%\laboratory{Cold Regions Research and\\ Engineering Laboratory}
\reportnum{ERDC/CRREL SR-05-78}
\program{Military Engineering Technology}
\title{Donec Felis
Erat, Congue Non, Volutpat At, Tincidunt Tristique, Libero}
\subtitle{Nam feugiat lacus vel est, Version~1.0}
\date{March 2009\\Revised November 2010}
\author{A.U.~Thor \and C.O.R.~Respondent \and C.O.~Author}
\affiliation{Construction Engineering Research Laboratory\\
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\\
2902 Newmark Drive\\
Champaign, IL 61826-9005}
\affiliation{Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory\\
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\\
3909 Halls Ferry Road\\
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199}
\reporttype{Final Report}
% \distribution{Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies
% only; Test and Evaluation; November 2005. Other requests should be
% referred to U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center}
\additionalinfo{Supersedes ERDC/CREL AF-01-23}
%\disclaimer{Some other disclaimer}
%\preparedfor{U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\\
% 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199}
\contractnum{Work Unit 33143}
\monitoredby{U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\\
3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199}
\chapter{Unit Conversion Factors}
\bfseries Multiply & \bfseries By & \bfseries To Obtain\\
acres & 4,046.873 & square meters\\
acre-feet & 1,233.5 & cubic meters\\
angstroms & 0.1 & nanometers\\
atmosphere (standard) & 101.325 & kilopascals\\
bars & 100 & kilopascals\\
British thermal units (International Table) & 1,055.056 & joules\\
centipoises & 0.001 & pascal seconds\\
centistokes & 1.0E-06 & square meters per second\\
cubic feet & 0.02831685 & cubic meters\\
cubic inches & 1.6387064E-05 & cubic meters\\
cubic yards & 0.7645549 & cubic meters\\
degrees (angle) & 0.01745329 & radians\\
degrees Fahrenheit & (F-32)/1.8 & degrees Celsius\\
fathoms & 1.8288 & meters\\
feet & 0.3048 & meters\\
foot-pounds force & 1.355818 & joules\\
gallons (U.S. liquid) & 3.785412E-03 & cubic meters\\
hectares & 1.0E+04 & square meters\\
horsepower (550 foot-pounds force per second) & 745.6999 & watts\\
inches & 0.0254 & meters\\
inch-pounds (force) & 0.1129848 & newton meters\\
kilotons (nuclear equivalent of TNT) & 4.184 & terajoules\\
knots & 0.5144444 & meters per second\\
microinches & 0.0254 & micrometers\\
microns & 1.0E-06 & meters\\
miles (nautical) & 1,852 & meters\\
miles (U.S. statute) & 1,609.347 & meters\\
miles per hour & 0.44704 & meters per second\\
mils & 0.0254 & millimeters\\
ounces (mass) & 0.02834952 & kilograms\\
ounces (U.S. fluid) & 2.957353E-05 & cubic meters\\
pints (U.S. liquid) & 4.73176E-04 & cubic meters\\
pints (U.S. liquid) & 0.473176 & liters\\
pounds (force) & 4.448222 & newtons\\
pounds (force) per foot & 14.59390 & newtons per meter\\
pounds (force) per inch & 175.1268 & newtons per meter\\
pounds (force) per square foot & 47.88026 & pascals\\
pounds (force) per square inch & 6.894757 & kilopascals\\
pounds (mass) & 0.45359237 & kilograms\\
pounds (mass) per cubic foot & 16.01846 & kilograms per cubic meter\\
pounds (mass) per cubic inch & 2.757990E+04 & kilograms per cubic meter\\
pounds (mass) per square foot & 4.882428 & kilograms per square meter\\
pounds (mass) per square yard & 0.542492 & kilograms per square meter\\
quarts (U.S. liquid) & 9.463529E-04 & cubic meters\\
slugs & 14.59390 & kilograms\\
square feet & 0.09290304 & square meters\\
square inches & 6.4516E-04 & square meters\\
square miles & 2.589998E+06 & square meters\\
square yards & 0.8361274 & square meters\\
tons (force) & 8,896.443 & newtons\\
tons (force) per square foot & 95.76052 & kilopascals\\
tons (long) per cubic yard & 1,328.939 & kilograms per cubic meter\\
tons (nuclear equivalent of TNT) & 4.184E+09 & joules\\
tons (2,000 pounds, mass) & 907.1847 & kilograms\\
tons (2,000 pounds, mass) per square foot & 9,764.856 & kilograms per square meter\\
yards & 0.9144 & meters\\
\chapter{Duis ante felis, dignissim id, blandit in, suscipit vel,
\section{Duis ante felis: duis sagittis massa, dignissim id, blandit
in, suscipit vel, dolor, nunc non magna}
\subsection{Nunc non magna: duis ante felis: duis sagittis massa,
dignissim id, blandit in, vel dolor}
\subsection{Duis sagittis massa}
\section{Suscipit vel}
\item Pellentesque laoreet velit nec justo.
\item Fusce consectetuer. Proin tellus est, luctus vitae,
molestie a, mattis et, mauris. Donec tempor. Pellentesque habitant
morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis
egestas. Duis ante felis, dignissim id, blandit in, suscipit vel,
dolor. Pellentesque tincidunt cursus felis.
\item Proin rhoncus semper
nulla. Ut et est. Vivamus ipsum erat, gravida in, venenatis ac,
fringilla in, quam. Nunc ac augue. Fusce pede erat, ultrices non,
consequat et, semper sit amet, urna.
\caption{Yearly Dividens}
\textbf{Year} & \multicolumn{1}{|c||}{\textbf{Dividends, \%}}\\
$1880$ & 2.50 \\
$1881$ & 12.1 \\
$1882$ & 2.6 \\
\subsection{Sagittis massa}
\chapter{Duis sagittis massa in tellus}
\int P\,dx =1
\item Fusce adipiscing justo nec ante. Nullam in enim.
Pellentesque felis orci, sagittis ac, malesuada et, facilisis in,
ligula. Nunc non magna sit amet mi aliquam dictum. In mi.
\item Curabitur
sollicitudin justo sed quam. Aenean imperdiet. Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Donec lacinia nonummy lectus. Proin vel urna. Fusce sit amet orci ac
magna iaculis pharetra. Duis sagittis massa in tellus.
\section{Fusce consectetuer}
\caption{A Picture From US Army Corps Of Engineers Site}
\section{Aenean imperdiet}
\chapter{Aenean imperdiet}
\frac{\partial H}{\partial x} = -X
\caption{Another Castle, Now In Appendix}
e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0
\caption{Dam on Table Rock Lake}
Length of dam, feet &6,423\\
Concrete section, feet &1,602\\
Earth embankment feet &4,821\\
Maximum height of dam above streambed, feet &252\\
Concrete in dam, cubic yards &1,230,000\\
Earth in embankment, cubic yards &3,320,000\\
Length of spillway, gross feet &531\\
Spillway crest gates (10), size in feet &45x37\\
Outlet conduits (4), size in feet &4x9\\
Elevations, feet above mean sea level & \\
\hspace{20pt}Top of dam & 947\\
\hspace{20pt}Spillway crest & 896\\
\chapter{Pellentesque habitant
morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis
S = -kT\ln\Xi
See equation~(\ref{eq:C}) and equation~\eqref{eq:D}.
\caption{Yet Another Castle In Appendix}