Articles I've written for customers on IT issues.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Your Name a07481168c well 5 years ago
1.aux well 5 years ago
1.log well 5 years ago
1.pdf well 5 years ago
1.tex well 5 years ago
1.tex~ well 5 years ago
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2.pdf well 5 years ago
2.tex well 5 years ago
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4.toc well 5 years ago
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6.aux well 5 years ago
6.html well 5 years ago
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6.tex well 5 years ago
6.toc well 5 years ago
changelog.txt well 5 years ago
example.aux well 5 years ago
example.log well 5 years ago
example.out well 5 years ago
example.pdf well 5 years ago
example.tex well 5 years ago
gpl.txt well 5 years ago
knuth.png well 5 years ago well 5 years ago well 5 years ago
latex2wpstyle.pyc well 5 years ago
macrosblog.tex well 5 years ago
post-template.tex well 5 years ago
readme.txt well 5 years ago well 5 years ago



Have,, macrosblog.tex and your tex file
in the same directory. Use post-template.tex as a starting
point, writing your text between the \begin{document}
and \end{document}.


In the directory in which and your
tex file are both present, type
python yourlatexfile.tex

this will produce a file called yourlatexfile.html which
is ready to be cut and pasted into WordPress.



See the file example.tex to see how to import figures, have
text appear in different colors, have links to URLs, and
enter the "more" command of WordPress.

Anything between a "\iftex . . . \fi" is compiled in LaTeX
but ignored in the conversion to WordPress; anything between
"\ifblog . . . \fi" is converted to WordPress but ignored
by LaTeX. Anything between a "\iffalse . . . \fi" is ignored
by both.

A few macros are predefined, such as \E for \mathop{\mathbb E},
\P for \mathop{\mathbb P} and so on.

Several theorem-like numbered environments are supported,
such as "theorem", "lemma", "proposition", "remark", "corollary",
"example" and "exercise. In addition, there is the "proof"

You can use the inline math environment $...$ and the
displayed math environments $$...$$, \[ ... \],
\begin{equation} ... \end{equation}, and
\begin{eqnarray*} ... \end{eqnarray*}.

The tabular environment works

\label{}, \eqref{} and \ref{} work in the standard way.



WordPress has some limitations to the kind of latex equations
it can display. As a consequence, align and eqnarray are
not supported. You can, however, use eqnarray* and you can use
array inside a math environment.

There is no support for \medskip, \bigskip and other such
formatting commands. The return command \\ is recognized.

\section, \section*, \subsection and \subsection* are supported,
but not \subsubsection and so on.

There is no support for bibliographic references

There is no support for footnotes.



The file can be easily modified to
make the program create pure HTML, to add new macros,
to add new theorem-like environments or change their
numbering conventions, or to change the typesetting
design of theorem-like environments and other details.

- Creating pure HTML:

If the variable HTML is set to True
at the beginning of the program, then pure HTML code
is generated, which can be previewed locally with a browser.

- Adding new macros:

The variable M in contains
a list of pair of strings. For every pair, every occurrence
of the first string is replaced by an occurrence of the second
string. Add your own macros as needed. Note that a backslash \
must be written twice as \\, and a quote sign " must be written
as \", so that for example the accent command \" must be written
as \\\". Any macro you define in M must of course also be defined
in macrosblog.tex in order for the latex file to be compiled
and previewed as pdf.

- Numbering conventions of numbered theorem-like environments:

As in the TeX compiler, the program keeps several counters,
for sections, subsections, equations, and theorem-like environments.
Often, one wants certain environments to share the same counter, so
that for example Lemma 2 is followed by Theorem 3 even if Theorem 3
is the first theorem to appear.

The variable T declared at the beginning of the program is a table
that specifies which counter is used for which environment. Change
the assignment to follow different numbering conventions. Any
number strictly less than numberofcounters can be used to denote
a counter in T. Increase the value of numberofcounters if you want
to use a bigger range of counters in T.

- Creating new theorem-like environments:

Just add the name of the new environment, for example "conjecture",
to the list ThmEnvs of currently supported environments. Choose a
counter number, for example 0, to use for it, and add the entry
"conjecture" : 0
to T. Now the program recognizes \begin{conjecture}...\end{conjecture}
and will number conjectures using counter 0. Add a \newtheorem
definition in macrosblog.tex in order to be able to compile a
latex file that uses this new environment.

- Formatting of Theorem-like environments:

The string beginthm specifies what to do at the
beginning of a theorem-like environment. In the string,
_ThmType_ will be replaced by the type of theorem
(e.g. Theorem, or Lemma, or Corollary, etc.) and
_ThmNumb_ will be replaced by the theorem number.
So the standard setting
beginthm= "\n<blockquote><b>_ThmType_ _ThmNumb_</b> <em>"
will start a blockquote environment, write in boldface
something like "Theorem 3", and then start an emphasized

beginnamedthm specifies what to do at the beginning of
a theorem-like environment declared by something like
\begin{theorem}[Fundamental Theorem of Calculus] ....
the string _ThmName_ holds the content of the text in
square brackets in the original LaTeX

endthm specifies what to do at the end of a theorem-like

- Formatting of the proof environment

Set the beginproof and endproof variables

- Formatting of sections and subsections

Set the section, sectionstar, subsection, and subsectionstar