  • Joined on Jul 29, 2018

Electronics repairs made for people on craigslist, as well as myself and friends and family.

Updated 5 years ago

General IT Docs for Steak Electronics. Public Domain,

Updated 5 years ago

Testing out the PPD42 Air Quality Sensor, with an MSP430 Launchpad and graphing the data with GNUplot.

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Notes for when I layout a board in Kicad

Updated 5 years ago

Work on Free and Open Source Software. GPL software that works for the user not for the man.

Updated 5 years ago

ESRMeter taken from (find website on internet archive). Offered here with permission.

Updated 5 years ago

Installing TempleOS on bare metal computer notes.

Updated 5 years ago

Simple (KISS) Home solar logging project with 12V lead battery and v. regulator..

Updated 5 years ago

Testing the hardware video decoding peripheral of the rpi 3 in ZM, with Devuan Stretch and 1.31.44.

Updated 5 years ago