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Your Name 5 years ago
17 changed files with 1109 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +4
  2. +270
  3. BIN
  4. +38
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  6. +3
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  8. +278
  9. BIN
  10. +47
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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/1.aux View File

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s, springs,
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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/1.pdf View File

+ 38
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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/1.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{VHS Camcorder Teardown}}
I obtained an RCA Super VHS camcorder for free on craigslist. These old VHS camcorders are commonly available on ebay, for \$30-40, at the moment. It was designed by a firm in Indianapolis, made in Japan and uses primarily hitachi parts.
\subsection{Work Log}}
The camcorder is a work of art, but it's also sad. The complexity, and amount of work put in to this device, by the engineers who made it, followed by the assemblers who had to deal with the myriad boards... It's a mess. Within ten years of this camera being designed, it was obsolete. Was it worth it? Some people worked very hard to make a camcorder that become obsolete with the smaller mini DV cameras. I wouldn't have wanted that job.
\subsection{What's inside}
In this particular camcorder we get the following parts:
\item Various motors for focus, zoom, shutter open / close
\item Camera Lens Assembly and Image sensor
\item Small image tube
\item 14V NiCd charger (takes in 120V)
\item various hardware, some inductors, and junk boards, gears, springs, etc...

+ 34
- 0
rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/1.tex~ View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
\title{\textbf{DC Brushed Windmill}}
\author{Steak Electronics}
I would like to build a windmill. I want it as simple as possible, so DC Brushed Motor, and all parts replaceable. I'm building this with the expectation it might get stolen.
I need the following items.
\item DC Brushed motor, with easily accessible brushes (so they can be replaced).
\item Easily sourceable Windmill Blades
In addition, since I have access to my companies resources, I can fiberglass the blades. I will 3d print a water resistant enclosure, and I will power something. Ideally, I will take current readings.
For the DC Motor, it's not easy to find ones with brush access panels, as the majority of hobby motors seem to require disassembly, but I did find one on ebay in the US for about \$10-20.

+ 3
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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/1.toc View File

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\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1}Work Log}{1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.2}What's inside}{1}

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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/2.aux View File

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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/2.log View File

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Overfull \hbox (13.11005pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 33--34
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10.95 various hard-ware, some in-duc-tors, and junk boards, gear
s, springs,
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[2] (./2.aux) )
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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/2.pdf View File

+ 47
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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/2.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{VHS Camcorder Teardown}}
I obtained an RCA Super VHS camcorder for free on craigslist. These old VHS camcorders are commonly available on ebay, for \$30-40, at the moment. It was designed by a firm in Indianapolis, made in Japan and uses primarily hitachi parts.
\subsection{Work Log}}
The camcorder is a work of art, but it's also sad. The complexity, and amount of work put in to this device, by the engineers who made it, followed by the assemblers who had to deal with the myriad boards... It's a mess. Within ten years of this camera being designed, it was obsolete. Was it worth it? Some people worked very hard to make a camcorder that become obsolete with the smaller mini DV cameras. I wouldn't have wanted that job. Consumer goods...
\subsection{What's inside}}
In this particular camcorder we get the following parts:
\item Various motors for focus, zoom, shutter open / close
\item Camera Lens Assembly and Image sensor
\item Small image tube
\item 14V NiCd charger (takes in 120V)
\item various hardware, some inductors, and junk boards, gears, springs, etc...
\subsection{Image Sensor Reuse}}
There is a Hitachi Super H H-2 CPU on board with the image sensor. 5V and GND are clearly marked on one of the connectors. It draws around 50mA at idle.
I would like to reuse the image sensor but as of yet don't know how to. Further information could be obtained from either this or a similar camcorders service manual. Alternatively, I could purchase a camera module off ebay and work with that\footnote{Currently, the go to camera sensor for arduino is the OV7670 on ebay. Search ``cmos camera module''. There is also some options from Adafruit and Sparkfun for a comparable price.}. I don't yet have an ID for the image sensor used on board. If I can't get the image sensor working, I can instead just use the lens somewhere else. Disassembly of the lens from the image sensor required hot air to release glue from some screws.

+ 38
- 0
rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/2.tex~ View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{VHS Camcorder Teardown}}
I obtained an RCA Super VHS camcorder for free on craigslist. These old VHS camcorders are commonly available on ebay, for \$30-40, at the moment. It was designed by a firm in Indianapolis, made in Japan and uses primarily hitachi parts.
\subsection{Work Log}}
The camcorder is a work of art, but it's also sad. The complexity, and amount of work put in to this device, by the engineers who made it, followed by the assemblers who had to deal with the myriad boards... It's a mess. Within ten years of this camera being designed, it was obsolete. Was it worth it? Some people worked very hard to make a camcorder that become obsolete with the smaller mini DV cameras. I wouldn't have wanted that job.
\subsection{What's inside}
In this particular camcorder we get the following parts:
\item Various motors for focus, zoom, shutter open / close
\item Camera Lens Assembly and Image sensor
\item Small image tube
\item 14V NiCd charger (takes in 120V)
\item various hardware, some inductors, and junk boards, gears, springs, etc...

+ 3
- 0
rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/2.toc View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}VHS Camcorder Teardown}{1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1}Work Log}{1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.2}What's inside}{1}

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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/3.aux View File

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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1}Work Log}{1}}
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3}Image Sensor Reuse}{2}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.4}Modular Boards}{2}}

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rca_super_vhs_camcorder/docs/3.pdf View File

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{VHS Camcorder Teardown}}
I obtained an RCA Super VHS camcorder for free on craigslist. These old VHS camcorders are commonly available on ebay, for \$30-40, at the moment. It was designed by a firm in Indianapolis, made in Japan and uses primarily hitachi parts.
\subsection{Work Log}}
The camcorder is a work of art, but it's also sad. The complexity, and amount of work put in to this device, by the engineers who made it, followed by the assemblers who had to deal with the myriad cables and boards... It's a mess. Within ten years of this camera being designed, it was obsolete. Was it worth it? Some people worked very hard to make this camcorder that become obsolete with the smaller mini DV cameras. I wouldn't have wanted that job. I would say this camcorder is more complex than most modern goods.\footnote{In retrospect, I'm sure a lot of it was reused tech. VCRs had been out for 10 years (online says JVC released in 1977, and this cam was 1989), I think by then? But even 10 years is not a lot.}
\subsection{What's inside}}
In this particular camcorder we get the following parts:
\item Various motors for focus, zoom, shutter open / close
\item Camera Lens Assembly and Image sensor
\item Small image tube
\item 14V NiCd charger (takes in 120V)
\item various hardware, some inductors, and junk boards, gears, springs, glass delay lines, etc...
Teardown time is about 1-3 hours, minimum.
\subsection{Image Sensor Reuse}}
There is a Hitachi Super H H-2 CPU on board with the image sensor. 5V and GND are clearly marked on one of the connectors. It draws around 50mA at idle.
I would like to reuse the image sensor but as of yet don't know how to. Further information could be obtained from either this or a similar camcorders service manual. Alternatively, I could purchase a camera module off ebay and work with that\footnote{Currently, the go to camera sensor for arduino is the OV7670 on ebay. Search ``cmos camera module''. There is also some options from Adafruit and Sparkfun for a comparable price.}. I don't yet have an ID for the image sensor used on board. If I can't get the image sensor working, I can instead just use the lens somewhere else. Disassembly of the lens from the image sensor required hot air to release glue from some screws.
\subsection{Modular Boards}}
The assembly of this camera has a style of using vertical daughter boards spread throughout. See photos.

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
\author{Steak Electronics}
\section{VHS Camcorder Teardown}}
I obtained an RCA Super VHS camcorder for free on craigslist. These old VHS camcorders are commonly available on ebay, for \$30-40, at the moment. It was designed by a firm in Indianapolis, made in Japan and uses primarily hitachi parts.
\subsection{Work Log}}
The camcorder is a work of art, but it's also sad. The complexity, and amount of work put in to this device, by the engineers who made it, followed by the assemblers who had to deal with the myriad boards... It's a mess. Within ten years of this camera being designed, it was obsolete. Was it worth it? Some people worked very hard to make a camcorder that become obsolete with the smaller mini DV cameras. I wouldn't have wanted that job. Consumer goods...
\subsection{What's inside}}
In this particular camcorder we get the following parts:
\item Various motors for focus, zoom, shutter open / close
\item Camera Lens Assembly and Image sensor
\item Small image tube
\item 14V NiCd charger (takes in 120V)
\item various hardware, some inductors, and junk boards, gears, springs, etc...
\subsection{Image Sensor Reuse}}
There is a Hitachi Super H H-2 CPU on board with the image sensor. 5V and GND are clearly marked on one of the connectors. It draws around 50mA at idle.
I would like to reuse the image sensor but as of yet don't know how to. Further information could be obtained from either this or a similar camcorders service manual. Alternatively, I could purchase a camera module off ebay and work with that\footnote{Currently, the go to camera sensor for arduino is the OV7670 on ebay. Search ``cmos camera module''. There is also some options from Adafruit and Sparkfun for a comparable price.}. I don't yet have an ID for the image sensor used on board. If I can't get the image sensor working, I can instead just use the lens somewhere else. Disassembly of the lens from the image sensor required hot air to release glue from some screws.
