\vec{B}\vec{\xi} &= \lambda\vec{\xi} | |||||
\intertext{premultiply by $\vec{B}$:} | |||||
\vec{B}\vec{B}\vec{\xi} &= \vec{B}\lambda\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
\Rightarrow \vec{B}^2\vec{\xi} &= \lambda\vec{B}\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
&= \lambda\lambda\vec{\xi}\qquad | |||||
\text{since }\vec{B}\vec{\xi}=\lambda\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
&= \lambda^2\vec{\xi} | |||||
\end{align*} | |||||
Therefore true for $n=2$. Now assume true for $n=k$: | |||||
\begin{align*} | |||||
\vec{B}^k\vec{\xi} &= \lambda^k\vec{\xi} | |||||
\intertext{premultiply by $\vec{B}$:} | |||||
\vec{B}\vec{B}^k\vec{\xi} &= \vec{B}\lambda^k\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
\Rightarrow \vec{B}^{k+1}\vec{\xi} &= \lambda^k\vec{B}\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
&= \lambda^k\lambda\vec{\xi}\qquad | |||||
\text{since }\vec{B}\vec{\xi}=\lambda\vec{\xi}\\ | |||||
&= \lambda^{k+1}\vec{\xi} | |||||
\end{align*} | |||||
Therefore true for $n=k+1$. Therefore, by induction, true for all | |||||
$n$. | |||||
\end{proof} | |||||
\end{theorem} | |||||
\begin{lemma}[A Sample Lemma]\label{lem:sample} | |||||
This is a lemma. | |||||
\end{lemma} | |||||
\begin{remark}[A Sample Remark]\label{rem:sample} | |||||
This is a remark. | |||||
\end{remark} | |||||
\begin{corollary}[A Sample Corollary]\label{cor:sample} | |||||
This is a corollary. | |||||
\end{corollary} | |||||
\begin{definition}[A Sample Definition]\label{def:sample} | |||||
This is a definition. | |||||
\end{definition} | |||||
\begin{conjecture}[A Sample Conjecture]\label{con:sample} | |||||
This is a conjecture. | |||||
\end{conjecture} | |||||
\begin{axiom}[A Sample Axiom]\label{ax:sample} | |||||
This is an axiom. | |||||
\end{axiom} | |||||
\begin{example}[An Example]\label{ex:sample} | |||||
This is an example. | |||||
\end{example} | |||||
\section{Color vs Grayscale} | |||||
\label{sec:color} | |||||
It's helpful if authors supply grayscale versions of their | |||||
images in the event that the article is to be incorporated into | |||||
a black and white printed book. With external PDF, PNG or JPG | |||||
graphic files, you just need to supply a grayscale version of the | |||||
file. For example, if the file is called \texttt{myimage.png}, | |||||
then the gray version should be \texttt{myimage-gray.png} or | |||||
\texttt{myimage-gray.pdf} or \texttt{myimage-gray.jpg}. You don't | |||||
need to modify your code. The \textsf{jmlr} class checks for | |||||
the existence of the grayscale version if it is print mode | |||||
(provided you have used \verb|\includegraphics| and haven't | |||||
specified the file extension). | |||||
You can use \verb|\ifprint| to determine which mode you are in. | |||||
For example, in \figureref{fig:nodes}, the | |||||
\ifprint{dark gray}{purple} ellipse represents an input and the | |||||
\ifprint{light gray}{yellow} ellipse represents an output. | |||||
Another example: {\ifprint{\bfseries}{\color{red}}important text!} | |||||
You can use the class option \texttt{gray} to see how the | |||||
document will appear in gray scale mode. \textcolor{blue}{Colored | |||||
text} will automatically be converted to gray scale. | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class loads the \textsf{xcolor} | |||||
package, so you can also define your own colors. For example: | |||||
\ifprint | |||||
{\definecolor{myred}{gray}{0.5}}% | |||||
{\definecolor{myred}{rgb}{0.5,0,0}}% | |||||
\textcolor{myred}{XYZ}. | |||||
The \textsf{xcolor} class is loaded with the \texttt{x11names} | |||||
option, so you can use any of the x11 predefined colors (listed | |||||
in the \textsf{xcolor} documentation\footnote{either | |||||
\texttt{texdoc xcolor} or \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/xcolor}}). | |||||
\section{Citations and Bibliography} | |||||
\label{sec:cite} | |||||
The \textsf{jmlr} class automatically loads \textsf{natbib}. | |||||
This sample file has the citations defined in the accompanying | |||||
BibTeX file \texttt{jmlr-sample.bib}. For a parenthetical | |||||
citation use \verb|\citep|. For example | |||||
\citep{guyon-elisseeff-03}. For a textual citation use | |||||
\verb|\citet|. For example \citet{guyon2007causalreport}. | |||||
Both commands may take a comma-separated list, for example | |||||
\citet{guyon-elisseeff-03,guyon2007causalreport}. | |||||
These commands have optional arguments and have a starred | |||||
version. See the \textsf{natbib} documentation for further | |||||
details.\footnote{Either \texttt{texdoc natbib} or | |||||
\url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/natbib}} | |||||
The bibliography is displayed using \verb|\bibliography|. | |||||
\acks{Acknowledgements go here.} | |||||
\bibliography{jmlr-sample} | |||||
\appendix | |||||
\section{First Appendix}\label{apd:first} | |||||
This is the first appendix. | |||||
\section{Second Appendix}\label{apd:second} | |||||
This is the second appendix. | |||||
\end{document} |