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42 lines
949 B

4 years ago
  1. update=Tue 11 Oct 2016 05:25:07 PM PDT
  2. version=1
  3. last_client=kicad
  4. [cvpcb]
  5. version=1
  6. NetIExt=net
  7. [pcbnew]
  8. version=1
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  21. SolderMaskClearance=0.003000000000
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  23. DrawSegmentWidth=0.152400000000
  24. BoardOutlineThickness=0.152400000000
  25. ModuleOutlineThickness=0.152400000000
  26. [eeschema]
  27. version=1
  28. LibDir=/home/wicker/wickerlib/libraries/
  29. [eeschema/libraries]
  30. LibName1=/home/wicker/wickerlib/libraries/wickerlib
  31. [schematic_editor]
  32. version=1
  33. PageLayoutDescrFile=
  34. PlotDirectoryName=
  35. SubpartIdSeparator=0
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  38. SpiceForceRefPrefix=0
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  40. LabSize=50
  41. [general]
  42. version=1