@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ | |||||
/* | |||||
* Computer Switchboard | |||||
* | |||||
* Because interfacing with computers should be fun | |||||
* and a keyboard is not enough. | |||||
* | |||||
* Let's turn a computer into an airplane (interface wise). | |||||
* | |||||
*/ | |||||
//todo: debounce, see neotimer | |||||
//makes serial slower so it can be read | |||||
#define DEBUGMODE 0 | |||||
#include <avr/io.h> | |||||
#include <avr/interrupt.h> | |||||
/* SevenSegmentLEDdisplay102a.ino | |||||
* 2017-02-20 | |||||
* Mel Lester Jr. | |||||
* Simple example of using Shift Register with a | |||||
* Single Digit Seven Segment LED Display | |||||
*/ | |||||
// Globals | |||||
const int dataPin = 4; // blue wire to 74HC595 pin 14 | |||||
const int latchPin = 7; // green to 74HC595 pin 12 | |||||
const int clockPin = 8; // yellow to 74HC595 pin 11 | |||||
/* uncomment one of the following lines that describes your display | |||||
* and comment out the line that does not describe your display */ | |||||
const char common = 'a'; // common anode | |||||
//const char common = 'c'; // common cathode | |||||
bool decPt = true; // decimal point display flag | |||||
//switch | |||||
// digital pin 9 has a pushbutton attached to it. Give it a name: | |||||
int pushButton = 9; | |||||
//rotary | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// SimplePollRotator.ino - Example for the RotaryEncoder library. | |||||
// This class is implemented for use with the Arduino environment. | |||||
// Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel, http://www.mathertel.de | |||||
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx | |||||
// More information on: http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// 18.01.2014 created by Matthias Hertel | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// This example checks the state of the rotary encoder in the loop() function. | |||||
// The current position is printed on output when changed. | |||||
// Hardware setup: | |||||
// Attach a rotary encoder with output pins to A2 and A3. | |||||
// The common contact should be attached to ground. | |||||
#include <RotaryEncoder.h> | |||||
// Setup a RoraryEncoder for pins A2 and A3: | |||||
//RotaryEncoder encoder(A2, A1); | |||||
RotaryEncoder encoder(A1, A2); | |||||
int difference = 0; | |||||
uint8_t segdisp = 0; | |||||
//Timer | |||||
//http://maxembedded.com/2011/06/avr-timers-timer1/ | |||||
// global variable to count the number of overflows | |||||
volatile uint8_t tot_overflow; | |||||
volatile uint8_t ClearTimer = 0; | |||||
uint8_t buttonpressed = 0; | |||||
// TIMER1 overflow interrupt service routine | |||||
// called whenever TCNT1 overflows | |||||
ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) | |||||
{ | |||||
// keep a track of number of overflows | |||||
tot_overflow++; | |||||
//Serial.println("Timer works!1"); | |||||
// check for number of overflows here itself | |||||
// 61 overflows = 2 seconds delay (approx.) //EDIT: NO it's not in atmega328p nano. | |||||
//if (tot_overflow >= 2) // NOTE: '>=' used instead of '==' | |||||
if (tot_overflow >= 100) // NOTE: '>=' used instead of '==' | |||||
{ | |||||
buttonpressed = 0; | |||||
//PORTC ^= (1 << 0); // toggles the led | |||||
// no timer reset required here as the timer | |||||
// is reset every time it overflows | |||||
if(DEBUGMODE){ | |||||
Serial.println("Timer works!2"); | |||||
} | |||||
tot_overflow = 0; // reset overflow counter | |||||
ClearTimer = 1; //clear interrupts / timer outside of interrupt | |||||
delay(10); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
void setup() { | |||||
// initialize I/O pins | |||||
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
Serial.begin(9600); | |||||
pinMode(pushButton, INPUT_PULLUP); | |||||
timer1_init(); | |||||
} | |||||
void loop() { | |||||
if (ClearTimer == 1){ | |||||
cli(); | |||||
if(DEBUGMODE){ | |||||
Serial.println("Ready"); //this doesn't print correctly unless you remove ClearTimer to zero below. | |||||
delay(50); | |||||
} | |||||
else{ | |||||
//Serial.println("Ready"); //this doesn't print correctly unless you remove ClearTimer to zero below. | |||||
delay(50); | |||||
ClearTimer = 0; //comment this, and uncomment ready for debugging. | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
//decPt = !decPt; // display decimal point every other pass through loop | |||||
// generate characters to display for hexidecimal numbers 0 to F | |||||
/* for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { | |||||
byte bits = myfnNumToBits(i) ; | |||||
if (decPt) { | |||||
bits = bits | B00000001; // add decimal point if needed | |||||
} | |||||
myfnUpdateDisplay(bits); // display alphanumeric digit | |||||
delay(500); // pause for 1/2 second | |||||
}*/ | |||||
byte bits = myfnNumToBits(segdisp); | |||||
if (decPt) { | |||||
bits = bits | B00000001; // add decimal point if switch high | |||||
} | |||||
myfnUpdateDisplay(bits); | |||||
//ROTARY | |||||
static uint8_t pos = 0; | |||||
encoder.tick(); | |||||
uint8_t newPos = encoder.getPosition(); | |||||
if (pos != newPos) { | |||||
difference = pos - newPos; | |||||
//Serial.print(newPos); | |||||
//Serial.println(); | |||||
//Serial.println(difference); | |||||
pos = newPos; | |||||
segdisp = (segdisp + difference); | |||||
segdisp = segdisp & B00000111;//only give me the last three bits | |||||
//if there is anything there, so and. | |||||
//gives me 0-7 | |||||
//Serial.println(segdisp); | |||||
} | |||||
//BUTTONS | |||||
int resultb = 0; | |||||
resultb = PINB; | |||||
delay(100); | |||||
if (resultb == 0 && buttonpressed == 0){ | |||||
// turn on ~3 second delay, for debounce | |||||
decPt = 1; | |||||
buttonpressed = 1; | |||||
Serial.print("User Pressed button: "); | |||||
Serial.println(segdisp); | |||||
delay(50); // delay to cheat interrupts stopping me. | |||||
sei(); | |||||
delay(100); | |||||
} | |||||
else{ | |||||
decPt = 0; | |||||
} | |||||
// too fast, print serial when checking switch only | |||||
// Serial.println(resultb,BIN); // noisy, but reads 0 when low. | |||||
} | |||||
void myfnUpdateDisplay(byte eightBits) { | |||||
if (common == 'a') { // using a common anonde display? | |||||
eightBits = eightBits ^ B11111111; // then flip all bits using XOR | |||||
} | |||||
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // prepare shift register for data | |||||
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, eightBits); // send data | |||||
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // update display | |||||
} | |||||
byte myfnNumToBits(int someNumber) { | |||||
switch (someNumber) { | |||||
case 0: | |||||
return B11111100; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 1: | |||||
return B01100000; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 2: | |||||
return B11011010; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 3: | |||||
return B11110010; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 4: | |||||
return B01100110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 5: | |||||
return B10110110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 6: | |||||
return B10111110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 7: | |||||
return B11100000; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 8: | |||||
return B11111110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 9: | |||||
return B11110110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 10: | |||||
return B11101110; // Hexidecimal A | |||||
break; | |||||
case 11: | |||||
return B00111110; // Hexidecimal B | |||||
break; | |||||
case 12: | |||||
return B10011100; // Hexidecimal C or use for Centigrade | |||||
break; | |||||
case 13: | |||||
return B01111010; // Hexidecimal D | |||||
break; | |||||
case 14: | |||||
return B10011110; // Hexidecimal E | |||||
break; | |||||
case 15: | |||||
return B10001110; // Hexidecimal F or use for Fahrenheit | |||||
break; | |||||
default: | |||||
return B10010010; // Error condition, displays three vertical bars | |||||
break; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// initialize timer, interrupt and variable | |||||
void timer1_init() | |||||
{ | |||||
// set up timer with prescaler | |||||
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10); | |||||
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11); | |||||
// initialize counter | |||||
TCNT1 = 0; | |||||
// enable overflow interrupt | |||||
// TIMSK |= (1 << TOIE1); //doesn't work, not in atmega328p | |||||
// but data sheet has... | |||||
// in section 12 (why the f, isn't there a table of contents in my data sheet?) | |||||
TIMSK1 |= (1 << TOIE1); | |||||
// enable global interrupts | |||||
// I'll do this when a button pressed | |||||
// sei(); | |||||
// initialize overflow counter variable | |||||
tot_overflow = 0; | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ | |||||
/* | |||||
* Computer Switchboard | |||||
* | |||||
* Because interfacing with computers should be fun | |||||
* and a keyboard is not enough. | |||||
* | |||||
* Let's turn a computer into an airplane (interface wise). | |||||
* | |||||
*/ | |||||
//todo: debounce, see neotimer | |||||
//makes serial slower so it can be read | |||||
#define DEBUGMODE 0 | |||||
#include <avr/io.h> | |||||
#include <avr/interrupt.h> | |||||
/* SevenSegmentLEDdisplay102a.ino | |||||
* 2017-02-20 | |||||
* Mel Lester Jr. | |||||
* Simple example of using Shift Register with a | |||||
* Single Digit Seven Segment LED Display | |||||
*/ | |||||
// Globals | |||||
const int dataPin = 4; // blue wire to 74HC595 pin 14 | |||||
const int latchPin = 7; // green to 74HC595 pin 12 | |||||
const int clockPin = 8; // yellow to 74HC595 pin 11 | |||||
/* uncomment one of the following lines that describes your display | |||||
* and comment out the line that does not describe your display */ | |||||
const char common = 'a'; // common anode | |||||
//const char common = 'c'; // common cathode | |||||
bool decPt = true; // decimal point display flag | |||||
//switch | |||||
// digital pin 9 has a pushbutton attached to it. Give it a name: | |||||
int pushButton = 9; | |||||
//rotary | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// SimplePollRotator.ino - Example for the RotaryEncoder library. | |||||
// This class is implemented for use with the Arduino environment. | |||||
// Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel, http://www.mathertel.de | |||||
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx | |||||
// More information on: http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// 18.01.2014 created by Matthias Hertel | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// This example checks the state of the rotary encoder in the loop() function. | |||||
// The current position is printed on output when changed. | |||||
// Hardware setup: | |||||
// Attach a rotary encoder with output pins to A2 and A3. | |||||
// The common contact should be attached to ground. | |||||
#include <RotaryEncoder.h> | |||||
// Setup a RoraryEncoder for pins A2 and A3: | |||||
//RotaryEncoder encoder(A2, A1); | |||||
RotaryEncoder encoder(A1, A2); | |||||
int difference = 0; | |||||
uint8_t segdisp = 0; | |||||
// Example showing use of the MD_KeySwitch library | |||||
// | |||||
// Momentary switch | |||||
// | |||||
// Prints the switch value on the Serial Monitor | |||||
// Allows setting of options to see theior effect (see setup()) | |||||
// | |||||
#include <MD_KeySwitch.h> | |||||
// This is just an average debounce -steak | |||||
// what i need is a way to actually, not register if I don't pick up the depressed button | |||||
// but good enough for now | |||||
const uint8_t SWITCH_PIN = 9; // switch connected to this pin | |||||
const uint8_t SWITCH_ACTIVE = LOW; // digital signal when switch is pressed 'on' | |||||
void setup() { | |||||
// initialize I/O pins | |||||
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
Serial.begin(9600); | |||||
pinMode(pushButton, INPUT_PULLUP); | |||||
S.begin(); | |||||
//S.enableDoublePress(true); | |||||
S.enableLongPress(true); | |||||
/*S.enableRepeat(true); | |||||
S.enableRepeatResult(true);*/ | |||||
} | |||||
void loop() { | |||||
//decPt = !decPt; // display decimal point every other pass through loop | |||||
// generate characters to display for hexidecimal numbers 0 to F | |||||
/* for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { | |||||
byte bits = myfnNumToBits(i) ; | |||||
if (decPt) { | |||||
bits = bits | B00000001; // add decimal point if needed | |||||
} | |||||
myfnUpdateDisplay(bits); // display alphanumeric digit | |||||
delay(500); // pause for 1/2 second | |||||
}*/ | |||||
byte bits = myfnNumToBits(segdisp); | |||||
if (decPt) { | |||||
bits = bits | B00000001; // add decimal point if switch high | |||||
} | |||||
myfnUpdateDisplay(bits); | |||||
//ROTARY | |||||
static uint8_t pos = 0; | |||||
encoder.tick(); | |||||
uint8_t newPos = encoder.getPosition(); | |||||
if (pos != newPos) { | |||||
difference = pos - newPos; | |||||
//Serial.print(newPos); | |||||
//Serial.println(); | |||||
//Serial.println(difference); | |||||
pos = newPos; | |||||
segdisp = (segdisp + difference); | |||||
segdisp = segdisp & B00000111;//only give me the last three bits | |||||
//if there is anything there, so and. | |||||
//gives me 0-7 | |||||
//Serial.println(segdisp); | |||||
} | |||||
//BUTTONS | |||||
/* int resultb = 0; | |||||
resultb = PINB; | |||||
delay(100); | |||||
if (resultb == 0 ){ | |||||
decPt = 1; | |||||
Serial.print("User Pressed button: "); | |||||
Serial.println(segdisp); | |||||
} | |||||
else{ | |||||
decPt = 0; | |||||
} | |||||
*/ | |||||
// too fast, print serial when checking switch only | |||||
// Serial.println(resultb,BIN); // noisy, but reads 0 when low. | |||||
switch(S.read()) | |||||
{ | |||||
case MD_KeySwitch::KS_NULL: /* Serial.println("NULL"); */ break; | |||||
case MD_KeySwitch::KS_PRESS: | |||||
//Serial.println("\nSINGLE PRESS"); | |||||
Serial.print("User Pressed button: "); | |||||
Serial.println(segdisp); | |||||
break; | |||||
/* | |||||
case MD_KeySwitch::KS_DPRESS: Serial.print("\nDOUBLE PRESS"); | |||||
break;*/ | |||||
//case MD_KeySwitch::KS_LONGPRESS: Serial.print("\nLONG PRESS"); | |||||
//break; //this doesn't seem to work at all. - steak | |||||
/* | |||||
case MD_KeySwitch::KS_RPTPRESS: Serial.print("\nREPEAT PRESS"); | |||||
break; | |||||
*/ | |||||
default: Serial.print("\nUNKNOWN"); | |||||
break; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
void myfnUpdateDisplay(byte eightBits) { | |||||
if (common == 'a') { // using a common anonde display? | |||||
eightBits = eightBits ^ B11111111; // then flip all bits using XOR | |||||
} | |||||
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // prepare shift register for data | |||||
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, eightBits); // send data | |||||
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // update display | |||||
} | |||||
byte myfnNumToBits(int someNumber) { | |||||
switch (someNumber) { | |||||
case 0: | |||||
return B11111100; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 1: | |||||
return B01100000; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 2: | |||||
return B11011010; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 3: | |||||
return B11110010; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 4: | |||||
return B01100110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 5: | |||||
return B10110110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 6: | |||||
return B10111110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 7: | |||||
return B11100000; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 8: | |||||
return B11111110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 9: | |||||
return B11110110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 10: | |||||
return B11101110; // Hexidecimal A | |||||
break; | |||||
case 11: | |||||
return B00111110; // Hexidecimal B | |||||
break; | |||||
case 12: | |||||
return B10011100; // Hexidecimal C or use for Centigrade | |||||
break; | |||||
case 13: | |||||
return B01111010; // Hexidecimal D | |||||
break; | |||||
case 14: | |||||
return B10011110; // Hexidecimal E | |||||
break; | |||||
case 15: | |||||
return B10001110; // Hexidecimal F or use for Fahrenheit | |||||
break; | |||||
default: | |||||
return B10010010; // Error condition, displays three vertical bars | |||||
break; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ | |||||
/* | |||||
* Computer Switchboard | |||||
* | |||||
* Because interfacing with computers should be fun | |||||
* and a keyboard is not enough. | |||||
* | |||||
* Let's turn a computer into an airplane (interface wise). | |||||
* | |||||
* | |||||
* | |||||
* MINIMAL: | |||||
* I only need the button to shutdown the computer. No rotary or 7seg. | |||||
*/ | |||||
//todo: debounce, see neotimer | |||||
//makes serial slower so it can be read | |||||
#define DEBUGMODE 0 | |||||
#include <avr/io.h> | |||||
#include <avr/interrupt.h> | |||||
//switch | |||||
// digital pin 9 has a pushbutton attached to it. Give it a name: | |||||
int pushButton = 9; | |||||
// Example showing use of the MD_KeySwitch library | |||||
// | |||||
// Momentary switch | |||||
// | |||||
// Prints the switch value on the Serial Monitor | |||||
// Allows setting of options to see theior effect (see setup()) | |||||
// | |||||
#include <MD_KeySwitch.h> | |||||
// This is just an average debounce -steak | |||||
// what i need is a way to actually, not register if I don't pick up the depressed button | |||||
// but good enough for now | |||||
const uint8_t SWITCH_PIN = 9; // switch connected to this pin | |||||
const uint8_t SWITCH_ACTIVE = LOW; // digital signal when switch is pressed 'on' | |||||
void setup() { | |||||
// initialize I/O pins | |||||
Serial.begin(9600); | |||||
Serial.println("GnuxSwitcher"); | |||||
pinMode(pushButton, INPUT_PULLUP); | |||||
pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); | |||||
S.begin(); | |||||
//S.enableDoublePress(true); | |||||
//S.enableLongPress(true); | |||||
/*S.enableRepeat(true); | |||||
S.enableRepeatResult(true);*/ | |||||
} | |||||
void loop() { | |||||
//BUTTONS | |||||
/* int resultb = 0; | |||||
resultb = PINB; | |||||
delay(100); | |||||
if (resultb == 0 ){ | |||||
decPt = 1; | |||||
Serial.print("User Pressed button: "); | |||||
Serial.println(segdisp); | |||||
} | |||||
else{ | |||||
decPt = 0; | |||||
} | |||||
*/ | |||||
// too fast, print serial when checking switch only | |||||
// Serial.println(resultb,BIN); // noisy, but reads 0 when low. | |||||
switch(S.read()) | |||||
{ | |||||
case MD_KeySwitch::KS_NULL: /* Serial.println("NULL"); */ break; | |||||
case MD_KeySwitch::KS_PRESS: | |||||
//Serial.println("\nSINGLE PRESS"); | |||||
Serial.println("Initiate the Shutdown Procedure Immediately"); | |||||
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) | |||||
delay(1000); // wait for a second | |||||
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW | |||||
break; | |||||
/* | |||||
case MD_KeySwitch::KS_DPRESS: Serial.print("\nDOUBLE PRESS"); | |||||
break;*/ | |||||
//case MD_KeySwitch::KS_LONGPRESS: Serial.print("\nLONG PRESS"); | |||||
//break; //this doesn't seem to work at all. - steak | |||||
/* | |||||
case MD_KeySwitch::KS_RPTPRESS: Serial.print("\nREPEAT PRESS"); | |||||
break; | |||||
*/ | |||||
default: Serial.print("\nUNKNOWN"); | |||||
break; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ | |||||
/* | |||||
* Computer Switchboard | |||||
* | |||||
* Because interfacing with computers should be fun | |||||
* and a keyboard is not enough. | |||||
* | |||||
* Let's turn a computer into an airplane (interface wise). | |||||
* | |||||
*/ | |||||
/* | |||||
DigitalReadSerial | |||||
Reads a digital input on pin 2, prints the result to the serial monitor | |||||
This example code is in the public domain. | |||||
*/ | |||||
// digital pin 2 has a pushbutton attached to it. Give it a name: | |||||
int pushButton = 9; | |||||
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset: | |||||
void setup() { | |||||
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second: | |||||
Serial.begin(9600); | |||||
// make the pushbutton's pin an input: | |||||
// I was somewhat confused about this. I thought maybe it would be an output | |||||
// to ground, through the resistor, and it would only conduct when grounded, but | |||||
// using the input pullup works. I'm not sure if you can detect when an output grounds or is conducting... | |||||
pinMode(pushButton, INPUT_PULLUP); | |||||
//https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6160963/how-can-i-digitalread-a-pin-that-is-in-pinmode-output | |||||
//https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=183977.0 | |||||
//This approach doesn't work as you can't read a floating pin reliably | |||||
//so don't do it. It always reads zero, or will read noise. | |||||
//pinMode(pushButton, OUTPUT); | |||||
//digitalWrite(3,HIGH); | |||||
//interestingly, you could use a shunt resistor... but more complex | |||||
//https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/14647/how-can-i-detect-a-disconnected-pin | |||||
delay(100); | |||||
} | |||||
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever: | |||||
void loop() { | |||||
// easy way | |||||
// read the input pin: | |||||
// int buttonState = digitalRead(pushButton); | |||||
// print out the state of the button: | |||||
// Serial.println(buttonState); | |||||
delay(10); // delay in between reads for stability | |||||
int resultb = 0; | |||||
resultb = PINB; | |||||
Serial.println(resultb,BIN); //noisy, but reads 0 when low. | |||||
// Serial.println(bitRead(PORTB,1));// PORTB is for high or low | |||||
// PIN is for reading input. PORTB doesn't work here. | |||||
// https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/14647/how-can-i-detect-a-disconnected-pin | |||||
// not sure what that link is on about, regarding port usage. | |||||
delay(100); | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// SimplePollRotator.ino - Example for the RotaryEncoder library. | |||||
// This class is implemented for use with the Arduino environment. | |||||
// Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel, http://www.mathertel.de | |||||
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx | |||||
// More information on: http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// 18.01.2014 created by Matthias Hertel | |||||
// ----- | |||||
// This example checks the state of the rotary encoder in the loop() function. | |||||
// The current position is printed on output when changed. | |||||
// Hardware setup: | |||||
// Attach a rotary encoder with output pins to A2 and A3. | |||||
// The common contact should be attached to ground. | |||||
#include <RotaryEncoder.h> | |||||
// Setup a RoraryEncoder for pins A2 and A3: | |||||
RotaryEncoder encoder(A2, A1); | |||||
void setup() | |||||
{ | |||||
Serial.begin(9600); | |||||
Serial.println("SimplePollRotator example for the RotaryEncoder library."); | |||||
} // setup() | |||||
// Read the current position of the encoder and print out when changed. | |||||
void loop() | |||||
{ | |||||
static int pos = 0; | |||||
encoder.tick(); | |||||
int newPos = encoder.getPosition(); | |||||
if (pos != newPos) { | |||||
Serial.print(newPos); | |||||
Serial.println(); | |||||
pos = newPos; | |||||
} // if | |||||
} // loop () | |||||
// The End | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ | |||||
/* SevenSegmentLEDdisplay102a.ino | |||||
* 2017-02-20 | |||||
* Mel Lester Jr. | |||||
* Simple example of using Shift Register with a | |||||
* Single Digit Seven Segment LED Display | |||||
*/ | |||||
// Globals | |||||
const int dataPin = 4; // blue wire to 74HC595 pin 14 | |||||
const int latchPin = 7; // green to 74HC595 pin 12 | |||||
const int clockPin = 8; // yellow to 74HC595 pin 11 | |||||
/* uncomment one of the following lines that describes your display | |||||
* and comment out the line that does not describe your display */ | |||||
const char common = 'a'; // common anode | |||||
//const char common = 'c'; // common cathode | |||||
bool decPt = true; // decimal point display flag | |||||
void setup() { | |||||
// initialize I/O pins | |||||
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); | |||||
} | |||||
void loop() { | |||||
decPt = !decPt; // display decimal point every other pass through loop | |||||
// generate characters to display for hexidecimal numbers 0 to F | |||||
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { | |||||
byte bits = myfnNumToBits(i) ; | |||||
if (decPt) { | |||||
bits = bits | B00000001; // add decimal point if needed | |||||
} | |||||
myfnUpdateDisplay(bits); // display alphanumeric digit | |||||
delay(500); // pause for 1/2 second | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
void myfnUpdateDisplay(byte eightBits) { | |||||
if (common == 'a') { // using a common anonde display? | |||||
eightBits = eightBits ^ B11111111; // then flip all bits using XOR | |||||
} | |||||
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // prepare shift register for data | |||||
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, eightBits); // send data | |||||
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // update display | |||||
} | |||||
byte myfnNumToBits(int someNumber) { | |||||
switch (someNumber) { | |||||
case 0: | |||||
return B11111100; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 1: | |||||
return B01100000; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 2: | |||||
return B11011010; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 3: | |||||
return B11110010; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 4: | |||||
return B01100110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 5: | |||||
return B10110110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 6: | |||||
return B10111110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 7: | |||||
return B11100000; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 8: | |||||
return B11111110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 9: | |||||
return B11110110; | |||||
break; | |||||
case 10: | |||||
return B11101110; // Hexidecimal A | |||||
break; | |||||
case 11: | |||||
return B00111110; // Hexidecimal B | |||||
break; | |||||
case 12: | |||||
return B10011100; // Hexidecimal C or use for Centigrade | |||||
break; | |||||
case 13: | |||||
return B01111010; // Hexidecimal D | |||||
break; | |||||
case 14: | |||||
return B10011110; // Hexidecimal E | |||||
break; | |||||
case 15: | |||||
return B10001110; // Hexidecimal F or use for Fahrenheit | |||||
break; | |||||
default: | |||||
return B10010010; // Error condition, displays three vertical bars | |||||
break; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
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\relax | |||||
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This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2015/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2018.11.28) 17 MAR 2019 19:06 | |||||
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ard/docs/1.tex | |||||
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\documentclass[11pt]{article} | |||||
%Gummi|065|=) | |||||
\title{\textbf{Computer Switch Board}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{03/17/19} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\section{Requirements} | |||||
\begin{itemize} | |||||
\item large pcb board | |||||
\item fused power input - EDIT: instead I will have a case around the nano, 3d printed, and have the case connect into the pcb, i.e. cutouts for the case in the pcb, and clips on case. the rest of the pcb will be fused somewhere, after the nano. but nano powers it. | |||||
\item arduino nano | |||||
\item switch to activate things | |||||
\item rotary to change number | |||||
\item 7 digit display to list number, and shift register, resistors | |||||
\item explanation of what numbers do on board | |||||
\item 3d printed cover over nano | |||||
\end{itemize} | |||||
\section{build notes} | |||||
The 7 segment symbols are abstracted in kicad. Job security for engineers. | |||||
The example gave a common Vcc, with all pins being connected to GND, and sinked when on. | |||||
The data sheet of the 7seg, omits the schematic. but does show that it is common anode, or common vcc. Pin 3 is left out, but that is VCC. | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ | |||||
\documentclass[11pt]{article} | |||||
%Gummi|065|=) | |||||
\title{\textbf{IUE CWA Local 201: Todo List}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{01/25/19} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\textbf{Todo} | |||||
\begin{itemize} | |||||
\item bring new poe adapter | |||||
\item record robot voice, and fix phones, so we know who has | |||||
what | |||||
\item PRIORITY: Jossies gdrive | |||||
\item change phone system | |||||
\item rename all phones to be correct in web panel | |||||
\item gather two poe adapters and sell, keep money | |||||
\item review laptop in kaz office. he can't find a charger for it. | |||||
\item remove non-active printer drivers on kaz old machine | |||||
\item look into website development for IUE | |||||
\item send kaz info on cameras so he can access. | |||||
\item Disable wifi in basement. | |||||
\item Kaz refurbished machine, needs Office installed, must talk with help support to see why login is not working. | |||||
\item either contact peachtree support, or dl peachtree from secretaryes old computer (they list installation locations in a doc on knowledge base). | |||||
\item Upgrade Jossies Google drive to 100GB. And make sure QB is being backed up. | |||||
\item Need to backup website | |||||
\item Office licenses – purchase one when renewal is up. Renewal is up this date: Feburary 12th - EDIT: on hold. Don't need one now. | |||||
\item Add spreadsheet of passwords to docs repo. | |||||
\item Rename Sue's computer acct (currently Charlene) to Sue (or move files) | |||||
\item Make sure everyone has google drive setup. | |||||
\item Call Verizon and find out if phones need to be connected to computer. Some do and some don't. now that verizon responded to me abou tthis, see if what they said was right. They think that the never ring, is due to phone not being registered right. if it is: call them and ask for help. As for phones shutting off when computers off, it shouldn't do that. however, business continuity means if the internet goes down, the phones will redirect to another number. so the phone must be losing internet, when computer shuts off | |||||
\item Peachtree for Jossie and also needs a form that makes things easier for state taxes report. | |||||
\item Bill Maher phone never rings. Check dashboard. see notes above | |||||
\item Google drive on billy holmes machine – WIP, I started this 11/28/18, but need Billy's password for gmail, and computer to setup drive on his machine. | |||||
\item email most up to date docs to tom | |||||
\item setup camera server, and start recording camera. | |||||
\item Add new account to Sue's PC with name - IUECWA-01 | |||||
\item Update website | |||||
\item run camera wiring, and install camera. setup vm server on new machine and run it 24/7 | |||||
\item discuss replacements for phones | |||||
\item bill maher wireless keyboard and mouse not working - Spoke with Bill. On hold. He's purchasing a USB fob, and will wait until he has that. The original fob was lost. | |||||
\item Jossie's hdd storage is maxed. Need 2TB hdd for jossie. After that backs up a few times, transfer her 1TB to Kaz. | |||||
\item The phones will give an error if you don't dial fast enough. EAP, mentioned this. Need to check with Verizon to see if there's anything they can do on their end. | |||||
\item replace Kaz computer with the refurbished machine. Make sure it has Office, AV, a decent HDD, Printers setup, hdd monitor, etc. | |||||
\item need one new 2TB external HDD for jossie. Jossie's will go to Tom. Kaz's will stay at his new machine. Tom2 machine will not have any backup hdd. | |||||
\item replace hdd in refurbished computer | |||||
\item computer for zm - build | |||||
\item | |||||
\end{itemize} | |||||
\end{document} |
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\relax | |||||
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\documentclass[11pt]{article} | |||||
%Gummi|065|=) | |||||
\title{\textbf{Computer Switch Board}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{03/17/19} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\section{Requirements} | |||||
\begin{itemize} | |||||
\item large pcb board | |||||
\item fused power input - EDIT: instead I will have a case around the nano, 3d printed, and have the case connect into the pcb, i.e. cutouts for the case in the pcb, and clips on case. the rest of the pcb will be fused somewhere, after the nano. but nano powers it. | |||||
\item arduino nano | |||||
\item switch to activate things | |||||
\item rotary to change number | |||||
\item 7 digit display to list number, and shift register, resistors | |||||
\item explanation of what numbers do on board | |||||
\item 3d printed cover over nano | |||||
\end{itemize} | |||||
\section{build notes} | |||||
The 7 segment symbols are abstracted in kicad. Job security for engineers. | |||||
The example gave a common Vcc, with all pins being connected to GND, and sinked when on. | |||||
The data sheet of the 7seg, omits the schematic. but does show that it is common anode, or common vcc. Pin 3 is left out, but that is VCC. | |||||
It's easier to use a 10 pin connector, then to decipher the abstracted symbols. | |||||
\section{button choice - Arcade style button} | |||||
Digikey has an arcade style button section. There is a 24mm and 30mm panel cutout. That appears to be the standard. | |||||
I'll start with 30mm. | |||||
\subsection{arcade pinout} | |||||
A note on the button, the led positive is denoted by a red mark of paint on the pin. The switch is the middle, with a grey box holding it. Somewhat confusing. You can test the switch with a DMM. | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ | |||||
\documentclass[11pt]{article} | |||||
%Gummi|065|=) | |||||
\title{\textbf{Computer Switch Board}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{03/17/19} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\section{Requirements} | |||||
\begin{itemize} | |||||
\item large pcb board | |||||
\item fused power input - EDIT: instead I will have a case around the nano, 3d printed, and have the case connect into the pcb, i.e. cutouts for the case in the pcb, and clips on case. the rest of the pcb will be fused somewhere, after the nano. but nano powers it. | |||||
\item arduino nano | |||||
\item switch to activate things | |||||
\item rotary to change number | |||||
\item 7 digit display to list number, and shift register, resistors | |||||
\item explanation of what numbers do on board | |||||
\item 3d printed cover over nano | |||||
\end{itemize} | |||||
\section{build notes} | |||||
The 7 segment symbols are abstracted in kicad. Job security for engineers. | |||||
The example gave a common Vcc, with all pins being connected to GND, and sinked when on. | |||||
The data sheet of the 7seg, omits the schematic. but does show that it is common anode, or common vcc. Pin 3 is left out, but that is VCC. | |||||
It's easier to use a 10 pin connector, then to decipher the abstracted symbols. | |||||
\section{button choice - Arcade style button} | |||||
Digikey has an arcade style button section. There is a 24mm and 30mm panel cutout. That appears to be the standard. | |||||
I'll start with 30mm. | |||||
\end{document} |
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1}arcade pinout}{2}} |
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ | |||||
\documentclass[11pt]{article} | |||||
%Gummi|065|=) | |||||
\title{\textbf{Computer Switch Board}} | |||||
\author{Steak Electronics} | |||||
\date{03/17/19} | |||||
\begin{document} | |||||
\maketitle | |||||
\section{Requirements} | |||||
\begin{itemize} | |||||
\item large pcb board | |||||
\item fused power input - EDIT: instead I will have a case around the nano, 3d printed, and have the case connect into the pcb, i.e. cutouts for the case in the pcb, and clips on case. the rest of the pcb will be fused somewhere, after the nano. but nano powers it. | |||||
\item arduino nano | |||||
\item switch to activate things | |||||
\item rotary to change number | |||||
\item 7 digit display to list number, and shift register, resistors | |||||
\item explanation of what numbers do on board | |||||
\item 3d printed cover over nano | |||||
\end{itemize} | |||||
\section{build notes} | |||||
The 7 segment symbols are abstracted in kicad. Job security for engineers. | |||||
The example gave a common Vcc, with all pins being connected to GND, and sinked when on. | |||||
The data sheet of the 7seg, omits the schematic. but does show that it is common anode, or common vcc. Pin 3 is left out, but that is VCC. | |||||
It's easier to use a 10 pin connector, then to decipher the abstracted symbols. | |||||
\section{button choice - Arcade style button} | |||||
Digikey has an arcade style button section. There is a 24mm and 30mm panel cutout. That appears to be the standard. | |||||
I'll start with 30mm. | |||||
\subsection{arcade pinout} | |||||
A note on the button, the led positive is denoted by a red mark of paint on the pin. The switch is the middle, with a grey box holding it. Somewhat confusing. You can test the switch with a DMM. | |||||
\end{document} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ | |||||
(module RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A74C8CB) | |||||
(descr "Alps rotary encoder, EC12E... with switch, vertical shaft, http://www.alps.com/prod/info/E/HTML/Encoder/Incremental/EC11/EC11E15204A3.html") | |||||
(tags "rotary encoder") | |||||
(fp_text reference REF** (at 2.8 -4.7) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm (at 7.5 10.4) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text user %R (at 11.1 6.3) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7 2.5) (end 8 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 2) (end 7.5 3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 6) (end 13.6 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
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(fp_line (start 13.6 -3.4) (end 13.6 -1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 -0.5) (end 7.5 5.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.3 -1.6) (end 0 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.3 -1.6) (end 0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 -1.3) (end -0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.4 -3.4) (end 1.4 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.5 -3.4) (end 1.4 -3.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.5 8.4) (end 1.4 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 8.4) (end 9.5 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.5 -3.4) (end 13.6 -3.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.5 -2.2) (end 2.5 -3.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.5 8.3) (end 1.5 -2.2) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.5 8.3) (end 1.5 8.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.5 -3.3) (end 13.5 8.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 2.5 -3.3) (end 13.5 -3.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.5 -4.6) (end 16 -4.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.5 -4.6) (end -1.5 9.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16 9.6) (end 16 -4.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16 9.6) (end -1.5 9.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(pad S1 thru_hole circle (at 14.5 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad S2 thru_hole circle (at 14.5 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole rect (at 7.5 8.1) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole rect (at 7.5 -3.1) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad B thru_hole circle (at 0 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad C thru_hole circle (at 0 2.5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad A thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ | |||||
(module RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A74C8DD) | |||||
(descr "Alps rotary encoder, EC12E... with switch, vertical shaft, mounting holes with circular drills, http://www.alps.com/prod/info/E/HTML/Encoder/Incremental/EC11/EC11E15204A3.html") | |||||
(tags "rotary encoder") | |||||
(fp_text reference REF** (at 2.8 -4.7) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles (at 7.5 10.4) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text user %R (at 11.1 6.3) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7 2.5) (end 8 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 2) (end 7.5 3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
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(fp_line (start 13.6 1.2) (end 13.6 3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 -3.4) (end 13.6 -1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 -0.5) (end 7.5 5.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.3 -1.6) (end 0 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.3 -1.6) (end 0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 -1.3) (end -0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.4 -3.4) (end 1.4 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.5 -3.4) (end 1.4 -3.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.5 8.4) (end 1.4 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 8.4) (end 9.5 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.5 -3.4) (end 13.6 -3.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.5 -2.2) (end 2.5 -3.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.5 8.3) (end 1.5 -2.2) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.5 8.3) (end 1.5 8.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.5 -3.3) (end 13.5 8.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 2.5 -3.3) (end 13.5 -3.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.5 -5.2) (end 16 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.5 -5.2) (end -1.5 10.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16 10.2) (end 16 -5.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16 10.2) (end -1.5 10.2) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(pad S1 thru_hole circle (at 14.5 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad S2 thru_hole circle (at 14.5 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole circle (at 7.5 8.1) (size 3.2 3.2) (drill 2.6) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole circle (at 7.5 -3.1) (size 3.2 3.2) (drill 2.6) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad B thru_hole circle (at 0 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad C thru_hole circle (at 0 2.5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad A thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ | |||||
(module RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A64F74E) | |||||
(descr "Alps rotary encoder, EC12E... without switch (pins are dummy), vertical shaft, http://www.alps.com/prod/info/E/HTML/Encoder/Incremental/EC11/EC11E15204A3.html") | |||||
(tags "rotary encoder") | |||||
(fp_text reference REF** (at 2.8 -4.7) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm (at 7.5 10.4) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text user %R (at 11.1 6.3) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7 2.5) (end 8 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 2) (end 7.5 3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 5.8) (end 13.6 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 1.2) (end 13.6 3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 -3.4) (end 13.6 -0.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 -0.5) (end 7.5 5.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.3 -1.6) (end 0 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.3 -1.6) (end 0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 -1.3) (end -0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.4 -3.3) (end 1.4 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.5 -3.3) (end 1.4 -3.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.5 8.4) (end 1.4 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 8.4) (end 9.5 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.5 -3.4) (end 13.6 -3.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.5 -2.2) (end 2.5 -3.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.5 8.3) (end 1.5 -2.2) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.5 8.3) (end 1.5 8.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.5 -3.3) (end 13.5 8.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 2.5 -3.3) (end 13.5 -3.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.25 -4.35) (end 15.5 -4.35) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.25 -4.35) (end -1.25 9.35) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.5 9.35) (end 15.5 -4.35) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.5 9.35) (end -1.25 9.35) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(pad "" thru_hole circle (at 14.5 5) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" thru_hole circle (at 14.5 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole rect (at 7.5 8.1) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole rect (at 7.5 -3.1) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 1.5) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad B thru_hole circle (at 0 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad C thru_hole circle (at 0 2.5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad A thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ | |||||
(module RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A64F967) | |||||
(descr "Alps rotary encoder, EC12E... without switch (pins are dummy), vertical shaft, mounting holes with circular drills, http://www.alps.com/prod/info/E/HTML/Encoder/Incremental/EC11/EC11E15204A3.html") | |||||
(tags "rotary encoder") | |||||
(fp_text reference REF** (at 2.8 -4.7) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles (at 7.5 10.4) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text user %R (at 11.1 6.3) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7 2.5) (end 8 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 2) (end 7.5 3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 5.8) (end 13.6 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 1.2) (end 13.6 3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 -3.4) (end 13.6 -0.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 -0.5) (end 7.5 5.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.3 -1.6) (end 0 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.3 -1.6) (end 0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 -1.3) (end -0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.4 -3.3) (end 1.4 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.5 -3.3) (end 1.4 -3.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.5 8.4) (end 1.4 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.6 8.4) (end 9.5 8.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.5 -3.4) (end 13.6 -3.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.5 -2.2) (end 2.5 -3.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.5 8.3) (end 1.5 -2.2) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.5 8.3) (end 1.5 8.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.5 -3.3) (end 13.5 8.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 2.5 -3.3) (end 13.5 -3.3) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.25 -4.95) (end 15.5 -4.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.25 -4.95) (end -1.25 9.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.5 9.95) (end 15.5 -4.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.5 9.95) (end -1.25 9.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(pad "" thru_hole circle (at 14.5 5) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" thru_hole circle (at 14.5 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole circle (at 7.5 8.1) (size 3.2 3.2) (drill 2.6) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole circle (at 7.5 -3.1) (size 3.2 3.2) (drill 2.6) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad B thru_hole circle (at 0 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad C thru_hole circle (at 0 2.5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad A thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ | |||||
(module RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A64F492) | |||||
(descr "Alps rotary encoder, EC12E... with switch, vertical shaft, http://www.alps.com/prod/info/E/HTML/Encoder/Incremental/EC12E/EC12E1240405.html & http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/F100/402097STEC12E08.PDF") | |||||
(tags "rotary encoder") | |||||
(fp_text reference REF** (at 2.8 -4.7) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm (at 7.5 10.4) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7 2.5) (end 8 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 2) (end 7.5 3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_text user %R (at 11.5 6.6) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 6.2) (end 14.2 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 1.2) (end 14.2 3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 -3.8) (end 14.2 -1.2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 -0.5) (end 7.5 5.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.3 -1.6) (end 0 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.3 -1.6) (end 0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 -1.3) (end -0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.8 -3.8) (end 0.8 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.6 -3.8) (end 0.8 -3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.8 8.8) (end 0.8 6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.7 8.8) (end 0.8 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 8.8) (end 9.3 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.3 -3.8) (end 14.2 -3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.9 -2.6) (end 1.9 -3.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.9 8.7) (end 0.9 -2.6) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.1 8.7) (end 0.9 8.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.1 -3.7) (end 14.1 8.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.9 -3.7) (end 14.1 -3.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.5 -4.85) (end 16 -4.85) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.5 -4.85) (end -1.5 9.85) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16 9.85) (end 16 -4.85) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16 9.85) (end -1.5 9.85) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(pad S2 thru_hole circle (at 14.5 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad S1 thru_hole circle (at 14.5 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole rect (at 7.5 8.1) (size 3 2.5) (drill oval 2.5 2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole rect (at 7.5 -3.1) (size 3 2.5) (drill oval 2.5 2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad B thru_hole circle (at 0 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad C thru_hole circle (at 0 2.5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad A thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ | |||||
(module RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A64F967) | |||||
(descr "Alps rotary encoder, EC12E... with switch, vertical shaft, mounting holes with circular drills, http://www.alps.com/prod/info/E/HTML/Encoder/Incremental/EC12E/EC12E1240405.html & http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/F100/402097STEC12E08.PDF") | |||||
(tags "rotary encoder") | |||||
(fp_text reference REF** (at 2.8 -4.7) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles (at 7.5 10.4) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text user %R (at 11.5 6.6) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7 2.5) (end 8 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 2) (end 7.5 3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 6.2) (end 14.2 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 1.2) (end 14.2 3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 -3.8) (end 14.2 -1.2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 -0.5) (end 7.5 5.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.3 -1.6) (end 0 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.3 -1.6) (end 0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 -1.3) (end -0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.8 -3.8) (end 0.8 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.6 -3.8) (end 0.8 -3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.8 8.8) (end 0.8 6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.7 8.8) (end 0.8 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 8.8) (end 9.3 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.3 -3.8) (end 14.2 -3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.9 -2.6) (end 1.9 -3.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.9 8.7) (end 0.9 -2.6) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.1 8.7) (end 0.9 8.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.1 -3.7) (end 14.1 8.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.9 -3.7) (end 14.1 -3.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.5 -5) (end 16 -5) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.5 -5) (end -1.5 10) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16 10) (end 16 -5) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16 10) (end -1.5 10) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(pad S2 thru_hole circle (at 14.5 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad S1 thru_hole circle (at 14.5 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole circle (at 7.5 8.1) (size 2.8 2.8) (drill 2.2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole circle (at 7.5 -3.1) (size 2.8 2.8) (drill 2.2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad B thru_hole circle (at 0 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad C thru_hole circle (at 0 2.5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad A thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E-Switch_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ | |||||
(module RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E_Vertical_H20mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A64F4AE) | |||||
(descr "Alps rotary encoder, EC12E..., vertical shaft, http://www.alps.com/prod/info/E/HTML/Encoder/Incremental/EC12E/EC12E1240405.html") | |||||
(tags "rotary encoder") | |||||
(fp_text reference REF** (at 2.8 -4.7) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E_Vertical_H20mm (at 7.5 10.4) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7 2.5) (end 8 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 2) (end 7.5 3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 -0.5) (end 7.5 5.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_text user %R (at 11.5 6.6) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.3 -1.6) (end 0 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.3 -1.6) (end 0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 -1.3) (end -0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.8 -3.8) (end 0.8 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.6 -3.8) (end 0.8 -3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.8 8.8) (end 0.8 6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.7 8.8) (end 0.8 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 8.8) (end 9.3 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 -3.8) (end 14.2 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.3 -3.8) (end 14.2 -3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.9 -2.6) (end 1.9 -3.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.9 8.7) (end 0.9 -2.6) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.1 8.7) (end 0.9 8.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.1 -3.7) (end 14.1 8.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.9 -3.7) (end 14.1 -3.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.25 -4.6) (end 14.35 -4.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.25 -4.6) (end -1.25 9.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.35 9.6) (end 14.35 -4.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.35 9.6) (end -1.25 9.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole rect (at 7.5 8.1) (size 3 2.5) (drill oval 2.5 2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole rect (at 7.5 -3.1) (size 3 2.5) (drill oval 2.5 2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad B thru_hole circle (at 0 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad C thru_hole circle (at 0 2.5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad A thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E_Vertical_H20mm.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ | |||||
(module RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5A64F967) | |||||
(descr "Alps rotary encoder, EC12E..., vertical shaft, mounting holes with circular drills, http://www.alps.com/prod/info/E/HTML/Encoder/Incremental/EC12E/EC12E1240405.html") | |||||
(tags "rotary encoder") | |||||
(fp_text reference REF** (at 2.8 -4.7) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles (at 7.5 10.4) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text user %R (at 11.5 6.6) (layer F.Fab) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7 2.5) (end 8 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 2) (end 7.5 3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.5 -0.5) (end 7.5 5.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.3 -1.6) (end 0 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.3 -1.6) (end 0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 -1.3) (end -0.3 -1.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.8 -3.8) (end 0.8 -1.3) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.6 -3.8) (end 0.8 -3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.8 8.8) (end 0.8 6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.7 8.8) (end 0.8 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 8.8) (end 9.3 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.2 -3.8) (end 14.2 8.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.3 -3.8) (end 14.2 -3.8) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.9 -2.6) (end 1.9 -3.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.9 8.7) (end 0.9 -2.6) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.1 8.7) (end 0.9 8.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.1 -3.7) (end 14.1 8.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.9 -3.7) (end 14.1 -3.7) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.25 -4.75) (end 14.35 -4.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.25 -4.75) (end -1.25 9.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.35 9.75) (end 14.35 -4.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.35 9.75) (end -1.25 9.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 7.5 2.5) (end 10.5 2.5) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.12)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole circle (at 7.5 8.1) (size 2.8 2.8) (drill 2.2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad MP thru_hole circle (at 7.5 -3.1) (size 2.8 2.8) (drill 2.2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad B thru_hole circle (at 0 5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad C thru_hole circle (at 0 2.5) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(pad A thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Rotary_Encoder.3dshapes/RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC12E_Vertical_H20mm_CircularMountingHoles.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ | |||||
Kicad Library by W. Lain - kcswalter@member.fsf.org | |||||
3/05/2014 | |||||
This library is released under the terms of either Creative Commons license v3.0, Attribution-Share Alike or GPLv3 or later. | |||||
The author holds no responsibility for any damage that can be caused by the usage of this library. You are however welcome to report any error or discrepance to the author, provided that you give also the correct information and its source (i.e. the correct datasheet). | |||||
Note that the author used publicly available data sheets from many different companies, and that package dimensions, pin numeration and schematic symbols may vary slightly between companies. |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ | |||||
(module 6p4c (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "6p4c socket") | |||||
(fp_text reference J*** (at 0 -11.99896) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value 6p4c (at 0 12.49934) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.0005 0) (end 4.0005 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.0005 10.50036) (end -4.0005 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.99898 10.50036) (end 1.99898 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.00126 0) (end -5.00126 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.00126 0) (end 5.00126 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.00126 0) (end 5.00126 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.99898 10.50036) (end -1.99898 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.69874 10.50036) (end -7.69874 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.69874 10.50036) (end -7.69874 -10.20064) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.69874 -10.20064) (end 7.69874 -10.20064) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.69874 -10.20064) (end 7.69874 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at -5.08 0) (size 3.2004 3.2004) (drill 3.2004) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 5.08 0) (size 3.2004 3.2004) (drill 3.2004) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 1.905 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 0.635 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -0.635 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -1.905 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/6p4c.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ | |||||
(module 6p6c (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "6p6c socket") | |||||
(fp_text reference J*** (at 0 -11.99896) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value 6p6c (at 0 12.49934) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.0005 0) (end 4.0005 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.0005 10.50036) (end -4.0005 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.99898 10.50036) (end 1.99898 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.00126 0) (end -5.00126 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.00126 0) (end 5.00126 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.00126 0) (end 5.00126 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.99898 10.50036) (end -1.99898 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.69874 10.50036) (end -7.69874 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.69874 10.50036) (end -7.69874 -10.20064) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.69874 -10.20064) (end 7.69874 -10.20064) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.69874 -10.20064) (end 7.69874 10.50036) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at -5.08 0) (size 3.2004 3.2004) (drill 3.2004) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 5.08 0) (size 3.2004 3.2004) (drill 3.2004) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 3.175 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 1.905 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 0.635 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -0.635 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -1.905 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -3.175 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/6p6c.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ | |||||
(module 8p8c (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "8p8c socket") | |||||
(fp_text reference J*** (at 0 -11.50112) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value 8p8c (at 0 12.49934) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.59968 -9.90092) (end 7.59968 -9.90092) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.59968 10.80008) (end 7.59968 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.0005 0.29972) (end 4.0005 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.0005 10.80008) (end -4.0005 0.29972) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.99898 10.80008) (end 1.99898 0.29972) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.00126 0.29972) (end -5.00126 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.00126 0.29972) (end 5.00126 0.29972) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.00126 0.29972) (end 5.00126 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.99898 10.80008) (end -1.99898 0.29972) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.59968 10.80008) (end -7.59968 -9.90092) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.59968 -9.90092) (end 7.59968 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at -5.715 0) (size 3.2004 3.2004) (drill 3.2004) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 5.715 0) (size 3.2004 3.2004) (drill 3.2004) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole circle (at 4.445 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole circle (at 3.175 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 1.905 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 0.635 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at -0.635 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -1.905 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -3.175 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -4.445 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/8p8c.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ | |||||
(module arduino_header (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "Arduino Header") | |||||
(tags Arduino) | |||||
(fp_text reference Arduino_Header (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 1.016) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value Val** (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 0.889) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 31.75 -26.67) (end -31.75 -26.67) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -31.75 26.67) (end 31.75 26.67) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 35.56 21.59) (end 35.56 -11.43) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 35.56 21.59) (end 33.02 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 33.02 24.13) (end 33.02 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 31.75 25.4) (end 16.51 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16.51 22.86) (end 31.75 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 33.02 -25.4) (end 33.02 -13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 33.02 -13.97) (end 35.56 -11.43) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 31.75 -26.67) (end 33.02 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start -31.75 -25.4) (end -33.02 -25.4) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -33.02 25.4) (end -33.02 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start -31.75 25.4) (end -31.75 26.67) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start 31.75 25.4) (end 33.02 25.4) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -10.414 -25.4) (end -15.494 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -15.494 -25.4) (end -15.494 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -15.494 -22.86) (end -10.414 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center -17.78 -24.13) (end -15.875 -24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 33.02 -8.89) (end 34.925 -8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.906 -22.86) (end -10.414 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -10.414 -22.86) (end -10.414 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.906 -22.86) (end 9.906 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 9.906 -25.4) (end -10.414 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 31.75 -25.4) (end 31.75 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 31.75 -22.86) (end 11.43 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 11.43 -22.86) (end 11.43 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 11.43 -25.4) (end 31.75 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 33.02 19.05) (end 34.925 19.05) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center -19.05 24.13) (end -17.145 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.35 25.4) (end 13.97 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.97 22.86) (end -6.35 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 31.75 25.4) (end 31.75 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 16.51 22.86) (end 16.51 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.97 22.86) (end 13.97 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.35 25.4) (end -6.35 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole oval (at -5.08 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at -2.54 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 0 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 2.54 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 5.08 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 10.16 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 12.7 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 17.78 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 20.32 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 22.86 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 25.4 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at 27.94 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at 30.48 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at -19.05 24.13) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 33.02 19.05) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at 30.48 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at 27.94 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at 25.4 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at 22.86 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 19 thru_hole oval (at 20.32 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 20 thru_hole oval (at 17.78 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 21 thru_hole oval (at 15.24 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 22 thru_hole oval (at 12.7 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 23 thru_hole oval (at 8.636 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 24 thru_hole oval (at 6.096 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 25 thru_hole oval (at 3.556 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 26 thru_hole oval (at 1.016 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 27 thru_hole oval (at -1.524 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 28 thru_hole oval (at -4.064 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 29 thru_hole oval (at -6.604 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 30 thru_hole oval (at -9.14146 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at -17.78 -24.13) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 31 thru_hole oval (at -11.684 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 32 thru_hole oval (at -14.224 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 33.02 -8.89) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/arduino_header.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ | |||||
(module arduino_mega_header (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "Arduino Mega/Due Header") | |||||
(tags Arduino) | |||||
(fp_text reference Arduino_Mega_Header (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 1.016) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value Val** (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 0.889) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_arc (start -48.26 -25.4) (end -49.53 -25.4) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -48.26 -26.67) (end 48.26 -26.67) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -49.53 25.4) (end -49.53 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start -48.26 25.4) (end -48.26 26.67) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -48.26 26.67) (end 48.26 26.67) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start 48.26 25.4) (end 49.53 25.4) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 48.26 -26.67) (end 49.53 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 49.53 -25.4) (end 49.53 -13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 49.53 -13.97) (end 50.8 -12.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 50.8 -12.7) (end 50.8 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 50.8 22.86) (end 49.53 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 49.53 24.13) (end 49.53 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -26.924 -25.4) (end -32.004 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -32.004 -25.4) (end -32.004 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -32.004 -22.86) (end -26.924 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center -34.29 -24.13) (end -32.385 -24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 16.51 -8.89) (end 18.415 -8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 40.64 -24.13) (end 42.545 -24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.604 -22.86) (end -26.924 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -26.924 -22.86) (end -26.924 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.604 -22.86) (end -6.604 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.604 -25.4) (end -26.924 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.24 -25.4) (end 15.24 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.24 -22.86) (end -5.08 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.08 -22.86) (end -5.08 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.08 -25.4) (end 15.24 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 38.1 -25.4) (end 17.78 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 17.78 -25.4) (end 17.78 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 17.78 -22.86) (end 38.1 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 38.1 -22.86) (end 38.1 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 43.18 20.32) (end 48.26 20.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 48.26 20.32) (end 48.26 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 48.26 -25.4) (end 43.18 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 43.18 -25.4) (end 43.18 20.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 46.99 24.13) (end 48.895 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 16.51 19.05) (end 18.415 19.05) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center -35.56 24.13) (end -33.655 24.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 43.18 25.4) (end 22.86 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 22.86 22.86) (end 43.18 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 20.32 22.86) (end 0 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 25.4) (end 20.32 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -22.86 25.4) (end -2.54 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -2.54 22.86) (end -22.86 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 20.32 25.4) (end 20.32 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 22.86 25.4) (end 22.86 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0 22.86) (end 0 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -2.54 22.86) (end -2.54 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 43.18 22.86) (end 43.18 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -22.86 25.4) (end -22.86 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole oval (at -21.59 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at -19.05 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at -16.51 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at -13.97 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at -11.43 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at -8.89 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at -6.35 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at -3.81 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 1.27 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 3.81 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 6.35 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 8.89 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at 11.43 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at 13.97 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at 16.51 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at 19.05 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at 24.13 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at 26.67 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 19 thru_hole oval (at 29.21 24.13) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 20 thru_hole oval (at 31.75 24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 21 thru_hole oval (at 34.29 24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 22 thru_hole oval (at 36.83 24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 23 thru_hole oval (at 39.37 24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 24 thru_hole oval (at 41.91 24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at -35.56 24.13) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 16.51 19.05) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 46.99 24.13) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 25 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 19.05) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 26 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 16.51) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 27 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 13.97) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 28 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 11.43) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 29 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 8.89) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 30 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 6.35) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 31 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 3.81) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 32 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 1.27) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 33 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -1.27) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 34 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -3.81) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 35 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -6.35) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 36 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -8.89) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 37 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -11.43) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 38 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -13.97) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 39 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -16.51) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 40 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -19.05) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 41 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -21.59) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 42 thru_hole oval (at 44.45 -24.13) (size 1.99898 1.53924) (drill 1.00076 (offset -0.24892 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 43 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 19.05) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 44 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 16.51) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 45 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 13.97) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 46 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 11.43) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 47 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 8.89) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 48 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 6.35) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 49 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 3.81) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 50 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 1.27) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 51 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -1.27) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 52 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -3.81) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 53 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -6.35) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 54 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -8.89) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 55 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -11.43) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 56 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -13.97) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 57 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -16.51) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 58 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -19.05) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 59 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -21.59) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 60 thru_hole oval (at 46.99 -24.13) (size 1.99898 1.5367) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0.24638 0)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 61 thru_hole oval (at 36.83 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 62 thru_hole oval (at 34.29 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 63 thru_hole oval (at 31.75 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 64 thru_hole oval (at 29.21 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 65 thru_hole oval (at 26.67 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 66 thru_hole oval (at 24.13 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 67 thru_hole oval (at 21.59 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 68 thru_hole oval (at 19.05 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 69 thru_hole oval (at 13.97 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 70 thru_hole oval (at 11.43 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 71 thru_hole oval (at 8.89 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 72 thru_hole oval (at 6.35 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 73 thru_hole oval (at 3.81 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 74 thru_hole oval (at 1.27 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 75 thru_hole oval (at -1.27 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 76 thru_hole oval (at -3.81 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 77 thru_hole oval (at -7.874 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 78 thru_hole oval (at -10.414 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 79 thru_hole oval (at -12.954 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 80 thru_hole oval (at -15.494 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 81 thru_hole oval (at -18.034 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 82 thru_hole oval (at -20.574 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 83 thru_hole oval (at -23.114 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 84 thru_hole oval (at -25.654 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 40.64 -24.13) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at -34.29 -24.13) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 85 thru_hole oval (at -28.194 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 86 thru_hole oval (at -30.734 -24.13) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 16.51 -8.89) (size 3.19786 3.19786) (drill 3.19786) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/arduino_mega_header.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ | |||||
(module arduino_nano_header (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "Arduino Nano Header") | |||||
(tags Arduino) | |||||
(fp_text reference Arduino_Nano_Header (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 1.016) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value Val** (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 0.889) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start -16.51 -1.27) (end -21.59 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -16.51 1.27) (end -21.59 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -19.05 -3.81) (end -19.05 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -21.59 -3.81) (end -16.51 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -16.51 -3.81) (end -16.51 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -16.51 3.81) (end -21.59 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 21.59 -8.89) (end -21.59 -8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -21.59 8.89) (end 21.59 8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -21.59 8.89) (end -21.59 -8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 21.59 8.89) (end 21.59 -8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center -20.32 -7.62) (end -21.59 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center -20.32 7.62) (end -21.59 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 20.32 -7.62) (end 21.59 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_circle (center 20.32 7.62) (end 21.59 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 19.05 -6.35) (end -19.05 -6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -19.05 6.35) (end 19.05 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 19.05 8.89) (end 19.05 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 19.05 -6.35) (end 19.05 -8.89) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -19.05 -8.89) (end -19.05 -6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -19.05 8.89) (end -19.05 6.35) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole oval (at -17.78 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at -15.24 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at -12.7 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at -10.16 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at -7.62 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at -5.08 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at -2.54 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 2.54 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 5.08 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 10.16 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at 12.7 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at 15.24 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at 17.78 7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at 17.78 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at 15.24 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at 12.7 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 19 thru_hole oval (at 10.16 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 20 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 21 thru_hole oval (at 5.08 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 22 thru_hole oval (at 2.54 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 23 thru_hole oval (at 0 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 24 thru_hole oval (at -2.54 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 25 thru_hole oval (at -5.08 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 26 thru_hole oval (at -7.62 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 27 thru_hole oval (at -10.16 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 28 thru_hole oval (at -12.7 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 29 thru_hole oval (at -15.24 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 30 thru_hole oval (at -17.78 -7.62) (size 1.524 2.1971) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/arduino_nano_header.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ | |||||
(module arduino_pin_socket_8 (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "Pin socket 8pin for Arduino exp. boards") | |||||
(tags "CONN DEV") | |||||
(fp_text reference ARDUINO_PIN_SOCKET_8 (at 0 -2.159) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 1.016) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value Val** (at 0.254 -3.556) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 0.889) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.62 -1.27) (end -7.62 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.3048)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -10.16 -1.27) (end 10.16 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.3048)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 10.16 -1.27) (end 10.16 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.3048)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 10.16 1.27) (end -10.16 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.3048)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -10.16 1.27) (end -10.16 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.3048)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -8.89 0) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at -6.35 0) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at -3.81 0) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at -1.27 0) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 1.27 0) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 3.81 0) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 6.35 0) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 8.89 0) (size 1.524 2.19964) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/arduino_pin_socket_8.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ | |||||
(module dc_socket (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "Socket, DC power supply") | |||||
(fp_text reference dc_socket (at 0 8.6995) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value VAL** (at 0 -8.60044) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.50088 2.79908) (end 4.50088 2.79908) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.50088 7.29996) (end 4.50088 7.29996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.50088 7.29996) (end 4.50088 -7.29996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.50088 -7.29996) (end -4.50088 -7.29996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.50088 -7.29996) (end -4.50088 7.29996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole oval (at 5.30098 -3.50012) (size 1.99898 4.0005) (drill oval 1.00076 2.99974) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 -0.24892) (size 4.0005 1.99898) (drill oval 2.99974 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 0 -6.25094) (size 4.50088 1.99898) (drill oval 3.50012 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/dc_socket.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ | |||||
(module dc_socket_rh (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "Socket, DC power supply, round holes") | |||||
(fp_text reference dc_socket_rh (at 0 8.6995) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value VAL** (at 0 -8.60044) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.50088 2.79908) (end 4.50088 2.79908) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.5 7.5) (end 4.5 7.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.50088 7.29996) (end 4.50088 -7.29996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.50088 -7.29996) (end -4.50088 -7.29996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.50088 -7.29996) (end -4.50088 7.29996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 5 -4.4) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 5 -3.65) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 5 -2.95) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 3 smd oval (at 0 -6.3) (size 4.2 2) (layers B.Cu B.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 0.35 -6.3) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -1.1 -6.3) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 1.1 -6.3) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -0.35 -6.3) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 3 smd oval (at 0 -6.3) (size 4.2 2) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 1 smd oval (at 5 -3.3) (size 2 4.2) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 2 smd oval (at 0 0) (size 4.2 2) (layers F.Cu F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -0.35 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 1.1 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -1.1 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0.35 0) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(pad 2 smd oval (at 0 0) (size 4.2 2) (layers B.Cu B.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 1 smd oval (at 5 -3.3) (size 2 4.2) (layers B.Cu B.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 5 -2.2) (size 2 2) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/dc_socket.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ | |||||
(module microsd_socket (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "MicroSD Card socket, Molex P/N 502774-0811") | |||||
(fp_text reference microsd_socket (at 0 10.39876) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value J** (at 0 -9.70026) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 2.90068 7.29996) (end 4.39928 7.59968) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -2.19964 7.59968) (end -1.39954 7.39902) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.39954 7.39902) (end 0.50038 7.2009) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.50038 7.2009) (end 1.80086 7.2009) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.80086 7.2009) (end 2.90068 7.29996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -2.19964 7.59968) (end -4.39928 7.59968) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.40182 7.59968) (end -4.70154 8.001) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.699 8.001) (end 7.2009 8.001) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.699 8.001) (end -7.2009 8.001) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.699 8.001) (end 4.39928 7.59968) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -3.70078 -7.00024) (end -3.70078 -8.001) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -3.70078 -8.001) (end -5.19938 -8.001) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.19938 -8.001) (end -5.19938 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.90042 -8.001) (end -7.00024 -8.001) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.90042 -8.001) (end -5.90042 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.00024 -7.00024) (end -7.00024 -8.001) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.69976 -7.8994) (end 6.70052 -7.8994) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.69976 -7.00024) (end 5.69976 -7.8994) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 6.70052 -7.8994) (end 6.70052 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.8006 -7.8994) (end 4.8006 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 3.70078 -7.8994) (end 3.70078 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 2.60096 -7.8994) (end 2.60096 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.50114 -7.8994) (end 1.50114 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 0.39878 -7.8994) (end 0.39878 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -0.70104 -7.8994) (end -0.70104 -7.0993) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.80086 -7.8994) (end -1.80086 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -2.90068 -7.00024) (end -2.90068 -7.8994) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.2009 8.001) (end 7.2009 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 7.2009 -7.00024) (end -7.2009 -7.00024) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -7.2009 -7.00024) (end -7.2009 8.001) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 8 smd rect (at 4.8006 -7.38378) (size 0.8001 1.67894) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad 7 smd rect (at 3.70078 -7.38378) (size 0.8001 1.67894) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad 6 smd rect (at 2.60096 -7.38378) (size 0.8001 1.67894) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad 5 smd rect (at 1.50114 -7.38378) (size 0.8001 1.67894) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad 4 smd rect (at 0.39878 -7.38378) (size 0.8001 1.67894) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad 3 smd rect (at -0.70104 -7.38378) (size 0.8001 1.67894) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad 2 smd rect (at -1.80086 -7.38378) (size 0.8001 1.67894) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad 1 smd rect (at -2.90068 -7.38378) (size 0.8001 1.67894) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad CD2 smd rect (at 6.85546 -5.82422) (size 1.29032 1.30048) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(pad "" smd rect (at 6.74878 7.37616) (size 1.50114 1.69926) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" smd rect (at -6.44906 -7.47522) (size 1.69926 1.50114) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad CD1 smd rect (at 6.85546 1.5748) (size 1.29032 1.39954) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" smd rect (at -6.74878 7.37616) (size 1.50114 1.69926) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" smd rect (at 6.2103 -7.47522) (size 1.6002 1.50114) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(clearance 0.20066)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/microsd_socket.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ | |||||
(module molex_6p6c (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "RJ11 6p6c socket, Molex P/N 95009-7667") | |||||
(fp_text reference J*** (at 0 -11.99896) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value molex_6p6c (at 0 12.49934) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.70052 -9.90092) (end -6.70052 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 6.70052 -9.90092) (end 6.70052 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.70052 -9.90092) (end 6.70052 -9.90092) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 6.70052 10.80008) (end -6.70052 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 4.0005 0.29972) (end 4.0005 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -4.0005 10.80008) (end -4.0005 0.29972) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 1.99898 10.80008) (end 1.99898 0.29972) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.00126 0.29972) (end -5.00126 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -5.00126 0.29972) (end 5.00126 0.29972) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 5.00126 0.29972) (end 5.00126 10.80008) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -1.99898 10.80008) (end -1.99898 0.29972) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at -5.08 0) (size 3.2004 3.2004) (drill 3.2004) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" np_thru_hole circle (at 5.08 0) (size 3.2004 3.2004) (drill 3.2004) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 3.175 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 1.905 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 0.635 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -0.635 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -1.905 -6.35) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -3.175 -8.89) (size 1.50114 1.50114) (drill 0.89916) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/molex_6p6c.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ | |||||
(module sd_socket (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "SD Card socket, 4UCON P/N 19607") | |||||
(fp_text reference sd_socket (at 0 17.00022) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value J** (at 0 -17.00022) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start -9.90092 15.40002) (end -14.3002 15.40002) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.3002 15.40002) (end 9.90092 15.40002) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start 0 15.40002) (end 0 5.4991) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start 0 15.40002) (end -9.90092 15.40002) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 6.4008 -3.40106) (end -6.20014 -3.40106) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 8.30072 -1.89992) (end 9.99998 15.40002) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start 6.59892 -1.69926) (end 6.4008 -3.40106) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -8.30072 -1.69926) (end -9.99998 15.40002) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start -6.4008 -1.50114) (end -8.30072 -1.69926) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -14.3002 15.40002) (end -14.3002 -13.40104) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -14.3002 -13.40104) (end 14.3002 -13.40104) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 14.3002 -13.40104) (end 14.3002 15.40002) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 9 smd rect (at 9.271 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 1 smd rect (at 6.77164 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 2 smd rect (at 4.26974 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 3 smd rect (at 1.77038 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 4 smd rect (at -0.72898 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 5 smd rect (at -3.22834 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 6 smd rect (at -5.73024 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 7 smd rect (at -8.14832 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad 8 smd rect (at -9.85012 -14.54404) (size 1.04902 1.55956) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad CD smd rect (at -12.1285 -14.31544) (size 1.34874 1.09982) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" smd rect (at 14.74978 -9.5758) (size 1.89992 1.89992) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" smd rect (at 14.74978 5.87502) (size 1.89992 1.89992) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" smd rect (at -14.86916 -9.5758) (size 1.89992 1.89992) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad COM smd rect (at -14.54912 -4.17576) (size 1.6002 1.09982) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad WP smd rect (at -14.59992 5.49402) (size 1.6002 1.6002) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)) | |||||
(pad "" thru_hole circle (at 12.10056 9.82472) (size 1.30048 1.30048) (drill 1.30048) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad "" thru_hole circle (at -12.10056 9.82472) (size 1.80086 1.80086) (drill 1.80086) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/sd_socket.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ | |||||
(module stm32f0_discovery_header (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "STM32 F0 Discovery Header") | |||||
(tags "STM32F0 Discovery") | |||||
(fp_text reference STM32F0_Discovery_Header (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 1.016) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value Val** (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 0.889) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 40.7 -22) (end 40.7 -25.2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 40.7 -25.2) (end 39.8 -24.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 39.8 -22) (end 41.5 -22) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 39.37 -20.32) (end 39.37 -17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -41.91 17.78) (end 41.91 17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 41.91 17.78) (end 41.91 20.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -41.91 20.32) (end 41.91 20.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -41.91 17.78) (end -41.91 20.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 44.5 -26.7) (end -44.5 -26.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -44.5 26.7) (end 44.5 26.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 44.5 26.7) (end 44.5 -26.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -44.5 26.7) (end -44.5 -26.7) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -41.91 -20.32) (end -41.91 -17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -41.91 -17.78) (end 41.91 -17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 41.91 -20.32) (end 41.91 -17.78) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -41.91 -20.32) (end 41.91 -20.32) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 34 thru_hole oval (at -40.64 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 35 thru_hole oval (at -38.1 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 36 thru_hole oval (at -35.56 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 37 thru_hole oval (at -33.02 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 38 thru_hole oval (at -30.48 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 39 thru_hole oval (at -27.94 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 40 thru_hole oval (at -25.4 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 41 thru_hole oval (at -22.86 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 42 thru_hole oval (at -20.32 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 43 thru_hole oval (at -17.78 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 44 thru_hole oval (at -15.24 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 45 thru_hole oval (at -12.7 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 46 thru_hole oval (at -10.16 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 47 thru_hole oval (at -7.62 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 48 thru_hole oval (at -5.08 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 49 thru_hole oval (at -2.54 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 50 thru_hole oval (at 0 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 51 thru_hole oval (at 2.54 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 52 thru_hole oval (at 5.08 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 53 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 54 thru_hole oval (at 10.16 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 55 thru_hole oval (at 12.7 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 56 thru_hole oval (at 15.24 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 57 thru_hole oval (at 17.78 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 58 thru_hole oval (at 20.32 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 59 thru_hole oval (at 22.86 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 60 thru_hole oval (at 25.4 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 61 thru_hole oval (at 27.94 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 62 thru_hole oval (at 30.48 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 63 thru_hole oval (at 33.02 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 64 thru_hole oval (at 35.56 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 65 thru_hole oval (at 38.1 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 66 thru_hole oval (at 40.64 19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 40.64 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 38.1 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 35.56 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 33.02 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 30.48 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 27.94 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 25.4 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 22.86 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 20.32 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 17.78 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 15.24 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 12.7 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at 10.16 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at 5.08 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at 2.54 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at 0 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at -2.54 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 19 thru_hole oval (at -5.08 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 20 thru_hole oval (at -7.62 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 21 thru_hole oval (at -10.16 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 22 thru_hole oval (at -12.7 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 23 thru_hole oval (at -15.24 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 24 thru_hole oval (at -17.78 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 25 thru_hole oval (at -20.32 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 26 thru_hole oval (at -22.86 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 27 thru_hole oval (at -25.4 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 28 thru_hole oval (at -27.94 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 29 thru_hole oval (at -30.48 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 30 thru_hole oval (at -33.02 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 31 thru_hole oval (at -35.56 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 32 thru_hole oval (at -38.1 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 33 thru_hole oval (at -40.64 -19.05) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/stm32f0_discovery_header.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ | |||||
(module stm32f3_discovery_header (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "STM32 F3 Discovery Header") | |||||
(tags "STM32F3 Discovery") | |||||
(fp_text reference STM32F3_Discovery_Header (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 1.016) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value Val** (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 0.889) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 33.73 25.4) (end 28.65 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 33.73 27.94) (end 33.73 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 28.65 27.94) (end 33.73 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 28.65 25.4) (end 28.65 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 22.3 -27.94) (end 17.22 -27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 22.3 -25.4) (end 22.3 -27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 17.22 -25.4) (end 22.3 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 17.22 -27.94) (end 17.22 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 41.35 -27.94) (end 41.35 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 41.35 -25.4) (end 46.43 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 46.43 -25.4) (end 46.43 -27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 46.43 -27.94) (end 41.35 -27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 22.86) (end 15.95 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.95 22.86) (end 15.95 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 22.86) (end -47.55 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 27.94) (end 15.95 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.3985 22.86) (end 13.3985 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.3985 -27.94) (end 13.3985 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 -22.86) (end 15.95 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 48.5 -33) (end -48.5 -33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -48.5 33) (end 48.5 33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 48.5 33) (end 48.5 -33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -48.5 33) (end -48.5 -33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 -27.94) (end -47.55 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.95 -27.94) (end 15.95 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 -27.94) (end 15.95 -27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 51 thru_hole rect (at 32.46 26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 52 thru_hole oval (at 29.92 26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 51 thru_hole oval (at -46.28 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 53 thru_hole oval (at -43.74 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 55 thru_hole oval (at -41.2 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 57 thru_hole oval (at -38.66 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 59 thru_hole oval (at -36.12 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 61 thru_hole oval (at -33.58 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 63 thru_hole oval (at -31.04 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 65 thru_hole oval (at -28.5 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 67 thru_hole oval (at -25.96 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 69 thru_hole oval (at -23.42 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 71 thru_hole oval (at -20.88 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 73 thru_hole oval (at -18.34 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 75 thru_hole oval (at -15.8 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 77 thru_hole oval (at -13.26 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 79 thru_hole oval (at -10.72 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 81 thru_hole oval (at -8.18 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 83 thru_hole oval (at -5.64 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 85 thru_hole oval (at -3.1 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 87 thru_hole oval (at -0.56 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 89 thru_hole oval (at 1.98 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 91 thru_hole oval (at 4.52 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 93 thru_hole oval (at 7.06 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 95 thru_hole oval (at 9.6 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 97 thru_hole oval (at 12.14 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 99 thru_hole rect (at 14.68 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 100 thru_hole oval (at 14.68 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 98 thru_hole oval (at 12.14 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 96 thru_hole oval (at 9.6 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 94 thru_hole oval (at 7.06 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 92 thru_hole oval (at 4.52 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 90 thru_hole oval (at 1.98 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 88 thru_hole oval (at -0.56 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 86 thru_hole oval (at -3.1 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 84 thru_hole oval (at -5.64 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 82 thru_hole oval (at -8.18 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 80 thru_hole oval (at -10.72 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 78 thru_hole oval (at -13.26 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 76 thru_hole oval (at -15.8 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 74 thru_hole oval (at -18.34 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 72 thru_hole oval (at -20.88 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 70 thru_hole oval (at -23.42 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 68 thru_hole oval (at -25.96 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 66 thru_hole oval (at -28.5 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 64 thru_hole oval (at -31.04 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 62 thru_hole oval (at -33.58 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 60 thru_hole oval (at -36.12 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 58 thru_hole oval (at -38.66 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 56 thru_hole oval (at -41.2 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 54 thru_hole oval (at -43.74 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 52 thru_hole oval (at -46.28 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 50 thru_hole oval (at -46.28 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 48 thru_hole oval (at -43.74 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 46 thru_hole oval (at -41.2 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 44 thru_hole oval (at -38.66 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 42 thru_hole oval (at -36.12 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 40 thru_hole oval (at -33.58 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 38 thru_hole oval (at -31.04 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 36 thru_hole oval (at -28.5 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 34 thru_hole oval (at -25.96 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 32 thru_hole oval (at -23.42 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 30 thru_hole oval (at -20.88 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 28 thru_hole oval (at -18.34 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 26 thru_hole oval (at -15.8 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 24 thru_hole oval (at -13.26 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 22 thru_hole oval (at -10.72 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 20 thru_hole oval (at -8.18 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at -5.64 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at -3.1 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at -0.56 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 1.98 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 4.52 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 7.06 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 9.6 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 12.14 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 14.68 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 14.68 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 12.14 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 9.6 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 7.06 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 4.52 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 1.98 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at -0.56 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at -3.1 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at -5.64 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 19 thru_hole oval (at -8.18 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 21 thru_hole oval (at -10.72 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 23 thru_hole oval (at -13.26 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 25 thru_hole oval (at -15.8 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 27 thru_hole oval (at -18.34 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 29 thru_hole oval (at -20.88 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 31 thru_hole oval (at -23.42 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 33 thru_hole oval (at -25.96 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 35 thru_hole oval (at -28.5 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 37 thru_hole oval (at -31.04 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 39 thru_hole oval (at -33.58 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 41 thru_hole oval (at -36.12 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 43 thru_hole oval (at -38.66 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 45 thru_hole oval (at -41.2 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 47 thru_hole oval (at -43.74 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 49 thru_hole oval (at -46.28 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 42.62 -26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole rect (at 45.16 -26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 50 thru_hole oval (at 18.49 -26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 49 thru_hole rect (at 21.03 -26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/stm32f3_discovery_header.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ | |||||
(module stm32f4_discovery_header (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "STM32 F4 Discovery Header") | |||||
(tags "STM32F4 Discovery") | |||||
(fp_text reference STM32F4_Discovery_Header (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 1.016) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value Val** (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 0.889) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 46.43 25.4) (end 41.35 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 46.43 27.94) (end 46.43 25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 41.35 27.94) (end 46.43 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 41.35 25.4) (end 41.35 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 41.35 -27.94) (end 41.35 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 41.35 -25.4) (end 46.43 -25.4) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 46.43 -25.4) (end 46.43 -27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 46.43 -27.94) (end 41.35 -27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 22.86) (end 15.95 22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.95 22.86) (end 15.95 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 22.86) (end -47.55 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 27.94) (end 15.95 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.3985 22.86) (end 13.3985 27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 13.3985 -27.94) (end 13.3985 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 -22.86) (end 15.95 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 48.5 -33) (end -48.5 -33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -48.5 33) (end 48.5 33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 48.5 33) (end 48.5 -33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -48.5 33) (end -48.5 -33) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 -27.94) (end -47.55 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 15.95 -27.94) (end 15.95 -22.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -47.55 -27.94) (end 15.95 -27.94) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 51 thru_hole rect (at 45.16 26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 52 thru_hole oval (at 42.62 26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 51 thru_hole oval (at -46.28 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 53 thru_hole oval (at -43.74 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 55 thru_hole oval (at -41.2 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 57 thru_hole oval (at -38.66 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 59 thru_hole oval (at -36.12 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 61 thru_hole oval (at -33.58 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 63 thru_hole oval (at -31.04 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 65 thru_hole oval (at -28.5 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 67 thru_hole oval (at -25.96 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 69 thru_hole oval (at -23.42 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 71 thru_hole oval (at -20.88 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 73 thru_hole oval (at -18.34 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 75 thru_hole oval (at -15.8 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 77 thru_hole oval (at -13.26 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 79 thru_hole oval (at -10.72 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 81 thru_hole oval (at -8.18 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 83 thru_hole oval (at -5.64 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 85 thru_hole oval (at -3.1 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 87 thru_hole oval (at -0.56 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 89 thru_hole oval (at 1.98 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 91 thru_hole oval (at 4.52 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 93 thru_hole oval (at 7.06 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 95 thru_hole oval (at 9.6 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 97 thru_hole oval (at 12.14 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 99 thru_hole rect (at 14.68 24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 100 thru_hole oval (at 14.68 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 98 thru_hole oval (at 12.14 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 96 thru_hole oval (at 9.6 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 94 thru_hole oval (at 7.06 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 92 thru_hole oval (at 4.52 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 90 thru_hole oval (at 1.98 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 88 thru_hole oval (at -0.56 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 86 thru_hole oval (at -3.1 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 84 thru_hole oval (at -5.64 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 82 thru_hole oval (at -8.18 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 80 thru_hole oval (at -10.72 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 78 thru_hole oval (at -13.26 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 76 thru_hole oval (at -15.8 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 74 thru_hole oval (at -18.34 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 72 thru_hole oval (at -20.88 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 70 thru_hole oval (at -23.42 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 68 thru_hole oval (at -25.96 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 66 thru_hole oval (at -28.5 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 64 thru_hole oval (at -31.04 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 62 thru_hole oval (at -33.58 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 60 thru_hole oval (at -36.12 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 58 thru_hole oval (at -38.66 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 56 thru_hole oval (at -41.2 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 54 thru_hole oval (at -43.74 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 52 thru_hole oval (at -46.28 26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 50 thru_hole oval (at -46.28 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 48 thru_hole oval (at -43.74 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 46 thru_hole oval (at -41.2 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 44 thru_hole oval (at -38.66 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 42 thru_hole oval (at -36.12 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 40 thru_hole oval (at -33.58 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 38 thru_hole oval (at -31.04 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 36 thru_hole oval (at -28.5 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 34 thru_hole oval (at -25.96 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 32 thru_hole oval (at -23.42 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 30 thru_hole oval (at -20.88 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 28 thru_hole oval (at -18.34 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 26 thru_hole oval (at -15.8 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 24 thru_hole oval (at -13.26 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 22 thru_hole oval (at -10.72 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 20 thru_hole oval (at -8.18 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at -5.64 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at -3.1 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at -0.56 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 1.98 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 4.52 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 7.06 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 9.6 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 12.14 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 14.68 -24.13) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 14.68 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 1.00076 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 12.14 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 9.6 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 7.06 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 4.52 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 1.98 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at -0.56 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at -3.1 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at -5.64 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 19 thru_hole oval (at -8.18 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 21 thru_hole oval (at -10.72 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 23 thru_hole oval (at -13.26 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 25 thru_hole oval (at -15.8 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 27 thru_hole oval (at -18.34 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 29 thru_hole oval (at -20.88 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 31 thru_hole oval (at -23.42 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 33 thru_hole oval (at -25.96 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 35 thru_hole oval (at -28.5 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 37 thru_hole oval (at -31.04 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 39 thru_hole oval (at -33.58 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 41 thru_hole oval (at -36.12 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 43 thru_hole oval (at -38.66 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 45 thru_hole oval (at -41.2 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 47 thru_hole oval (at -43.74 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 49 thru_hole oval (at -46.28 -26.67) (size 1.5 2) (drill 0.99822 (offset 0 -0.25)) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 50 thru_hole oval (at 42.62 -26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 49 thru_hole rect (at 45.16 -26.67) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/stm32f4_discovery_header.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ | |||||
(module stm32vl_discovery_header (layer F.Cu) | |||||
(descr "STM32 Value Line Discovery Header") | |||||
(tags "STM32VL Discovery") | |||||
(fp_text reference STM32VL_Discovery_Header (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 1.016) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value Val** (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (size 1.016 0.889) (thickness 0.2032))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_line (start 42.3 -21.6) (end -42.3 -21.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -42.3 21.6) (end 42.3 21.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 42.3 21.6) (end 42.3 -21.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -42.3 21.6) (end -42.3 -21.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -32.14 -16.51) (end -32.14 -13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -32.14 -13.97) (end 38.98 -13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 38.98 -16.51) (end 38.98 -13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -32.14 -16.51) (end 38.98 -16.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -37.12 -7.62) (end -37.12 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -37.12 7.62) (end -34.58 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -34.58 -7.62) (end -34.58 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -37.12 -7.62) (end -34.58 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -32.14 13.97) (end 38.98 13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -32.14 16.51) (end 38.98 16.51) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 38.98 16.51) (end 38.98 13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -32.14 16.51) (end -32.14 13.97) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.381)) | |||||
(pad 35 thru_hole rect (at -30.87 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 36 thru_hole oval (at -28.33 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 37 thru_hole oval (at -25.79 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 38 thru_hole oval (at -23.25 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 39 thru_hole oval (at -20.71 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 40 thru_hole oval (at -18.17 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 41 thru_hole oval (at -15.63 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 42 thru_hole oval (at -13.09 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 43 thru_hole oval (at -10.55 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 44 thru_hole oval (at -8.01 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 45 thru_hole oval (at -5.47 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 46 thru_hole oval (at -2.93 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 47 thru_hole oval (at -0.39 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 48 thru_hole oval (at 2.15 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 49 thru_hole oval (at 4.69 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 50 thru_hole oval (at 7.23 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 51 thru_hole oval (at 9.77 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 52 thru_hole oval (at 12.31 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 53 thru_hole oval (at 14.85 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 54 thru_hole oval (at 17.39 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 55 thru_hole oval (at 19.93 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 56 thru_hole oval (at 22.47 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 57 thru_hole oval (at 25.01 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 58 thru_hole oval (at 27.55 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 59 thru_hole oval (at 30.09 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 60 thru_hole oval (at 32.63 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 61 thru_hole oval (at 35.17 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 62 thru_hole oval (at 37.71 15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 37.71 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 1.00076) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 35.17 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 32.63 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 30.09 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 27.55 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 25.01 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 22.47 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 19.93 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 17.39 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 14.85 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 12.31 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 9.77 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at 7.23 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at 4.69 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at 2.15 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at -0.39 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at -2.93 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at -5.47 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 19 thru_hole oval (at -8.01 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 20 thru_hole oval (at -10.55 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 21 thru_hole oval (at -13.09 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 22 thru_hole oval (at -15.63 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 23 thru_hole oval (at -18.17 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 24 thru_hole oval (at -20.71 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 25 thru_hole oval (at -23.25 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 26 thru_hole oval (at -25.79 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 27 thru_hole oval (at -28.33 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 28 thru_hole oval (at -30.87 -15.24) (size 1.5 2.2) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 29 thru_hole rect (at -35.85 -6.35) (size 2.2 1.5) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 30 thru_hole oval (at -35.85 -3.81) (size 2.2 1.5) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 31 thru_hole oval (at -35.85 -1.27) (size 2.2 1.5) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 32 thru_hole oval (at -35.85 1.27) (size 2.2 1.5) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 33 thru_hole oval (at -35.85 3.81) (size 2.2 1.5) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(pad 34 thru_hole oval (at -35.85 6.35) (size 2.2 1.5) (drill 0.99822) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) | |||||
(model walter/conn_misc/stm32vl_discovery_header.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ | |||||
(module wago_2060-451 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 578E34CE) | |||||
(descr "Wago 2060-451") | |||||
(clearance 0.5) | |||||
(zone_connect 1) | |||||
(fp_text reference J1 (at -5.5 3.5) (layer F.SilkS) | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_text value +V (at 0 -3.1) (layer F.SilkS) hide | |||||
(effects (font (thickness 0.3048))) | |||||
) | |||||
(fp_arc (start 5.6 -1.5) (end 5.6 -2) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start 5.6 1.5) (end 6.1 1.5) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start -6.1 1.5) (end -6.1 2) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15)) | |||||
(fp_arc (start -6.1 -1.5) (end -6.6 -1.5) (angle 90) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.6 -1.5) (end -6.6 1.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.1 2) (end 5.6 2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15)) | |||||
(fp_line (start 6.1 1.5) (end 6.1 -1.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15)) | |||||
(fp_line (start -6.1 -2) (end 5.6 -2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15)) | |||||
(pad 1 smd rect (at -4 0) (size 6 2) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(zone_connect 1)) | |||||
(pad 1 smd rect (at 5.2 0) (size 3.5 2) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask) | |||||
(zone_connect 1)) | |||||
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/walter/conn_misc/wago_2060-451.wrl | |||||
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) | |||||
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0)) | |||||
) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ | |||||
(fp_lib_table | |||||
(lib (name w_conn_misc)(type KiCad)(uri "$(KIPRJMOD)/footprints/w_conn_misc.pretty")(options "")(descr "")) | |||||
(lib (name Rotary_Encoder)(type KiCad)(uri "$(KIPRJMOD)/footprints/Rotary_Encoder.pretty")(options "")(descr "")) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ | |||||
G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.0.0-rc2* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-03-17T20:22:20-04:00* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,pcb,7063622E6B696361645F706362000000,rev?* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Other,Fab,Bot* | |||||
%FSLAX46Y46*% | |||||
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* | |||||
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.0.0-rc2) date Sun Mar 17 20:22:20 2019* | |||||
%MOMM*% | |||||
%LPD*% | |||||
G01* | |||||
G04 APERTURE LIST* | |||||
M02* |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ | |||||
G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.0.0-rc2* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-03-17T20:22:20-04:00* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,pcb,7063622E6B696361645F706362000000,rev?* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Bot* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* | |||||
%FSLAX46Y46*% | |||||
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* | |||||
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.0.0-rc2) date Sun Mar 17 20:22:20 2019* | |||||
%MOMM*% | |||||
%LPD*% | |||||
G01* | |||||
G04 APERTURE LIST* | |||||
M02* |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ | |||||
G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.0.0-rc2* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-03-17T20:22:20-04:00* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,pcb,7063622E6B696361645F706362000000,rev?* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Legend,Bot* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* | |||||
%FSLAX46Y46*% | |||||
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* | |||||
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.0.0-rc2) date Sun Mar 17 20:22:20 2019* | |||||
%MOMM*% | |||||
%LPD*% | |||||
G01* | |||||
G04 APERTURE LIST* | |||||
M02* |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ | |||||
G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.0.0-rc2* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-03-17T20:22:20-04:00* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,pcb,7063622E6B696361645F706362000000,rev?* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Profile,NP* | |||||
%FSLAX46Y46*% | |||||
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* | |||||
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.0.0-rc2) date Sun Mar 17 20:22:20 2019* | |||||
%MOMM*% | |||||
%LPD*% | |||||
G01* | |||||
G04 APERTURE LIST* | |||||
%ADD10C,0.152400*% | |||||
D10* | |||||
X230000000Y-140000000D02* | |||||
X230000000Y-144000000D01* | |||||
X240000000Y-144000000D02* | |||||
X240000000Y-140000000D01* | |||||
X240000000Y-140000000D02* | |||||
X230000000Y-140000000D01* | |||||
X230000000Y-144000000D02* | |||||
X240000000Y-144000000D01* | |||||
X240000000Y-184000000D02* | |||||
X240000000Y-180000000D01* | |||||
X240000000Y-180000000D02* | |||||
X230000000Y-180000000D01* | |||||
X230000000Y-184000000D02* | |||||
X240000000Y-184000000D01* | |||||
X230000000Y-180000000D02* | |||||
X230000000Y-184000000D01* | |||||
X180000000Y-184000000D02* | |||||
X190000000Y-184000000D01* | |||||
X190000000Y-184000000D02* | |||||
X190000000Y-180000000D01* | |||||
X180000000Y-180000000D02* | |||||
X180000000Y-184000000D01* | |||||
X190000000Y-180000000D02* | |||||
X180000000Y-180000000D01* | |||||
X190000000Y-140000000D02* | |||||
X180000000Y-140000000D01* | |||||
X190000000Y-144000000D02* | |||||
X190000000Y-140000000D01* | |||||
X180000000Y-144000000D02* | |||||
X190000000Y-144000000D01* | |||||
X180000000Y-140000000D02* | |||||
X180000000Y-144000000D01* | |||||
X291000000Y-150000000D02* | |||||
G75* | |||||
G03X291000000Y-150000000I-16000000J0D01* | |||||
G01* | |||||
X175000000Y-100000000D02* | |||||
X175000000Y-190000000D01* | |||||
X200000000Y-75000000D02* | |||||
X175000000Y-100000000D01* | |||||
X205000000Y-75000000D02* | |||||
X200000000Y-75000000D01* | |||||
X350000000Y-75000000D02* | |||||
X205000000Y-75000000D01* | |||||
X350000000Y-165000000D02* | |||||
X350000000Y-75000000D01* | |||||
X330000000Y-190000000D02* | |||||
X350000000Y-165000000D01* | |||||
X175000000Y-190000000D02* | |||||
X330000000Y-190000000D01* | |||||
M02* |
@ -0,0 +1,934 @@ | |||||
G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.0.0-rc2* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-03-17T20:22:20-04:00* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,pcb,7063622E6B696361645F706362000000,rev?* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Other,Fab,Top* | |||||
%FSLAX46Y46*% | |||||
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* | |||||
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.0.0-rc2) date Sun Mar 17 20:22:20 2019* | |||||
%MOMM*% | |||||
%LPD*% | |||||
G01* | |||||
G04 APERTURE LIST* | |||||
%ADD10C,0.150000*% | |||||
%ADD11C,0.120000*% | |||||
D10* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R2* | |||||
X200930000Y-128641000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-127391000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-128641000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-128641000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-127391000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-128641000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-127391000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-127391000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R3* | |||||
X202930000Y-126101000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-126101000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-126101000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-124851000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-124851000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-124851000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-124851000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-126101000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R4* | |||||
X200930000Y-123561000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-122311000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-123561000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-123561000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-122311000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-123561000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-122311000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-122311000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R5* | |||||
X202930000Y-119771000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-121021000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-119771000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-119771000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-121021000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-119771000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-121021000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-121021000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R6* | |||||
X200930000Y-118481000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-117231000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-118481000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-118481000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-117231000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-118481000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-117231000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-117231000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R7* | |||||
X200930000Y-114691000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-114691000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-114691000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-115941000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-115941000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-115941000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-115941000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-114691000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R8* | |||||
X202930000Y-112151000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-113401000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-112151000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-112151000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-113401000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-112151000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-113401000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-113401000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,eR9* | |||||
X200930000Y-109611000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-109611000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-109611000D02* | |||||
X202930000Y-110861000D01* | |||||
X202930000Y-110861000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-110861000D01* | |||||
X200930000Y-110861000D02* | |||||
X200930000Y-109611000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R10* | |||||
X317230000Y-141595000D02* | |||||
X315230000Y-141595000D01* | |||||
X315230000Y-141595000D02* | |||||
X315230000Y-140345000D01* | |||||
X315230000Y-140345000D02* | |||||
X317230000Y-140345000D01* | |||||
X317230000Y-140345000D02* | |||||
X317230000Y-141595000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R11* | |||||
X317212368Y-145183820D02* | |||||
X317212368Y-146433820D01* | |||||
X315212368Y-145183820D02* | |||||
X317212368Y-145183820D01* | |||||
X315212368Y-146433820D02* | |||||
X315212368Y-145183820D01* | |||||
X317212368Y-146433820D02* | |||||
X315212368Y-146433820D01* | |||||
D11* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW3* | |||||
X329620000Y-143470000D02* | |||||
X335620000Y-143470000D01* | |||||
X332620000Y-140470000D02* | |||||
X332620000Y-146470000D01* | |||||
X326620000Y-138770000D02* | |||||
X327620000Y-137670000D01* | |||||
X326620000Y-149270000D02* | |||||
X326620000Y-138770000D01* | |||||
X338620000Y-149270000D02* | |||||
X326620000Y-149270000D01* | |||||
X338620000Y-137670000D02* | |||||
X338620000Y-149270000D01* | |||||
X327620000Y-137670000D02* | |||||
X338620000Y-137670000D01* | |||||
X335620000Y-143470000D02* | |||||
G75* | |||||
G03X335620000Y-143470000I-3000000J0D01* | |||||
G01* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,P1* | |||||
D10* | |||||
X271591190Y-118447142D02* | |||||
X271543571Y-118494761D01* | |||||
X271400714Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X271305476Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X271162619Y-118494761D01* | |||||
X271067380Y-118399523D01* | |||||
X271019761Y-118304285D01* | |||||
X270972142Y-118113809D01* | |||||
X270972142Y-117970952D01* | |||||
X271019761Y-117780476D01* | |||||
X271067380Y-117685238D01* | |||||
X271162619Y-117590000D01* | |||||
X271305476Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X271400714Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X271543571Y-117590000D01* | |||||
X271591190Y-117637619D01* | |||||
X272210238Y-117542380D02* | |||||
X272400714Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X272495952Y-117590000D01* | |||||
X272591190Y-117685238D01* | |||||
X272638809Y-117875714D01* | |||||
X272638809Y-118209047D01* | |||||
X272591190Y-118399523D01* | |||||
X272495952Y-118494761D01* | |||||
X272400714Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X272210238Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X272115000Y-118494761D01* | |||||
X272019761Y-118399523D01* | |||||
X271972142Y-118209047D01* | |||||
X271972142Y-117875714D01* | |||||
X272019761Y-117685238D01* | |||||
X272115000Y-117590000D01* | |||||
X272210238Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X273067380Y-118542380D02* | |||||
X273067380Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X273638809Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X273638809Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X274115000Y-118542380D02* | |||||
X274115000Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X274686428Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X274686428Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X274924523Y-118637619D02* | |||||
X275686428Y-118637619D01* | |||||
X276115000Y-117542380D02* | |||||
X276210238Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X276305476Y-117590000D01* | |||||
X276353095Y-117637619D01* | |||||
X276400714Y-117732857D01* | |||||
X276448333Y-117923333D01* | |||||
X276448333Y-118161428D01* | |||||
X276400714Y-118351904D01* | |||||
X276353095Y-118447142D01* | |||||
X276305476Y-118494761D01* | |||||
X276210238Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X276115000Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X276019761Y-118494761D01* | |||||
X275972142Y-118447142D01* | |||||
X275924523Y-118351904D01* | |||||
X275876904Y-118161428D01* | |||||
X275876904Y-117923333D01* | |||||
X275924523Y-117732857D01* | |||||
X275972142Y-117637619D01* | |||||
X276019761Y-117590000D01* | |||||
X276115000Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X277400714Y-118542380D02* | |||||
X276829285Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X277115000Y-118542380D02* | |||||
X277115000Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X277019761Y-117685238D01* | |||||
X276924523Y-117780476D01* | |||||
X276829285Y-117828095D01* | |||||
X277734047Y-117542380D02* | |||||
X278400714Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X278400714Y-117542380D02* | |||||
X277734047Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X279305476Y-118542380D02* | |||||
X278734047Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X279019761Y-118542380D02* | |||||
X279019761Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X278924523Y-117685238D01* | |||||
X278829285Y-117780476D01* | |||||
X278734047Y-117828095D01* | |||||
X279924523Y-117542380D02* | |||||
X280019761Y-117542380D01* | |||||
X280115000Y-117590000D01* | |||||
X280162619Y-117637619D01* | |||||
X280210238Y-117732857D01* | |||||
X280257857Y-117923333D01* | |||||
X280257857Y-118161428D01* | |||||
X280210238Y-118351904D01* | |||||
X280162619Y-118447142D01* | |||||
X280115000Y-118494761D01* | |||||
X280019761Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X279924523Y-118542380D01* | |||||
X279829285Y-118494761D01* | |||||
X279781666Y-118447142D01* | |||||
X279734047Y-118351904D01* | |||||
X279686428Y-118161428D01* | |||||
X279686428Y-117923333D01* | |||||
X279734047Y-117732857D01* | |||||
X279781666Y-117637619D01* | |||||
X279829285Y-117590000D01* | |||||
X279924523Y-117542380D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R2* | |||||
X202239523Y-130568380D02* | |||||
X201906190Y-130092190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-130568380D02* | |||||
X201668095Y-129568380D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-129568380D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-129616000D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-129663619D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-129758857D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-129901714D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-129996952D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-130044571D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-130092190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-130092190D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R3* | |||||
X202239523Y-123828380D02* | |||||
X201906190Y-123352190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-123828380D02* | |||||
X201668095Y-122828380D01* | |||||
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X202191904Y-122923619D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-123018857D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-123161714D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-123256952D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-123304571D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-123352190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-123352190D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R4* | |||||
X202239523Y-125488380D02* | |||||
X201906190Y-125012190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-125488380D02* | |||||
X201668095Y-124488380D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-124488380D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-124536000D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-124583619D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-124678857D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-124821714D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-124916952D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-124964571D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-125012190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-125012190D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R5* | |||||
X202239523Y-120848380D02* | |||||
X201906190Y-120372190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-120848380D02* | |||||
X201668095Y-119848380D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-119848380D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-119896000D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-119943619D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-120038857D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-120181714D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-120276952D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-120324571D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-120372190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-120372190D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R6* | |||||
X202239523Y-120408380D02* | |||||
X201906190Y-119932190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-120408380D02* | |||||
X201668095Y-119408380D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-119408380D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-119456000D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-119503619D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-119598857D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-119741714D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-119836952D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-119884571D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-119932190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-119932190D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R7* | |||||
X202239523Y-117868380D02* | |||||
X201906190Y-117392190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-117868380D02* | |||||
X201668095Y-116868380D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-116868380D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-116916000D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-116963619D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-117058857D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-117201714D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-117296952D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-117344571D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-117392190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-117392190D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R8* | |||||
X202239523Y-111128380D02* | |||||
X201906190Y-110652190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-111128380D02* | |||||
X201668095Y-110128380D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-110128380D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-110176000D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-110223619D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-110318857D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-110461714D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-110556952D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-110604571D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-110652190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-110652190D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,eR9* | |||||
X202239523Y-112788380D02* | |||||
X201906190Y-112312190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-112788380D02* | |||||
X201668095Y-111788380D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-111788380D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-111836000D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-111883619D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-111978857D01* | |||||
X202239523Y-112121714D01* | |||||
X202191904Y-112216952D01* | |||||
X202144285Y-112264571D01* | |||||
X202049047Y-112312190D01* | |||||
X201668095Y-112312190D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R10* | |||||
X314634761Y-139322380D02* | |||||
X314301428Y-138846190D01* | |||||
X314063333Y-139322380D02* | |||||
X314063333Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X314444285Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X314539523Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X314587142Y-138417619D01* | |||||
X314634761Y-138512857D01* | |||||
X314634761Y-138655714D01* | |||||
X314587142Y-138750952D01* | |||||
X314539523Y-138798571D01* | |||||
X314444285Y-138846190D01* | |||||
X314063333Y-138846190D01* | |||||
X315015714Y-138417619D02* | |||||
X315063333Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X315158571Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X315396666Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X315491904Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X315539523Y-138417619D01* | |||||
X315587142Y-138512857D01* | |||||
X315587142Y-138608095D01* | |||||
X315539523Y-138750952D01* | |||||
X314968095Y-139322380D01* | |||||
X315587142Y-139322380D01* | |||||
X315968095Y-138417619D02* | |||||
X316015714Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X316110952Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X316349047Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X316444285Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X316491904Y-138417619D01* | |||||
X316539523Y-138512857D01* | |||||
X316539523Y-138608095D01* | |||||
X316491904Y-138750952D01* | |||||
X315920476Y-139322380D01* | |||||
X316539523Y-139322380D01* | |||||
X317158571Y-138322380D02* | |||||
X317253809Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X317349047Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X317396666Y-138417619D01* | |||||
X317444285Y-138512857D01* | |||||
X317491904Y-138703333D01* | |||||
X317491904Y-138941428D01* | |||||
X317444285Y-139131904D01* | |||||
X317396666Y-139227142D01* | |||||
X317349047Y-139274761D01* | |||||
X317253809Y-139322380D01* | |||||
X317158571Y-139322380D01* | |||||
X317063333Y-139274761D01* | |||||
X317015714Y-139227142D01* | |||||
X316968095Y-139131904D01* | |||||
X316920476Y-138941428D01* | |||||
X316920476Y-138703333D01* | |||||
X316968095Y-138512857D01* | |||||
X317015714Y-138417619D01* | |||||
X317063333Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X317158571Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X318110952Y-138322380D02* | |||||
X318206190Y-138322380D01* | |||||
X318301428Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X318349047Y-138417619D01* | |||||
X318396666Y-138512857D01* | |||||
X318444285Y-138703333D01* | |||||
X318444285Y-138941428D01* | |||||
X318396666Y-139131904D01* | |||||
X318349047Y-139227142D01* | |||||
X318301428Y-139274761D01* | |||||
X318206190Y-139322380D01* | |||||
X318110952Y-139322380D01* | |||||
X318015714Y-139274761D01* | |||||
X317968095Y-139227142D01* | |||||
X317920476Y-139131904D01* | |||||
X317872857Y-138941428D01* | |||||
X317872857Y-138703333D01* | |||||
X317920476Y-138512857D01* | |||||
X317968095Y-138417619D01* | |||||
X318015714Y-138370000D01* | |||||
X318110952Y-138322380D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R11* | |||||
X314617129Y-144161200D02* | |||||
X314283796Y-143685010D01* | |||||
X314045701Y-144161200D02* | |||||
X314045701Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X314426653Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X314521891Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X314569510Y-143256439D01* | |||||
X314617129Y-143351677D01* | |||||
X314617129Y-143494534D01* | |||||
X314569510Y-143589772D01* | |||||
X314521891Y-143637391D01* | |||||
X314426653Y-143685010D01* | |||||
X314045701Y-143685010D01* | |||||
X314998082Y-143256439D02* | |||||
X315045701Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X315140939Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X315379034Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X315474272Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X315521891Y-143256439D01* | |||||
X315569510Y-143351677D01* | |||||
X315569510Y-143446915D01* | |||||
X315521891Y-143589772D01* | |||||
X314950463Y-144161200D01* | |||||
X315569510Y-144161200D01* | |||||
X315950463Y-143256439D02* | |||||
X315998082Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X316093320Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X316331415Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X316426653Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X316474272Y-143256439D01* | |||||
X316521891Y-143351677D01* | |||||
X316521891Y-143446915D01* | |||||
X316474272Y-143589772D01* | |||||
X315902844Y-144161200D01* | |||||
X316521891Y-144161200D01* | |||||
X317140939Y-143161200D02* | |||||
X317236177Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X317331415Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X317379034Y-143256439D01* | |||||
X317426653Y-143351677D01* | |||||
X317474272Y-143542153D01* | |||||
X317474272Y-143780248D01* | |||||
X317426653Y-143970724D01* | |||||
X317379034Y-144065962D01* | |||||
X317331415Y-144113581D01* | |||||
X317236177Y-144161200D01* | |||||
X317140939Y-144161200D01* | |||||
X317045701Y-144113581D01* | |||||
X316998082Y-144065962D01* | |||||
X316950463Y-143970724D01* | |||||
X316902844Y-143780248D01* | |||||
X316902844Y-143542153D01* | |||||
X316950463Y-143351677D01* | |||||
X316998082Y-143256439D01* | |||||
X317045701Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X317140939Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X318093320Y-143161200D02* | |||||
X318188558Y-143161200D01* | |||||
X318283796Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X318331415Y-143256439D01* | |||||
X318379034Y-143351677D01* | |||||
X318426653Y-143542153D01* | |||||
X318426653Y-143780248D01* | |||||
X318379034Y-143970724D01* | |||||
X318331415Y-144065962D01* | |||||
X318283796Y-144113581D01* | |||||
X318188558Y-144161200D01* | |||||
X318093320Y-144161200D01* | |||||
X317998082Y-144113581D01* | |||||
X317950463Y-144065962D01* | |||||
X317902844Y-143970724D01* | |||||
X317855225Y-143780248D01* | |||||
X317855225Y-143542153D01* | |||||
X317902844Y-143351677D01* | |||||
X317950463Y-143256439D01* | |||||
X317998082Y-143208820D01* | |||||
X318093320Y-143161200D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW1* | |||||
X194475714Y-147784761D02* | |||||
X194618571Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X194856666Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X194951904Y-147784761D01* | |||||
X194999523Y-147737142D01* | |||||
X195047142Y-147641904D01* | |||||
X195047142Y-147546666D01* | |||||
X194999523Y-147451428D01* | |||||
X194951904Y-147403809D01* | |||||
X194856666Y-147356190D01* | |||||
X194666190Y-147308571D01* | |||||
X194570952Y-147260952D01* | |||||
X194523333Y-147213333D01* | |||||
X194475714Y-147118095D01* | |||||
X194475714Y-147022857D01* | |||||
X194523333Y-146927619D01* | |||||
X194570952Y-146880000D01* | |||||
X194666190Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X194904285Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X195047142Y-146880000D01* | |||||
X195380476Y-146832380D02* | |||||
X195618571Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X195809047Y-147118095D01* | |||||
X195999523Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X196237619Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X196380476Y-147927619D02* | |||||
X197142380Y-147927619D01* | |||||
X197380476Y-147832380D02* | |||||
X197380476Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X197618571Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X197761428Y-146880000D01* | |||||
X197856666Y-146975238D01* | |||||
X197904285Y-147070476D01* | |||||
X197951904Y-147260952D01* | |||||
X197951904Y-147403809D01* | |||||
X197904285Y-147594285D01* | |||||
X197856666Y-147689523D01* | |||||
X197761428Y-147784761D01* | |||||
X197618571Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X197380476Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X198380476Y-147832380D02* | |||||
X198380476Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X198856666Y-147832380D02* | |||||
X198856666Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X199237619Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X199332857Y-146880000D01* | |||||
X199380476Y-146927619D01* | |||||
X199428095Y-147022857D01* | |||||
X199428095Y-147165714D01* | |||||
X199380476Y-147260952D01* | |||||
X199332857Y-147308571D01* | |||||
X199237619Y-147356190D01* | |||||
X198856666Y-147356190D01* | |||||
X199618571Y-147927619D02* | |||||
X200380476Y-147927619D01* | |||||
X200523333Y-147832380D02* | |||||
X201047142Y-147165714D01* | |||||
X200523333Y-147165714D02* | |||||
X201047142Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X201618571Y-146832380D02* | |||||
X201713809Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X201809047Y-146880000D01* | |||||
X201856666Y-146927619D01* | |||||
X201904285Y-147022857D01* | |||||
X201951904Y-147213333D01* | |||||
X201951904Y-147451428D01* | |||||
X201904285Y-147641904D01* | |||||
X201856666Y-147737142D01* | |||||
X201809047Y-147784761D01* | |||||
X201713809Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X201618571Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X201523333Y-147784761D01* | |||||
X201475714Y-147737142D01* | |||||
X201428095Y-147641904D01* | |||||
X201380476Y-147451428D01* | |||||
X201380476Y-147213333D01* | |||||
X201428095Y-147022857D01* | |||||
X201475714Y-146927619D01* | |||||
X201523333Y-146880000D01* | |||||
X201618571Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X202904285Y-147832380D02* | |||||
X202332857Y-147832380D01* | |||||
X202618571Y-147832380D02* | |||||
X202618571Y-146832380D01* | |||||
X202523333Y-146975238D01* | |||||
X202428095Y-147070476D01* | |||||
X202332857Y-147118095D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW2* | |||||
X187555714Y-129854761D02* | |||||
X187698571Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X187936666Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X188031904Y-129854761D01* | |||||
X188079523Y-129807142D01* | |||||
X188127142Y-129711904D01* | |||||
X188127142Y-129616666D01* | |||||
X188079523Y-129521428D01* | |||||
X188031904Y-129473809D01* | |||||
X187936666Y-129426190D01* | |||||
X187746190Y-129378571D01* | |||||
X187650952Y-129330952D01* | |||||
X187603333Y-129283333D01* | |||||
X187555714Y-129188095D01* | |||||
X187555714Y-129092857D01* | |||||
X187603333Y-128997619D01* | |||||
X187650952Y-128950000D01* | |||||
X187746190Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X187984285Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X188127142Y-128950000D01* | |||||
X188460476Y-128902380D02* | |||||
X188698571Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X188889047Y-129188095D01* | |||||
X189079523Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X189317619Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X189460476Y-129997619D02* | |||||
X190222380Y-129997619D01* | |||||
X190460476Y-129902380D02* | |||||
X190460476Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X190698571Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X190841428Y-128950000D01* | |||||
X190936666Y-129045238D01* | |||||
X190984285Y-129140476D01* | |||||
X191031904Y-129330952D01* | |||||
X191031904Y-129473809D01* | |||||
X190984285Y-129664285D01* | |||||
X190936666Y-129759523D01* | |||||
X190841428Y-129854761D01* | |||||
X190698571Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X190460476Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X191460476Y-129902380D02* | |||||
X191460476Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X191936666Y-129902380D02* | |||||
X191936666Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X192317619Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X192412857Y-128950000D01* | |||||
X192460476Y-128997619D01* | |||||
X192508095Y-129092857D01* | |||||
X192508095Y-129235714D01* | |||||
X192460476Y-129330952D01* | |||||
X192412857Y-129378571D01* | |||||
X192317619Y-129426190D01* | |||||
X191936666Y-129426190D01* | |||||
X192698571Y-129997619D02* | |||||
X193460476Y-129997619D01* | |||||
X193603333Y-129902380D02* | |||||
X194127142Y-129235714D01* | |||||
X193603333Y-129235714D02* | |||||
X194127142Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X194698571Y-128902380D02* | |||||
X194793809Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X194889047Y-128950000D01* | |||||
X194936666Y-128997619D01* | |||||
X194984285Y-129092857D01* | |||||
X195031904Y-129283333D01* | |||||
X195031904Y-129521428D01* | |||||
X194984285Y-129711904D01* | |||||
X194936666Y-129807142D01* | |||||
X194889047Y-129854761D01* | |||||
X194793809Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X194698571Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X194603333Y-129854761D01* | |||||
X194555714Y-129807142D01* | |||||
X194508095Y-129711904D01* | |||||
X194460476Y-129521428D01* | |||||
X194460476Y-129283333D01* | |||||
X194508095Y-129092857D01* | |||||
X194555714Y-128997619D01* | |||||
X194603333Y-128950000D01* | |||||
X194698571Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X195603333Y-129330952D02* | |||||
X195508095Y-129283333D01* | |||||
X195460476Y-129235714D01* | |||||
X195412857Y-129140476D01* | |||||
X195412857Y-129092857D01* | |||||
X195460476Y-128997619D01* | |||||
X195508095Y-128950000D01* | |||||
X195603333Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X195793809Y-128902380D01* | |||||
X195889047Y-128950000D01* | |||||
X195936666Y-128997619D01* | |||||
X195984285Y-129092857D01* | |||||
X195984285Y-129140476D01* | |||||
X195936666Y-129235714D01* | |||||
X195889047Y-129283333D01* | |||||
X195793809Y-129330952D01* | |||||
X195603333Y-129330952D01* | |||||
X195508095Y-129378571D01* | |||||
X195460476Y-129426190D01* | |||||
X195412857Y-129521428D01* | |||||
X195412857Y-129711904D01* | |||||
X195460476Y-129807142D01* | |||||
X195508095Y-129854761D01* | |||||
X195603333Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X195793809Y-129902380D01* | |||||
X195889047Y-129854761D01* | |||||
X195936666Y-129807142D01* | |||||
X195984285Y-129711904D01* | |||||
X195984285Y-129521428D01* | |||||
X195936666Y-129426190D01* | |||||
X195889047Y-129378571D01* | |||||
X195793809Y-129330952D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW3* | |||||
X327691428Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X327358095Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X327120000Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X327120000Y-150822380D01* | |||||
X327500952Y-150822380D01* | |||||
X327596190Y-150870000D01* | |||||
X327643809Y-150917619D01* | |||||
X327691428Y-151012857D01* | |||||
X327691428Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X327643809Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X327596190Y-151298571D01* | |||||
X327500952Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X327120000Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X328262857Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X328167619Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X328120000Y-151727142D01* | |||||
X328072380Y-151631904D01* | |||||
X328072380Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X328120000Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X328167619Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X328262857Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X328405714Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X328500952Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X328548571Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X328596190Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X328596190Y-151631904D01* | |||||
X328548571Y-151727142D01* | |||||
X328500952Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X328405714Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X328262857Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X328881904Y-151155714D02* | |||||
X329262857Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X329024761Y-150822380D02* | |||||
X329024761Y-151679523D01* | |||||
X329072380Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X329167619Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X329262857Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X330024761Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X330024761Y-151298571D01* | |||||
X329977142Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X329881904Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X329691428Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X329596190Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X330024761Y-151774761D02* | |||||
X329929523Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X329691428Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X329596190Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X329548571Y-151679523D01* | |||||
X329548571Y-151584285D01* | |||||
X329596190Y-151489047D01* | |||||
X329691428Y-151441428D01* | |||||
X329929523Y-151441428D01* | |||||
X330024761Y-151393809D01* | |||||
X330500952Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X330500952Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X330500952Y-151346190D02* | |||||
X330548571Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X330596190Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X330691428Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X330786666Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X331024761Y-151155714D02* | |||||
X331262857Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X331500952Y-151155714D02* | |||||
X331262857Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X331167619Y-152060476D01* | |||||
X331120000Y-152108095D01* | |||||
X331024761Y-152155714D01* | |||||
X331643809Y-151917619D02* | |||||
X332405714Y-151917619D01* | |||||
X332643809Y-151298571D02* | |||||
X332977142Y-151298571D01* | |||||
X333120000Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X332643809Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X332643809Y-150822380D01* | |||||
X333120000Y-150822380D01* | |||||
X333548571Y-151155714D02* | |||||
X333548571Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X333548571Y-151250952D02* | |||||
X333596190Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X333691428Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X333834285Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X333929523Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X333977142Y-151298571D01* | |||||
X333977142Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X334881904Y-151774761D02* | |||||
X334786666Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X334596190Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X334500952Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X334453333Y-151727142D01* | |||||
X334405714Y-151631904D01* | |||||
X334405714Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X334453333Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X334500952Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X334596190Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X334786666Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X334881904Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X335453333Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X335358095Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X335310476Y-151727142D01* | |||||
X335262857Y-151631904D01* | |||||
X335262857Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X335310476Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X335358095Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X335453333Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X335596190Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X335691428Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X335739047Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X335786666Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X335786666Y-151631904D01* | |||||
X335739047Y-151727142D01* | |||||
X335691428Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X335596190Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X335453333Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X336643809Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X336643809Y-150822380D01* | |||||
X336643809Y-151774761D02* | |||||
X336548571Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X336358095Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X336262857Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X336215238Y-151727142D01* | |||||
X336167619Y-151631904D01* | |||||
X336167619Y-151346190D01* | |||||
X336215238Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X336262857Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X336358095Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X336548571Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X336643809Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X337500952Y-151774761D02* | |||||
X337405714Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X337215238Y-151822380D01* | |||||
X337120000Y-151774761D01* | |||||
X337072380Y-151679523D01* | |||||
X337072380Y-151298571D01* | |||||
X337120000Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X337215238Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X337405714Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X337500952Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X337548571Y-151298571D01* | |||||
X337548571Y-151393809D01* | |||||
X337072380Y-151489047D01* | |||||
X337977142Y-151822380D02* | |||||
X337977142Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X337977142Y-151346190D02* | |||||
X338024761Y-151250952D01* | |||||
X338072380Y-151203333D01* | |||||
X338167619Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X338262857Y-151155714D01* | |||||
X334886666Y-147674761D02* | |||||
X335029523Y-147722380D01* | |||||
X335267619Y-147722380D01* | |||||
X335362857Y-147674761D01* | |||||
X335410476Y-147627142D01* | |||||
X335458095Y-147531904D01* | |||||
X335458095Y-147436666D01* | |||||
X335410476Y-147341428D01* | |||||
X335362857Y-147293809D01* | |||||
X335267619Y-147246190D01* | |||||
X335077142Y-147198571D01* | |||||
X334981904Y-147150952D01* | |||||
X334934285Y-147103333D01* | |||||
X334886666Y-147008095D01* | |||||
X334886666Y-146912857D01* | |||||
X334934285Y-146817619D01* | |||||
X334981904Y-146770000D01* | |||||
X335077142Y-146722380D01* | |||||
X335315238Y-146722380D01* | |||||
X335458095Y-146770000D01* | |||||
X335791428Y-146722380D02* | |||||
X336029523Y-147722380D01* | |||||
X336219999Y-147008095D01* | |||||
X336410476Y-147722380D01* | |||||
X336648571Y-146722380D01* | |||||
X336934285Y-146722380D02* | |||||
X337553333Y-146722380D01* | |||||
X337219999Y-147103333D01* | |||||
X337362857Y-147103333D01* | |||||
X337458095Y-147150952D01* | |||||
X337505714Y-147198571D01* | |||||
X337553333Y-147293809D01* | |||||
X337553333Y-147531904D01* | |||||
X337505714Y-147627142D01* | |||||
X337458095Y-147674761D01* | |||||
X337362857Y-147722380D01* | |||||
X337077142Y-147722380D01* | |||||
X336981904Y-147674761D01* | |||||
X336934285Y-147627142D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,F1* | |||||
X217867142Y-144058571D02* | |||||
X217533809Y-144058571D01* | |||||
X217533809Y-144582380D02* | |||||
X217533809Y-143582380D01* | |||||
X218010000Y-143582380D01* | |||||
X218819523Y-143915714D02* | |||||
X218819523Y-144582380D01* | |||||
X218390952Y-143915714D02* | |||||
X218390952Y-144439523D01* | |||||
X218438571Y-144534761D01* | |||||
X218533809Y-144582380D01* | |||||
X218676666Y-144582380D01* | |||||
X218771904Y-144534761D01* | |||||
X218819523Y-144487142D01* | |||||
X219248095Y-144534761D02* | |||||
X219343333Y-144582380D01* | |||||
X219533809Y-144582380D01* | |||||
X219629047Y-144534761D01* | |||||
X219676666Y-144439523D01* | |||||
X219676666Y-144391904D01* | |||||
X219629047Y-144296666D01* | |||||
X219533809Y-144249047D01* | |||||
X219390952Y-144249047D01* | |||||
X219295714Y-144201428D01* | |||||
X219248095Y-144106190D01* | |||||
X219248095Y-144058571D01* | |||||
X219295714Y-143963333D01* | |||||
X219390952Y-143915714D01* | |||||
X219533809Y-143915714D01* | |||||
X219629047Y-143963333D01* | |||||
X220486190Y-144534761D02* | |||||
X220390952Y-144582380D01* | |||||
X220200476Y-144582380D01* | |||||
X220105238Y-144534761D01* | |||||
X220057619Y-144439523D01* | |||||
X220057619Y-144058571D01* | |||||
X220105238Y-143963333D01* | |||||
X220200476Y-143915714D01* | |||||
X220390952Y-143915714D01* | |||||
X220486190Y-143963333D01* | |||||
X220533809Y-144058571D01* | |||||
X220533809Y-144153809D01* | |||||
X220057619Y-144249047D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
M02* |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ | |||||
G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.0.0-rc2* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-03-17T20:22:20-04:00* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,pcb,7063622E6B696361645F706362000000,rev?* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Paste,Top* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* | |||||
%FSLAX46Y46*% | |||||
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* | |||||
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.0.0-rc2) date Sun Mar 17 20:22:20 2019* | |||||
%MOMM*% | |||||
%LPD*% | |||||
G01* | |||||
G04 APERTURE LIST* | |||||
%ADD10R,1.800000X3.000000*% | |||||
%ADD11R,1.500000X1.250000*% | |||||
D10* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,P1* | |||||
X275590000Y-113640000D03* | |||||
X273140000Y-113640000D03* | |||||
X270690000Y-113640000D03* | |||||
X278040000Y-113640000D03* | |||||
X280490000Y-113640000D03* | |||||
X280490000Y-94640000D03* | |||||
X278040000Y-94640000D03* | |||||
X275590000Y-94640000D03* | |||||
X273140000Y-94640000D03* | |||||
X270690000Y-94640000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
D11* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R2* | |||||
X200680000Y-128016000D03* | |||||
X203180000Y-128016000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R3* | |||||
X200680000Y-125476000D03* | |||||
X203180000Y-125476000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R4* | |||||
X200680000Y-122936000D03* | |||||
X203180000Y-122936000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R5* | |||||
X203180000Y-120396000D03* | |||||
X200680000Y-120396000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R6* | |||||
X200680000Y-117856000D03* | |||||
X203180000Y-117856000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R7* | |||||
X203180000Y-115316000D03* | |||||
X200680000Y-115316000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R8* | |||||
X203180000Y-112776000D03* | |||||
X200680000Y-112776000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,eR9* | |||||
X203180000Y-110236000D03* | |||||
X200680000Y-110236000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R10* | |||||
X314980000Y-140970000D03* | |||||
X317480000Y-140970000D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R11* | |||||
X317462368Y-145808820D03* | |||||
X314962368Y-145808820D03* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
M02* |
@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ | |||||
G04 #@! TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,5.0.0-rc2* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.CreationDate,2019-03-17T20:22:20-04:00* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.ProjectId,pcb,7063622E6B696361645F706362000000,rev?* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.SameCoordinates,Original* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FileFunction,Legend,Top* | |||||
G04 #@! TF.FilePolarity,Positive* | |||||
%FSLAX46Y46*% | |||||
G04 Gerber Fmt 4.6, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit mm)* | |||||
G04 Created by KiCad (PCBNEW 5.0.0-rc2) date Sun Mar 17 20:22:20 2019* | |||||
%MOMM*% | |||||
%LPD*% | |||||
G01* | |||||
G04 APERTURE LIST* | |||||
%ADD10C,0.381000*% | |||||
%ADD11C,0.150000*% | |||||
%ADD12C,0.120000*% | |||||
%ADD13C,0.203200*% | |||||
D10* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,J1* | |||||
X226630000Y-169530000D02* | |||||
X231710000Y-169530000D01* | |||||
X226630000Y-166990000D02* | |||||
X231710000Y-166990000D01* | |||||
X229170000Y-172070000D02* | |||||
X229170000Y-164450000D01* | |||||
X231710000Y-172070000D02* | |||||
X226630000Y-172070000D01* | |||||
X226630000Y-172070000D02* | |||||
X226630000Y-164450000D01* | |||||
X226630000Y-164450000D02* | |||||
X231710000Y-164450000D01* | |||||
X188530000Y-177150000D02* | |||||
X231710000Y-177150000D01* | |||||
X231710000Y-159370000D02* | |||||
X188530000Y-159370000D01* | |||||
X231710000Y-159370000D02* | |||||
X231710000Y-177150000D01* | |||||
X188530000Y-159370000D02* | |||||
X188530000Y-177150000D01* | |||||
X231710000Y-175880000D02* | |||||
G75* | |||||
G03X231710000Y-175880000I-1270000J0D01* | |||||
G01* | |||||
X231710000Y-160640000D02* | |||||
G75* | |||||
G03X231710000Y-160640000I-1270000J0D01* | |||||
G01* | |||||
X191070000Y-175880000D02* | |||||
G75* | |||||
G03X191070000Y-175880000I-1270000J0D01* | |||||
G01* | |||||
X191070000Y-160640000D02* | |||||
G75* | |||||
G03X191070000Y-160640000I-1270000J0D01* | |||||
G01* | |||||
X191070000Y-174610000D02* | |||||
X229170000Y-174610000D01* | |||||
X229170000Y-161910000D02* | |||||
X191070000Y-161910000D01* | |||||
X191070000Y-159370000D02* | |||||
X191070000Y-161910000D01* | |||||
X191070000Y-174610000D02* | |||||
X191070000Y-177150000D01* | |||||
X229170000Y-177150000D02* | |||||
X229170000Y-174610000D01* | |||||
X229170000Y-159370000D02* | |||||
X229170000Y-161910000D01* | |||||
D11* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,P1* | |||||
X280097367Y-110215000D02* | |||||
G75* | |||||
G03X280097367Y-110215000I-682367J0D01* | |||||
G01* | |||||
X277940000Y-110265000D02* | |||||
X277940000Y-104765000D01* | |||||
X271090000Y-110440000D02* | |||||
X271090000Y-104940000D01* | |||||
X271265000Y-103390000D02* | |||||
X271265000Y-97890000D01* | |||||
X277940000Y-103290000D02* | |||||
X277940000Y-97790000D01* | |||||
X271915000Y-97115000D02* | |||||
X277415000Y-97115000D01* | |||||
X271765000Y-104090000D02* | |||||
X277265000Y-104090000D01* | |||||
X271865000Y-111165000D02* | |||||
X277365000Y-111165000D01* | |||||
X281840000Y-111565000D02* | |||||
X281840000Y-96715000D01* | |||||
X269340000Y-96715000D02* | |||||
X269340000Y-111565000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R2* | |||||
X202430000Y-127166000D02* | |||||
X201430000Y-127166000D01* | |||||
X201430000Y-128866000D02* | |||||
X202430000Y-128866000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R3* | |||||
X202430000Y-124626000D02* | |||||
X201430000Y-124626000D01* | |||||
X201430000Y-126326000D02* | |||||
X202430000Y-126326000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R4* | |||||
X202430000Y-122086000D02* | |||||
X201430000Y-122086000D01* | |||||
X201430000Y-123786000D02* | |||||
X202430000Y-123786000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R5* | |||||
X201430000Y-121246000D02* | |||||
X202430000Y-121246000D01* | |||||
X202430000Y-119546000D02* | |||||
X201430000Y-119546000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R6* | |||||
X202430000Y-117006000D02* | |||||
X201430000Y-117006000D01* | |||||
X201430000Y-118706000D02* | |||||
X202430000Y-118706000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R7* | |||||
X201430000Y-116166000D02* | |||||
X202430000Y-116166000D01* | |||||
X202430000Y-114466000D02* | |||||
X201430000Y-114466000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R8* | |||||
X201430000Y-113626000D02* | |||||
X202430000Y-113626000D01* | |||||
X202430000Y-111926000D02* | |||||
X201430000Y-111926000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,eR9* | |||||
X201430000Y-111086000D02* | |||||
X202430000Y-111086000D01* | |||||
X202430000Y-109386000D02* | |||||
X201430000Y-109386000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R10* | |||||
X316730000Y-140120000D02* | |||||
X315730000Y-140120000D01* | |||||
X315730000Y-141820000D02* | |||||
X316730000Y-141820000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R11* | |||||
X315712368Y-146658820D02* | |||||
X316712368Y-146658820D01* | |||||
X316712368Y-144958820D02* | |||||
X315712368Y-144958820D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW1* | |||||
X199960000Y-151750000D02* | |||||
X199960000Y-154290000D01* | |||||
X200240000Y-148930000D02* | |||||
X200240000Y-150480000D01* | |||||
X199960000Y-151750000D02* | |||||
X197420000Y-151750000D01* | |||||
X197140000Y-150480000D02* | |||||
X197140000Y-148930000D01* | |||||
X197140000Y-148930000D02* | |||||
X200240000Y-148930000D01* | |||||
X197420000Y-151750000D02* | |||||
X197420000Y-154290000D01* | |||||
X197420000Y-154290000D02* | |||||
X199960000Y-154290000D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW2* | |||||
X191635000Y-128025000D02* | |||||
X191635000Y-126755000D01* | |||||
X184285000Y-128025000D02* | |||||
X184285000Y-126755000D01* | |||||
X184285000Y-105655000D02* | |||||
X184285000Y-106925000D01* | |||||
X191635000Y-105655000D02* | |||||
X191635000Y-106925000D01* | |||||
X191635000Y-128025000D02* | |||||
X184285000Y-128025000D01* | |||||
X191635000Y-105655000D02* | |||||
X184285000Y-105655000D01* | |||||
X191635000Y-126755000D02* | |||||
X192570000Y-126755000D01* | |||||
D12* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW3* | |||||
X332120000Y-143470000D02* | |||||
X333120000Y-143470000D01* | |||||
X332620000Y-142970000D02* | |||||
X332620000Y-143970000D01* | |||||
X338720000Y-146770000D02* | |||||
X338720000Y-149370000D01* | |||||
X338720000Y-142170000D02* | |||||
X338720000Y-144770000D01* | |||||
X338720000Y-137570000D02* | |||||
X338720000Y-140170000D01* | |||||
X325420000Y-139370000D02* | |||||
X325120000Y-139670000D01* | |||||
X324820000Y-139370000D02* | |||||
X325420000Y-139370000D01* | |||||
X325120000Y-139670000D02* | |||||
X324820000Y-139370000D01* | |||||
X326520000Y-137670000D02* | |||||
X326520000Y-149370000D01* | |||||
X330620000Y-137670000D02* | |||||
X326520000Y-137670000D01* | |||||
X330620000Y-149370000D02* | |||||
X326520000Y-149370000D01* | |||||
X338720000Y-149370000D02* | |||||
X334620000Y-149370000D01* | |||||
X334620000Y-137570000D02* | |||||
X338720000Y-137570000D01* | |||||
X335620000Y-143470000D02* | |||||
G75* | |||||
G03X335620000Y-143470000I-3000000J0D01* | |||||
G01* | |||||
D11* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,F1* | |||||
X226279480Y-154249360D02* | |||||
X226279480Y-156751260D01* | |||||
X226279480Y-146748740D02* | |||||
X226279480Y-149250640D01* | |||||
X214280520Y-146748740D02* | |||||
X214280520Y-149250640D01* | |||||
X214280520Y-156751260D02* | |||||
X214280520Y-154249360D01* | |||||
X224780880Y-151750000D02* | |||||
X215779120Y-151750000D01* | |||||
X224780880Y-154249360D02* | |||||
X224780880Y-149250640D01* | |||||
X215779120Y-154249360D02* | |||||
X215779120Y-149250640D01* | |||||
X210280020Y-153649920D02* | |||||
X210280020Y-154249360D01* | |||||
X230279980Y-149850080D02* | |||||
X230279980Y-149250640D01* | |||||
X230279980Y-149250640D02* | |||||
X210280020Y-149250640D01* | |||||
X210280020Y-149250640D02* | |||||
X210280020Y-149850080D01* | |||||
X210280020Y-154249360D02* | |||||
X230279980Y-154249360D01* | |||||
X230279980Y-154249360D02* | |||||
X230279980Y-153649920D01* | |||||
X208281040Y-153649920D02* | |||||
X208281040Y-156751260D01* | |||||
X232278960Y-149850080D02* | |||||
X232278960Y-146748740D01* | |||||
X232278960Y-146748740D02* | |||||
X208281040Y-146748740D01* | |||||
X208281040Y-146748740D02* | |||||
X208281040Y-149850080D01* | |||||
X208281040Y-156751260D02* | |||||
X232278960Y-156751260D01* | |||||
X232278960Y-156751260D02* | |||||
X232278960Y-153649920D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,J1* | |||||
D13* | |||||
X209781333Y-166433619D02* | |||||
X209781333Y-167159333D01* | |||||
X209732952Y-167304476D01* | |||||
X209636190Y-167401238D01* | |||||
X209491047Y-167449619D01* | |||||
X209394285Y-167449619D01* | |||||
X210797333Y-167449619D02* | |||||
X210216761Y-167449619D01* | |||||
X210507047Y-167449619D02* | |||||
X210507047Y-166433619D01* | |||||
X210410285Y-166578761D01* | |||||
X210313523Y-166675523D01* | |||||
X210216761Y-166723904D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,P1* | |||||
D11* | |||||
X267151904Y-100067380D02* | |||||
X267151904Y-99067380D01* | |||||
X267532857Y-99067380D01* | |||||
X267628095Y-99115000D01* | |||||
X267675714Y-99162619D01* | |||||
X267723333Y-99257857D01* | |||||
X267723333Y-99400714D01* | |||||
X267675714Y-99495952D01* | |||||
X267628095Y-99543571D01* | |||||
X267532857Y-99591190D01* | |||||
X267151904Y-99591190D01* | |||||
X268675714Y-100067380D02* | |||||
X268104285Y-100067380D01* | |||||
X268389999Y-100067380D02* | |||||
X268389999Y-99067380D01* | |||||
X268294761Y-99210238D01* | |||||
X268199523Y-99305476D01* | |||||
X268104285Y-99353095D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R10* | |||||
X315587142Y-143522380D02* | |||||
X315253809Y-143046190D01* | |||||
X315015714Y-143522380D02* | |||||
X315015714Y-142522380D01* | |||||
X315396666Y-142522380D01* | |||||
X315491904Y-142570000D01* | |||||
X315539523Y-142617619D01* | |||||
X315587142Y-142712857D01* | |||||
X315587142Y-142855714D01* | |||||
X315539523Y-142950952D01* | |||||
X315491904Y-142998571D01* | |||||
X315396666Y-143046190D01* | |||||
X315015714Y-143046190D01* | |||||
X316539523Y-143522380D02* | |||||
X315968095Y-143522380D01* | |||||
X316253809Y-143522380D02* | |||||
X316253809Y-142522380D01* | |||||
X316158571Y-142665238D01* | |||||
X316063333Y-142760476D01* | |||||
X315968095Y-142808095D01* | |||||
X317158571Y-142522380D02* | |||||
X317253809Y-142522380D01* | |||||
X317349047Y-142570000D01* | |||||
X317396666Y-142617619D01* | |||||
X317444285Y-142712857D01* | |||||
X317491904Y-142903333D01* | |||||
X317491904Y-143141428D01* | |||||
X317444285Y-143331904D01* | |||||
X317396666Y-143427142D01* | |||||
X317349047Y-143474761D01* | |||||
X317253809Y-143522380D01* | |||||
X317158571Y-143522380D01* | |||||
X317063333Y-143474761D01* | |||||
X317015714Y-143427142D01* | |||||
X316968095Y-143331904D01* | |||||
X316920476Y-143141428D01* | |||||
X316920476Y-142903333D01* | |||||
X316968095Y-142712857D01* | |||||
X317015714Y-142617619D01* | |||||
X317063333Y-142570000D01* | |||||
X317158571Y-142522380D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,R11* | |||||
X315569510Y-148361200D02* | |||||
X315236177Y-147885010D01* | |||||
X314998082Y-148361200D02* | |||||
X314998082Y-147361200D01* | |||||
X315379034Y-147361200D01* | |||||
X315474272Y-147408820D01* | |||||
X315521891Y-147456439D01* | |||||
X315569510Y-147551677D01* | |||||
X315569510Y-147694534D01* | |||||
X315521891Y-147789772D01* | |||||
X315474272Y-147837391D01* | |||||
X315379034Y-147885010D01* | |||||
X314998082Y-147885010D01* | |||||
X316521891Y-148361200D02* | |||||
X315950463Y-148361200D01* | |||||
X316236177Y-148361200D02* | |||||
X316236177Y-147361200D01* | |||||
X316140939Y-147504058D01* | |||||
X316045701Y-147599296D01* | |||||
X315950463Y-147646915D01* | |||||
X317474272Y-148361200D02* | |||||
X316902844Y-148361200D01* | |||||
X317188558Y-148361200D02* | |||||
X317188558Y-147361200D01* | |||||
X317093320Y-147504058D01* | |||||
X316998082Y-147599296D01* | |||||
X316902844Y-147646915D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW1* | |||||
X197356666Y-145784761D02* | |||||
X197499523Y-145832380D01* | |||||
X197737619Y-145832380D01* | |||||
X197832857Y-145784761D01* | |||||
X197880476Y-145737142D01* | |||||
X197928095Y-145641904D01* | |||||
X197928095Y-145546666D01* | |||||
X197880476Y-145451428D01* | |||||
X197832857Y-145403809D01* | |||||
X197737619Y-145356190D01* | |||||
X197547142Y-145308571D01* | |||||
X197451904Y-145260952D01* | |||||
X197404285Y-145213333D01* | |||||
X197356666Y-145118095D01* | |||||
X197356666Y-145022857D01* | |||||
X197404285Y-144927619D01* | |||||
X197451904Y-144880000D01* | |||||
X197547142Y-144832380D01* | |||||
X197785238Y-144832380D01* | |||||
X197928095Y-144880000D01* | |||||
X198261428Y-144832380D02* | |||||
X198499523Y-145832380D01* | |||||
X198690000Y-145118095D01* | |||||
X198880476Y-145832380D01* | |||||
X199118571Y-144832380D01* | |||||
X200023333Y-145832380D02* | |||||
X199451904Y-145832380D01* | |||||
X199737619Y-145832380D02* | |||||
X199737619Y-144832380D01* | |||||
X199642380Y-144975238D01* | |||||
X199547142Y-145070476D01* | |||||
X199451904Y-145118095D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW2* | |||||
X190436666Y-131354761D02* | |||||
X190579523Y-131402380D01* | |||||
X190817619Y-131402380D01* | |||||
X190912857Y-131354761D01* | |||||
X190960476Y-131307142D01* | |||||
X191008095Y-131211904D01* | |||||
X191008095Y-131116666D01* | |||||
X190960476Y-131021428D01* | |||||
X190912857Y-130973809D01* | |||||
X190817619Y-130926190D01* | |||||
X190627142Y-130878571D01* | |||||
X190531904Y-130830952D01* | |||||
X190484285Y-130783333D01* | |||||
X190436666Y-130688095D01* | |||||
X190436666Y-130592857D01* | |||||
X190484285Y-130497619D01* | |||||
X190531904Y-130450000D01* | |||||
X190627142Y-130402380D01* | |||||
X190865238Y-130402380D01* | |||||
X191008095Y-130450000D01* | |||||
X191341428Y-130402380D02* | |||||
X191579523Y-131402380D01* | |||||
X191770000Y-130688095D01* | |||||
X191960476Y-131402380D01* | |||||
X192198571Y-130402380D01* | |||||
X192531904Y-130497619D02* | |||||
X192579523Y-130450000D01* | |||||
X192674761Y-130402380D01* | |||||
X192912857Y-130402380D01* | |||||
X193008095Y-130450000D01* | |||||
X193055714Y-130497619D01* | |||||
X193103333Y-130592857D01* | |||||
X193103333Y-130688095D01* | |||||
X193055714Y-130830952D01* | |||||
X192484285Y-131402380D01* | |||||
X193103333Y-131402380D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,SW3* | |||||
X326586666Y-136674761D02* | |||||
X326729523Y-136722380D01* | |||||
X326967619Y-136722380D01* | |||||
X327062857Y-136674761D01* | |||||
X327110476Y-136627142D01* | |||||
X327158095Y-136531904D01* | |||||
X327158095Y-136436666D01* | |||||
X327110476Y-136341428D01* | |||||
X327062857Y-136293809D01* | |||||
X326967619Y-136246190D01* | |||||
X326777142Y-136198571D01* | |||||
X326681904Y-136150952D01* | |||||
X326634285Y-136103333D01* | |||||
X326586666Y-136008095D01* | |||||
X326586666Y-135912857D01* | |||||
X326634285Y-135817619D01* | |||||
X326681904Y-135770000D01* | |||||
X326777142Y-135722380D01* | |||||
X327015238Y-135722380D01* | |||||
X327158095Y-135770000D01* | |||||
X327491428Y-135722380D02* | |||||
X327729523Y-136722380D01* | |||||
X327919999Y-136008095D01* | |||||
X328110476Y-136722380D01* | |||||
X328348571Y-135722380D01* | |||||
X328634285Y-135722380D02* | |||||
X329253333Y-135722380D01* | |||||
X328919999Y-136103333D01* | |||||
X329062857Y-136103333D01* | |||||
X329158095Y-136150952D01* | |||||
X329205714Y-136198571D01* | |||||
X329253333Y-136293809D01* | |||||
X329253333Y-136531904D01* | |||||
X329205714Y-136627142D01* | |||||
X329158095Y-136674761D01* | |||||
X329062857Y-136722380D01* | |||||
X328777142Y-136722380D01* | |||||
X328681904Y-136674761D01* | |||||
X328634285Y-136627142D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TO.C,F1* | |||||
X219946666Y-159298571D02* | |||||
X219613333Y-159298571D01* | |||||
X219613333Y-159822380D02* | |||||
X219613333Y-158822380D01* | |||||
X220089523Y-158822380D01* | |||||
X220994285Y-159822380D02* | |||||
X220422857Y-159822380D01* | |||||
X220708571Y-159822380D02* | |||||
X220708571Y-158822380D01* | |||||
X220613333Y-158965238D01* | |||||
X220518095Y-159060476D01* | |||||
X220422857Y-159108095D01* | |||||
G04 #@! TD* | |||||
M02* |
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ | |||||
M48 | |||||
;DRILL file {KiCad 5.0.0-rc2} date Sun Mar 17 20:22:22 2019 | |||||
;FORMAT={-:-/ absolute / inch / decimal} | |||||
FMAT,2 | |||||
INCH,TZ | |||||
T1C0.0130 | |||||
T2C0.0315 | |||||
T3C0.0393 | |||||
T4C0.0394 | |||||
T5C0.0394 | |||||
T6C0.0400 | |||||
T7C0.0591 | |||||
T8C0.0591 | |||||
% | |||||
G90 | |||||
G05 | |||||
M72 | |||||
T1 | |||||
X8.09Y-4.34 | |||||
X8.09Y-4.44 | |||||
X8.09Y-4.54 | |||||
X8.09Y-4.64 | |||||
X8.09Y-4.74 | |||||
X8.09Y-4.84 | |||||
X8.09Y-4.94 | |||||
X8.09Y-5.04 | |||||
X10.65Y-3.85 | |||||
X10.65Y-4.356 | |||||
X10.75Y-3.85 | |||||
X10.75Y-4.6 | |||||
X10.9Y-4.6 | |||||
X10.95Y-3.85 | |||||
X11.Y-4.35 | |||||
X11.05Y-3.85 | |||||
T2 | |||||
X7.25Y-4.25 | |||||
X7.25Y-4.35 | |||||
X7.25Y-4.45 | |||||
X7.25Y-4.55 | |||||
X7.25Y-4.65 | |||||
X7.25Y-4.75 | |||||
X7.25Y-4.85 | |||||
X7.25Y-4.95 | |||||
X7.55Y-4.25 | |||||
X7.55Y-4.35 | |||||
X7.55Y-4.45 | |||||
X7.55Y-4.55 | |||||
X7.55Y-4.65 | |||||
X7.55Y-4.75 | |||||
X7.55Y-4.85 | |||||
X7.55Y-4.95 | |||||
T3 | |||||
X8.3724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.4724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.5724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.6724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.7724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.8724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.9724Y-6.9244 | |||||
T4 | |||||
X12.8Y-5.55 | |||||
X12.8Y-5.6484 | |||||
X12.8Y-5.7469 | |||||
X13.3709Y-5.55 | |||||
X13.3709Y-5.7469 | |||||
T5 | |||||
X7.5724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X7.5724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X7.6724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X7.6724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X7.7724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X7.7724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X7.8724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X7.8724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X7.9724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X7.9724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.0724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.0724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.1724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.1724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.2724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.2724Y-6.9244 | |||||
X8.3724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.4724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.5724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.6724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.7724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.8724Y-6.3244 | |||||
X8.9724Y-6.3244 | |||||
T6 | |||||
X7.8224Y-5.9244 | |||||
X7.8224Y-6.0244 | |||||
T8 | |||||
X8.2393Y-5.9744 | |||||
X9.1055Y-5.9744 | |||||
T7 | |||||
X13.0697Y-5.428G85X13.1209Y-5.428 | |||||
G05 | |||||
X13.0697Y-5.8689G85X13.1209Y-5.8689 | |||||
G05 | |||||
T0 | |||||
M30 |
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ | |||||
EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.4 | |||||
#encoding utf-8 | |||||
# | |||||
# conn:CONN_01X10 | |||||
# | |||||
DEF conn:CONN_01X10 P 0 40 Y N 1 F N | |||||
F0 "P" 0 550 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F1 "conn:CONN_01X10" 100 0 50 V V C CNN | |||||
F2 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
$FPLIST | |||||
Pin_Header_Straight_1X10 | |||||
Pin_Header_Angled_1X10 | |||||
Socket_Strip_Straight_1X10 | |||||
Socket_Strip_Angled_1X10 | |||||
$ENDFPLIST | |||||
DRAW | |||||
S -50 -445 10 -455 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 -345 10 -355 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 -245 10 -255 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 -145 10 -155 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 -45 10 -55 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 55 10 45 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 155 10 145 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 255 10 245 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 355 10 345 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 455 10 445 0 1 0 N | |||||
S -50 500 50 -500 0 1 0 N | |||||
X P1 1 -200 450 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P10 10 -200 -450 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P2 2 -200 350 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P3 3 -200 250 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P4 4 -200 150 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P5 5 -200 50 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P6 6 -200 -50 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P7 7 -200 -150 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P8 8 -200 -250 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X P9 9 -200 -350 150 R 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
ENDDRAW | |||||
ENDDEF | |||||
# | |||||
# device:Fuse | |||||
# | |||||
DEF device:Fuse F 0 0 N Y 1 F N | |||||
F0 "F" 80 0 50 V V C CNN | |||||
F1 "device:Fuse" -75 0 50 V V C CNN | |||||
F2 "" -70 0 50 V V C CNN | |||||
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
$FPLIST | |||||
*Fuse* | |||||
$ENDFPLIST | |||||
DRAW | |||||
S -30 -100 30 100 0 1 10 N | |||||
P 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 -100 N | |||||
X ~ 1 0 150 50 D 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X ~ 2 0 -150 50 U 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
ENDDRAW | |||||
ENDDEF | |||||
# | |||||
# device:R | |||||
# | |||||
DEF device:R R 0 0 N Y 1 F N | |||||
F0 "R" 80 0 50 V V C CNN | |||||
F1 "device:R" 0 0 50 V V C CNN | |||||
F2 "" -70 0 50 V V C CNN | |||||
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
$FPLIST | |||||
R_* | |||||
Resistor_* | |||||
$ENDFPLIST | |||||
DRAW | |||||
S -40 -100 40 100 0 1 10 N | |||||
X ~ 1 0 150 50 D 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
X ~ 2 0 -150 50 U 50 50 1 1 P | |||||
ENDDRAW | |||||
ENDDEF | |||||
# | |||||
# device:Rotary_Encoder | |||||
# | |||||
DEF device:Rotary_Encoder SW 0 40 Y Y 1 F N | |||||
F0 "SW" 0 260 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F1 "device:Rotary_Encoder" 0 -260 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F2 "" -100 160 50 H I C CNN | |||||
F3 "" 0 260 50 H I C CNN | |||||
DRAW | |||||
A 0 0 120 -899 899 0 1 10 N 0 -120 0 120 | |||||
C 0 0 75 0 1 10 N | |||||
S -200 200 200 -200 0 1 10 f | |||||
P 2 0 1 10 -10 -70 -10 70 N | |||||
P 2 0 1 10 0 -120 20 -140 N | |||||
P 2 0 1 10 0 -120 20 -100 N | |||||
P 2 0 1 10 0 -70 0 70 N | |||||
P 2 0 1 10 0 120 20 100 N | |||||
P 2 0 1 10 10 70 10 -70 N | |||||
P 2 0 1 10 20 140 0 120 N | |||||
X A 1 -300 100 100 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X C 2 -300 0 100 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X B 3 -300 -100 100 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
ENDDRAW | |||||
ENDDEF | |||||
# | |||||
# power:GND | |||||
# | |||||
DEF power:GND #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P | |||||
F0 "#PWR" 0 -250 50 H I C CNN | |||||
F1 "power:GND" 0 -150 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F2 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
DRAW | |||||
P 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 -50 50 -50 0 -100 -50 -50 0 -50 N | |||||
X GND 1 0 0 0 D 50 50 1 1 W N | |||||
ENDDRAW | |||||
ENDDEF | |||||
# | |||||
# switches:SW_DIP_x01 | |||||
# | |||||
DEF switches:SW_DIP_x01 SW 0 0 Y N 1 F N | |||||
F0 "SW" 0 150 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F1 "switches:SW_DIP_x01" 0 -150 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F2 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
$FPLIST | |||||
SW?DIP?x1* | |||||
$ENDFPLIST | |||||
DRAW | |||||
C -80 0 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 0 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
S -150 100 150 -100 0 1 10 f | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 5 93 46 N | |||||
X ~ 1 -300 0 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 2 300 0 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
ENDDRAW | |||||
ENDDEF | |||||
# | |||||
# switches:SW_DIP_x08 | |||||
# | |||||
DEF switches:SW_DIP_x08 SW 0 0 Y N 1 F N | |||||
F0 "SW" 0 550 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F1 "switches:SW_DIP_x08" 0 -450 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F2 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
F3 "" 0 0 50 H V C CNN | |||||
$FPLIST | |||||
SW?DIP?x8* | |||||
$ENDFPLIST | |||||
DRAW | |||||
C -80 -300 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C -80 -200 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C -80 -100 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C -80 0 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C -80 100 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C -80 200 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C -80 300 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C -80 400 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 -300 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 -200 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 -100 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 0 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 100 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 200 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 300 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
C 80 400 20 0 0 0 N | |||||
S -150 500 150 -400 0 1 10 f | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 -294 93 -253 N | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 -194 93 -153 N | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 -94 93 -53 N | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 5 93 46 N | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 105 93 146 N | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 205 93 246 N | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 305 93 346 N | |||||
P 2 0 0 0 -60 405 93 446 N | |||||
X ~ 1 -300 400 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 10 300 -200 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 11 300 -100 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 12 300 0 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 13 300 100 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 14 300 200 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 15 300 300 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 16 300 400 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 2 -300 300 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 3 -300 200 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 4 -300 100 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 5 -300 0 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 6 -300 -100 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 7 -300 -200 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 8 -300 -300 200 R 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
X ~ 9 300 -300 200 L 50 50 1 1 I | |||||
ENDDRAW | |||||
ENDDEF | |||||
# | |||||
# w_connectors:Arduino_Nano_Header | |||||
# | |||||
DEF w_connectors:Arduino_Nano_Header J 0 1 Y Y 1 F N | |||||
F0 "J" 0 800 60 H V C CNN | |||||
F1 "w_connectors:Arduino_Nano_Header" 0 -800 60 H V C CNN | |||||
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN | |||||
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN | |||||
DRAW | |||||
S 250 -750 -250 750 0 1 0 N | |||||
X D1/TX 1 -350 700 100 R 35 31 1 1 P | |||||
X D7/AIN1 10 -350 -200 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D8/ICP 11 -350 -300 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D9/0C1 12 -350 -400 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D10/SS 13 -350 -500 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D11/MOSI 14 -350 -600 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D12/MISO 15 -350 -700 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X SCK/D13 16 350 -700 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X 3V3 17 350 -600 100 L 35 39 1 1 P | |||||
X AREF 18 350 -500 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X A0 19 350 -400 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D0/RX 2 -350 600 100 R 35 31 1 1 P | |||||
X A1 20 350 -300 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X A2 21 350 -200 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X A3 22 350 -100 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X A4 23 350 0 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X A5 24 350 100 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X A6 25 350 200 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X A7 26 350 300 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X 5V 27 350 400 100 L 35 39 1 1 P | |||||
X RESET 28 350 500 100 L 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X GND 29 350 600 100 L 35 39 1 1 P | |||||
X RESET 3 -350 500 100 R 35 31 1 1 P | |||||
X VIN 30 350 700 100 L 35 39 1 1 P | |||||
X GND 4 -350 400 100 R 35 39 1 1 P | |||||
X D2/INT0 5 -350 300 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D3/INT1 6 -350 200 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D4/T0 7 -350 100 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D5/T1 8 -350 0 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
X D6/AIN0 9 -350 -100 100 R 35 30 1 1 P | |||||
ENDDRAW | |||||
ENDDEF | |||||
# | |||||
#End Library |
@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ | |||||
EESchema Schematic File Version 4 | |||||
EELAYER 26 0 | |||||
$Descr USLetter 11000 8500 | |||||
encoding utf-8 | |||||
Sheet 1 1 | |||||
Title "" | |||||
Date "" | |||||
Rev "" | |||||
Comp "" | |||||
Comment1 "" | |||||
Comment2 "" | |||||
Comment3 "" | |||||
Comment4 "" | |||||
$EndDescr | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L w_connectors:Arduino_Nano_Header J1 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EC8FE | |||||
P 4650 2600 | |||||
F 0 "J1" H 4650 3537 60 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "Arduino_Nano_Header" H 4650 3431 60 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "w_conn_misc:arduino_nano_header" H 4650 2600 60 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4650 2600 60 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4650 2600 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Text Label 5700 2200 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR5+ | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:Rotary_Encoder SW3 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8ECF7B | |||||
P 7150 2100 | |||||
F 0 "SW3" V 7141 1870 50 0000 R CNN | |||||
F 1 "Rotary_Encoder" V 7050 1870 50 0000 R CNN | |||||
F 2 "Rotary_Encoder:RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm" H 7050 2260 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "~" H 7150 2360 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
1 7150 2100 | |||||
0 -1 -1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R10 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8ED02C | |||||
P 7050 2650 | |||||
F 0 "R10" H 6600 2700 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 1 "R2200" H 6750 2700 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 6980 2650 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 7050 2650 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 7050 2650 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R11 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8ED08A | |||||
P 7250 2650 | |||||
F 0 "R11" H 7320 2696 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 1 "R2200" H 7450 2700 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 7180 2650 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 7250 2650 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 7250 2650 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
7050 2500 7050 2400 | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
7250 2500 7250 2400 | |||||
Text Label 7050 2450 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
ROT1 | |||||
Text Label 7250 2450 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
ROT2 | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0101 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8ED17B | |||||
P 7150 3300 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0101" H 7150 3050 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 7150 3150 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 7150 3300 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 7150 3300 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 7150 3300 | |||||
-1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
7150 2400 7150 3300 | |||||
Text Label 5700 3200 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR3v3+ | |||||
Text Label 7050 2800 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR3v3+ | |||||
Text Label 7250 2800 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR3v3+ | |||||
Text Label 5000 2800 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
ROT2 | |||||
Text Label 5000 2900 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
ROT1 | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L switches:SW_DIP_x08 SW2 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE142 | |||||
P 4500 4500 | |||||
F 0 "SW2" H 4500 5167 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "SW_DIP_x08" H 4500 5076 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-16_W7.62mm" H 4500 4500 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4500 4500 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4500 4500 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Text Notes 4100 5300 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
This is a 74HC595\nNote: 9 is held to GND,\nbut is not GND. | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R3 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE393 | |||||
P 4050 4100 | |||||
F 0 "R3" V 4165 4100 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 4166 4100 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4100 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4100 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4100 | |||||
0 -1 -1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R4 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE470 | |||||
P 4050 4200 | |||||
F 0 "R4" V 3935 4200 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 4200 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4200 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4200 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R5 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE53D | |||||
P 4050 4300 | |||||
F 0 "R5" V 4165 4300 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 4166 4300 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4300 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4300 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4300 | |||||
0 -1 -1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R6 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE543 | |||||
P 4050 4400 | |||||
F 0 "R6" V 3935 4400 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 4400 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4400 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4400 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4400 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R7 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE566 | |||||
P 4050 4500 | |||||
F 0 "R7" V 3935 4500 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 4500 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4500 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4500 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4500 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R8 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE56C | |||||
P 4050 4600 | |||||
F 0 "R8" V 4165 4600 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 4166 4600 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4600 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4600 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4600 | |||||
0 -1 -1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R9 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE572 | |||||
P 4050 4700 | |||||
F 0 "R9" V 3935 4700 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 4700 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4700 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4700 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4700 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R2 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE595 | |||||
P 4050 3750 | |||||
F 0 "R2" V 3935 3750 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 3750 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 3750 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 3750 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 3750 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
4200 3750 5000 3750 | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5000 3750 5000 4200 | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5000 4200 4800 4200 | |||||
Text Label 4800 4100 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR5+ | |||||
Text Label 4800 4700 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR5+ | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0102 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE834 | |||||
P 5250 4400 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0102" H 5250 4150 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 5255 4227 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 5250 4400 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 5250 4400 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 5250 4400 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0103 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE8B8 | |||||
P 4200 4800 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0103" H 4200 4550 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 4205 4627 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 4200 4800 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4200 4800 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4200 4800 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5250 4400 4800 4400 | |||||
Text Label 4300 2500 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC14 | |||||
Text Label 4800 4300 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC14 | |||||
Text Label 4800 4500 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC12 | |||||
Text Label 4800 4600 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC11 | |||||
Text Label 4300 2800 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC12 | |||||
Text Label 4300 2900 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC11 | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0104 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EEF34 | |||||
P 4800 4800 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0104" H 4800 4550 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 4805 4627 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 4800 4800 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4800 4800 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4800 4800 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L conn:CONN_01X10 P1 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EF6E0 | |||||
P 6700 5000 | |||||
F 0 "P1" H 6778 5041 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 1 "CONN_01X10" H 6778 4950 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 2 "Displays_7-Segment:7SEGMENT-LED__HDSM531_HDSM533_SMD" H 6700 5000 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 6700 5000 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 6700 5000 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Text Notes 6000 6000 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
This is a 7seg. pin 3 is VCC. \nCommon positive src, \nwhile all pins go to LEDs, \nthen to gnd. | |||||
Text Label 6500 4750 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR5+ | |||||
Text Label 3900 4100 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg6 | |||||
Text Label 3900 3750 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg7 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4200 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg4 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4300 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg2 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4400 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg1 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4500 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg9 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4600 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg10 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4700 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg5 | |||||
Text Label 6500 4550 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg1 | |||||
Text Label 6500 4650 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg2 | |||||
Text Label 6500 4850 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg4 | |||||
Text Label 6500 4950 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg5 | |||||
Text Label 6500 5050 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg6 | |||||
Text Label 6500 5150 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg7 | |||||
Text Label 6500 5350 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg9 | |||||
Text Label 6500 5450 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg10 | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L switches:SW_DIP_x01 SW1 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8F04AF | |||||
P 3500 3000 | |||||
F 0 "SW1" H 3500 3267 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "SW_DIP_x01" H 3500 3176 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02" H 3500 3000 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 3500 3000 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 3500 3000 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
3800 3000 4300 3000 | |||||
Text Notes 2800 3500 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
The arcade button, \nI'm going to use has\n a Resistor built in. | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0105 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8F1A78 | |||||
P 3200 3000 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0105" H 3200 2750 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 3205 2827 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 3200 3000 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 3200 3000 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 3200 3000 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:Fuse F? | |||||
U 1 1 5C8F1E48 | |||||
P 4150 2200 | |||||
F 0 "F?" V 3953 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "Fuse" V 4044 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" V 4080 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4150 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4150 2200 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR? | |||||
U 1 1 5C8F1FD9 | |||||
P 4000 2200 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR?" H 4000 1950 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 4005 2027 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 4000 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4000 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4000 2200 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Text Notes 3150 2150 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
Make sure all\nGround goes through\nThis fuse. | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5000 3200 5700 3200 | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5000 2200 5700 2200 | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ | |||||
(export (version D) | |||||
(design | |||||
(source /home/layoutdev/Desktop/code/documentation_general/Misc_2019/Computer_Switchboard/pcb/pcb.sch) | |||||
(date "Sun 17 Mar 2019 07:42:30 PM EDT") | |||||
(tool "Eeschema 5.0.0-rc2") | |||||
(sheet (number 1) (name /) (tstamps /) | |||||
(title_block | |||||
(title) | |||||
(company) | |||||
(rev) | |||||
(date) | |||||
(source pcb.sch) | |||||
(comment (number 1) (value "")) | |||||
(comment (number 2) (value "")) | |||||
(comment (number 3) (value "")) | |||||
(comment (number 4) (value ""))))) | |||||
(components | |||||
(comp (ref J1) | |||||
(value Arduino_Nano_Header) | |||||
(footprint w_conn_misc:arduino_nano_header) | |||||
(libsource (lib w_connectors) (part Arduino_Nano_Header)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EC8FE)) | |||||
(comp (ref SW3) | |||||
(value Rotary_Encoder) | |||||
(footprint Rotary_Encoder:RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part Rotary_Encoder)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8ECF7B)) | |||||
(comp (ref R10) | |||||
(value R2200) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8ED02C)) | |||||
(comp (ref R11) | |||||
(value R2200) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8ED08A)) | |||||
(comp (ref SW2) | |||||
(value SW_DIP_x08) | |||||
(footprint Housings_DIP:DIP-16_W7.62mm) | |||||
(libsource (lib switches) (part SW_DIP_x08)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE142)) | |||||
(comp (ref R3) | |||||
(value R) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE393)) | |||||
(comp (ref R4) | |||||
(value R) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE470)) | |||||
(comp (ref R5) | |||||
(value R) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE53D)) | |||||
(comp (ref R6) | |||||
(value R) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE543)) | |||||
(comp (ref R7) | |||||
(value R) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE566)) | |||||
(comp (ref R8) | |||||
(value R) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE56C)) | |||||
(comp (ref R9) | |||||
(value R) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE572)) | |||||
(comp (ref R2) | |||||
(value R) | |||||
(footprint Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part R)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EE595)) | |||||
(comp (ref P1) | |||||
(value CONN_01X10) | |||||
(footprint Displays_7-Segment:7SEGMENT-LED__HDSM531_HDSM533_SMD) | |||||
(libsource (lib conn) (part CONN_01X10)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8EF6E0)) | |||||
(comp (ref SW1) | |||||
(value SW_DIP_x01) | |||||
(footprint Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02) | |||||
(libsource (lib switches) (part SW_DIP_x01)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8F04AF)) | |||||
(comp (ref F1) | |||||
(value Fuse) | |||||
(footprint Fuse_Holders_and_Fuses:Fuseholder5x20_horiz_SemiClosed_Casing10x25mm) | |||||
(libsource (lib device) (part Fuse)) | |||||
(sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /)) | |||||
(tstamp 5C8F1E48))) | |||||
(libparts | |||||
(libpart (lib conn) (part CONN_01X10) | |||||
(description "Connector, single row, 01x10") | |||||
(footprints | |||||
(fp Pin_Header_Straight_1X10) | |||||
(fp Pin_Header_Angled_1X10) | |||||
(fp Socket_Strip_Straight_1X10) | |||||
(fp Socket_Strip_Angled_1X10)) | |||||
(fields | |||||
(field (name Reference) P) | |||||
(field (name Value) CONN_01X10)) | |||||
(pins | |||||
(pin (num 1) (name P1) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 2) (name P2) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 3) (name P3) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 4) (name P4) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 5) (name P5) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 6) (name P6) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 7) (name P7) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 8) (name P8) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 9) (name P9) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 10) (name P10) (type passive)))) | |||||
(libpart (lib device) (part Fuse) | |||||
(description "Fuse, generic") | |||||
(footprints | |||||
(fp *Fuse*)) | |||||
(fields | |||||
(field (name Reference) F) | |||||
(field (name Value) Fuse)) | |||||
(pins | |||||
(pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive)))) | |||||
(libpart (lib device) (part R) | |||||
(description Resistor) | |||||
(footprints | |||||
(fp R_*) | |||||
(fp Resistor_*)) | |||||
(fields | |||||
(field (name Reference) R) | |||||
(field (name Value) R)) | |||||
(pins | |||||
(pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive)))) | |||||
(libpart (lib device) (part Rotary_Encoder) | |||||
(description "Rotary encoder, dual channel, incremental quadrate outputs") | |||||
(docs ~) | |||||
(fields | |||||
(field (name Reference) SW) | |||||
(field (name Value) Rotary_Encoder)) | |||||
(pins | |||||
(pin (num 1) (name A) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 2) (name C) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 3) (name B) (type input)))) | |||||
(libpart (lib switches) (part SW_DIP_x01) | |||||
(description "1x DIP Switch, Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch, small symbol") | |||||
(footprints | |||||
(fp SW?DIP?x1*)) | |||||
(fields | |||||
(field (name Reference) SW) | |||||
(field (name Value) SW_DIP_x01)) | |||||
(pins | |||||
(pin (num 1) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 2) (name ~) (type input)))) | |||||
(libpart (lib switches) (part SW_DIP_x08) | |||||
(description "8x DIP Switch, Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch, small symbol") | |||||
(footprints | |||||
(fp SW?DIP?x8*)) | |||||
(fields | |||||
(field (name Reference) SW) | |||||
(field (name Value) SW_DIP_x08)) | |||||
(pins | |||||
(pin (num 1) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 2) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 3) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 4) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 5) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 6) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 7) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 8) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 9) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 10) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 11) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 12) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 13) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 14) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 15) (name ~) (type input)) | |||||
(pin (num 16) (name ~) (type input)))) | |||||
(libpart (lib w_connectors) (part Arduino_Nano_Header) | |||||
(fields | |||||
(field (name Reference) J) | |||||
(field (name Value) Arduino_Nano_Header)) | |||||
(pins | |||||
(pin (num 1) (name D1/TX) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 2) (name D0/RX) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 3) (name RESET) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 4) (name GND) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 5) (name D2/INT0) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 6) (name D3/INT1) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 7) (name D4/T0) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 8) (name D5/T1) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 9) (name D6/AIN0) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 10) (name D7/AIN1) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 11) (name D8/ICP) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 12) (name D9/0C1) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 13) (name D10/SS) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 14) (name D11/MOSI) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 15) (name D12/MISO) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 16) (name SCK/D13) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 17) (name 3V3) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 18) (name AREF) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 19) (name A0) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 20) (name A1) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 21) (name A2) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 22) (name A3) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 23) (name A4) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 24) (name A5) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 25) (name A6) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 26) (name A7) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 27) (name 5V) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 28) (name RESET) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 29) (name GND) (type passive)) | |||||
(pin (num 30) (name VIN) (type passive))))) | |||||
(libraries | |||||
(library (logical conn) | |||||
(uri /usr/share/kicad/library/conn.lib)) | |||||
(library (logical device) | |||||
(uri /usr/share/kicad/library/device.lib)) | |||||
(library (logical switches) | |||||
(uri /usr/share/kicad/library/switches.lib)) | |||||
(library (logical w_connectors) | |||||
(uri /home/layoutdev/Desktop/code/documentation_general/Misc_2019/Computer_Switchboard/pcb/symbols/w_connectors.lib))) | |||||
(nets | |||||
(net (code 1) (name GND) | |||||
(node (ref SW3) (pin 2)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 8)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 9)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 13)) | |||||
(node (ref F1) (pin 2)) | |||||
(node (ref SW1) (pin 1))) | |||||
(net (code 2) (name /7seg4) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 4)) | |||||
(node (ref R4) (pin 2))) | |||||
(net (code 3) (name "Net-(R9-Pad1)") | |||||
(node (ref R9) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 7))) | |||||
(net (code 4) (name /7seg2) | |||||
(node (ref R5) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 2))) | |||||
(net (code 5) (name "Net-(R5-Pad2)") | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 3)) | |||||
(node (ref R5) (pin 2))) | |||||
(net (code 6) (name "Net-(R6-Pad1)") | |||||
(node (ref R6) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 4))) | |||||
(net (code 7) (name /7seg1) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref R6) (pin 2))) | |||||
(net (code 8) (name "Net-(R7-Pad1)") | |||||
(node (ref R7) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 5))) | |||||
(net (code 9) (name "Net-(R8-Pad2)") | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 6)) | |||||
(node (ref R8) (pin 2))) | |||||
(net (code 10) (name /7seg5) | |||||
(node (ref R9) (pin 2)) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 5))) | |||||
(net (code 11) (name "Net-(R2-Pad1)") | |||||
(node (ref R2) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 15))) | |||||
(net (code 12) (name "Net-(J1-Pad12)") | |||||
(node (ref SW1) (pin 2)) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 12))) | |||||
(net (code 13) (name "Net-(F1-Pad1)") | |||||
(node (ref F1) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 4))) | |||||
(net (code 14) (name /PWR3v3+) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 17)) | |||||
(node (ref R10) (pin 2)) | |||||
(node (ref R11) (pin 2))) | |||||
(net (code 15) (name /7seg6) | |||||
(node (ref R3) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 6))) | |||||
(net (code 16) (name /7seg7) | |||||
(node (ref R2) (pin 2)) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 7))) | |||||
(net (code 17) (name "Net-(P1-Pad8)") | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 8))) | |||||
(net (code 18) (name /7seg9) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 9)) | |||||
(node (ref R7) (pin 2))) | |||||
(net (code 19) (name /7seg10) | |||||
(node (ref R8) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 10))) | |||||
(net (code 20) (name "Net-(J1-Pad18)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 18))) | |||||
(net (code 21) (name "Net-(J1-Pad14)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 14))) | |||||
(net (code 22) (name "Net-(J1-Pad24)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 24))) | |||||
(net (code 23) (name "Net-(J1-Pad15)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 15))) | |||||
(net (code 24) (name "Net-(J1-Pad25)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 25))) | |||||
(net (code 25) (name "Net-(J1-Pad16)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 16))) | |||||
(net (code 26) (name "Net-(J1-Pad26)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 26))) | |||||
(net (code 27) (name "Net-(J1-Pad23)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 23))) | |||||
(net (code 28) (name "Net-(J1-Pad28)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 28))) | |||||
(net (code 29) (name "Net-(J1-Pad19)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 19))) | |||||
(net (code 30) (name "Net-(J1-Pad29)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 29))) | |||||
(net (code 31) (name "Net-(J1-Pad2)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 2))) | |||||
(net (code 32) (name "Net-(J1-Pad3)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 3))) | |||||
(net (code 33) (name "Net-(J1-Pad5)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 5))) | |||||
(net (code 34) (name "Net-(J1-Pad6)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 6))) | |||||
(net (code 35) (name /74HC14) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 14)) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 7))) | |||||
(net (code 36) (name "Net-(J1-Pad8)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 8))) | |||||
(net (code 37) (name "Net-(J1-Pad9)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 9))) | |||||
(net (code 38) (name "Net-(J1-Pad30)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 30))) | |||||
(net (code 39) (name "Net-(J1-Pad22)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 22))) | |||||
(net (code 40) (name "Net-(J1-Pad13)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 13))) | |||||
(net (code 41) (name /74HC12) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 12)) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 10))) | |||||
(net (code 42) (name /PWR5+) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 16)) | |||||
(node (ref P1) (pin 3)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 10)) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 27))) | |||||
(net (code 43) (name /74HC11) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 11)) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 11))) | |||||
(net (code 44) (name "Net-(R3-Pad2)") | |||||
(node (ref R3) (pin 2)) | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 1))) | |||||
(net (code 45) (name "Net-(R4-Pad1)") | |||||
(node (ref SW2) (pin 2)) | |||||
(node (ref R4) (pin 1))) | |||||
(net (code 46) (name /ROT1) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 20)) | |||||
(node (ref R10) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref SW3) (pin 1))) | |||||
(net (code 47) (name /ROT2) | |||||
(node (ref R11) (pin 1)) | |||||
(node (ref SW3) (pin 3)) | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 21))) | |||||
(net (code 48) (name "Net-(J1-Pad1)") | |||||
(node (ref J1) (pin 1))))) |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ | |||||
update=Tue 11 Oct 2016 05:25:07 PM PDT | |||||
version=1 | |||||
last_client=kicad | |||||
[cvpcb] | |||||
version=1 | |||||
NetIExt=net | |||||
[pcbnew] | |||||
version=1 | |||||
PageLayoutDescrFile= | |||||
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PadSizeV=1.500000000000 | |||||
PcbTextSizeV=1.016000000000 | |||||
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ModuleTextSizeV=1.016000000000 | |||||
ModuleTextSizeH=1.016000000000 | |||||
ModuleTextSizeThickness=0.152400000000 | |||||
SolderMaskClearance=0.003000000000 | |||||
SolderMaskMinWidth=0.004000000000 | |||||
DrawSegmentWidth=0.152400000000 | |||||
BoardOutlineThickness=0.152400000000 | |||||
ModuleOutlineThickness=0.152400000000 | |||||
[eeschema] | |||||
version=1 | |||||
LibDir= | |||||
[eeschema/libraries] | |||||
[schematic_editor] | |||||
version=1 | |||||
PageLayoutDescrFile= | |||||
PlotDirectoryName= | |||||
SubpartIdSeparator=0 | |||||
SubpartFirstId=65 | |||||
NetFmtName= | |||||
SpiceForceRefPrefix=0 | |||||
SpiceUseNetNumbers=0 | |||||
LabSize=50 | |||||
[general] | |||||
version=1 |
@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ | |||||
EESchema Schematic File Version 4 | |||||
EELAYER 26 0 | |||||
$Descr USLetter 11000 8500 | |||||
encoding utf-8 | |||||
Sheet 1 1 | |||||
Title "" | |||||
Date "" | |||||
Rev "" | |||||
Comp "" | |||||
Comment1 "" | |||||
Comment2 "" | |||||
Comment3 "" | |||||
Comment4 "" | |||||
$EndDescr | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L w_connectors:Arduino_Nano_Header J1 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EC8FE | |||||
P 4650 2600 | |||||
F 0 "J1" H 4650 3537 60 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "Arduino_Nano_Header" H 4650 3431 60 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "w_conn_misc:arduino_nano_header" H 4650 2600 60 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4650 2600 60 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4650 2600 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Text Label 5700 2200 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR5+ | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:Rotary_Encoder SW3 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8ECF7B | |||||
P 7150 2100 | |||||
F 0 "SW3" V 7141 1870 50 0000 R CNN | |||||
F 1 "Rotary_Encoder" V 7050 1870 50 0000 R CNN | |||||
F 2 "Rotary_Encoder:RotaryEncoder_Alps_EC11E_Vertical_H20mm" H 7050 2260 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "~" H 7150 2360 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
1 7150 2100 | |||||
0 -1 -1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R10 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8ED02C | |||||
P 7050 2650 | |||||
F 0 "R10" H 6600 2700 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 1 "R2200" H 6750 2700 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 6980 2650 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 7050 2650 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 7050 2650 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R11 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8ED08A | |||||
P 7250 2650 | |||||
F 0 "R11" H 7320 2696 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 1 "R2200" H 7450 2700 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 7180 2650 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 7250 2650 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 7250 2650 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
7050 2500 7050 2400 | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
7250 2500 7250 2400 | |||||
Text Label 7050 2450 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
ROT1 | |||||
Text Label 7250 2450 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
ROT2 | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0101 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8ED17B | |||||
P 7150 3300 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0101" H 7150 3050 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 7150 3150 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 7150 3300 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 7150 3300 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 7150 3300 | |||||
-1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
7150 2400 7150 3300 | |||||
Text Label 5700 3200 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR3v3+ | |||||
Text Label 7050 2800 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR3v3+ | |||||
Text Label 7250 2800 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR3v3+ | |||||
Text Label 5000 2800 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
ROT2 | |||||
Text Label 5000 2900 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
ROT1 | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L switches:SW_DIP_x08 SW2 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE142 | |||||
P 4500 4500 | |||||
F 0 "SW2" H 4500 5167 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "SW_DIP_x08" H 4500 5076 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Housings_DIP:DIP-16_W7.62mm" H 4500 4500 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4500 4500 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4500 4500 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Text Notes 4100 5300 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
This is a 74HC595\nNote: 9 is held to GND,\nbut is not GND. | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R3 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE393 | |||||
P 4050 4100 | |||||
F 0 "R3" V 4165 4100 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 4166 4100 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4100 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4100 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4100 | |||||
0 -1 -1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R4 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE470 | |||||
P 4050 4200 | |||||
F 0 "R4" V 3935 4200 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 4200 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4200 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4200 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R5 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE53D | |||||
P 4050 4300 | |||||
F 0 "R5" V 4165 4300 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 4166 4300 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4300 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4300 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4300 | |||||
0 -1 -1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R6 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE543 | |||||
P 4050 4400 | |||||
F 0 "R6" V 3935 4400 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 4400 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4400 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4400 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4400 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R7 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE566 | |||||
P 4050 4500 | |||||
F 0 "R7" V 3935 4500 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 4500 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4500 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4500 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4500 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R8 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE56C | |||||
P 4050 4600 | |||||
F 0 "R8" V 4165 4600 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 4166 4600 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4600 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4600 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4600 | |||||
0 -1 -1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R9 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE572 | |||||
P 4050 4700 | |||||
F 0 "R9" V 3935 4700 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 4700 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 4700 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 4700 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 4700 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:R R2 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE595 | |||||
P 4050 3750 | |||||
F 0 "R2" V 3935 3750 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "R" V 3934 3750 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805_HandSoldering" V 3980 3750 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4050 3750 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4050 3750 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
4200 3750 5000 3750 | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5000 3750 5000 4200 | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5000 4200 4800 4200 | |||||
Text Label 4800 4100 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR5+ | |||||
Text Label 4800 4700 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR5+ | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0102 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE834 | |||||
P 5250 4400 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0102" H 5250 4150 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 5255 4227 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 5250 4400 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 5250 4400 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 5250 4400 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0103 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EE8B8 | |||||
P 4200 4800 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0103" H 4200 4550 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 4205 4627 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 4200 4800 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4200 4800 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4200 4800 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5250 4400 4800 4400 | |||||
Text Label 4300 2500 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC14 | |||||
Text Label 4800 4300 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC14 | |||||
Text Label 4800 4500 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC12 | |||||
Text Label 4800 4600 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC11 | |||||
Text Label 4300 2800 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC12 | |||||
Text Label 4300 2900 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
74HC11 | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0104 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EEF34 | |||||
P 4800 4800 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0104" H 4800 4550 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 4805 4627 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 4800 4800 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4800 4800 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4800 4800 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L conn:CONN_01X10 P1 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8EF6E0 | |||||
P 6700 5000 | |||||
F 0 "P1" H 6778 5041 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 1 "CONN_01X10" H 6778 4950 50 0000 L CNN | |||||
F 2 "Displays_7-Segment:7SEGMENT-LED__HDSM531_HDSM533_SMD" H 6700 5000 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 6700 5000 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 6700 5000 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Text Notes 6000 6000 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
This is a 7seg. pin 3 is VCC. \nCommon positive src, \nwhile all pins go to LEDs, \nthen to gnd. | |||||
Text Label 6500 4750 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
PWR5+ | |||||
Text Label 3900 4100 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg6 | |||||
Text Label 3900 3750 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg7 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4200 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg4 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4300 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg2 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4400 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg1 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4500 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg9 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4600 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg10 | |||||
Text Label 3900 4700 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg5 | |||||
Text Label 6500 4550 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg1 | |||||
Text Label 6500 4650 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg2 | |||||
Text Label 6500 4850 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg4 | |||||
Text Label 6500 4950 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg5 | |||||
Text Label 6500 5050 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg6 | |||||
Text Label 6500 5150 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg7 | |||||
Text Label 6500 5350 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg9 | |||||
Text Label 6500 5450 2 50 ~ 0 | |||||
7seg10 | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L switches:SW_DIP_x01 SW1 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8F04AF | |||||
P 3500 3000 | |||||
F 0 "SW1" H 3500 3267 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "SW_DIP_x01" H 3500 3176 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02" H 3500 3000 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 3500 3000 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 3500 3000 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
3800 3000 4300 3000 | |||||
Text Notes 2800 3500 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
The arcade button, \nI'm going to use has\n a Resistor built in. | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0105 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8F1A78 | |||||
P 3200 3000 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0105" H 3200 2750 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 3205 2827 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 3200 3000 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 3200 3000 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 3200 3000 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L device:Fuse F1 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8F1E48 | |||||
P 4150 2200 | |||||
F 0 "F1" V 3953 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "Fuse" V 4044 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "Fuse_Holders_and_Fuses:Fuseholder5x20_horiz_SemiClosed_Casing10x25mm" V 4080 2200 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4150 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4150 2200 | |||||
0 1 1 0 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
$Comp | |||||
L power:GND #PWR0106 | |||||
U 1 1 5C8F1FD9 | |||||
P 4000 2200 | |||||
F 0 "#PWR0106" H 4000 1950 50 0001 C CNN | |||||
F 1 "GND" H 4005 2027 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 2 "" H 4000 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
F 3 "" H 4000 2200 50 0000 C CNN | |||||
1 4000 2200 | |||||
1 0 0 -1 | |||||
$EndComp | |||||
Text Notes 3150 2150 0 50 ~ 0 | |||||
Make sure all\nGround goes through\nThis fuse. | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5000 3200 5700 3200 | |||||
Wire Wire Line | |||||
5000 2200 5700 2200 | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ | |||||
(sym_lib_table | |||||
(lib (name w_connectors)(type Legacy)(uri ${KIPRJMOD}/symbols/w_connectors.lib)(options "")(descr "")) | |||||
) |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ | |||||
Kicad Library by W. Lain - kcswalter@member.fsf.org | |||||
3/05/2014 | |||||
This library is released under the terms of either Creative Commons license v3.0, Attribution-Share Alike or GPLv3 or later. | |||||
The author holds no responsibility for any damage that can be caused by the usage of this library. You are however welcome to report any error or discrepance to the author, provided that you give also the correct information and its source (i.e. the correct datasheet). | |||||
Note that the author used publicly available data sheets from many different companies, and that package dimensions, pin numeration and schematic symbols may vary slightly between companies. |
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ | |||||
EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0 | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-100 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-15 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-25 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-26 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-28 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-37 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-50 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-68 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP DB-9 | |||||
K CONN | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP RasPI_IO_Header_B+ | |||||
D Raspberry PI B+/2 GPIO header | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP STM32F0_Discovery_Header | |||||
D STM32F0 Discovery Header | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP STM32F3_Discovery_Header | |||||
D STM32F3 Discovery Header | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP STM32F4_Discovery_Header | |||||
D STM32F4 Discovery Header | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP STM32VL_Discovery_Header | |||||
D STM32VL Discovery Header | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP USB-B | |||||
D USB B-TYPE connector | |||||
K USB | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP dc_jack | |||||
D DC power jack | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
$CMP rj45_wurth-7499211122a | |||||
D RJ45 + Transformer 10/100BaseT PoE | |||||
F /home/walter/Documenti/Elettronica/DATA_SHEET/Meccanici/Connettori/altro/WURTH_7499211122A.pdf | |||||
$ENDCMP | |||||
# | |||||
#End Doc Library |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ | |||||
Examples[edit] | |||||
The polarity of voltage on an anode with respect to an associated cathode varies depending on the device type and on its operating mode. In the following examples, the anode is negative in a device that provides power, and positive in a device that consumes power: | |||||
In a discharging battery or galvanic cell (diagram at right), the anode is the negative terminal because it is where conventional current flows into "the device" (i.e. the battery cell). This inward current is carried externally by electrons moving outwards, negative charge flowing in one direction being electrically equivalent to positive charge flowing in the opposite direction. | |||||
In a recharging battery, or an electrolytic cell, the anode is the positive terminal, which receives current from an external generator. The current through a recharging battery is opposite to the direction of current during discharge; in other words, the electrode which was the cathode during battery discharge becomes the anode while the battery is recharging. | |||||
In a diode, the anode is the positive terminal at the tail of the arrow symbol (flat side of the triangle), where current flows into the device. Note electrode naming for diodes is always based on the direction of the forward current (that of the arrow, in which the current flows "most easily"), even for types such as Zener diodes or solar cells where the current of interest is the reverse current. | |||||
In a cathode ray tube, the anode is the positive terminal where electrons flow out of the device, i.e., where positive electric current flows in. |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ | |||||
I tried python | |||||
pyserial is a pos | |||||
1.5 hours of my life to shitty documentation | |||||
i looked at the perl example | |||||
doesn't work | |||||
instead, will just use sysfs, tail, cat in linux. | |||||
everything is a file, works p well. | |||||
easy. done. | |||||
#EDIT: | |||||
I found some answers. See minimalread.py | |||||
Beware of ser.readline. | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ | |||||
#!/usr/bin/perl -w | |||||
# getArduino.pl | |||||
# | |||||
# Based on Original Perl code by Paul Mutton. | |||||
# See http://www.jibble.org/currentcost/ | |||||
# which was then Updated for CC128 by Mark E Taylor. April 2009. | |||||
# http://metphoto.homeunix.net/met_current/ | |||||
# http://metphoto.net | |||||
#Adapted to read the USB serial port on an Arduino Nano clone | |||||
# by Tardus, November 2013, http://tardus.net | |||||
# this straightup doesn't do anything. - steak | |||||
use strict; | |||||
use Device::SerialPort qw( :PARAM :STAT 0.07 ); | |||||
# port now passed via argument to this script, typically ttyUSB0 or ttyUSB1 | |||||
print "$ARGV[0]\n"; | |||||
#my $PORT = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; | |||||
my $PORT = "$ARGV[0]"; | |||||
my $ob = Device::SerialPort->new($PORT); | |||||
$ob->baudrate(9600); # default speed for Arduino serial over USB | |||||
#$ob->databits(8); | |||||
#$ob->parity("none"); | |||||
#$ob->stopbits(1); | |||||
$ob->write_settings; | |||||
open(SERIAL, "+>$PORT"); | |||||
while (my $line = <SERIAL>) { | |||||
open (DATFILE, '>>./arduino.dat'); | |||||
print DATFILE "$line" ; | |||||
close (DATFILE); | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ | |||||
#!/bin/sh | |||||
### BEGIN INIT INFO | |||||
# Provides: myservice | |||||
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog | |||||
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog | |||||
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 | |||||
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6 | |||||
# Short-Description: Put a short description of the service here | |||||
# Description: Put a long description of the service here | |||||
### END INIT INFO | |||||
# Change the next 3 lines to suit where you install your script and what you want to call it | |||||
DIR=/usr/local/bin/ComputerSwitchboard | |||||
DAEMON=$DIR/minimal_read3.py | |||||
DAEMON_NAME=minimal_read3 | |||||
# Add any command line options for your daemon here | |||||
DAEMON_OPTS="" | |||||
# This next line determines what user the script runs as. | |||||
# Root generally not recommended but necessary if you are using the Raspberry Pi GPIO from Python. | |||||
DAEMON_USER=root | |||||
# The process ID of the script when it runs is stored here: | |||||
PIDFILE=/var/run/$DAEMON_NAME.pid | |||||
. /lib/lsb/init-functions | |||||
do_start () { | |||||
log_daemon_msg "Starting system $DAEMON_NAME daemon" | |||||
start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile --user $DAEMON_USER --chuid $DAEMON_USER --startas $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS | |||||
log_end_msg $? | |||||
} | |||||
do_stop () { | |||||
log_daemon_msg "Stopping system $DAEMON_NAME daemon" | |||||
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $PIDFILE --retry 10 | |||||
log_end_msg $? | |||||
} | |||||
case "$1" in | |||||
start|stop) | |||||
do_${1} | |||||
;; | |||||
restart|reload|force-reload) | |||||
do_stop | |||||
do_start | |||||
;; | |||||
status) | |||||
status_of_proc "$DAEMON_NAME" "$DAEMON" && exit 0 || exit $? | |||||
;; | |||||
*) | |||||
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$DAEMON_NAME {start|stop|restart|status}" | |||||
exit 1 | |||||
;; | |||||
esac | |||||
exit 0 |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ | |||||
import serial | |||||
from time import sleep | |||||
ser = serial.Serial( | |||||
port='/dev/ttyUSB0',\ | |||||
baudrate=9600,\ | |||||
parity=serial.PARITY_NONE,\ | |||||
stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE,\ | |||||
bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS,\ | |||||
#timeout=None) #doesn't work | |||||
timeout=0) | |||||
print("connected to: " + ser.portstr) | |||||
# credit to https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/07/30/setting-up-python-to-work-with-the-serial-port | |||||
# for a working read example | |||||
while True: | |||||
data = ser.read(9999) | |||||
if len(data) > 0: | |||||
# print 'Got:', data | |||||
print data | |||||
sleep(0.5) | |||||
# print 'not blocked' | |||||
ser.close() |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ | |||||
import serial | |||||
from time import sleep | |||||
import os | |||||
ser = serial.Serial( | |||||
port='/dev/ttyUSB0',\ | |||||
baudrate=9600,\ | |||||
parity=serial.PARITY_NONE,\ | |||||
stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE,\ | |||||
bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS,\ | |||||
#timeout=None) #doesn't work | |||||
timeout=0) | |||||
print("connected to: " + ser.portstr) | |||||
substring ="Shutdown" | |||||
# credit to https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/07/30/setting-up-python-to-work-with-the-serial-port | |||||
# for a working read example | |||||
while True: | |||||
data = ser.read(9999) | |||||
if len(data) > 0: | |||||
# print 'Got:', data | |||||
print data | |||||
#https://www.agnosticdev.com/content/how-find-substring-string-python | |||||
#boycott s(tack)exchange | |||||
# if substring in data: | |||||
# print ("I found the substring") | |||||
if substring in data: | |||||
os.system("reboot") #This doesn't work as user | |||||
sleep(0.5) | |||||
# print 'not blocked' | |||||
ser.close() |